Plus-Sized Perfection

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Plus-Sized Perfection Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m not going to be sick. It’s kind of amazing to have a mother plan a wedding when you’ve not even asked.”

  “In all fairness, she didn’t believe anyone could turn her son down. I’m quite the catch you know.”

  “Well the press had a turn around. Payton Hicks is now the most eligible single woman in the country. Well, I’m not really single anymore, but they have been really nice.”

  Hunter took her hand, kissing her knuckles. “I knew that the moment that I saw your ass.”

  “Is that what we’re going to tell our kids? It all started with my ass?”

  “Not if we have a girl. I don’t want her trying to compare, or to have a guy compliment her ass, and think that’s the way it’s going to go. Not on my watch it’s not.”

  She laughed as his hands tightened the steering wheel. “Easy there. We’re not even pregnant yet, and you’re already gripping the steering wheel as if it’s a potential boyfriend you’re going to have to slaughter.”

  “I guess I’m going to be an overbearing dad then.”

  “Probably. I’ll be the cool mom to our daughter, and to our son, I’ll be the irritating nag that will find porn underneath his bed.”

  Hunter laughed. “Not every boy has porn.”

  “No, but every kid wants porn. They get to that age don’t they when they are so curious.” Payton paused, and started laughing. “I cannot believe we’re having a conversation about our kids, and porn. We’re not even married yet.”

  “You’re going to meet my parents. I would say it’s a given.”

  She didn’t know how her life was going to be with Hunter, but something told her, she wasn’t going to be sad. He had a way of making her happy even when everything seemed to be falling apart.

  With all the bad press surrounding their earlier relationship, she had wondered how they could turn around their bad luck. The ride to his parents’ place went by without a hitch. They discussed their plans. There was so much stuff to work through. Where they would live. Where they would get married. They settled on his apartment, but she wanted to redecorate.

  “What’s wrong with my place?”

  “It’s great. Honestly, it’s fine, but you don’t have anything that makes it you. You have a show apartment. My place is all me. You can see that it belongs to me, and wherever I live, I want to feel at home, not like I’m about to enter some competition for favorite home, or cleanest home.”

  “You can do whatever you want with my place.” He parked the car, and she was climbing out as he grabbed her hand, looking over the ring he’d placed on there.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’re about to meet my very neurotic mother, and I just want to make sure that my ring is on your finger.”

  “It can’t be that bad,” she said.

  The door to his parents’ home opened. His mother and father came out, and she was pulled from his side into their arms. She smiled, and hugged them back, and before she knew what was happening, she was being pulled into their home.

  Hunter was laughing behind her, and as soon as she was inside, she was completely bombarded with different wedding dresses, and bridal gowns.

  “I want you to pick one, and we’ve got three places decided. Obviously, you and Hunter get to pick the final place, but I think we’re almost there,” her mother said.

  “Wow, Mom, you really went all out.”

  “I know you are both busy, and I don’t want one of those fancy city girls handling your wedding. I want it to be here, or wherever you decide.” His mother pushed her glasses up her nose. “You are a beautiful woman. Plus size, my backside. You are just …”

  “She’s perfection,” Hunter said.

  Payton turned toward him, and smiled. Every time he said that, it sent her insides to jelly. The love in his eyes was clear for her to see.

  “They are so much in love,” his mother said. “Come, come, I made cake.”

  “You made a cake as well?”

  “I made several cakes.”

  They entered his mother’s home, and she wasn’t kidding. A chocolate frosted cake, a white one, a yellow one, and there was even one that looked like the colors of a unicorn.

  “I want you to try them all, and to see which one you like.”

  “Mom?” Hunter asked. “This is all a little crazy.”

  “I warned you, son. You are not leaving until all of this has been decided. I want my wife back.”

  “I want my son married, and as soon as possible. I’m not getting any younger, and these doctors do not know what they’re talking about nowadays. They say I’m fine but I can fall over dead at any minute. What way would it be for me if I didn’t at least know their grandmother?”

  “Babies now?” Hunter asked.

  “You’re not young yourself, son,” his father said. “You know our fellas don’t stay fit forever. You need them to swim, and with all the chemicals they’re putting in our food and water, they could decide to just chill, and not go for its desired swim.”

  Payton loved his parents, even as she was having images of sperm taking a relax rather than swimming.

  “Come on, dear, this is a lemon sparkle. Do you like that? I love to bake.”

  A piece of cake was shoved into her mouth.

  The burst of lemon exploded on her tongue. “Wow, that is so nice.”

  “Excellent.” His mother then shoved the cake into Hunter’s mouth.

  Hunter took hold of Payton’s hand, and she laughed.

  “I think we’re going to be trying cake,” she said.

  His mother clapped her hands and laughed. “I will get the kettle on. Cake goes so well with tea.”

