Plus-Sized Perfection

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Plus-Sized Perfection Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “I can deal with that. I’m trying to find Rick a partner, so it’ll work. Anything else.”

  “I don’t want you wearing panties.” This caused her to laugh.

  “I like wearing panties.”

  “I want to be able to touch you.”

  She looked past his shoulder, and around them, and leaned in close so that her lips were right next to his ear. “What makes you think I’m wearing any now?” she said.

  Damn it. This woman knew how to tease. Moving his hand from her hair, he trailed it down her back, and then gripped her ass. The dress had no telltale markings of panties.

  “Elise advised me not to wear panties. I like them, but I know a good cause when I see one.” She moaned as he gripped her ass tightly.

  He wanted to fuck this woman so damn badly. “Are you free tonight?” he asked.

  “I’m right here with you.”

  Within minutes, he was walking her back toward his car, and taking her to his apartment block. His cock was hurting him it was so hard, but he ignored it. Getting her home, and in his bed, was more of a priority. He felt possessed with the need to claim her, and to make her his. It was the strangest feeling in the world.

  Payton had awakened a hunger inside him, and it would only be sated with her.

  Within thirty minutes he had her pressed up against the elevator. Her fingers were in his hair, holding onto him as he lifted her up, using his body and the corner of the elevator to keep her up. The dress pushed up her thighs, and he was able to press his cock against her core. The scent of her sex was heavy in the air, and it wasn’t enough. He needed her naked.

  “Anyone could come in and see.”

  “I don’t give a fuck.” Releasing one hip, he slid his hand down, touching her naked pussy. She was soaking wet, so his fingers slid inside her easily. Taking possession of her lips once again, he pressed his thumb against her clit, relishing the sounds of her moans, which were muffled by his lips.

  Once again the doors swung open, and he pulled his fingers from her pussy, licking them clean of her cream. She tasted like a nice ripe peach. Holding her hand, they both rushed down the long corridor.

  She took the keycard from him, opening up his apartment door, and he closed it by slamming her against it. She tugged on his shirt, tearing the buttons so that they sprayed everywhere. He shoved the dress up and off her body.

  “I want one of these in every color,” he said. The ease of getting her naked was something that they should find a way to market. With his pants around his knees and her hand wrapped around his dick, Hunter knew he wasn’t going to last long. Pressing her up against the door once again, he lifted her up, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on.

  Slowly, inch by inch, he shoved his cock deep inside her, pulling her down onto his length. For the last couple of inches, he pounded the length to the hilt, and they both cried out. She had a nice tight pussy, so slick and juicy. Already it was heaven being inside her, and he didn’t imagine for a second that it would change.

  Her moan went from her stomach out. “You have no idea what you do to me,” he said.

  She laughed. “I do, actually.” Her lips fanned across his neck. He groaned, tightening his ass as he tried to press more of his cock within her. This first time, it wasn’t going to be slow. He pulled out of her so only the tip remained, and then slammed deep within her. “Yes, please, Hunter, harder, I need it.”

  He began to pound inside her, and her back was hitting the door. Glancing down at where they were joined, he watched his cock fill her tight pussy, the shaft covered in her cum. He wanted to feel her come.

  Before he could tell her to play with her pretty pussy, her fingers slid through her slit, touching her clit.

  “That’s right, baby. Touch yourself, make yourself come all over my cock. I want to feel it.”

  She whimpered, and he watched her play. With each stroke over her clit, her cunt tightened around his dick. Each ripple, every pulse just enhanced his own arousal. Within a few thrusts, she came apart, screaming his name as he filled her.

  He wasn’t wearing a condom, so when his own release came, he pulled out, and spilled his seed on her stomach and thighs.

  Holding the back of her head, he tilted it up, and slammed his lips down on hers. Even coming down from his first orgasm, he wanted her again.

  “This wasn’t going to happen,” she said, biting his lip, her hands holding him.

