A Shadow Thief's Magic

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A Shadow Thief's Magic Page 8

by D. R. Rosier

  He just hoped Katy didn’t wake up.


  She looked at the screen and wished it weren’t there. She’d woken when Erin left the bed, and she’d heard the sounds as Erin sucked him to hardness. She was jealous, not of their pleasure, or sharing their bodies together, but of the fact that she couldn’t. She was also wet, her legs parted and bent at the knees with her night dress up around her waist.

  She gently ran her fingertip up and down her wet heated labia teasingly, as she listened to the light muffled sounds of their coupling. She looked at the screen, and wondered what would happen if she was caught pleasuring herself to them like this. The thought scared her, embarrassed her a little, but also made her incredibly hot as her heartbeat sped up and her body flushed with pleasure.

  Her breath was short and getting more ragged, harder to keep quiet, as she spread herself with her left hand and brushed her hard wet clit with the fingertip of her right. Still, she stared at the screen, wondering what it would be like if it wasn’t there, if he looked over and saw her in such a wanton position, pleasuring herself for him to see. Would their eyes lock, would he read the desperate desire to give her body to him, to give herself over?

  Gods, what was happening to her, what was Daniel turning her into? She had responsibilities, she couldn’t have him, she couldn’t have anyone. But right then she didn’t care.

  She slid two fingers between her wet silken lips into the core of her desire, and brushed that little patch with her fingertips as she pushed her palm down to grind against her clit. It was a few moments later when she knew they were reaching their bliss, and with one more thrust into her core as she pushed down on her little button, she brought herself to her own. Intense blissful pleasure washed over her body as she silently mouthed Daniel’s name, her back arched and she clenched her jaw to hold in the scream of pleasure that wanted to escape as her liquid pleasure rushed over her fingers.

  Her breath came in little quiet gasps as she came down, and her core was quite wet. Her arousal was obvious, and she hoped the pungent scent of their own sex would make hers less noticeable. She pulled her shift back down to her lower thighs, pulled the covers back up, and closed her eyes while her mind spun in circles.

  She’d seriously consider taking things farther with Daniel, would that help or make it worse? Erin had told her about oral sex… there were myriad ways to bring a lover to completion… as long as they didn’t actually have intercourse…

  She shook her head, she wanted more. Much more.

  She wanted the impossible, and although she was sure Daniel cared for her, and wanted her in his bed, she was also sure he wouldn’t want marriage, she needed to stop obsessing. Still, she did feel a lot more relaxed now after taking things into her own hands while thinking of him, and she slowly drifted off to sleep before Erin made it back to their bed.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning they all took another bath. He smiled and shook his head when his turn came, there had been no point in being quiet as both the room and he reeked of sex. No one mentioned that however and the illusions they were wearing to support their cover were recast. The soldiers seemed more watchful this morning, but no one stopped them as they saddled their horses and picked up their new clothes on the way out of town.

  He caught Katy a number of times giving him a thoughtful look, and he wondered what it was about. Maybe he’d find out tonight when they did some magic training. Being in the village had interrupted that, and this morning was the first time he and Erin had not sparred in over a month. They’d left at a trot moving west, and sped up to a canter when the town was no longer in sight.

  They slowed down to a trot again after about an hour, rushing headlong wasn’t a great way to avoid patrols, or elves. He’d been working on a new idea and decided to try it. He built an illusion of a wolf and sent it ahead of them. Then he curled his hand to make a small shadow in his palm, and used the same technique he used to see Erin in the bath that one time to connect to the shadow cast in his illusion’s eyes from the hair of the wolf.

  The idea was to use it to scout ahead, and see if they were going to run into anything. At first though, it wasn’t working so well. He had to concentrate to move his illusion, maintain the shadow, look at what the wolf was seeing, ride his horse, and keep situational awareness of what was around him all at the same time.

  There had to be an easier way to do it. He’d always been good at keeping track of things, but trying to do five things at once was extremely difficult, and then add to that the sporadic conversation with Erin and Katy… it wasn’t easy. Eventually though, after an hour or so he got the hang of it, and the wolf illusion ranged about a mile ahead of them.

  The day went by slowly, without encounter. He thought that made sense, the soldiers were looking behind them, and if the elves knew where they were going they would probably ambush them tomorrow when they were around halfway between villages. The soldiers would be the biggest risk as they approached Brightmill at the end of the third day.

  When the sun was low in the horizon they went about twenty feet back into the woods from the road and picked out a spot for the campsite.

  Setting up camp had become habit, he took care of the horses and put up the tents, Erin took care of dinner, and the princess dealt with gathering the firewood and starting the fire with a small bit of destruction magic, Katy also summoned the creature to guard their campsite.

  Katy sat so close when it was time to eat, they were almost touching. They didn’t have to follow their cover story out here between towns, but he wasn’t going to complain. Her magic felt pleasant buzzing against his skin and her scent wrapped him up in feelings of home. Frankly that scared him, he was an idiot, but at the same time… that’s what she was becoming for him, home.

  He cleared his throat, “I think it’s past time I need to start planning. Can you tell me what I’m supposed to be getting the three of us past, apparently without the help of shadows?”