  Sitting next to Hunter, she watched as his parents danced around each other in the kitchen. They weren’t avoiding one another. It was just years of knowing how the other moved. The love between them was clear to see, and the love they had for Hunter was amazing to watch. They loved their son, and they were embracing her.

  “Look what I’ve also been knitting in my spare time,” his mother said, bringing in a large wooden hamper. She was pulling it into the kitchen, and she broke wind as she did.

  “Mom, please,” Hunter said.

  “I’m sure Payton’s heard a woman fart before, and don’t even pretend that you don’t know a woman needs to as well. Damn, that basket is heavy,” she said.

  The basket was opened, and inside, Payton fell in love. Knitted cardigans, boots, jumpers, and socks.

  “They are so cute.”

  “We only want the best for you both, and I’m so happy,” his mother said.

  Hunter gripped her shoulder, and she couldn’t help but laugh. This was like a complete dream, a fairytale.

  Later that night when they were outside in the garden alone, Payton stared up at the evening sky.

  “My family is pretty crazy. I’m sure I told you that before,” he said. “Did you pick one of the dresses? I saw so many in the sitting room.”

  “I tried them all on, and your mother helped me to pick. She’s a wonderful woman. Your dad’s amazing as well.”

  Hunter kissed her head and turned her. “That’s where it all started for me. In that garden shed right there. It’s how I started making my money, and became the man I am today.”

  “Then we need a place with a garden shed, and to have your parents come to visit.” She couldn’t believe she was talking kids with him.

  “You know the media are going to be all over our wedding,” he said.

  “Let them. I don’t care. I love you, Hunter.”

  “I love you, too.”

  She snuggled into him, listening as his parents talked in the house. “I’m wondering if you’re still going to love me when I have a saggy ass.”

  “I’ll love you even more so.”


  The press made a big deal out of their wedding. Hunter didn’t know if it was because of their popularity with Elise’s launch, or the fact he’d opted for a wedding in his homet
own, in the same church that his own parents got married in.

  The billionaire and plus-size model to marry.

  She’s clearly got what it takes. Plus-size model snags a billionaire.

  All of them were the same, some variation on the theme that out of all the women out there, he’d picked her. His parents organized everything, and even though he was no longer staying at home, on the run up to his wedding, he stayed there all the time. It helped that Payton was also there with them.

  The moment the priest declared them husband and wife was one of the happiest moments of his life. Rick and Daryl had arranged for a couple of the press to be there. They had said it would keep the chance of the press crashing the party to a minimum.

  Hunter put up with it for ease. It was his big day with Payton, and he intended to spend it all with her.

  Finally, it was the party afterward, and he finally had Payton in his arms.

  “Now this is the moment I have been waiting for,” he said.

  “What moment is that?”

  “Having you in my arms. We’ve been putting everyone else’s needs before our own. Now I get to be selfish, and I have a lot of plans for you, my love.”

  “My love. You’re being very charming.”

  “I should be charming. It’s my wedding day.” He took possession of her lips. “Has our day been everything you’d hope it would be?”

  “I never thought I would get married, and our parents get along. Not many couples can say that. Being with you has been one amazing ride after another. I love you so much,” she said. “I never thought for a second I could be this happy.”

  He held her close, shutting his eyes. Everyone else faded away, and it was only the two of them. “Whatever you want, Payton, whatever your heart desires, just tell me and it will be yours. You’ve made me the happiest man alive.”

  She kissed his neck, and her lips brushed over his ear. “All I want is your love, Hunter. Just that, and I will be a happy woman.”

  That was no problem. She already had it, and it had been hers from the moment he first saw her.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Alfie Brown stared across the park at where the woman that belonged to him walked her dog. Her brown hair was pulled back into a long ponytail, and the blue summer dress she wore cupped her large tits, but flared out from her waist, not showing the world what was rightfully his. Sophia Cross had no idea that she was being watched, but he had been doing it for over a year now.

  The first time he’d seen her was in an upscale restaurant on a business meeting. She hadn’t even been serving his table, nor had she looked in his direction. He’d been served by an incompetent male. No, that was wrong. The waiter at the time had been more than fine. What Alfie hadn’t liked was how he got in the way of his view. Every time she was near, he couldn’t resist looking at her. His need had been so great that he’d forcibly moved the man just so he didn’t stand in his way.

  She was a curvy woman as well. Large tits, ass, and thighs, fuller, and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on her.

  Some men loved having a slender woman with all bones, but not him. The moment he saw Sophia he knew he had to have her. The meeting he’d been part of was one of the worst of his life, and yet it had been the best as well. He’d worked his ass off to get the contracts he wanted, and then he’d spent the rest of the evening watching the divine creature. She really was a beauty as well, all smiles and warmth.