  “Sometimes the best things in life are the stuff we don’t plan for.” He kissed her again, already addicted to her lips.

  “You made me sticky,” she said.

  Laughing, he took her hand, and led her toward the bathroom.

  “You’re not going to give me a tour?”

  “I figured you would prefer to see the place after a shower.” He turned the water on, and only when it was warm, did he step inside. “Are you going to join me?”

  She reached behind her, and unsnapped her bra. He couldn’t help but moan as those beauties sprang free. She had nice large tits, with large nipples as well. Payton didn’t try to hide her body either. She wasn’t covering up, or sucking in her stomach.

  When he held his hand out, she took it and stepped inside. “Is that drool at the corner of your mouth?” she asked.

  “Probably. You do look good enough to eat.”

  “And you know how to flatter me.” She reached for the soap and handed it to him, giving him her back. “Would you like to wash my back?” She got her hands covered in soap, and washed over her stomach. He took the soap, and moved her hands out of the way, running them over her body.

  “Do you have any idea what I want to do to you?” he asked, biting her ear and sucking on the lobe. He ran his hands up, cupping her tits, and pinching her nipples. She moaned, leaning back against him. Her hand gripped his cock, and she began stroking him.

  “I imagine exactly what I want to do to you.” She kept on working his length, teasing up and down his shaft.

  This woman was a fantasy come true, and Hunter wondered for a second if he was ever going to be able to let her go.


  Wearing one of Hunter’s shirts, she moved toward his entertainment shelves, surprised to see that he still held CDs and DVDs. Everything seemed to be done via the internet, and Payton found it a relief to know someone else wasn’t as obsessed with being part of it.

  “I miss going to the rental shop, and pigging out in front of a movie,” she said. “I mean, I still pig out in front of the movie, but it’s not the same you know. Rick streams shit, and I think I like the trip. Going to the store, trying to choose what I want to watch, and so ending up with a couple of rentals.” She shrugged. “Sometimes you just can’t be all that other stuff.”

  “Do you like watching movies?” Hunter asked.

  “Of course. Who doesn’t? I like listening to music. I’m not going to lie, I’m big on pop. You know, dancing around, and getting into the swing of things.” She rolled her hips from side to side, and turned toward him. “Do you dance?”

  “Not willingly.”

  She laughed. “I don’t think anyone really does it willingly.”

  Hunter was sitting on the sofa, his boxers already showing that he was happy to watch her. Moving toward him, she straddled his waist, wrapping her arms around his neck, and pressing his lips to his.

  “I need to go home.”

  “You can stay the night here.”

  “I’ve got a lot to do tomorrow, and remember we cannot mix business with pleasure.”

  His hand moved from her hip, down to her ass. “I was balls deep inside you less than twenty minutes ago. We’ve already mixed business with pleasure.”

  She shook her head. “No, we’ve mixed fun and pleasure. Outside of the office, you are not the boss anymore.” She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his neck. “Out of the office, you are just plain old Hunter, and that guy I can play with a lot.”

  “You want to play?” he asked.

“I do, but I really need to go.” She went to get off his lap, but he wouldn’t let her go, and with a quick flip, she was on her back on the sofa, and he was over her. She opened her thighs, and giggled as he nibbled at her neck.

  This was totally wrong, breaking every single one of her rules, and her rules were important. Always so important.

  “I don’t want you to leave. You can stay here, and we’ll get up early, and I’ll take you home.”

  “What are we going to do all night long?”

  “I’ve fucked you once. I can think of a million different things I want to do to you.”

  She couldn’t cave, but even as she tried to fight her need, his cock pressed against her pussy, and all thought of turning him down fled. She didn’t want to fight him.

  “If all we do is fuck how will we sleep?”

  “Sleeping is overrated. We’ll still be awake by the time I take you home.” The shirt she wore was already open, and his lips were trailing down to her nipples. He took one nipple into his mouth, and she cried out as he bit down, the pain adding to her pleasure. She wanted to push him away, and also tug him closer so the pleasure didn’t stop.

