Tempting Sophia

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Tempting Sophia Page 21

by Jessica Prince

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  That kiss had been… intense.

  Which was really saying something since it barely lasted a second. I’d spent the next half hour in a complete daze. When the day was over and we’d all gone to our respective hotel rooms for the night, it had taken everything in my power not to sneak into his room. But after everything that had happened between us, and him handling his father’s death, it wasn’t the time for us to have the heart-to-heart we needed.

  But that didn’t mean I couldn’t reach out to him in another way to make sure he was all right.

  Grabbing my cellphone, I opened up my texts and started typing.

  Me: Hey, how are you?

  I anxiously chewed on my bottom lip as the bubbles, indicating he was replying, popped up on the screen.

  Dominic: Could be better. But could be a lot worse too. All because of you.

  My heart swelled.

  Me: Other than almost getting into it with that She-Devil earlier I really didn’t do much.

  Dominic: You did more than you know. Just having you there kept me centered. You’ve always had that effect on me.

  God, he was killing me. My feet fidgeted, wanting to run to his room, but it wouldn’t have been right.

  Me: Well, I’m here if you need to talk. Or if you just need someone to get you really, REALLY drunk.

  I didn’t realize how badly I was hoping he’d take the hint I just threw out until he replied and burst that bubble.

  Dominic: Thanks, but it’s probably not a good idea. Last thing I need is to go to the reading tomorrow with a hangover. I should probably try and get some sleep, anyway.

  It was a good thing at least one of us was being smart. But that didn’t make it hurt any less.

  Me: Okay. Good night, Dom.

  Dominic: Night, butterfly. Have sweet dreams.

  I was prepared to spend the following morning in my room, reading the latest smutty romance novel to hit my Kindle while Dom and his family handled the whole will business, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He asked me to go with him, claiming that I kept him grounded.

  There was no way I could say no to him, which was why I was currently sitting in one of the many uncomfortable chairs that had been crammed into a stuffy attorney’s office, waiting for the will to be read.

  “I don’t like this,” Dom muttered beside me. I squeezed his hand—we’d been holding hands more the past few days than a teenage couple pre-sex did. It felt… really nice. “I’ve been trying to figure out why he’d mention my mom’s name, but I can’t figure it out.”

  I wanted nothing more than to soothe the anxiety on his face. “It’s going to be okay,” I promised, even if I wasn’t quite sure that was the truth. Roberto Abbatelli had been cold and unpredictable during his life. I didn’t expect much more from him after his death.

  “I just have this bad feeling,” he continued. “Like this is my old man’s last epic ‘fuck you’ because none of us ended up being what he wanted us to be.”

  That was when it hit me like a ton of bricks, that very same feeling I felt all those years ago. It was the feeling of all those puzzle pieces clicking back into place. He was still the one. He always had been.

  I wanted to shout out my love for him, but I had to keep myself in check until all of this was over. “I’m here,” I told him, hoping that would make him feel better. “No matter what happens, I’m here, okay?”

  He closed his eyes and pulled in a deep breath. “Thank you,” he said quietly. “You have no idea how much that means to me.”

  Oh I had every idea. Because I felt the exact same way.

  Before I could say anything, the door to the office opened and a paunchy older man with a bad comb-over and a ruddy complexion walked in. “Sorry for the delay,” he started. “We were just waiting on one last person before we could start.

  Just then that stupid skank Chelsea walked in behind the attorney, looking smug as all hell. Dominic stiffened beside me.

  “Good morning.” She smiled like the cat who caught the canary as she took the empty seat next to Dominic, her expression a laughable attempt at sultry. Someone should’ve told her that Botox didn’t make it easy for a woman to look seductive.

  “Now, if you’re all ready, we can begin,” the lawyer stated. “I know you’re probably ready to get back to your regularly scheduled lives.”

  “Hmmph. Understatement,” Elise grumbled. I kept my hand in Dominic’s as I tried to stifle my need to laugh.

  We all settled in as the attorney started reading through the standard opening. The future of their father’s investment firm would go to the board of directors, which was fine since neither of them wanted control of the company. He had some stocks he donated to different charities. Then came the main reason we were there.

  Dominic’s hand grew almost painfully tight in mine when the guy came to his name. “To my children, Dominic and Lola, I leave my shares of Abbatelli Investments. My house in Vail will go to my daughter, while the Manhattan penthouse will be left to Dominic. All of the money in my bank accounts shall be split between the two, with the stipulation that a quarter of it be placed into a trust for their future children’s college fund.”

  Holy shit. He left millions to not only his children, but his children’s children. For those of us who knew Roberto Abbatelli, we knew how out of character it was for that man. Then the attorney kept reading the statements that Roberto left for everyone and continued to blow our minds.

  “To my children, I was never the father either of you deserved. The fault was no one’s but my own. I expected the impossible, demanding perfection where none was necessary. Because of my own stubbornness and greed, I pushed you away. It’s something that I have always regretted, but was too prideful to ever fix. Unfortunately, now it is too late. But I want you to know that I have loved the both of you since the moments you were born, and I’m so proud of the people you have grown into. I wish nothing for either of you but happy lifetimes full of love and family. Do not make the same mistakes I made. Love hard. Live life to its fullest. I’ve loved you forever, and even death can’t change that.”

