Bare With Me

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Bare With Me Page 1

by Pawnie Santana

  formatted by E.M. Tippetts Book Designs

  Bare it All Series

  Bare with Me

  Bare to You (Coming Soon!)

  “Hello? Are you listening to me at all or are you doing that selective hearing thing again. If you are, that’s fucked up, Peyton.” Kennedy starts tapping her nails on the table.

  “Yeah Ken, I’m here aren’t I?” She’s one of my oldest friends, but right now, she’s annoying the shit out of me. She’s been going on and on for almost an hour about some Stewart guy. Apparently someone she met at one of those speed-dating things. Is she crazy? Yeah, she’s fucking insane!

  Ken is a knockout, which is why I don’t understand why she feels the need to go to those lame ass events. She swears they’re fun but if you ask me, I’d rather stay home and watch my fish swim. I mean, really—what’s the point? Are you really going to meet the love of your life in 60 seconds? She’s definitely selling herself short. There’s something about her that makes a man naturally gravitate toward her. So again, I ask: Why the hell is she wasting her time? If I looked like her, I’d have my pick of the litter. I’ve always been a little envious of her blonde hair and blue eyes, but it’s her eyes that are absolutely stunning. They’re the coolest shade of light blue I’ve ever seen, and they captivate your attention, almost like you can’t look away. She’s got a long and lean body with legs that go on forever. She has no idea how stunning she is. Lucky bitch.

  I’m more of a curvy girl—not fat by any means. I’m more thick than anything else. I have thick legs and a perky ass that fits well with my body type. Not too big, and not too small. My best assets are my 38 DDs. I don’t flaunt them, but I love my girls. My thick, dark brown chestnut hair is a little above my waist so I always have it up in a messy chignon. I’d like to think I’m pretty cute… no, fuck that, I am cute, dammit!

  Ken has been my best friend since junior high school. We were both at the vending machine one day during lunch, fighting for the last Butterfinger candy bar. The stupid candy fell and broke into a million pieces so neither of us ended up with it. We both found it pretty funny and instantly bonded. After that, it turned out we had a lot in common, so naturally we became really close. I used to spend my summer vacations living at her house and vice versa. That’s why I’ll always want the best for her, even though at the moment, it seems she’s looking only for a fun Mr. Right Now. Seeing her go through these losers who aren’t even up to par just pisses me off. Sure, they’re great in the beginning. Telling her all the things she wants to hear, taking her out to all the fancy places, and treating her like a queen for like a second—then BAM! They dump her ass with some lame excuse after they hit it. She acts like it’s nothing. On to the next, she says, but I know it bothers her. She just won’t admit it. She won’t give up her idea that somewhere out there, you’re destined to find your soul mate blah blah blah… She’s convinced that the perfect guy is out there somewhere ready to sweep her off her Christian Louboutins. Whatever. That’s exactly why I don’t want to date. No one’s perfect. Roger’s an exception, though, of course.

  “Look, I’ve been sitting here for 45 minutes listening to your ass swoon over some strange man. You talked to him for like 10 minutes last night. That’s not even enough time to finish off a bagel.” I don’t have it in me today to even pretend I care. I’m in no mood for this shit. I wonder if I’m getting my period soon. Probably why I’m such a crabby bitch today. I need to make a mental note to stop by the pharmacy later.

  We were supposed to get together for coffee to discuss the upcoming birthday plans for our friend Maxine, otherwise known as just Max. So far, we’re way off subject and I’m starting to get a headache. Hello migraine!

  “Never mind the damn event, Pey. Listen, he says he’s got an older brother, and when I told him my best friend was single, he suggested we double up this weekend.”

  Did I hear her correctly? What in the hell makes her think I’d be down for that? Does she not know me at all? I’m seriously starting to re-evaluate our friendship. I swing my gaze directly at her. “What! Hell. No. No. Way. Don’t even go there, Ken. You know how I feel about dating, and on top of that, a blind date? Are you on crack? Give me the number to your dealer because we’re going to have some words.” What the hell was she thinking, just volunteering me up like I’m desperate? As if I wasn’t a grouchy bitch before, I sure as hell am now.

