Some Kind of Monster

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Some Kind of Monster Page 7

by Albany Walker

  The man blinks a few times as Gunnar swoops me up in his arms and nuzzles my neck. “Stop threatening to maim people—you know how excited I get.”

  I keep my eyes on the guy over Gunnar’s shoulder, pointing my fingers back and forth between my eyes and his, gesturing that I will be watching him as Gunnar bounces up a walkway with me still in his arms. The man’s face pinches in utter shock or confusion. I can’t tell which.

  With one hard kick to the front door, the wood splinters and Gunnar sighs an exaggerated, “Oops.”

  I turn my head so I can see inside the house. There’s a small foyer with an umbrella stand and a folding door closet straight ahead. To the left is a formal dining room, and to the right is a homey, well-used living room. The furniture isn’t new, but it’s in good shape. There’s no dust or odd smells though, so I take that as a win.

  Gunnar adjusts his hold and lets me slide down his big body until my boots hit the floor. I give him a little peck as a thank you.

  I note the lack of curtains as I peruse the house. They probably don’t think they need them way out here with no neighbors, but now I won’t have anything to block out the ball of fire that lives in the sky all day. It’s nearly dusk now, and I can see everything perfectly with how much light is streaming in through all the windows.

  “Why are you looking at that window like it offends you?” Gunnar has been following me around, probably making sure I’m safe. It’s so cute.

  “I believe the lack of draperies is not to her liking,” Grim answers for me.

  I spin on the heel of my Doc Martens. “I’m that obvious, huh? I just hope the bedroom has some curtains…” The last part of my sentence trails off when I hear Kim’s voice. What the fuck is she doing in here? I make my way out of the kitchen to where I heard her. The front door has been propped back in place, so it’s covering most of the hole, but it will still need to be replaced.

  I move deeper into the house until I see Calix standing near a doorway at the end of the hall. “I just need to grab a few things,” I hear Kim mumble. “I was hoping to speak with you regarding the pack issues too.” Calix doesn’t say anything as I approach, but he lifts his arm when I near, tucking me into his side.

  “This is your house? What the hell do you have against curtains?” Kim lifts her head but doesn’t answer me. I’m starting to really take her attitude personally. Fine lines form at the corners of her eyes when she sends a shrewd look in my direction.

  Never one to back down, I head right into her bedroom and sit on the end of her bed. “Nice and sturdy.” I wiggle my brows at Calix. “Smells a little like dog, though.”

  Kim doesn’t do much to hide her growl.

  “What’s your deal? Why are you acting like I pissed in your Pradas? Your pack is the one causing the fuckery and messing with our plans.”

  Kim lifts her chin just a tiny bit, but it’s enough that I notice. “My pack doesn’t concern you. You shouldn’t be here, or them.” She tips her head to the side, but I know she means Grim and Gunnar. So it’s not just me she doesn’t like.

  I lean back on my palms. “I go where he goes, and they go where I go. You’ll just have to deal with it.”

  Kim’s eyes narrow and her arm moves just enough to make me believe she’s fighting the urge not to lunge forward.

  “I wish you would,” I dare her, staring right into her eyes.

  “Leave,” Calix barks, his voice harsher than I’ve ever heard it. Kim turns to look at him and drops her chin. “This goes two ways. You either go now, or I hand your dead body over to the man outside to take back to your pack.” His tone is cold, uninterested. I feel like a little of Grim might be wearing off on him.

  Kim makes a show of stepping backwards and lifting her hands before walking out the door. I hear the front door slam against the ground and the floor shakes a tiny bit. “Well, I can’t say it was nice meeting her. Are all shifters such elitist assholes?”

  Calix walks over and pulls me up so I’m standing in front of him. “No.” He drops his forehead to mine and takes a deep breath. “I should have been more careful when I got into town last night. I didn’t even want the local packs to know I was here.” He says it like he needs to apologize.

  I brush my palm over his stubbled jaw. “It’s okay. Maybe it’s her you need to save the pack from,” I say, only half joking. Calix chuckles, and I feel a dip in my stomach from knowing I made that happen, that something I said lightened his mood, if only for a minute.