  By the time he finished reading the first letter, tears were streaming down both mine and Lola’s cheeks, and Dominic looked like he’d seen a ghost.

  The attorney kept reading.

  “To my dear Elise. I never deserved you. Even on my best day you were a hundred times better than me. You were a wonderful wife and the best mother a man could ever want for his children. You will never know the extent of my regret for the way I treated you. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I’m so happy you met a man who treated you like the treasure you truly are. I know it might not mean much, but you have all of my respect. You are one of the great ones. To you I leave the extensive jewelry collection left to me by my own mother. You know my relationship with her was tumultuous at best, so those jewels will likely rot away, gathering dust in a hole somewhere if you don’t do with them what I wish you to do. Pawn everything. Make sure you get the best price for each piece. I trust you not to let them scam you into walking away with less than you deserve. You were always a resilient woman like that. Take that money and travel with your husband, my sweets. I know how much you’ve always dreamed of seeing the world, so please do so. Be happy, dear Elise. You deserve nothing less.”

  Elise bowed her head and sniffled, dabbing at her own tears with the handkerchief Maury had passed her before wrapping his wife in his arms.

  “And finally,” the attorney continued, “to Chelsea Levenworth.” I couldn’t help but look in her direction just then, and the self-satisfied grin on her face made me want to vomit. That or launch across Dominic and ring her scrawny neck. “I leave you with the knowledge that I’ve been aware of your manipulations and betrayal from day one.”

  What the what? The atmosphere in the room went positively electric as the old man read.

  “I know how you connived to get my son under your thumb, a
nd it’s for that reason that I’ve taken extra precautions to make sure you end up with absolutely nothing.”

  I choked on my own spit, momentarily distracting everyone from what was happening. “So sorry,” I muttered, waving the guy on. “Please continue.”

  “I’ve made sure that the credit cards and bank accounts you had access to have all been closed or canceled. Once I learned of how you deceived my son, I replaced the diamond necklace and earrings I purchased for you with cubic zirconia. Everything you have is utterly worthless. Please understand, darling, this is not because I was hurt by what you did to me. It is because you used my own flesh and blood as a pawn in your twisted game. I have spread word far and wide within my circle—and darling, you know just how expansive that circle is—so you know that you are well and thoroughly screwed. I go to my grave knowing at least I made that right for my Dominic.”

  There was a bit more legal jargon, but I think the majority of us were too shell-shocked to process what was left. Once the will had been read, Chelsea shot up and stormed from the room, and I sent up a prayer that it was the last we’d ever see of her. Slowly, everyone else rose and quietly headed out until it was just Dom and me left alone.

  “Are you okay?” I asked. He’d been so quiet, so motionless, that I’d begun to worry.

  “He was proud of me,” he said softly, still somewhat dazed as his eyes finally turned to me. “He was proud of me, Sophia.”

  “He was,” I whispered, smiling through my tears. “And he loved you, honey.”

  “He loved me.” That was all he said for several seconds.

  “Dom, sweetheart, I’m starting to get worried. Please tell me if you’re okay.”

  His bewildered expression slowly morphed as the most radiant, beautiful smile stretched across his face. “Yeah.” He nodded. “Yeah, butterfly. I’m okay.” A laugh burst from his chest. “I’m more than okay.”

  With that, he shot from his chair, pulling me with him, and wrapped me in an embrace so tight it squeezed all the air from my lungs.

  But who needed air when the man you loved was happy?

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  After thirty-five years in New York, I never thought I’d be so happy to be in a different city. But I was. Seattle was my home now. I was even happy to see my shitty little apartment. I’d have much rather stayed at Sophia’s house, but after the drama that had unfolded over the past few days, I assumed she needed a break to collect her thoughts. I didn’t want to push her any more than I already had.

  We’d been home for two days now, and other than a few text messages checking up on me, I hadn’t seen or spoken with her. But that was all right.

  Because tomorrow was my little sister’s wedding, and Sophia had no choice but to be stuck in a room with me for four-plus hours.

  I’d just climbed out of the shower and walked out of the bathroom in nothing more than a towel wrapped around my waist.

  “Oh, uh, hi.”

  “Son of a bitch!” I jumped at the unexpected voice and spun around to see Sophia sitting on my couch.

  “Shit. I’m sorry,” she said, her cheeks flushing bright red. “Um, your door… it was unlocked. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “No. I just wasn’t expecting company is all.”

  She smiled that smile that made me fall a little more in love with her every time I saw it. “I should’ve called,” she stated while standing. “It’s just been a couple days since I saw you and I….”

  “I’ve missed you,” I blurted, mostly because it was true, but also because I could see she was struggling a bit and wanted to make it easier on her. “I’ve missed you like crazy since we got back from New York. I’m really glad you’re here.”

