Plus-Sized Perfection

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Plus-Sized Perfection Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m contracted for this shoot. You can’t take it away, or change it. I’ll sue.”

  “In the small writing, it says that if for any reason at all that a shoot has to be changed or failed through lack of professional behavior, the contract is null and void. Today, I had to take your place. You are free to go.” The other model came out, not Britney but the other one. For some reason he thought her name was Claire. “Your contract has also been terminated.”

  “We will sue and go to the press about this.”

  “Do so. I hope you do. You will not work in this town again,” he said. No one hurt his woman. He would protect her, even if she didn’t think she needed it herself.


  Over the next two weeks headlines kept appearing randomly. Some of them were about her and Hunter. Others were about her past lovers, and then of course it was leaked that she had been approached to star in a porn. Only the story was completely different. In order to become famous, the press claimed that she had been going into porn.

  “This is all bullshit,” she said, sitting in Hunter’s bed. It was a Saturday morning, and Elise wanted the weekend to finish preparing for the lingerie shot. The moment that was done, production in the boutiques that Hunter owned had already begun. They were doing a large press event. Instead of doing the whole catwalk. They were opening one massive department store, where people had been invited to look, give their opinions and also win goodie bags.

  Hunter had wanted to go the catwalk route, but Elise being her eclectic self, told him no.

  “Which part?” he asked, dropping down beside her and offering a piece of orange.

  “All of it. I can’t believe they brought up Bethany. She should have stayed out of it. Look at this as Marcel and Claire have both sold their story.” She had read in the paper how she and Hunter would leave for several minutes and come back all ruffled. Their stories were utter bullshit.

  “Yeah, Marcel and Claire will be giving a very big apology I bet in the next three weeks.”


  “Once I read the story, I got their files from Image Counts. I also rang their latest work. Told them Image Counts will no longer manage them, and gave them a long list of concerns. As far as they are concerned, they have been blacklisted in the industry.”

  “You’re serious.”

  “A lot of people my look like they want their lives advertised for the entire world to see, but it’s not the case. They like their privacy. Claire and Marcel brought personal business into the press. Who would trust them? Other models, photographers, agents, you name it wouldn’t want to work with them. No one wants their dirty laundry hung out to dry, no matter how many lies it is.”

  She sighed. “What do we do?”

  “I’ve been speaking to Rick about this, and of course Daryl. We think what would be best is giving a press conference, but one that only has reporters who are handpicked. Those I trust, and know will get the story straight.”

  “Why do I feel like you’re about to give a big giant but?” She tucked some hair behind her ear. Nothing could be as bad as everything she had read over the past couple of weeks. She had told Britney the truth, and the other model had told her to not panic. The world was full of assholes. Still, she didn’t like living in the world where everyone was.

  “But, before I do and organize that, I need to know if you’re all in. If this is all just sex, or if you want something more.”

  She had been thinking about their relationship for some time now. She didn’t know what to say, or how best to say anything. When he wasn’t busy at work, or helping out with the shoot, they were together. Rick had even gotten used to him, and when they were at a restaurant would always order for Hunter’s arrival.

  “It’s not just sex. It never has been.”

  “Then why say it was?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. It just seemed right. You’re a businessman. A multi-millionaire or billionaire. I’m just me. I’ve only ever been me. The model, the plus-size model.” She moved from sitting on the bed, to straddling his lap. Sinking her fingers into his hair, she smiled down at him. “I never expected us to have sex.”

  “The moment I saw your ass I knew.”

  “My ass won the job.”

  “When you’re on set, I’m going to be there watching, and I’m going to be thinking about all the wicked things I could do with this ass.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. Once Elise is done, I wanted to ask you something. First tell me, are we dating or not?”

  She pressed her lips to his. “Yes, we’re dating, Mr. Reynolds.”

  He grabbed her ass and pulled her down on his rock-hard cock. He pressed against her core, rocking back and forth. The tip of his dick bumped her clit as it slid through her slit. She closed her eyes, moaning, and arching her chest up, listening to his own groan.

  “You’re teasing me on purpose.”

  “Of course I am. I’ve got to tease you some way, and this is all I’ve got.” She ran her hand down his chest, and gripped his cock. He was already slick from her heat.

  “I want you to meet my parents.”

  She paused. “What?”

  “Next week. I’ve told my mom I’m bringing a girl home. I want you to meet them.”

  “What if I said it was only sex?” she asked.

  “You can act all hard and tough. You and I both know you’re not. You’re not a first-class bitch, never will be, no matter how hard you try.”

  She licked her lips, feeling quite … stunned. All in a good way. “No one has ever wanted me to meet their parents before.”

  “Like I’ve said before. They’re all assholes, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks. This has never been about them. I told you. From the moment I first saw this ass, I wanted you, and that hasn’t changed.”

  She was also aware he wanted to fuck, and told her often how he was going to drive his cock in her ass, and have her begging for more. Each time he stroked her, or said something like it, her arousal was piqued.

