An Unwilling Baroness

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An Unwilling Baroness Page 8

by Harris Channing

  Dorothea backed out of the room, and Fredrick took three steps forward to slam the door shut in the woman's face. Chloe fully expected Dorothea to barge back into the room and reprimand him, yet silence was all that met her ears.

  For the first time in days, her mood lightened the smallest bit. "Have you come to save me?" she asked, running her hand over the slick fabric of her gown.

  "Yes, I have. Maggie has told me all," he replied, the light from the window touching his dark hair and reminding her that he was a man and not a monster. "Now the question is, will you trust me?"

  "I would much rather Jude take on that particular responsibility," she said, her heart skittering. She stifled a frustrated scream. Dear God, how was she going to do this? Marry Fredrick at the loss of so much.

  His face grew somber, his blue eyes registering his sorrow. "I realize I'm not your first choice," he said, his full lips dipping into a frown. "I can accept that."

  "You can accept a bride that loves another?" Her voice cracked. She did not wish to hurt him. He was a good man. And wouldn't he be making the same mistake her mother had? Marrying in the hope of finding love…a love she knew would never appear.

  Fredrick came to her side and took her hands. "Fate will decide who you're meant to be with. And even though my heart belongs to you, I will do what is needed to see you're cared for."

  She opened her mouth to question his odd reply, but once again when she spoke Dorothea's voice met her ears. "Here's the broth."

  Maggie shuffled in behind the harridan, carrying a tray. Setting it on the small bedside table, she came to Chloe to offer her assistance.

  "Now, Baron, it's time Chloe rested," Dorothea said, an angry edge in her voice. "She will see you tomorrow."

  Chloe offered Fredrick a questioning stare. But his countenance offered no answer. As much as she didn't want to, she realized she had to place her trust in him. What choice did she have?


  "How are you, Miss?" Maggie asked as she fastened Chloe's gown. "Are you better? You look as though you are. The color is back in your cheeks." On and on the woman prattled until Chloe wanted to scream.

  For the first time in their relationship, the sound of her maid's voice irritated her. Was it because Maggie had kept the tryst between her father and May a secret? God knew she shared so much with the maid, yet knew so little of her. Had she always been so oblivious to the people she loved most? Hadn’t she been a good listener, and a fine, compassionate person? No! She had pushed Jude away when he needed her and hadn't noticed Maggie's sorrow. Her mind refused to see the disrepair of Pembridge…

  Dear Lord, she'd been content to believe the world around her was a glorious place when in reality it was ugly and dirty. Setting her hand to her stomach, she hoped to quell its agonizing roil. Today she'd cast off her naïveté and become a part of the world as it truly was. She would marry out of necessity and not for love. Her virtue sacrificed on the altar of Dorothea's greed and her father's infidelity. But mostly she'd wed to see the man she truly loved was safe from harm. Yes, today she'd become an unwilling baroness.

  "There," Maggie said, taking a step back, her hands on her cheeks as her gaze traveled up and down Chloe's body. "You look stunning, a bride to make any groom proud."

  "Well, that's fitting," Chloe said, her gaze chilly as it came to rest upon Maggie. "For I am marrying any groom, and not the one I choose."

  Maggie averted her eyes. "I know Miss and for my part in that I'm sorry."

  "My, my, don't you look lovely," Dorothea said as she swept into the bedroom, her expression one of sheer and utter delight. Dressed in bright red, her entire being exuded joy.

  Angry tears trailed from Chloe's eyes. She had lost. Dorothea had won and the victory was all over her smug face. How she hated the woman, seethed with it, every bit of her trying to contain her rage.

  Lovely? Chloe gazed down upon her pale yellow gown, beautiful in its simplicity. A gift from her future husband. She didn't feel lovely. No, angry, miserable and lost, that's how she felt.

  "The Reverend Billingsby is here and your groom awaits. Are you ready to start your new life?"

  Chloe didn't answer, she'd nothing more to say to Dorothea except to wish her eternal damnation. Instead, she latched on to Maggie's arm for support and they left the bedroom.

  "Where's the wedding Lady Pembridge? At Saint Paul's?" Maggie asked from the top of the stairs.

  "No," Dorothea replied with a chuckle. "The baron requested the garden. He said that's where he first saw his beautiful bride and it is there he wishes to wed."


  The sun dazzled, the birds sang, and the wind carried the pungent albeit pleasant scent of lavender on fragrant wings. All around her the world went on as usual, not recognizing her misery. Despite the beauty that hovered on the periphery of her brain, her focus rested on the black suit clad man that stood at the far end of the garden. Tall, with his broad back to her, dread pinched and poked her and had her fighting the primal urge to run.

  "God, give me strength," Chloe whispered.

  Maggie stroked her hand. "Twill be all right, I promise. No worries, Miss."

