Misty Blue (Indigo: Sensuous Love Stories)

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Misty Blue (Indigo: Sensuous Love Stories) Page 13

by Dyanne Davis

  As Keefe walked ahead of them, Mia said, “I think we need to talk.” She spoke in a voice loud enough for her brother to hear.

  * * *

  It took only a few minutes for Mia to tell Damien of her worries. When she was done she tried to look away but he prevented her.

  “Baby girl, you’re worrying about nothing. I know all that you need to know. Don’t worry, I have enough experience for the both of us.”

  He kissed her and as usual she melted in his arms. Deep inside though, a little voice whispered, That’s just the problem, Damien. You have more than enough experience.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was her wedding day. Mia had been awake for hours, trying to quiet the butterflies in her stomach. Keefe had been partially right. Talking with Damien had made her feel somewhat better. At least for the rest of the night Damien had behaved as a proper bridegroom. And for that one night her mother had not bothered trying to get his full attention. She had Jerry and Charles fawning over her.

  Mia felt sorry for Kathy. She knew exactly how she felt. She’d glimpsed the sadness in her eyes and prayed that she would not wear the same look. All at once Mia shivered, feeling cold, though she knew the outside temperature was over eighty degrees. How could her mother’s mere presence in her home drop the temperature? She hoped it wasn’t an omen.

  “Mia, get up,” her mother called out to her. “I want you to take your shower and do whatever it is you have to do so that I don’t have to be bothered while I’m trying to get dressed.”

  Mia winced. Whose day is this? Instead of voicing her thought, however, she called to her mother, “I have two bathrooms. We won’t get in each other’s way.”

  “I’m using the big one and I don’t want your stuff all over, so get up now and get ready.”

  Just today, Mia said to herself. Tomorrow I’ll be on my honeymoon and I can forget her, forget that she was even here.

  She went into her own bathroom, ignoring her mother’s voice telling her not to take forever, hoping that the sound of the water would block her out. It did. Mia took her time underneath the spray, grateful for that little respite. When she began toweling off she heard her mother call and refused to answer until she heard her scream that Damien was on the line.

  Wrapping the towel around her, she was out of the door in ten seconds flat and snatched the phone from her mother’s hand. She hated having her mother even talk to him on her wedding day. The frown that appeared on Lillian’s face as Mia put the phone to her ear told Mia that she’d done the wrong thing. Again.

  “Hey,” she said into the mouthpiece after going into her room and closing the door.

  “Hey, baby girl, are you marrying me today?”

  Mia smiled, thanking God for Damien. “Yes. Are you marrying me?”

  “Only death could keep me from it. I’ve got a surprise for you, Mia.”

  Damien’s deep voice sent shivers of desire coursing through her. Their long wait would be over in a few short hours. She wouldn’t have to beg him to stop or push his hand away when he went a bit too far. “What’s the surprise?” she asked.

  “If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

  “Then tell me you love me.”

  “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you too.”

  “So, are you getting excited? I know I am. I can hardly wait to undress you, to kiss my way down your body, to lick your thighs, to put my tongue—”

  “Mia, are you done?”

  Mia blinked. She’d not heard the door open. She looked into her mother’s face, feeling a new surge of anger. It felt as if her mother had walked in on her and Damien making love. “No, I’m not done,” Mia managed to say between clenched teeth. “Please close my door.”

  “Mia, you okay?” she heard Damien calling to her.

  “That was my mother.”

  “I guessed that much. What did she want?”

  “She wants me to hurry up and get ready so I won’t bother her.”

  “Damn, Mia, it’s your apartment. Tell her to knock it off.”

  “You have no idea how close I just came. If I can get through the next few hours it will be alright.”

  “You know, baby girl, eventually you will have to have that battle.”