  Erin replied, “The crown city, Summerhaven, is a port city on the western sea. Most of the kingdom’s trade happens over water since the natural borders to the north and east are pretty much impassable for wagons, and to the south we have the damned elves.

  “The city itself is a large circle surrounded by forty foot walls all around that is ten feet thick. There are only two gates, mostly because there’s not a point in going north or south. The east gate leads to the road we’re on now, although there are still two villages and a second city before we get there. In two days we’ll be at Brightmill, then it’s three days to the second city in Lendaran, Ashbridge, and then another village six days or so after that, to Highwater, and then three more to Summerhaven.

  “The west gate opens to the docks, the city is less than a half mile from shore. The outer city holds four districts. The market district in the south east, low income housing in the north east, houses for the more affluent like merchants in the northwest, and the warehouse district which holds supplies in case we are attacked in the northeast. The four districts are in a circle around the outer wall of the city, and also circles the inner city wall.

  “The inner city holds the noble housing, embassies, royal guard barracks, army barracks, more warehouses for the inner city, and the jail and dungeon. Of course, the castle, which is right in the middle of the inner city buildings, boasts a third wall, followed by a moat with a single drawbridge, inner gate, and portcullis. There are guards on the outside gates, the inner gates, and the castle gates, not to mention the walls.”

  She took a break to eat some of her dinner and recover her voice. His mind was tightly focused as if he were home planning a job, he wanted to remember every detail.

  “Assuming you get past all that, and enter the castle proper, it’s split into two parts. The front of the castle is the public area. On the bottom floor is a ballroom, dining hall, kitchen, and the throne room where the king holds audience. The second floor is for visiting nobles and ambassadors from other l
ands who don’t have an embassy in the inner city.

  The only access to the back of the castle, which is royalty only unless specifically invited to the monarch’s rooms, is through the back of the throne room. That door though, leads to a small hallway with barracks on the left and right for the royal guards, their only job is to guard the king and castle. So you have to get passed them to get to the non-public area where there are guards in every corridor.

  “The king or queen’s suite is on the second floor, and we don’t have to worry about that. The bottom floor is for the rest of the immediate royal family. All the way down that hall in the back is a smaller portcullis the size of a door. Past that is the stairway down that leads to the vaults. The first vault which is guarded, locked and spelled, leads to the common treasury, which you have to go through to reach the door to the royal treasury. The royal treasury is guarded by more spells, and locks.

  “If you get that far and make it to the other side past the traps, there is one more door with spells and locks, but no guards, to get to the royal treasure vault which holds the scepter and other powerful artifacts.”

  He thought about that for a while. It wasn’t going to be easy, and he’d need a lot more detail. There had to be a weakness, obviously taking the proscribed path wasn’t his first option.

  “I don’t suppose there are blueprints somewhere?”

  They looked at him blankly.

  “The plans that detailed how the castle was built…”

  Katy frowned, “Maybe, it’s possible there’s some in the keep in Ashbridge. Duke Nemins’ personal library. His family is the one that designed and built all of Summerhaven, they were raised from Baron to Duke because of it. Maybe…”

  Erin arched an eyebrow, “Do you think she would help?”

  “Who?” he asked.

  Katy sighed, “Cynthia Nemins, the duke’s daughter. She’s three years older than I am, and was one of my closest friends when we were children. The last time I went to her when I escaped the dungeon thanks to Erin, she refused to support me, but neither did she turn me in. I think she was too afraid to do either, she didn’t want to betray me, or support an imposter.”

  He nodded absently, “I think I understand, but we should try as long as were going through there anyway?”

  Erin agreed, “We may not even have to see her. We used to play in the keep’s secret passages when we were children, it will work if we can get in that part of the city anyway.”

  They were interrupted by the sound of a galloping horse. It seemed to be coming right for them. When it came into view, the rider drew up on the reigns and stopped the horse, and then warily approached at a walk. There was something suspiciously familiar about the figure on the horse, and when the rider tossed her cloak back off of her head she gave them a nervous look.

  “I’m sorry, can I join you for something to eat, I had to leave Wildeholt rather quickly and I’m afraid I didn’t get to pack anything.”

  He cleared his throat, “It’s nice to see you again, but I didn’t catch your name last time.”

  She looked at him through squinted eyes and declared, “I don’t know you.”

  He coughed, “Yes, perhaps it’s the clothes throwing you off,” he said sarcastically.

  Her eyes widened in recognition, “Oh… I’m really sorry about that… misunderstanding,” she blushed.

  He snorted, “Did you have another one of those, that why you ran out of Wildeholt?”

  Erin narrowed her eyes, finally catching up and questioned, “The thief?”

  The woman laughed nervously, “My name is Gabby, I’m really sorry about that. Is it okay if I approach the fire? I promise not to accidentally go through your stuff again or steal anything.”

  Erin opened her mouth but Katy said under her breath so only Erin and Daniel heard, “Truth.”

  Erin whispered back fiercely, “Does that matter?”

  Katy shrugged, “We can’t let the woman starve, can we?”

  Based on Erin’s expression, he thought she might be willing to let that happen.

