The TANNER Series - Books 7-9 (Tanner Box Set Book 3)

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The TANNER Series - Books 7-9 (Tanner Box Set Book 3) Page 37

by Remington Kane

  Bosco peered at Laurel by using the rear view mirror, after seeing the apprehension in her eyes; he pulled the limo over to the side of the road. Once they were stopped, Bosco got out and then walked around to open the rear door for Laurel. When she looked up at him, he handed her the keys.

  “You’re free to go. I’m not up to something and this really is supposed to be a secret, like a surprise, but, I guess it is a little weird.”

  Laurel breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Joe has really planned a surprise for me?”

  “Yeah, Doc, and it’s a doozy.”

  Laurel stepped out of the car.

  “Can I ride up front with you? It feels odd being back there by myself.”

  “Hey, you got the keys, why don’t you drive and I’ll give you directions.”

  Laurel grinned as she climbed behind the wheel of the limo.

  “How is Big Ralphy doing?”

  “He’s great, Doc, he’s home already and getting his strength back.”

  “That’s good. He saved my life by risking his own and I’ll never forget it.”

  “Big Ralphy’s the best, but now listen, drive slow, we just got this thing back from the body shop.”

  Laurel sent Bosco a bright smile. She then floored the gas pedal and propelled the limo back into traffic as if it had been shot out of a cannon.


  When they reached their destination, Laurel’s mouth parted in an expression of wonder at the size of the estate in Katonah, New York.

  The beautiful home was situated on the bank of the Cross River Reservoir and had 35 acres of land around it. It had once belonged to the late Frank Richards.

  Madison Richards now owned it, and she was more than happy to have it host a wedding after Tanner made the request.

  Joe came out of the home to greet Laurel, and he laughed when he saw that she had been driving.

  Laurel flew into Joe’s open arms and the two of them embraced for long moments, as Bosco quietly drifted into the home.

  “Why are we here?” Laurel asked.

  Joe grinned.

  “You wanted a big wedding and this is where we’ll be having it.”

  Laurel craned her neck and took in the home.


  “You can thank Tanner, he’s got connections.”

  “Oh Joe, it’s so beautiful, but come on, I want to see the inside of the house.”

  Laurel took Joe by the hand and dragged him inside.

  The home was magnificent, and Joe took pleasure in Laurel’s joy.

  “Oh my God, you couldn’t have picked a better place, but you know, setting up a wedding takes time, and I still have to book a wedding planner.”

  Joe shook his head.

  “You forget who you’re marrying. There’s a wedding planner and her assistant roaming around here somewhere, and they’re dying to meet you.”

  Laurel grinned.

  “I can see that being the wife of Don Pullo will have advantages, but who did you get? I hope she’s good.”

  “Her name is Camren Allston; I got her name out of one of those wedding magazines you’ve been looking at.”

  Laurel’s mouth dropped open.

  “Camren Allston isn’t a wedding planner, Joe, she’s the wedding planner.”

  Joe took Laurel in his arms.

  “Well, the wedding planner costs a mint and a half, so make sure that you get exactly what you want.”

  “I love you,” Laurel said, and then they kissed.

  When the kiss ended, Joe grew serious.

  “Tanner is here, baby, and he has something to tell you.”

  “Oh good, because I wanted to talk to him about something as well.”

  “He’s out in the back looking at the water; why don’t you go see him and I’ll meet you back here.”

  “All right.”


  Laurel made her way to the rear of the home and took in the beautiful view of the water. Tanner was standing at the end of a small pier, and when he saw her, he smiled.

  “Mrs. Pullo.”

  “Not yet, but very soon,” Laurel said. “And I understand that we have you to thank for the use of this house.”

  “Think of it as my wedding gift... and I won’t be able to be here when you marry.”

  Laurel stepped closer.

  “Why not?”

  “The war has ended with the Russians, but Joe had to make peace with the Mexican cartel, The Alvarado Cartel. There’s also a man named Rico Nazario who you’ll be meeting soon, he’s the representative of the cartel and he’ll be Joe’s new partner.”