  “I don’t understand why you go out with these random guys. I’m starting to worry about your slutty appetite as of lately. What if they tell you they’re taking you out and then decide to take you to the woods and chop your ass up instead? I’ll tell you what you’ll be thinking. You’ll be like, shit, I should’ve listened to Peyton and stopped being such a hoe. You’ve got to be more careful. Promise me.” Ken shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders. “No, I’m dead serious, Ken. Say it. Say, Peyton I promise I’ll be more careful.” Maybe I am a little paranoid, but after what happened in college, I’d rather be paranoid than end up in a ditch on the side of the road. You never know people like you think you do.

  “Fine Peyton, you win. I solemnly swear I shall be more…cautious. There, you happy now, Obi Kenobi?”

  “For now.” I wink at her.

  “Oh stop it, Peyton. You need to live a little—or in your case, a whole lot. Do something besides work. Go get laid or something. All you do is work. And if you aren’t working, you’re online shopping. I’m thinking you may have the problem here, not me, Doll.”

  “What’s wrong with a little shopping here and there? I work my ass off, so I deserve to treat myself. And plus, why the fuck are you complaining when you still have half of my wardrobe— which, by the way, I want back ASAP.”

  Looking down at my favorite Kate Spade watch that is all gold except for the pink edging that goes all the way around, I see it’s almost two o’clock.

  “Jesus! I just thought it’d be fun. Never mind. I know how stubborn your ass is. I’ll save my breath and let it go. For now.” She winks back at me. I’m a little shocked. That was much too easy; she must notice my foul mood today.

  “Well, just answer me this, Pey: Why are you so hell bent on staying single? Are you planning to have an operation to sew that vagina of yours shut and move into a monastery?” I almost spit my coffee out. I spoke too damn soon.

  “What the ever loving hell, Ken! There’s something seriously wrong with you. You know that?” Again, she just shrugs it off like she’s just asked for a second cup of coffee. Ken is as stubborn as I am, if not more. Plus, the bitch is relentless. Some may say she’s like a pit bull, loyal to a T, but vicious when provoked. I’d pity anyone who goes against her. That woman even scares me sometimes.

  “For your information, my punani is perfectly happy. Roger does a great job at keeping her company when the mood strikes.” Which reminds me, I need to pick up extra batteries while I’m at the pharmacy.

  “Peyton, are you listening to yourself right now? Instead of acting your age and getting laid by a real live cock, you’re over here trying to convince me and yourself that Roger is keeping your funky ass happy. Honey, Roger will never do that punani of yours any justice. You, my dear friend, are in need of a nice big healthy cock. Facts are facts. A substitute like that is never the same as the real deal.” She starts to mimic with her hands the stroking of a cock a little too realistically and I can’t hold it in. I burst out laughing so hard I almost piss myself. I think I actually did, just a little. Don’t judge me.

  “I don’t need all the drama a man brings. I’m content with the way my life is right now and I don’t want some guy coming in and complicating things for me.” I roll my eyes to make my point.

  “Fine, I give up for today. You’re like Fort Knox, Pey. Someday, a guy is going to knock dow
n your well-constructed walls and sweep you up off those ridiculously expensive shoes you love so much. When that day comes—and it will—I’m going to be there with VIP seats, Bitch!” She starts laughing it up like it’s really going to happen. Puh-lease! Save that shit for fairy tales. This is real life. And my life is anything but a fairytale.

  I’m finishing up my iced vanilla latte when I notice Ken is just sitting there, staring at me with a stupid look on her face.


  She just shakes her head at me and starts laughing.

  “What the hell is so funny?”

  As soon as I say that, she looks down at my blouse and back up to my face. “Ya know, it’s not very lady like for you to be slurpin’ your drink like that in public. And by the way, you have a few dribbles of coffee that’s coming from the bottom of the cup and onto that pretty little blouse of yours.”

  I immediately look down to see what she’s talking about, and sure enough, there are three little dots on the top part of my pale pink silk blouse. Shit! This blouse cost me a small fortune. I thought it was just condensation from the ice.