  “I know, but not today, not on my wedding day. Don’t forget my surprise,” she laughed. “I’m going to need it by the time this day is over.” With that she hung up the phone, but the good feeling Damien had brought was being rapidly eaten away by the banging around her mother was doing outside her door. Mia knew the noise was deliberate, to drive her bonkers, and she was doing everything in her power not to give in to it. Unfortunately she hadn’t listened to Keefe when he’d suggested putting their mother up in a hotel room, so she’d just have to suffer through the rest of the day. After that, it would be smooth sailing.

  She thought of Keefe saying their mother was trying to blackmail him to get her to stay in Arizona. She didn’t have to blackmail Keefe. Mia would gladly help with their mother’s expenses if that meant she wouldn’t live anywhere near the state of Illinois. Keefe was right: The fact that she’d actually helped a few months ago was something that more than likely would never again be repeated.

  * * *

  Mia grinned at Keefe. He’d hardly blinked when he saw her new gown. “I couldn’t wear it, Keefe, not after everything Mom said. This feels right. It’s my own.”

  “You’re still beautiful, Mia, and believe me, Damien is not going to notice anything but you when you walk down the aisle.”

  “Thank you, big brother, for putting up with me, for all the things I’ve put you through in the last year.” Mia stopped as tears filled her eyes. “Kee, I’m serious. Let me say this. I appreciate so much what you’ve done for me and what you’ve given up. Thank you for raising me and for giving me such a good life. I love you.”

  The last words were said through her tears because try as she might, she couldn’t prevent the tears from streaming down her face. Her brother hugged her hard, his own voice husky with unshed tears.

  “Stop crying or you’re going to be walking to marry Damien with tear tracks down your cheeks. That just won’t do.” He brought her head up and wiped at her tears. “Is everything okay now? I mean, you talked things over with Damien. Did he help to put aside your worries?”

  “Yes,” Mia answered. “He did. I was just being silly. He loves me and I know that. I think Mom caught me off guard. She’s always had that effect on me.”

  “I know. She makes you feel guilty. Me, she just makes mad as hell. What a gift for one woman to possess.”

  Just then the music began playing and Mia looked at her brother. “That’s our cue,” she said, looking into the banquet hall that had been transformed into a beautiful flower garden. The doors were held open by two of Stavros’s employees who were playing ushers. “It’s showtime,” Mia said to her brother and began walking, holding on to his arm as much to steady herself as because it was the ritual.

  * * *

  Damien watched Mia coming toward him on her brother’s arm. He couldn’t believe it. How the hell had he managed to convince someone as wonderful as Mia that he was worthy of her love? He had no idea how he’d gotten that lucky but he sure as hell intended to make her happy. He’d prove his parents wrong. He was definitely not like his father. He wanted one woman and one woman only. And that was Mia.

  Though the last few days had been crazy, Mia’s mother had at last stopped cornering him and had focused on his father and Jerry instead. He felt bad for his mom but was hoping that maybe she’d finally let go of the hope that she and his father would become a permanent thing.

  When he saw Mia smile, his heart nearly burst with longing. How had her crazy mother managed to convince Mia that he would not be happy with her? He was already happier than he’d ever been in his life and when he made love to Mia, all of his dreams would be complete. He’d remember to take it slow. Damien thought of the surprise he had waiting for her, a gag g
ift really, just something to show her how silly she was being worrying that they would have problems in the bedroom. That, he could guarantee her, would never be one of their problems.

  * * *

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Damien was grinning at her from ear to ear. Mia looked deep into his eyes and lost herself. Then his lips lowered and he whispered. “I love you, baby girl.” His mouth closed over hers and she tasted the sweetness of his tongue. Want and lust tumbled around inside her. But it wasn’t either of those emotions that made Mia feel that she would burst from happiness. It was the love she felt for Damien. She couldn’t believe it. After everything that had happened, they’d found themselves here at this moment.

  When he released her from the kiss, she almost swooned and his arms supported her. He smiled down at her.

  “How does it feel to be Mrs. Terrell?”

  “It feels like heaven,” she whispered.

  “Ladies and gentleman, may I present for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Damien Terrell.”