  “I see that a lot has happened since I left, but what does that have to do with you not coming to the wedding?”

  “There’s a price on my head, Laurel, and it’s been placed there by the leader of the cartel, a man named Alonso Alvarado. I have to leave the city or I’ll make you and Joe targets too.”

  Laurel took his hand.

  “You’ll just go on the run forever? That’s no life, Tanner.”

  Tanner gave her hand a squeeze.

  “You’re right, which is why I’m going to Mexico and kill Alvarado. Once he’s dead, the price on my head ends, and his cartel will be taken over by others. That will also free Joe from his partnership with Rico.”

  Laurel wiped away a tear.

  “That all sounds incredibly dangerous.”

  Tanner placed a gentle hand beneath her chin and tilted her head up until their eyes were meeting.

  “I’ll survive, I’ll kill Alonso Alvarado, and someday we’ll see each other again. Do you believe me?”

  Laurel gazed into his eyes and saw the truth and conviction in them.

  “I believe you, and I know that above all else, you’re a survivor.”

  Laurel released Tanner’s hand and reached into her pocketbook, which was hanging off her shoulder. She removed the picture of young Cody Parker she had discovered in Texas, and handed it to Tanner.

  “This was recently discovered by the Stark Texas Historical Society... and I thought you might want it.”

  Tanner gave her a perplexed look, and then he gazed down at the picture of his younger self, standing beside his mother.

  At first, his features remained the same, but as Laurel watched, she saw recognition dawn on his face, as his lips parted slightly, and his eyes, eyes that were normally such beacons of intensity, softened, and then grew moist.

  Tanner swallowed once, twice, and then whispered two words.

  “You know?”

  “I do, but I don’t know how you survived that nightmare, but you did, and I also know that you’ll survive in Mexico.”

  Tanner ran a finger over the face of the woman in the picture.

  “My mother, oh Laurel, I’d nearly forgotten what she looked like.”

  After taking a deep breath, Tanner handed the photo back.

  “Hold on to that for me; you can give it back to me the next time I see you.”

  Laurel took the photo and then hugged Tanner. As they stood embracing, she whispered in his ear.

  “I love you, Cody Parker.”

  When the embrace ended, Laurel kissed him gently on the lips, before heading back towards the house.

  Tanner watched her walk away until he could no longer see her, and then he turned to gaze out upon the tranquil water.

  Yes, he was Cody Parker, but he was also Tanner, and Tanner would see Cody through his Mexican nightmare and bring him back to New York City someday.

  He was a Tanner, no goddamn it, he was The Tanner, and he’d been trained and given the combined knowledge and skills of the six men who had come before him.

  The Alvarado Cartel was going to regret the day they ever heard of him, and God help anyone who stood in his way.

  CHAPTER 32 – Pay day

  Joe was standing with Tanner near his car, as Tanner prepared to leave.

  “Rico has decided to keep Juan Alvarado’s old digs and I’ll be running things out of there
too, that is, until I get the club rebuilt.”

  “Are you really going to name the place Johnny R’s?”

  “You’re damn right, and the new place is going to be much bigger than the old one. I bought the land that old factory sits on and I’m putting a pedestrian bridge over the road to connect the two properties. There will still be a strip club where the old place sat, but the rest will be a restaurant and nightclub.”

  “It sounds ambitious and I look forward to seeing it. By the way, how’s Sammy?”

  “He’s stronger and moving around on crutches, but the kid’s not the same, Tanner. He’s lost his spark.”

  “He’s lost Sophia, and if he really did love her, it’ll take him time to heal.”

  Joe nodded, and then he just looked at Tanner.

  Both men knew the odds against them ever seeing each other again, and the weight of it felt nearly physical.

  Joe sighed wearily.

  “I’m stuck with Rico Nazario for a partner and you’ve got a price on your head. This is not how I wanted this war to end.”