  Her chest heaved in a sigh of relief. “I’ve missed you too. But”—I really fucking hated that word—“I don’t know how to do this. Does this feel weird to you? Because it feels weird to me. It’s like we’re strangers or something, walking on eggshells around each other.”

  The distance between us had officially become too much. Moving to her, I took her face in my hands. “It doesn’t have to feel that way.”

  “I don’t want it to,” I whispered. “Not anymore. I want us to go back to normal.”

  Christ, I wanted her. More than anything. But… “What’s normal for us, butterfly?” I hated having to point that out about us, but if we had any chance of making this work, we had to let the past go completely. “The entire time we were together ten years ago we were a continent apart. This time around, there was too much baggage. Neither of us could let it go.” I threaded my fingers in her hair, holding on with everything I was because I hated what I had to say, but it was the only way we’d ever be able move forward. “I think in order for us to work, we need to make a new normal.”

  She held on to my wrists. “What does that even mean?” The desperation in her voice made me want to take it all back, but I knew that wasn’t what was best for us.

  “It means I want you to take the time to be sure, absolutely sure that when you’re mine again, it’s for good. The past is left where it belongs and we start new.”

  I could see the emotions warring on her face. The brilliant thing about my history with Sophia was that I could read her like a book. She wanted to say “screw it all” and jump in with both feet, but the side of her that knew I was right won out.


  I took a fortifying breath and nodded, letting her go so I could take a much-needed step back. “All right. Now, everything in me is rebelling against saying this, but it’s probably best for you to go. If you don’t, I can’t be held responsible for what I might do.” My cock cried out in pain, calling me all sorts of names for sending her away. And the way her gaze traveled down to my towel-covered erection wasn’t helping one fucking bit.

  A growl rumbled through my chest. “Don’t look at me like that, baby.” Her eyes glazed with lust and her teeth sank into her plump bottom lip. That was all it took for me to snap.

  I lunged, pinning her against the wall as my mouth crashed down on hers. I didn’t wait for her to grant me entry—I demanded it, forcing my tongue past her lips so I could taste her. I felt like it had been an eternity since I last had her like this. I was ravenous, possessed with the need for more, for everything.

  She moaned loudly down my throat and twisted her fingers through my damp hair so hard my scalp prickled. We fed off each other, devoured one another. Our bodies were pressed together so tight not even light could get through.

  It was the very kiss I’d wanted to give her at the church back in New York. I poured every ounce of love and desire I felt for her into it, and she greedily took, only to give me the same in return. I don’t know how long we went at each other before the need for oxygen forced us apart.

  When I finally broke away, we were gasping for air like we’d just run sprints. My dick throbbed painfully from beneath the terrycloth. I wanted nothing more than to bury myself inside her until we both forgot the pain of the past several days.

  “I love you,” I panted, pressing my forehead against hers. “I love you so fucking much, butterfly. And I want to be with you for the rest of my life—”

  “But you need me to be certain,” she finished with a shake of her head. “I get it, Dom. I really do.” She stepped away from the wall and shoved a hand through her hair. “It sucks, and I’m unbelievably turned on right now, but I get it.”

  Fuck me, my entire body felt like it was on fire. “Yeah.” I cinched the towel tighter around my waist.

  “I guess… I guess I should go,” she stammered, neither of us wanting to be apart.

  “Yeah,” I repeated on a grunt, unable to say anything else since all the blood in my brain was currently residing in my cock.

  She backed toward the door. “So… I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”

  I smiled at that. “Definitely. And I expect you to save me a dance.”

  Reaching up, she ran her fingertips along my
jawline. “I’ll save them all for you.”

  Then she turned and opened the front door, but turned to look over her shoulder one last time. “Especially the Macarena. Don’t think I forgot that BigSpoon promised to rock out to it.”

  The door closed on my loud burst of laughter.

  If she wanted me to do the Macarena, I’d do the damn Macarena. And I’d look awesome while doing it.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Lola threw her hands in the air as she cheered, “I’m getting married today!”

  Daphne, Elise, and I raised our champagne glasses in the air and let out hoots of excitement.

  The four of us were all sitting in the bridal suite waiting for the big event, which was starting any minute. We’d spent the morning getting our hair and makeup done, relaxing during mani/pedis and mimosas, and now we were all dressed and eagerly waiting.

  Daphne and I had donned our gorgeous gold bridesmaid dresses, while Elise wore a beautiful mother-of-the-bride gown in a similar color.

  But it was Lola who stole the show. She looked like something out of a fairy tale. Her long dark hair was bunched up at the base of her neck in a loose chignon. A pearl- and crystal-encrusted comb was tucked in at the top with her veil, lined with the same lace that covered her gown trickling down to the center of her back.

  The words “stunning” and “breathtaking” didn’t do my best friend justice. My heart filled to bursting as I watched her smile in a way I’d never seen. It was a smile that said there hadn’t been a day in her life when she’d been happier. There was no way for anyone to feel anything but pure joy on that day.

  Daph and I rushed over to wrap her in a giant group hug, the three of us swaying side to side as sniffling ensued.


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