  His tongue ran between the valley of her breasts, and circled the second bud. She closed her eyes, especially as he began to dance down her body, dipping into her belly button, and then down further.

  She opened her eyes as he pulled away, the heat in his eyes calling to her own. She spread her thighs wide so that he could see her clearly. Reaching down, she opened the lips of her sex so that he could see her pussy.

  “Now that is a fucking pretty sight,” he said.

  Easing a finger through her slit, she got it coated in cream, and held it up for him to have a taste.

  He took her wrist, and flicked his tongue across her fingers. “I love the taste of you.”

  He gripped her hips, pulling her up so that she came to his mouth. With the angle that he had her at, she was able to look down her body and watch as his tongue slid across her slit. He licked her clit, flicking back and forth. It was hard for her to keep on watching him as the pleasure rushed through her. Cupping her breasts, she teased her own nipples as he licked her pussy. He didn’t stay on her clit, and moved down, going inside her, and sliding in hard, using his tongue like a cock. He fucked her three times, and then eased back to tease her clit, each flick on her clit drawing her closer to another orgasm.

  “I love tasting your pussy,” he said, sliding his tongue over her clit before sucking it into his mouth.

  She cried out and shook as he brought her to a second orgasm with his tongue. Even as she begged him to stop, Hunter didn’t until she was shaking, all the pleasure rushing through her body making her sensitive to his touch.

  On the way out of the shower, he had found a packet of condoms, and he tore into the foil packet, and rolled the latex over his cock. Even though they were both clean, and she did believe him, she wasn’t willing to risk pregnancy. She didn’t know what this was, but she didn’t for a second think it was love either.

  She barely knew Hunter, and in the back of her mind, she knew this was completely crazy. She shouldn’t be having sex with him, and yet it didn’t seem to matter. She couldn’t stop. She needed him.

  Payton watched as the tip of his cock ran up and down her pussy, and then began to slide inside her.

  Hunter wasn’t small, and in one smooth thrust, filled her completely. When he took her hands and pressed them beside her head, something was different. This wasn’t a quick fuck against the door. They were on his sofa, but this had way more meaning. She didn’t know for sure, but as she stared into his dark brown eyes, she felt a connection to him that she had never felt with anyone else.

  She was no virgin, and she wasn’t a romantic either. At twenty-nine years old, she knew that love was something rarely shared. She wasn’t a cynic. Her views came from what she had seen over her life, and it wasn’t always pretty, not by a long shot.

  Staring into his eyes, Payton knew that if she wasn’t careful their parting could hurt. In the few hours that she had known him, he had made her feel a whole load of things that she had thought were gone. No one had ever made her feel this alive, and she’d really felt she was cold inside.

  Pushing all of her fears to one side, she kissed him back, squeezing his hand as he held her tightly to him. She thrust up to meet him as he filled her, his hands holding her tightly to him, promising to never let her go.

  He would fuck her hard and fast, then slow down, taking his time, making her beg him for more. In between kisses, he’d suck on her nipples, giving attention to each tit as he did. Her body was on fire, the need burning brighter than anything else she had ever experienced. He knew what he was doing as he prolonged the pleasure.

  “Come for me, Payton,” he said, releasing a hand, and reaching between them, stroking her clit. Against all odds, she came on his cock as he sent her into her third orgasm. Hunter followed her over the edge, and he held her tightly to him as he did, both of them panting for breath as their orgasmic high slowly ebbed away.

  She hadn’t been this exhausted from sex, ever.

  When he pulled out, she watched as he disappeared to rid himself of the condom. As he did that, she rushed toward the door, retrieving her dress. She sent a quick text off to Rick, letting him know that she wouldn’t be spending the night.

  Hunter was an easy man to fall for, and she wasn’t stupid enough to think that he was the right man for her.

  When he came back into the sitting room, he froze. “You’re dressed.”