  By the end of that first night, he had a sit down with the manager, found out her name, and then he went about making sure she was being paid a decent wage. He didn’t know why he did all of this. He never had before. There was something about Sophia that he couldn’t stop himself from making sure she was safe, she was protected.

  After he settled an arrangement with his manager, on the way out of the restaurant, he put a call through to his private investigator, Mitch. By the end of the night, he had everything he needed to know about the sweet little Sophia.

  She was working her way through college doing two jobs. At night she worked at the restaurant, and during the day she walked dogs in between classes and study. She was constantly on the move, doing something.

  From what he’d discovered about her, she wanted to be an author. It was an interesting career choice, and he’d even hacked into her computer, and read quite a bit of her work. She had an interesting mind, also a dirty one. From her doctors’ records, he’d discovered she was a virgin, but also that she was taking the pill to help with period pain. Yes, he’d gotten her medical records, which had cost him a really large donation. Still, it was well worth it.

  With his hands in his pockets, he saw a couple of his guys who he’d hired to keep an eye on her were blending in just fine, and looking like random strangers in a park. He only recognized them because, hey, he’d hired them. Every man and woman he got a detailed report every single day. None of them were to alert Sophia that someone was watching. Over the past year he’d taken her rather shitty life, and he hoped that he’d made it something for her to love, to enjoy.

  From the raise at the restaurant, she didn’t have to work as many long hours, leaving more time for study. She spent a great deal of her time at the library.

  Thinking about her stories, Alfie had already purchased a publishing company, and he intended to guide her toward sending one of her stories. After reading one of her stories from hacking into her computer, he’d gotten an editor to have a look, and then some agents to give their opinion.

  She had talent, but needed guidance.

  His woman was studying to be an author, and was also taking part time classes in business. The arrangements were already being made so that his company would offer her an opportunity. She wouldn’t be joining the other interns as he never intended for her to spend all that much time in his office doing work. He wanted her close to him.

  Alfie had hoped to encourage their very first meeting by introducing himself as her boss. That depended on her taking the job, which she’d not shown any interest in doing. Her guidance counselor at college had said she wasn’t interested in working for a big corporation, or being pulled into a nine to five job. She didn’t want to be trapped in a place that she couldn’t escape. That made sense.

  Looking at her now, he saw the smile on her face, the way she paused while the dogs sat, and how she tilted her head up toward the sunshine.

  Sophia didn’t always fall in line with his plans, but what made him a damn good businessman was the fact he could adapt. He changed with the times, and while twenty-three-year-old Sophia didn’t imagine life at a desk, he could find something else. He was thirty-seven years old, a good fourteen years older than she was.

  She was probably way too young for him, and yet, from everything he knew about her, he found her utterly charming and sweet. In a world that was all about corruption, he found her sweetness something to hold onto.

  One of the dogs gave a little tug, and she giggled as she followed after them. She never lost her temper, not that he saw. Her friends adored her, and she was loyal. All the traits he had seen, he wanted in his woman. The moment Sophia belonged to him, there would be no turning back.

  He intended to make her fall in love with him, and then he was going to fuck her, get her knocked up with his kid so she belonged to him completely. The plan was simple. Now he just had to hope that everything else fell in life to fit into his perfectly ordered plans.


  “Brown Enterprises has called again,” Freya said.

  Sophia looked at her best friend, and extended roommate, and shook her head. “I have no idea who that is, and I don’t know why they’re calling.”

  “Didn’t Mr. Coleman say he was going to present your resume to a couple of candidates, and you accepted?” Freya, the beautiful blonde siren, smirked. “Clearly, you’re wanted.”

  Sophia groaned and flopped onto the bed, and stared up at her best friend, shaking her head. “I don’t want to go to any corporation. They are what is wrong with our entire world. They’re a curse, a plague.”

  “Wow, Miss Doom-on-you. Technically, it’s an enterprise.”

  “Is it wrong that I don’t want to be head hunted? I’m a soon to be college graduate, and thought of being stuck at a desk all day drags.”

  “You are so not my friend right now, but I get it. The thought of being in the same old clothes all the time, and working for a company that sucks the fun out of fun, it will suck something major. The thing is, Sophia, you can’t walk dogs the rest of your life.”

  Moving to rest her head on her friend’s lap, she looked up at the ceiling. “I am in such a bad place right now. I can’t even think straight.” She placed a hand to her head, and groaned.

  “That is so not like you at all. Usually after you walked your precious pooches, you’re in a good mood.” Freya stroked her hair back.

  They had been friends forever, and had been so lucky to get this room on campus together. She couldn’t imagine going through college with anyone else.

  “I hate this, I really do. What do you think I should do?” she asked.

  “Brown Enterprises is a really good company. A lot of college graduates fight for a chance to be on their programs. A lot of people who get selected, and go through their rigorous training often make a career out of it.”


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