  After a few more stolen moments, he wraps me in his arms and announces, “I was just really getting to like retirement.”

  When we enter the kitchen, Grim is leaning against the counter with his ankles crossed, and Gunnar is rummaging through Kim’s fridge. Calix keeps my hand in his and clears his throat. “I need to go see the alpha, the sooner the better.”

  Gunnar straightens, holding a medium-sized Tupperware container. He flips the lid off and tosses it into the sink a few feet away before bringing the bowl up to his nose for a sniff. He makes a sour face and lets it sail into the sink with the lid. “Can we grab some food on the way there?”

  Chapter 9

  Calix half turns to face the back seat when we stop in front of a massive house that looks like it belongs on the edge of some cliff, not smack dab in the middle of a forest. There was no clear marker that indicated when we entered pack land, but I’m pretty sure we’ve been on it for a while, even though I haven’t seen any other homes for the last mile or two. “Try not to kill anyone,” he tells me.

  I hook my thumb in Grim’s direction with my mouth hanging open. “He’s literally Death, and you’re telling me not to kill anyone? Pshh.”

  “Oh, let her have some fun,” Gunnar chastises Calix as he gets out of the car.

  “You weren’t saying that when she was going to kill that entire coven of witches,” Calix counters over the top of the car, loud enough that it reaches all the men standing near the front door like some sort of fucked up secret service agents.

  “That would have been a headache,” Gunnar replies with a nod.

  “You think her killing everyone who pisses her off here would be any easier?” Calix points at the men behind him as Grim gives me his hand, helping me from his side of the back seat.

  “Stars, they act as if I have no self-control,” I mutter, smoothing out my black romper.

  Grim lifts my fingers up to his mouth and kisses my knuckles. “You test mine,” he rasps, looking down at my long legs. I kept the boots on when I changed, and strangely they work really well with the short black jumpsuit. I have my long hair pulled back in a high, tight ponytail with a black leather bracelet covered in spikes tied around it, along with some other jewelry. Most of it’s stuff Aeson gave me, so it’s just as much of a weapon as it is an accessory.

  Calix slams his door and stands by my side while Gunnar comes over from the driver’s side to take his place, leaving Calix to take the lead, so I end up being flanked by Grim and Gunnar.

  The front door opens, and Kim stands in the entry. Her face is already set in a scowl. “Goddamn, she needs to get laid,” I mumble under my breath, not really thinking about being in the middle of a bunch of supernatural beings, but it’s clear a few of them heard me when several of the men chuff out laughs and quickly cover them.

  Kim’s nostrils flare, but she ignores my comment. When Calix reaches the top step, she lowers her head and says, “Alpha Torin welcomes you.”

  “Where is he?”

  “I’ll take you to him,” Kim offers.

  We follow in Calix’s wake as he trails behind Kim. She’s not rushing, but she’s not wasting time either. It doesn’t really give me much time to look around and admire all the mansion’s splendor, but I don’t really care to, either. However, what doesn’t go unnoticed is the amount of people milling about. Even in a house this big, it feels overfull. Gunnar is walking so close to me that our arms keep brushing.

  After several minutes—and many hallways—Kim stops i
n front of a set of large, wooden double doors. She tips her ear toward the entry, listening, then lightly taps her knuckle against the wood before turning the knob right after not waiting for a reply. Calix’s steps falter, but he recovers quickly as he makes his way into the room behind Kim.

  As I cross the threshold, I feel a wave of agony lash out as if it’s looking for a new host. My eyes are immediately drawn to a large, prone figure draped half on and half off a couch. His head is back, and his eyes are closed—he’s passed out if I’m not mistaken. Yet the furrow in his brow is deep, as if he may be experiencing a bad dream. I let my eyes continue over him, examining the creature that is the source of so much pain. His long, grayish hair is matted and unkempt, and his clothes are wrinkled and stained, but I don’t see any evidence of a wound.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Calix turns to face Kim. His lips are pulled back in a sneer. The man on the couch doesn’t even twitch, but Kim does. I watch as she forces herself to look at the man. Her shoulders fall a little, but she pulls herself together and stands tall against Calix.