  “You won’t have to put up with Rico forever. Once I kill his boss, he’ll be a paper tiger.”

  Joe shook his head in disgust.

  “I’ve got bad news.”

  “What is it?”

  “Alonso Alvarado has raised the price on your head. You’re now worth a cool mil.”

  Tanner smiled, and then laughed.

  “I’ve finally made it to the big leagues.”

  “It’s no joke, Tanner; do you know how many lowlifes will come after you for that kind of green?”

  “I know, Joe, but none of it really matters. This ends one way, with Alvarado dead and me alive.”

  “You damn well better make sure of that... I’ve lost enough friends lately; I don’t need you dying too.”

  Tanner offered his hand.

  Joe took his hand, and then pulled him closer, to stare into Tanner’s eyes.

  “You go down to Mexico and show those bastards what you’re made of, you hear me?”

  “I hear you,” Tanner said.

  When the two men separated, Joe reached into a pocket of his suit coat and took out an envelope, which he handed to Tanner.

  Tanner opened the envelope and found a bank card and a list of numbers on a piece of paper.

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s pay day, and since I can’t count that high, I don’t know how many guys you killed since the day Johnny signed you on, but I think that will cover it. That account is worth two million.”

  “I think you’ve overpaid me.”

  “No buddy, I can’t thank you enough. You were right to have me take this deal. It brought Laurel home and will keep her safe, that’s worth dealing with Rico any day.”

  Tanner put the envelope away and stepped into his car. After starting the engine, he looked up at Joe.

  “Take care of Laurel.”

  “I will, and I’ll see you around.”

  Tanner grinned.

  “That you will, that you will.”

  The car rolled away, and Tanner headed for Mexico.

  CHAPTER 33 – Enough is enough

  That night, after leaving the estate, Joe met with Mike Conti inside one of The Giacconi Family’s chop shops.

  The place was closed down for the day, and only Joe, Conti, Bosco, and Sammy were there.

  Conti had made contact with Joe in an attempt to make peace and to clear his name.

  Alvarado had also placed a price on Conti’s head, and while fifty grand was a pittance compared to the amount placed on Tanner, it still made Conti a target and a pariah.

  “Joe, you know that I had nothing to do with setting up the massacre at that hotel.”

  “I don’t know about that, Mike, if you hadn’t sold out and planted a tracker on Bosco here, you wouldn’t have a problem. The way I look at it, this is all on you.”

  Sammy eased down into a desk chair, and then leaned his crutches up against the rear of a new Mustang that was partially disassembled.

  “Conti, Sophia told me that you were a friend of hers, and then you turn around and help the bastards that killed her?”

  Conti let out a sigh.

  “Listen kid, it’s—”

  “Don’t call me kid, or son, or boy. Do you understand me?” Sammy said.

  Conti shrugged.

  “I didn’t mean any offense, and I’m obviously here to beg forgiveness.”

  Joe chuckled.

  “Mike, you tried to have me whacked.”

  “I was just looking out for my Family, Joe, you know? The way things were going, I thought The Giacconi Family would soon be history, and it only made sense to try to have The Calvino Family step into the vacuum, right?”

  Bosco made a derisive sound.

  “Why did you use your Cousin Denise to plant that tracker on me? The girl teased me something awful.”

  Conti’s eyes brightened.

  “You want Denise? Hell, you can have her, all three of you. She’ll do what I tell her, every penny she gets comes from me since her husband left her high and dry.”

  Bosco looked over at Joe.

  “Do you believe this pig? He’s willing to pimp out his own cousin.”

  Joe chuckled again and then spoke to Conti.

  “What do you want, Mike? Why are we here?”

  Conti shrugged helplessly.

  “I need money. The little I was able to grab before leaving won’t last me more than a few months, and with this price on my head I’ll need to put some distance between myself and the city.”

  “Are you serious?” Joe said. “Why would I give you a dime?”

  “For old times’ sake, Joe, we were friends.”