  The sound of applause caught Mia off guard. She’d almost forgotten others were there. She turned with Damien toward their guests and accepted their good wishes.

  When the men filed up to kiss the bride, Mia held Damien’s arm, thinking his father would try something. But he didn’t. He merely kissed Mia’s cheek and turned to look for her mother. If it weren’t for the look of desolation on Kathy’s face, Mia would have been happy. Although she’d wanted to steer Charles’s unwanted attention away from her, she hadn’t wanted it at the expense of Damien’s mother. It looked as if her mother and Damien’s father shared the same DNA. They were both selfish people who didn’t care who they hurt. Mia was determined that would not be her and Damien’s legacy. They would make a new start.

  Within moments, the makeshift altar had been removed and Mia had been hurried along with Keefe and Charles, who’d been Damien’s best man, to take pictures. By the time Ashleigh, who’d acted as her maid of honor, had joined them, and all the pictures were taken, the flower garden chapel had been revamped into a huge ball room. Orchids, lilies, roses and flowers that Mia didn’t know the name of sat atop the tables and adorned the room. She smiled at her brother, knowing he was the one who’d taken care of the flowers. She’d ordered only daisies.

  Mia danced with her new husband, feeling the constant new shivers that he created in her. She felt his arousal through the fabric of his tux and laughed. “How do you plan to hide that?” she asked as the music stopped and everyone hit their glasses with their silverware.

  “I have no intention of hiding it. I couldn’t if I tried.” He laughed as the tinkling sound grew ever louder. “I want you, that’s no secret. Now you’re mine,” he teased. “No more running from me.”

  Then he kissed her.

  And she melted.

  If she were a man the entire room would have been aware of her own burning desire.

  The father-daughter dance was announced and she danced first with her brother, then with Jerry. For the next half hour Mia danced with every man in the room except her husband. Him she followed with her eyes as he twirled one guest after another past her, always swooping in to kiss her when he came near.

  When he danced with her mother, she couldn’t help noticing that her mother was pressing her body in much closer than she had to. She saw Damien repeatedly pulling back. In fact, he looked as though he were about to leave her mother on the dance floor. Good, she thought. Mia was not aware that she was frowning until her mother called out loud enough for all to hear, “Lighten up, Mia. It’s only a dance.”

  Jerry, her dance partner, smiled at her. “Don’t worry, Mia. She’s trying really hard to get you angry. Don’t let her.” He gave Mia’s shoulder a squeeze but it wasn’t until a couple of seconds later when Damien cut in that Mia felt better. “I want to dance with my wife,” he said. “Do you mind switching?” Jerry smiled. “No, I don’t mind at all.”

  “Thank you,” Mia whispered, laying her head on her husband’s chest.

  “For what?” Damien asked. “I meant it. I want to dance with my wife. All of this,” he looked around the room, “is nice but you’re the only woman I want in my arms.”

  For the longest time Mia stayed right where she was, not stirring when someone came up to ask her for a dance. She could feel the movement of Damien’s head as he shook his head no. He’d asked the band to play only slow numbers for awhile and that was alright with her. It wasn’t until Keefe came up to them that it even occurred to her that they were being rude.

  “You two need to mingle.”

  Mia blinked. “We have been.”

  “Not for the past forty-five minutes. Stavros said he’s going to start serving dinner in ten minutes. Now you two let go and allow someone else a chance,” he said as another guest came up. This time Damien relinquished his hold, but Mia knew it was reluctantly.

  * * *

  The next few hours passed in a blur, eating, dancing, kissing Damien and sipping champagne. Mia was deliriously happy, enough so that she was able to ignore most of her mother’s barbs.

  It seemed Jerry had appointed himself one of Mia’s knights. Every time her mother got within shooting range, he’d come and whisk her away to dance. And always he’d smile at Mia, his smile telling her that he wasn’t going to let her mother ruin her special day.

  Even Charles helped, although his reasons were his own. He was hitting on her mother hard. Mia finally saw what Damien had meant about his father’s charisma. He’d charmed more than half of the women there, her mother included.