  Damn it! I’m going to be so late if I have to go home and change. Screw it. I’ll just send it to the cleaners later and pray the stains come out. I’m pretty sure my client won’t care if I have a stain on my shirt. After all, she’s paying me a lot of money to plan her wedding. The last thing she’s going to give a shit about is a stain on my shirt.

  “Okay, I gotta go. I have a meeting all the way across town. Have fun with Stan. Let me know if you want to get together Saturday for dinner. We still need to figure out what we’re doing for Max’s birthday.” I pick up my cell phone and keys and walk around the table to give Ken a hug goodbye.

  “His name’s Stewart, not Stan,” she says with humor.

  “Okay, well, have fun with Stewwwarrrt. Judging by his awesome name, it sounds like you’re going to have such a good time.” I chuckle to myself.

  “Whatever Peyton, he’s fucking HOT! The only time I’m gonna use his name is when I’m screaming it at the top of my lungs in bed. If you came out with me once in a while, you’d know I have impeccable taste.” I can hear her crackin’ up.

  Picking my purse up off the back of my chair and dropping my phone inside, I completely ignore her comment. There’s just no point. Ken doesn’t have a stop or mute button, so it’s pointless. “Love ya, Bitch. I’ll text you later,” I say. I can still hear her laughing as I walk out the door and into the godforsaken heat. Summer in Monroe is just starting and already I feel like I’m gonna die. I can’t wait for this day to end so I can go home and take a nice, long cold shower.

  My client is supposed to meet me in 45 minutes at the bakery where she needs to narrow down her choices on the wedding cake, so that gives me 30 minutes to run down to the flower shop. I want to be certain Tilly received the final counts for all of the flower arrangements and the change in flowers on the bride’s bouquet. I never trust things to chance. If one thing goes wrong, I didn’t do my job, plain and simple. I know I’m hard on myself, but my reputation is everything to me.

  My dad always encouraged me to be a hard worker and never take the easy road. He always said if it’s easy, it’s not worth it. That’s why I take such pride in my job. I love it way too much, and I want to be the absolute best at it. It’s the only thing I’ve ever really been good at.

  I like organization and I’m extremely particular when it comes to anything I do. I like things perfect and neat. So that being said, I naturally decided event planning would be the perfect niche for me. I mean, who else is going to pay me top dollar to be a control freak? Exactly.

  As soon as I walk in the door to Tilly’s flower shop, the aroma of fresh flowers overpowers my senses. It calms me down and lets me enjoy the beautiful array of different flowers, from roses to lilies. As far back as I can remember, my dad would stop by Tilly’s every Friday and buy my mom a bouquet of sunflowers. He would always come by the school first to pick me up, and together we would head to Tilly’s. He’d let me help pick out the perfect ones to go into the bouquet. It was kind of our thing. Just him and I. To this day, he still buys my mom flowers. It’s rare to find a love like theirs. These days, you’re lucky if the guy can keep it in his pants.

  “Hey Tilly, how’s it going?” I reach the counter to see her writing down an order. Tilly always looks great. She’s in her 60s, but you’d never guess it. She always has on a crisp white poplin shirt with black tailored pants. She looks up and right when she sees me, I get the mother or all smiles.

  “Hey Peyton! What a pleasant surprise. What are you doing over here in my neck of the woods, Sweetheart?” She goes to put the pen and notepad away and comes around the short counter to give me a hug. I’ve known Tilly all my life. I used to live three blocks away and I was always around as a child, so naturally, Tilly likes to treat me like family. She and her husband Joe never had any children. I always wondered why, but I didn’t want to pry. It wasn’t any of my business. They’ve always been good to me, so I never questioned it.

  “Actually, I was in the area having coffee with Ken, so I thought I’d stop by to double check on the arrangements for the Powers wedding. I just wanted to make sure everything is set and you’ve received the final count,” I say, smiling at her.

  “Hold on, dear, I just got it this morning. Let me see... Aha, here it is. I have her down for 50 aisle arrangements, one bridal bouquet, six bridesmaids’ bouquets, six groomsmen boutonnieres, 250 centerpieces and one arch arrangement. Is that about right Peyton?”