  “Enough of this,” Sammy said. He pulled out his gun and shot Conti five times, before sending a wad of spit at his body.

  Joe and Bosco stared over at him in shock and Sammy calmly put his gun away.

  “Can we leave now? My leg is killing me.”

  Joe pointed at Conti’s corpse.

  “I make those kinds of decision, Sammy, not you.”

  “I’m sorry, Uncle Joe, and you’re right, but enough is enough, hmm?”

  Joe turned and headed for the door.

  “Bosco, call some guys and have Mike dumped in Jersey.”

  “Right, Boss, I’ll handle it.”

  Sammy made it onto his crutches and the three of them left the building.

  CHAPTER 34 – Two graves, one heart

  Wedding Day, at the estate in Katonah, New York

  Laurel laughed with pure joy as she watched her brothers walk towards her all decked out in tuxedos and top hats.

  They had arrived the day before and had been present at the rehearsal dinner, and both Merle and Earl would be walking her down the aisle.

  She then scrutinized the women that adorned her brothers’ arms. It was Hanna and Savannah, who hadn’t flown in until early that morning so that they could take care of things at the farm, and so they were meeting Laurel for the first time.

  Hanna and Savannah were wearing formal dresses, and they both sent Laurel a nervous smile, which Laurel answered with one of her own.

  She then greeted Merle and Earl with hugs and kisses, before turning to be introduced to their companions.

  “My brothers said that you ladies were beautiful, and now I see that they were right.”

  Hanna and Savannah curtsied to Laurel and offered their hands.

  “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Laurel Lee,” the women said in unison, and Laurel giggled.

  “Oh my God, you two look alike and you talk at the same time. That reminds me so much of Merle and Earl.”

  “They talk about you all the time,” the women said in stereo, and Laurel shook her head in wonder, while thinking that there really was someone out there for everyone.


  The wedding went flawlessly, and Laurel Ivy became Laurel Pullo.

  When it came time to toss the wedding bouquet,
Hanna and Savannah knocked each other over while trying to catch it, but it was Skye who snagged it from the air.

  Carl the bartender looked nervous when Skye showed it to him while beaming, but he actually saw the bouquet as a good omen.

  Later, when Laurel insisted that Big Ralphy join her on the dance floor, the big man amazed everyone by being light on his feet, but he was so huge compared to Laurel that she looked like a little girl dancing with her father.

  Sammy had the excuse of his broken leg to keep him off the dance floor, and the sullen best man stayed mostly to himself, as he still grieved the loss of Sophia.

  However, as Joe’s best man, he did make a toast, one that was short and poignant.

  “To Joe and Laurel, may you make every day count and never take a single one of them for granted.”

  Joe thanked him, and then wondered if Sammy regretted leaving Sophia in order to seek revenge against Bobby Volks, the man who had murdered his father.

  That revenge had come at a dear price, in that it lessened the already short time that Sammy and Sophia had spent together.

  Had he not gone to Tennessee, they would have shared a few more precious days together.

  The saying goes that you should dig two graves when seeking revenge. Bobby Volks filled one of those graves, and Joe prayed that Sammy’s heart wasn’t buried in the other.


  Joe’s new partner, Rico Nazario was at the wedding, and he spoke to Joe while Laurel was on the dance floor with Bosco.

  “Your bride is exceptionally lovely; you are a lucky man.”

  “You’re right, but you’re lucky too. Your plan worked and Alvarado has given you his son’s job.”

  “Yes, and when you return from your honeymoon we will get back to business and run this city the way it should be run.”

  Joe reached over and straightened Rico’s tie.

  “Would you like a word of advice?”

  “Normally, no, but since it’s your wedding day I will indulge you.”

  “Don’t get too comfortable, Rico. Once Tanner whacks your boss you’ll be out in the cold.”

  “Ah, Pullo, I know you have affection for the man, but Tanner is a walking corpse. I predict that by the time you return from your honeymoon, he will have had his funeral.”

  “I guess we’ll see,” Joe said, as Bosco walked over to him.


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