  Hunter grabbed her, and in a few quick movements, had her on her knees as he slammed his cock deep inside her. She cried out his name, holding onto the sheet as he ran his hands all over her ass, spreading her cheeks.

  “I wish you could see how sexy you look. Your pussy looks so good taking my dick. You’re all nice and wet. You love my cock, don’t you, baby?”


  “Good, because I love giving it to you.” He pulled out only to slam back inside again. He did this several times, riding her pussy hard. She turned her head so that she could watch him, and he was looking down at where they were joined.

  He slapped her ass, making her yelp. She pushed back against him, needing him to go harder, deeper. Sliding a hand between her thighs, she began to stroke her clit.

  “I’m going to fuck this pretty ass,” he said, running his fingers over her ass. Every time he stroked her anus she felt the pleasure throughout, going straight to her clit.

  She gasped as he slowly began to push a single finger inside her, going past her tight ring of muscles.

  At first, it was painful. Not a scary kind of pain, but a little uncomfortable. His cock continued to thrust inside her, stretching her. She didn’t stop touching her clit either, and the pain morphed into pleasure.

  His finger went past her muscles, and she began to rock that inside her as well. He was getting her accustomed to his finger before adding a second one.

  “Do you like that, babe?” he asked.

  “Yes. Please. Don’t stop.” She was so close. Pinching her clit, she bit her lip and then soothed out the pain with a gentle caress. She loved being filled by Hunter. His scent, his strength, all of it aroused her.

  She was falling in love with the man that she had believed could only be sex. Pushing those thoughts aside like she did all of her others, she focused on his cock. As her orgasm drew near, Hunter let go, pounding inside her so the sounds of slapping flesh echoed in the air.
  When she finally came, she screamed his name as he growled hers. They came together in a tidal wave of release. His cock pulsed as he filled her up, and her clit seemed to hum as her orgasm flooded her. They collapsed together with Hunter on top of her, squashing her.

  “Your ass is going to be the death of me,” he said, kissing her neck. He nibbled on her neck, sucking on her pulse. Her body was so sensitive, and that touch seemed to send aftershocks straight to her pussy.

  “You better wash your fingers,” she said.

  He burst out laughing, and even that turned her on.

  She was doomed.

  Chapter Nine

  The final shoot was not going well. Elise was happy, and everything was set up, but Hunter didn’t like other men seeing Payton with just her underwear on. Everything was tasteful, and nothing was seen. Her red nipples were covered, and the fine hairs on her pussy, but for him that body belonged to him.

  “Instead of shredding cups, and pretending to not care, go up there. Help her out. She can clearly see you’re in distress,” Elise said.

  “I’ve never felt this way about a woman before. This is her job, and they look amazing.”

  “But you want to gouge out their eyeballs, and make them eat it. I get it, Hunter. You’re just like every other guy that is falling in love.”

  “I’m not in love,” he said. His lies were going to get him in trouble.

  The photographer shouted cut, and Payton grabbed the wrap, and started walking toward him.

  “Don’t be an ass,” Elise said.

  “Can I talk to you?” Payton asked, grabbing his arm.

  He didn’t even get a say in the matter as she took him toward Elise’s office. This was the final shoot, and they had settled on the privacy of one of the rooms in Image Counts.

  She folded her arms, and shrugged. “What the hell is your problem?”

  “You wanted to talk to me.”

  “Yeah, because you’re acting like a crazy person. I’m not interested in anyone else. I’m not a cheater. I’m with you. All of this, belongs to you.”

  “I don’t like other men looking at you.”

  “Well know that by the end of the night this is all going to be in your bed.”

  He moved toward her, grabbing her ass, which he seemed to be doing a lot of just lately. He couldn’t help it. Whenever it came to Payton he lost all focus of everything else.

  “I’m doing my job, Hunter.” She teased the lapel of his jacket. “Why don’t you come and join me?”


  “You can wear some of the boxers, and we can have a little fun together. What do you say?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Come on. You know you’ve got a decent body.”

  “I’m the head of the business.”

  “And we’re about to go to press. What better way than showing we have a mutual respect for each other?” She ran her hands down his body, touching his ass this time. “Come on. For me? Please?”

  “Do I get to bargain something?”

  “Always the businessman. What do you want?”

  “To fuck your ass tonight.”

  She moaned. “You’re not going to let that go, are you?”

  “Nope. You wouldn’t either if you knew how good it was. Imagine my fingers, only a little bigger.”

  “Your finger hurt in the beginning.”

  “I made it worth it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “We have a deal, but you have got to do everything that Elise tells you to, right?”

  “I don’t take orders.”

  “Today, you do.”

  He was stripped down to a pair of boxers, and spent the rest of the day being ordered around. Parts of the shoot were a little uncomfortable, especially when a pale pink lacey set entered the equation. The panties molded to her hips and ran down her ass, showing off her cheeks. It was nearly impossible to keep his hands to himself.

  The entire shoot was torture, but at the end of the night, he would win the war.