  She held tight to Maggie’s arm as her vision blurred through her tears. Damn, why had she not brought a handkerchief? Lord knew she'd cry. And why not? She was being forced to marry and bear the burden of other souls safety. There would be no fleeing, for Dorothea was just cruel enough to punish Maggie, May and God forbid, Jude for her disobedience. It was hopeless. She was indeed being led toward the guillotine. But her sacrifice would be well worth it, if it kept Jude from harm.

  The Reverend Billingsby slid into her line of vision, his aged face and slouching shoulders reminded her that this life was temporary and all she had to do was muddle through. A pleasantly blind existence now became something to endure rather than enjoy. What a shame. Sorrow threatened to swallow her up completely.

  "Good afternoon Lady Chloe," Billingsby said, bowing as low as his hunched back would allow. He offered his hand and she slid her cold fingers into the old fellow's even chillier grip. "Know my sweet child that everything will be as it should be." He withdrew his touch. "Trust in the Lord."

  He shuffled to her groom, the pair talking in hushed tones. Fredrick turned toward her and smiled, a dazzling smile that would have touched the heart of a bride deeply in love with her groom.

  He started toward her, taking a few steps, then just as suddenly, he froze. Offering a nod he bowed and rising met her gaze. "I wish you happiness, my lady." Turning away, he stepped back and disappeared into a small grove of trees.

  Damnation, where was he going? Yet Fredrick was all but forgotten at the sound of thundering hooves. Hesitantly, Chloe turned, daring not to hope.

  "Praise God," Maggie mumbled, holding tight to her arm.

  It couldn't be! Was she dreaming? No, a dream was never so beautiful, so glorious. Yet, rushing through the garden gate was Jude, his chestnut curls forced away from his face as Sebastian galloped toward them. Pulling the horse to a halt, he dismounted and sped to her, his expression one of pure exhilaration.

  Her heart thundered in her chest, her breasts rising and falling with excited breaths. Pulling free from Maggie, she rushed forward. Jude. It was her Jude. He hadn't let her down. He was here. Hers for the taking.

  "Jude!" she shouted his name and on legs lighter than air, flew into his open arms. Dear Lord, he felt good, smelled good, was good. "You're back."

  "Of course. Don't I always come back to you?"

  "Thank God," she muttered, still unable to believe that this was truly happening. Her life of late had not been blessed. "But…Fredrick, he was so forceful I should marry him…and Dorothea? Where is she?"

  He chuckled. "The law, my sweet, does not like abductors and your father's debts have reached a new high. Lord Collins does not appreciate being owed a thousand pounds for such an extended time. Your father's promises of payment fell of deaf ears after I informed him you would not be sold to the highest b

  "Where is Father?" she asked, glad not to see him in the garden.

  Maggie chuckled. "Debtor's prison for him and jail for her?"

  "Aye," Jude said, kissing Chloe's forehead. "It's not hell, which is where they both belong. But it's close enough."

  "And Fredrick?" She pulled away as confusion coursed through her addled mind.

  "Fredrick, God bless him, although he loves you, got word to me. Told me to make haste." He smoothed her cheek with his fingertips. "I told you he was a good man."

  She gazed at the spot where Fredrick had once stood. "He is, indeed."

  "You're not second guessing your choice of a suitor, are you?" Jude asked, his questioning tone demanding her attention.

  Her breath caught in her throat and she stared into his eyes. "Do you want me, for me?"

  "Yes," he said, his gaze caressing her face with such tenderness that she let out a joyous sob. "A million times yes."

  He leaned toward her, his warm breath touching her ear and sending a cascade of chills across her body.

  "You did this for me?" she asked, breathlessly, unable to believe her good fortune.

  He gazed down upon her and the smile that touched his lips sent her heart fluttering. "For you and me. When I left for Virginia, I was certain we weren't meant to be, but seeing you again I knew I was lost. I need you." He gently pushed a stray curl from her forehead and she reveled in the pleasure of his touch. "Say you'll be mine this time."

  Her gaze scanned his face, memorizing each and every bit of him. Today was the first day of a life she knew she'd adore. The world was no longer an ugly, dirty place. "I should've said yes the last time. This time you won't get away so easily."

  He leaned in closer still. "And I'll never leave you again."

  "And Maggie and May?" she whispered.

  "Will come to Virginia with us."

  Joy filled her heart as he pressed his lips to hers. She savored the feel of his passion and desire, finally secure in his love. His kiss ignited a spark deep within her and she knew she was where she belonged. Her future, her life now anything but something to endure.


  About the author:

  An Army brat, Harris Channing traveled around the Southern US and Europe as a child before settling in Tennessee as an adult. Married with two children, she enjoys her family, reading, writing, and gardening.

  Discover other titles by Harris Channing at

  The Demon is in the Details, a Mainstream Romance

  Cream and Sugar, an Erotic Short Story

  The Cannoli Factor, a Short and Sweet Story

  For more information about Harris and her work visit her website at

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