  “And I called a taxi.” She held her cell phone up. “I really enjoyed tonight, and as much as I’d love to stay, I don’t want to make this confusing.”

  He folded his arms. “You used me for sex?”

  She shook her head. “We used each other. I don’t want to cause a scene, and I think this would be easier for the two of us, to keep things simple. Just sex.”

  “Is that all you want?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I think it is.” What she didn’t want was to become attached to this man, and she knew without a doubt how easy that was. “I will see myself out.”

  Chapter Five

  For the next week Hunter couldn’t get Payton out of his head. She wasn’t scheduled to start until the following week as Elise still had last minute preparations to make. Rick had also called ahead, and handed them a list of available photographers for Elise to go over. Hunter didn’t mind. It was all business, and in the end he’d make money. What he didn’t like was the fact he was constantly checking Payton through Daryl’s social media page.

  When he slept with a woman, that was it. No going back, no second date, and he certainly wasn’t the kind of guy to stalk. Right now he felt like a stalker as a brand new picture had appeared on Payton’s page. It was a selfie of her and Rick, and even though he knew that guy was no threat, the fact he got to be with her every single day was like a kick to the gut.

  “Why don’t you call her?” Daryl asked, appearing behind his shoulder. “I have a feeling I’m going to get a call from the cops or something.”


  “You’re mass stalking her. I don’t even know if they watch that kind of thing. Seriously, Hunter, you need to call her.”

  “She’s due in the office next week.”

  “And if something goes wrong, which it could, you won’t see her until Elise is ready.”

  Hunter tapped his fingers on the desk. “I’m not like this.”

  “I know. It’s why I’m offering you this advice. Call her.”

  He gritted his teeth, and turned to his friend. “She doesn’t want anything between us.” It cost him so much behaving like a little pussy.

  “Last time I checked, Hunter Reynolds had balls, and didn’t take shit from anyone. If you want Payton, don’t let her push you around. Just so you know, I’ve heard a great deal about this woman. She’s nice, and in most situations she gets taken advantage of. Rick Maybe she’s trying to keep you
at arms’ length.”

  “We’re talking like a bunch of pussies,” Hunter said.

  “You’re acting like one.” With that, Daryl left, and Hunter shut down the pages. He needed to get his own account, but that seemed way too stalkery for him.

  “I’m not like this,” he said. No woman had ever made him feel like this, and with Payton, he didn’t want to screw things up.

  Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed her number because he totally had it in his little book, and waited.

  “Hello,” she said, sounding a little out of breath.

  “Hello, Payton.”

  “Hunter, it’s so good to hear from you. I thought you forgot me there.”

  “So you wanted me to call you?” he asked, leaning back as his dick got hard recalling her riding him.

  “Of course I did, but I can’t be too obvious now, can I? I enjoyed spending time with you over dinner, and then obviously later.”

  “When I fucked your brains out?”

  Did he just hear a whimper?

  “Anyway, erm, how have you been?”

  “Busy, what about you?”

  “We’re doing a couple of shots today in the local park. It’s for an interview. Rick is going crazy because people have their cell phones out, and obviously some stuff will go viral. Especially if it’s a bad angle. Sometimes I’m not at my best.”

  “I doubt that.” He loved that she didn’t sound scared, or hurt, or worried. There was a confidence inside her that called to him. “I was calling. Do you want to go out tonight?” Which just so happened to be Friday, and close to the weekend.

  “I’ve got nothing going on, and I would love to.”

  “Great, I’ll pick you up, with flowers, and I intend to be invited up.”

  “You’re bossy today.”

  Being nice hadn’t gotten him what he wanted.

  “Let’s just say I don’t want you to have a reason to come down and meet me.”

  “It’s fine, Hunter. You want to see my sweet pad. I get it. Just to warn you, it’s all girly.”

  He chuckled. “I’ll love it, I know I will.”

  “How is Elise? She told me she still had a few adjustments to make, and hadn’t said next Monday would be a concrete deadline.”


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