  The door gently closes, drawing my attention to Grim as he comes up to my side.

  “This is Alpha Torin. He recently lost his mate to childbirth, and he’s… struggling.” She seems to be having a hard time putting her thoughts into words as well. It’s clear she cares for this man.

  I take another look at him, this time opening myself to see his aura. “Oh, my,” I breathe. Torin is broken. His aura is in tatters, and it’s barely being held together with wisps of red and black. I nudge my way past Grim and Gunnar, only to find Calix in my path. I place my palm over his chest, and he reluctantly lets me move past him. I take a seat on the edge of the sofa, near the alpha’s hip. Being this close to him is like standing outside in the middle of a thunderstorm. The air is charged with angry energy just looking for a place to go.

  “This isn’t an issue that needs mediation. He’s grieving.” Calix keeps his eyes on me, but he’s speaking to Kim.

  “It will be three months in four days. His mourning period is almost over.” Kim’s tone is flat, but somehow it still resonates with pain. “Every day that passes, more of the pack show up here. They need their leader. Several have already expressed concern. If they challenge him…”

  “He’ll die.” I run my hand over his knotted hair, and he still doesn’t stir.

  Kim sucks in a breath as if my words are too much to hear, even though I know they are the same words she was thinking. “Why are you touching him?” She steps closer to me, but Grim moves into her path. “He would never be part of” —her lips lift in a disgusted sneer— “whatever this fucked-up shit is.” She sends her judgmental gaze over all four of us.

  “Honey, I know you’re hurting, but don’t insult my mates again.” My voice is firm. I feel a lot more sympathy toward her than I did before, but that only goes so far. “You think I want another man? Three is enough, even for me, plus I got the perfect lot.” I lift my hand in an invitation for Kim to look at them.

  She doesn’t take me up on the offer, but I don’t take offense. Grim moves away from Kim and comes to my side. “He’s begging for death.” As soon as Grim speaks, Torin fights to open his eyes. Instead of seeing Grim, his weary gaze lands on me first.

  There’s relief in those dark brown orbs, and only the tiniest thread of fear. I stroke his hair again. “Finally,” he croaks, making it clear he hasn’t used his voice in a long while as he leans into my touch.

  “Alpha?” Kim reverently whispers, as if she can’t believe he spoke. Torin closes his eyes again, exhaustion already pulling him under.

  I reach out and slap the man’s cheek. His eyes snap back open. “Wakey wakey, Wolfy,” I singsong. The corners of his mouth turn down in a frown, and Kim gasps as if I’ve committed the ultimate sin.

  “Wolfy?” Torin grumbles.

  “Hi there, I’m Dami!” I introduce myself as he blinks at me. After a few seconds, he looks up and notices Grim at my side. He makes a move to sit up, but he just ends up sliding back over, so I help him adjust.

  “Don’t touch him,” Kim spits.

  Her voice draws Torin’s attention. He looks around again, and this time I think he actually sees that there are several people in the room. “What is this?” His eyes come back to me, but now they hold suspicion instead of salvation.

  “It’s time for you to shit or get off the pot, Wolfy.” I purse my lips in sympathy.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Torin growls at me, and it makes me smile. It’s the first bit of actual life I’ve seen from him.

  “How about you go take a shower?” I pinch my nose, indicating that I think he stinks. “Then we can talk all about it.”

  “Who are you?” he asks incredulously.

  “She is no one, Alpha,” Kim starts.

  I click my tongue. “You know, I’ve just about had it with your attitude. Sit down and shut up!” Kim slides backward, carried on an unseen wind. Her arms reach out as she tries to catch herself, but it’s no use. Her calves hit the back of an empty chair and she drops like a deadweight. It’s the first time since I sent the guys flying out my front door that I’ve used that sort of power, and it wasn’t even intentional.

  I drop my gaze back to Torin. “I think she means well, but damn, she’s fucking annoying.” Torin’s eyes narrow as he looks me over again. “Do you need help getting to the shower?” I ask, before he demands I get the hell away from him. Gunnar growls in disapproval, so he’s the one I volunteer to help. “Kitten can help you.”