  Gabby said, “You might want me along, it would help us both, after all, you’re all avoiding the soldiers too.”

  He cursed under his breath, he knew not calling for the watch would tip her off to that, and that it would somehow bite him in the ass.

  Erin stood and drew steel, “Is that a threat?”

  Gabby’s eyes widened, “No, of course not. I just meant we’d be one group of four, instead of the two groups they’re looking for. Plus, I’m really averse to pain, I wouldn’t go out of my way to turn you in of course, but if they caught me and asked me certain questions…”

  Katy said firmly, “We can’t silence her either, I won’t do that. It’s better if she just comes with us for now. We can dump her at the next town if she even sticks around that long.”

  Erin didn’t look happy and asked Gabby, “Do you mean us harm?”

  Gabby didn’t hesitate to say no.

  When Katy nodded slightly indicating she told the truth, Erin sheathed her sword and waved her in reluctantly.

  He watched as she hopped down from the horse, and her large breasts bounced. This was going to be… interesting to say the least. Especially when the sleeping arrangements came up… after all, Katy was his wife in their cover, and he knew Erin wouldn’t let the princess sleep with a stranger, so that left either Erin or him to host the woman. If he did, it would blow their cover.

  He decided it came down to what Erin thought was the worst option, blowing their cover in front of this stranger, or letting him and Katy sleep in the same tent alone. He watched the voluptuous woman walked confidently, her swaying hips drew his eyes to the curve of her waist and down further to her shapely ass as she moved to tie her horse up with the others.

  He knew which one he wanted, but perhaps a good distraction was what he needed…

  Erin asked pointedly as Gabby grabbed some dinner, “So will you share your story, what are you running from?”

  Gabby smiled lightly, “And will you then share with me your story?” she sighed and smiled wickedly at Daniel, “Not that my tale is very special. Suffice it to say I got lost again, and that person had no compunctions about calling for the guard unlike your handsome man here. I gave my name, will you not share yours?”

  Katy replied, “You can call me Katy, this is my husband Daniel, and Erin. Can I ask… why you do what you do?”

  He felt his gut tighten, apparently Katy was going to try and continue their cover. He tried not to think to hard about what that meant and focused on Gabby’s face as she turned her head to answer.

  Gabby grimaced, “That’s a little personal isn’t it Katy?”

  Katy shrugged, “You’re a beautiful woman, and based on your speech you’re well educated. Why…”

  Gabby held up her hand and Katy looked like she was going to get angry about it. He took her hand and squeezed it, reminding her she wasn’t the princess right now.

  Gabby looked thoughtful as she replied, “I suppose I must earn this meal and all that follow on the road, as well as your trust. But this is the last question I’ll answer for now. That’s all a part of it actually, looking the way I do I mean, but not all of it.

  “I could say I do what I do because of the way I’m treated, every normal job I got… let’s just say my employers always wanted more and assumed that because of how I look, I’d be willing to spread my legs for them gladly. Some few didn’t even care about the willing part… You are an attractive woman Katy, I’m sure you know the type. But it’s not just that, there’s also a certain rush to it, you know? Outwitting those same men who would try and use me, and using them instead, all while walking away a little richer for it. I get to choose who I sleep with, no one else. Does that sound petty?”

  He looked at Katy curious how she would respond. Much like himself, the world had failed this woman, and she’d turned into a thief much like him. Sure, the motivations were different, and she seemed bad at it if th
e last day was any indication, but when it came down to it they weren’t much different. He was suspicious though, that had been highly personal, and he couldn’t help but wonder why she was willing to lay it out for a few strangers. It had taken him a long time before Katy had managed to drag out his story. She had to be desperate… or he wasn’t sure what.

  Katy looked thoughtful and said, “I think I understand,” but her voice said she didn’t, not really.

  He got the mentality of it, and a part of him knew two wrongs didn’t make it right, but then high minded ideals didn’t put food on his table either. Still, she hadn’t exactly sounded judgmental about it either. He wasn’t sure what to think, he felt like the boy from the bad side of town dating the rich girl, that just didn’t work out in real life. But he couldn’t help but hope… which was stupid.

  Erin said in forced politeness, “Excuse us a moment,” and pulled Katy up and they left the camp for a little ways.

  It was obvious to him they were arguing, he could imagine a few subjects, such as about their visitor and tonight’s sleeping arrangements.

  “Erin doesn’t care for me does she?” Gabby said in a light tone with just a hint of defensiveness in it.

  Daniel smiled remembering how welcoming Erin was of him at first. At least Gabby hadn’t been tied up for her interrogation, “She’s not quick to trust, it isn’t you exactly. She’s our guard, but she is also quite close, family, she doesn’t like unknown risks.”

  Gabby smirked, “You don’t seem very nervous around me.”

  He shook his head, “If you were willing to kill for our things, you’d have attacked me when I interrupted you, instead you used your… assets to distract me long enough to get away. I don’t entirely trust you, that would be stupid, but I don’t fear you.”

  Gabby laughed, “My assets? I’ve never heard of them referred to so obliquely before.”

  He quirked a smile, “I didn’t mean just the obvious ones.”


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