  I silently sighed in relief.

  “Yes, that’s perfect Tilly. I only have one change to make. The bride no longer wants sweet peas in her bouquet. Without the sweet peas, her whole bouquet will be thrown off so I suggested lavender peonies with a mixture of white scabious, a few ladies mantles, and a light shade of pink David Austin roses. Is that doable Tilly?” I take a deep breath and hope it’s okay. Otherwise, I’ll be scrambling to find it somewhere else and Monroe, South Carolina is seriously lacking in the florist department.

  “Absolutely, Dear. Joseph just got a shipment in of pink David Austin roses so you’re in luck. I know you’re worried, so don’t. Everything will turn out beautifully. The Powers’ wedding party spared no expense.” She gives me a wink and one of those sweet smiles of hers.

  Out of the corner of my eye to the left of the shop, I see movement behind the clear glass wall by the big walk-in cooler and immediately, I know who it is: Joe. Standing at 6’ 3’’, Joe’s very rough around the edges. He has a full, thick beard that hangs low and a mean scowl that is seriously intimidating. But he’s a pussycat. Joe and Tilly are complete opposites, but his love and admiration for that woman is as plain as day.

  He lets Tilly take the reins on everything. He hates to be in the front of the store so he manages things in the back. As soon as he sees me, he comes around the back and opens the door. The cold air from the walk-in cooler hits me, and I feel like I just got hit by a cold shot of heaven. Damn that felt good.

  “Hey Darlin’, what are you doing here?” Joes leans in to me, putting one arm around my shoulder and tucking me under his other arm. Before I get a word out, Tilly is already talking. “Our girl here came to make sure we got everything we needed for the Powers’ wedding. I told her not to worry. We’ve got everything under control.” She gives me another wink.

  “Well, there you go, Sweetheart. If Tilly says she’s got it, she’s got it. Nothin’ here for you to worry about.” Instantly, I feel the weight lifted off my shoulders. I know they got this. They’ve never let me down before. I’m just being silly. I worry way too much. Hello gray hairs!

  “Okay, okay. I’m gone. I’ll see you guys in a couple weeks at the wedding. I’ll be the one running around like a chicken with her head cut off.” They look at each other, shake their heads and start laughing. Well, I’m glad I can bring out the giggles in everyone today. I take my phone out of my purse to check if I got any messages. Nothing.

  Looking down at my watch, I realize I only have 15 minutes to get to the bakery. Shit + Crap. Luckily for me, the bakery isn’t too far away from Tilly’s. I shouldn’t have any problems unless, with my luck, there’s a car accident or something. Lord help me, not today. I’m in no condition to fight traffic.

  I wave goodbye as I walk out the front door and onto the sidewalk. There are buckets of roses sitting in water lining the sidewalk that curves around to the side of the building where the parking lot is. I push my car alarm button and get into my car, immediately rolling down all the windows. The heat index is almost unbearable. It’s a high of 97 degrees today, but it feels like I’m sitting in the devil’s lair with the Master himself. I put the key into the ignition and blast my A/C on as high as it will go. “Sweet Jesus, Mother Mary, that feels so good.” I stick my head right up to the vent and take it like a greedy wench. Hallelujah!

  With eight minutes to spare, I quickly pull off the main road and make a sharp turn like a crazy bitch into the parking lot. I snatch my purse and make my way to the bakery. There’s a Mexican restaurant right next door with an outdoor patio. As soon as I get to the front of the building, all heads turn my way. I know exactly what they’re thinking. They know I’m that crazy bitch recklessly turning into the parking lot. Oh well, screw it. Got shit to do and places to be. I’m on a mission today!

  I pull the handle on the glass door etched with white letters that say Goodies Bakery. Once inside, I can’t help but get a craving for macaroons. They are my weakness. My kryptonite. I’d do just about anything for them. Okay, almost anything… Not right now Peyton! Damn girl, focus.

  I start looking around the store and spot Ophelia standing next to a table with the cakes already out. She’s wearing a simple white lace summer dress and cream peep–toe wedges. I love her style, classic and always chic. I make my way over to her and give her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.


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