  “Mia, how much longer do we have to stay here?”

  Damien leaned over to kiss her and she tasted the champagne on his tongue. The crisp sweet taste was an extra bonus.

  “Not long,” she answered. “I think an hour or so. We haven’t cut the cake yet. After that we can leave.”

  “I’m glad we only have to go upstairs,” Damien whispered. “Otherwise I’d have to make love to you right in front of everyone, or in the car.” He grinned wickedly as his hand wandered across Mia’s chest, dipping inside the bodice of her gown.

  She tapped his hands. “Stop that. People can see you.”

  “We’re married; I don’t care if they can see me.”

  “I do. Now stop.”

  “God, Mia. I want you.” He grabbed her hand and brought it down. “Feel me,” he ordered.

  She felt his hardened flesh and tried to ignore the burning that had pushed its way to her face. “As soon as we cut the cake.” She felt as if she were falling backwards. Damien had her under a spell, one she hoped to never be out from under.

  “You’d better make it quick.” He grinned at her, looked around the room and zeroed in on her mother. “There are other women in this room that find me simply irresistible and can’t seem to keep their hands off me.” He kissed her quickly. “Let’s hurry and cut that damn cake. I’m tired of waiting. I want to make love to you. Now.” Then he walked away across the room to her mother.

  The spell was broken. Oh Damien, Mia moaned inwardly. I know you’re teasing, but… She reached for her glass, surprised to find her hand trembling. Mia downed the contents of her champagne, the bubbles tickling her nose. She wasn’t much of a drinker. Truth be known, she didn’t drink, had never felt the need until now. Now she needed something to help her get through her wedding day. How ironic, she thought and held her glass up for a passing waiter to refill.

  “Don’t you think you’d better slow down?”

  “Keefe.” Mia looked at her brother. “I haven’t had that much.”

  “Yeah, but you’re not used to it. It could really hit you later.”

  She ignored her brother’s warning, bringing the glass to her lips and sipping, trying her best not to look at her husband dancing with her mother. He was grinning, waving at Mia, and pointing his finger in the direction of the cake.

  “You okay, Mia? Why are you staring at Damien like that?”
r />   “No reason.”

  “You sure?”

  Mia smiled at her brother. “He’s ready to go upstairs. He’s trying to get me to hurry.”

  “By making you jealous?”

  “I’m not jealous.”

  He chucked her under her chin. “Tell that to someone who doesn’t know you. Mia, honey, she gets to you so easily because you care. Damien’s your husband now. Tell her to keep her hands off.”

  “I can’t.”

  “You can.”

  Mia smiled. “I want to.”

  “Then do it.”

  For a moment she thought of doing just what her brother had suggested. “Maybe I’ll thank her for coming, tell her how much I enjoyed her visit.” She laughed and raised her glass to her lips only to have her brother take it away.

  “Are you ever going to stop worrying about me, Kee, or stop trying to protect me?”

  “Not as long as there’s breath in my body.” He smiled and kissed her forehead. “Go dance with your husband.”

  She pulled her brother in for a hug. “Have I told you lately how much I love you, big brother?” She smiled as he finished off her champagne. “Why don’t you take your own advice and go and find Ashleigh?” Mia stood grinning. “Can you believe it? We made it. We’re both happy.”

  * * *

  Damien felt the woman’s hand brush against his crotch and ignored it. Surely it had been an accident. Then he felt her fingers groping him, kneading him right there on the dance floor. He couldn’t believe it. In a flash he searched for Mia. Good, she wasn’t looking at him at the moment; she was talking with her brother. He maneuvered his own hand and roughly brought Mia’s mother’s hand away from his crotch.

  “Lady, you’re sick,” he mumbled, determined to keep his voice low, not to ruin the day for Mia.

  “And you have a hard-on.”

  “Big damn deal. I’ve had a hard-on the entire day but it’s not for you. I’ve been flirting with my wife the entire time I’ve been dancing with you. Are you crazy?”


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