  “Is this a dream, or am I really losing my mind?” Torin searches everyone’s faces, and when he finally focuses on Calix, I see realization dawn on his features. He glares over at Kim, but he looks away quickly as if he’s sickened by what he sees. Kim lowers her head in shame.

  Calix takes that as his cue to step in. He crouches next to the sofa, placing a hand on my thigh. “We just want to help.”

  Torin’s face morphs, and the confusion he was feeling gives way to the sorrow deep in his soul. His dark eyes brim with unshed tears, spiking his dark lower lashes, and my throat threatens to close up in response. I don’t even know this man, yet I feel his anguish. “Please just take me.” He ignores Calix and looks at me, like I’m his salvation.

  “Oh, Wolfy.” My heart breaks for him.

  “Is death truly what you want?” Grim’s voice is calm, unaffected. I peer up at him, marveling at the fact that he deals with this kind of loss constantly.

  “Can you bring her back?” Torin already knows the answer, I can tell by the way his chin trembles, but he can’t help but ask anyway.

  “No, no one can do that. But is this what she would want for you?” Grim reasons.

  The shifter drops his head in disgrace and gives the tiniest shake of denial. “Alpha,” Kim interjects again. Torin’s shoulders slump even more as if the weight of the word is enough to crush him. I don’t think she realizes she’s not helping. “I’m sorry, Torin, so sorry, but I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t get through to you, and I was afraid they would kill you the moment your mourning time was up.”

  “I don’t give a fuck!” he shouts, his entire body vibrating with restrained emotion.

  “But the pack?” Kim murmurs, as if she can’t believe his words.

  “Without her, I have no pack!” He springs forward, but he can’t keep himself upright. Calix ends up jumping up and wrapping his arms around the large man’s frame to keep him on his feet.

  Kim’s mouth falls open as a single tear drips from her eye. She’s pushing too hard, too fast. This man is struggling for his next breath, and she wants him to lead an entire pack.

  I take charge before she can do any more damage. “Calix, since you’ve already got hold of him, you get to help with the shower. Kim, take Gunnar to the kitchen and make Torin some food, something easy to digest. Clear broth, rice, maybe some crackers to start with.” I have some experience with those things and know they go down much easier tha
n a lot of other foods.

  Torin takes a little more of his weight off Calix, supporting himself. “She calls you Kitten?”

  Calix snorts and throws his thumb in Gunnar’s direction. “No, he’s Kitten. Don’t ask,” he warns. Torin takes a few shuffling steps with Calix at his side in case the big man needs some help, but he mostly manages on his own.

  As soon as they’re out of the room, I spin on Kim. “Unless your plan is to have him throw himself off a cliff, I suggest you shut up about what you need.” I take a few steps in her direction. “Have any of you stopped for one fucking minute to wonder what he needs? He just lost the love of his life and a child.”

  She’s shaking her head before I can even finish. “You have no clue what would happen to a pack this size without a powerful alpha to lead it.”

  “I know the only time I saw relief in that man’s eyes was when he mistook me for Death and thought I was here to take him to the other side. Do you think he’s the same person he was three months ago?” Kim rolls her lips in but doesn’t answer. “Newsflash: he’s not. Probably won’t ever be. This pack doesn’t need a mediator. It needs a fucking heart. I only just realized I have one, and even I can see that.”

  I turn away from her before I end up punching her in her stupid face. “Go do what I told you to do,” I order, expecting Gunnar to make sure she follows through.

  Grim pushes my hair away from my face, brushing his fingers over my cheeks and around to the back of my neck. I tip my head back and let out a deep sigh. The sting of pain hasn’t dissipated, even though Torin isn’t in the room. No wonder the man can’t get any relief.

  “He may not make it, Omnia. I need you to be prepared for that.”

  I almost want to chuckle at his announcement, but I manage to hold it in. “I would feel a hell of a lot better about giving that man what he wants than I would about convincing him he needs to live for the sake of his fucking pack.” But then I remember Aeson, and how desperately I wanted her to live. I’m sure there are others who love him, maybe not in the same way she did, but love him just the same.


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