  At seven at night, everything was complete, Elise was happy, Rick even more so. The photographers congratulated them, and he was even given a business card, and told if he wanted in on the business, he was welcome.

  “See, there’s an inner model in you yet.”

  He pulled her close, and wrapped his arm around her neck. Pressing his lips to hers, he felt her begin to soften.

  “We have a date,” he said.

  “First, we have to go and see Elise and Rick.” They were about to enter the office that their friends had gone through, and paused. Elise and Rick were having a private moment. Rick had her pressed up against the desk, and the way Elise was holding him, she didn’t have a problem with that at all. “I told you that they would find each other.”

  “Wow, that is like amazing.”

  “Come on, woman. We’ve got a date, and I’m holding you to it.”

  In no time at all, he had her in the car, on the road, and at his place. After he locked the door to his apartment, he bent down and lifted her over his shoulder, carrying her into the room that they shared.

  “Hunter, what the hell? I can walk.”

  “Not a moment to lose.”

  He placed her on the bed and started to remove her clothes. She was laughing as he did. When he started to stroke her body, however, that laughter soon turned to moans. She stopped making getting naked difficult, and was pulling his own clothes from his body. Neither of them were patient as they got naked. Hunter moved her to the center of the bed and spread her thighs wide.

  Leaning down, he flicked his tongue across her pussy, sliding inside her, then moving up to circle her clit.

  “Feels so good,” she said.

  Using his fingers and tongue, he aroused her to the edge but made sure she stayed there. He didn’t allow her to go past that peak into orgasm. Reaching toward the drawers beside his bed, he removed the tube of lubrication that he had purchased for this, and he smeared a generous amount over his cock.

  “Don’t I need to go to my knees?” she asked.

  “No. I want to look into your eyes when I fill your ass.” He pushed a pillow beneath her, raising her ass up. When she was in the right position, he got her to hold her legs, keeping her open, and at an angle that allowed him to see her anus.

  Using more lubrication on her ass, he wanted to make sure she was ready for him. He began to work one finger inside her, and then a second, pumping. With his other hand, he stroked her pussy, giving her pleasure to take away from the slight pain of his fingers in her ass.

  “Do you want my cock, babe?” he asked.

  “Yes, please, Hunter. I want you.”

  Pressing the tip against her anus, he began to push inside. Her muscles were tight, but he thrust past those, and inch by inch filled her ass. He didn’t rush, and took his time as she got accustomed to the feel of him inside her.

  Once all of his cock was inside her, he moved over her, staring into her beautiful blue eyes. He had lied to Elise. His feelings for Payton had developed quickly, and he didn’t know if he could trust them. She brightened his entire world, and made him think of a future with her as his wife.



  “It feels … amazing. Like … being filled.” She was panting between each breath. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and pressed her lips to his.

  She began to wiggle on his cock, and he didn’t know if he was going to be able to last being inside her.

  Payton was everywhere. She was inside his head, his heart, and she was his drug of choice. He took his time, fucking her ass, getting her to stroke her pussy as he filled her. Neither of them looked away from one another.

  Time stood still, and there was no way Hunter could stop his feelings for her. Payton was … perfection. She was his perfect woman.

  Her confidence inspired him, and her love was so big. Over the past few weeks, he had watched her with people wherever they went. If they were stopped, she w
ould talk with women and girls. She loved kids, and he’d seen that as well. She was always cooing over a babies and children.

  It got him thinking about his own kids. Would he ever have them? With Payton, he could see himself being with her, loving her, having kids, and actually wanting to do something else that wasn’t about work. She was the first woman to make him feel that way, and for him, that meant she was the one.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he filled her ass at the same time she came. They were holding each other, and he knew that he couldn’t let her go. This went way beyond sex.

  This was love.


  Three days later

  Payton wasn’t feeling well at all. She had gone to bed feeling like crap, and waking up, she didn’t feel any better. After showering the sweat from her body, she had hoped it would wake her up, or at least make her a little perky. It had done neither.

  “Are you okay?” Rick asked.

  “I’m fine.” She released a small burp, which fortunately didn’t make a sound and was only like a rush of air. She hadn’t seen Hunter last night as he had to work late, which wasn’t a problem. She was heading up to Hunter’s office now where he had arranged the small conference with a few of the reporters.

  There hadn’t been a single story yesterday in the news, and Rick had locked her social media pages for the time being. Running fingers through her hair, she stared at her reflection, and saw that she looked like shit.

  Releasing a breath, she ran her clammy hands down her suit.

  “You’re not pregnant, are you?”

  She turned to Rick and frowned. “No, I’m not pregnant. It’s nothing. I’ll be fine. I’ve not been sick in a long time. This will pass.” She took several deep breaths, and decided right away not to do that at all. She didn’t need to breathe. Shallow breaths could work, and she would die through lack of oxygen. Maybe death would be easy right now. Her stomach felt like someone was twisting it like you would a cloth.

  Reaching out, she held onto the wall, and took some deep breaths.

  “Okay, you need to go home, because you look a mess, Payton. This is the worst I’ve ever seen you.”


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