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Bare With Me

Page 4

by Pawnie Santana

  She’s turned facing the bartender and I get a glimpse of her profile. She’s got on a knee-length black dress that falls off her shoulders. The dress looks like it was made just for her, molding her body into the figure of a goddess. Then I see those legs… I’d recognize her legs from anywhere. I’ve imagined those legs wrapped around me while I fuck her within an inch of her life. Fuck! It’s Peyton. I’m sure of it. I’ve spent enough time staring and daydreaming about her legs and tits when I met her, I can’t be mistaken. It’s gotta be her. Aiden realizes where my attention has gone and looks in the same direction. He better not even fucking think about it.

  “What’s got you all worked up, Liam? You fancy someone out there?” He grins at me, because he knows. He’s heard me talk about Peyton a few times and starts to laugh. The Bastard… He knows me too well.

  I don’t even bother answering him. Before I know it, I’m up out of my seat and down the stairs, walking in long strides toward her direction. I can see her leaning in and talking to a blonde who’s tall with a model-like figure. They can’t see me, but I can see them. Peyton. I can’t believe it. What are the fucking odds of us being at the same club? If I believed in fate, I’d say this is one hell of a sign. Instead, I’ll leave it to being just a coincidence. My feet reach her before my brain has a chance to catch up and I slide behind her quietly. When her friend notices me, she tilts her head to the side and gives me a smile. I smile back.

  I make a gesture with my index finger and put it up to my mouth, letting her know to keep quiet. She doesn’t give me away, but the mischief in her eyes tells me she’s waiting for the show to start.

  I’m standing by the bar at Club Red, listening to the bass from the music thump through the sound system. Ken got a couple tickets from yet another guy she met recently and somehow convinced me that I needed to get out and let loose. I was thinking more along the lines of a quiet dinner and drinks, but no such luck. So now, here I am…

  We’re standing at the main bar on the lower level, waiting to be served. The bartender finally makes her way over to us and takes our order. I decide to make it simple so I won’t have to wait and order a beer. Ken, of course, can never be simple and opts for a cucumber gimlet. Once we get our drinks, we move over to the side closest to the dance floor, where there are bar tables and stools. She is in the middle of telling me about the guy who gave her tickets to this club when she starts to act peculiar. At first, I think she recognizes someone, but I remember her telling me she’s never been here before. She’s so odd sometimes…

  That’s when I feel a presence behind me. I’m about to turn around to see what she’s looking at, when I feel someone pull me back by my waist and press into me with his chest. Fuck me. I know exactly who it is. I’d know the feel of that chest from anywhere. Liam.

  Before I get a word out, I feel his breath in my ear.

  “Hi Peyton.” He draws out in that deep seductive voice of his that has my panties already soaked. Shit! It’s the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard. Trying really hard not to let him know how he affects me, I turn out of his grasp and face him.

  “What are you doing here?” Duh, Peyton, it’s a club? So lame!

  He stares at me, like he’s enjoying the view. He runs his eyes up and down my body, examining every inch before answering me. Um, awkward much?

  “I’m here with a couple buddies of mine. We have a suite up in the VIP area. Why don’t you and your friend come join us up there?”

  I wanted to say no thanks, but before I had a chance to speak, Ken Doll over there decides to jump in and answers for me.

  “Sure! That sounds like awesome sauce!” She doesn’t even have the decency to look at me because she knows I’m shooting daggers in her direction. Damn her.

  I didn’t come here to hang out with total strangers, and I sure as hell didn’t expect to see Liam here. This night just keeps on getting better.

  “Um, actually, we can’t stay long so there’s really no need to join you and your friends.”

  I look at Ken, willing her to spare me and just go along with my excuse. Nope, the bitch is having too much fun watching me squirm.

  Liam hasn’t taken his eyes off of me once since I turned around. The feeling I start to get in the pit of my stomach is not one I think I’ve ever felt before. It’s like being nervous and anxious all at the same time. I don’t like it. I can’t control it, whatever it is, and I find that extremely unsettling.

  Finally, he breaks his eye contact with me and extends his arm out to Ken.

  “I’m sorry, how rude of me. My name’s Liam.” He shakes Ken’s hand and apologizes for not introducing himself sooner.

  “Hmm, Liam, huh? How do you know my friend Peyton over there? I don’t believe she’s ever mentioned you before, by name or otherwise. By the way, I’m Kennedy. It’s always nice to meet a new friend of Peyton’s.”

  Liam just gives her a slight smirk, like he wants to laugh but he’s trying not to.

  “I met Peyton a few days ago when I ran into her at the bakery.” He doesn’t go into much more detail and leaves it at that.

  Ken looks at me with her eyebrows raised and I know I have a lot of explaining to do. What I didn’t expect was for the bitch to sell me out.

  “Well, now that we’ve got the introductions out of the way, I’m confident I can leave my friend with you for a few minutes? I need to go attend to some… things. I’ll come find you guys in a bit.” She leans in and gives me a hug, whispering into my ear. “Have fun, Doll. That is one fine-looking man. You’ve been holding out on me, friend.” With that, she leaves. I didn’t even have time to protest! Un-fuckin-believable!

  “Look, you seem like a nice guy or whatever, but I’m not interested in anything you want to do or say. I’ll see you arou…” Before I finish that sentence, he grabs me by my waist, and leads me to the dance floor. Well hello, I didn’t expect that…

  We pass a group of sweaty, writhing bodies getting their freak on, as he continues to lead me into the center where surprisingly, is a lot less crowded. He pulls my body against his and puts one hand on my lower back and the other firmly around the base of my neck. Damn that was sexy.

  He holds me there for a brief moment and then I feel his hips start to sway to the beat of the music. My body automatically responds to his, and I move along with him. Our bodies melt together as one, like we’re a unit. Connected. I feel so… sexy. He makes me feel like I can let go of everything and just enjoy this. Live in this moment. Let go of the control that I desperately need in my life. To give in to what my body craves.

  What my mind has been secretly fighting against. I give in to the temptation of this man. This man, who doesn’t know it yet, has the power to turn my drab gray existence into a life worth living again.

  We stay out on the dance floor for hours, it seems. Time and people pass by in a blur as I hold this gorgeous woman against me. I hold her close, because I’m afraid if I let her go, she’ll run.

  The thought of losing her, of her running from me, stirs an ache in my chest. I have no idea where these thoughts are coming from. I can’t rationalize it or explain the depth this woman has bestowed onto me. It’s daunting to say the least, but I’m okay with it. The need to claim this woman as mine is overpowering any logic in my brain. I want her, in my bed and in my life. The fuck? All I know at this point is that Peyton has consumed my every thought. I’m addicted, and I want—no, I need—more.

  I lean down and run my nose along her ear and jaw line, taking in the sweet smell of vanilla. “Are you thirsty? Let’s go up to my suite and get a drink. I promise I’ll behave.” I stare at her, willing her to say yes with my eyes. She nods and I take full advantage before she changes her mind. We walk back through the crowd and take the stairs to the VIP area. Aiden is still here, sitting next to her friend Kennedy when we arrive. Apparently, he’s already become acquainted with her friend. He shoots me a look of amusement and continues on with his conversation. I walk Peyton over to the white couch an
d offer her a seat. She sits down and starts looking around the suite. I ask her what she wants to drink as she takes a moment to look over the choices. “I think I’ll just have vodka and cranberry, if you don’t mind.” I smile to myself as I pour her the drink because that’s my drink of choice as well. Well, what do you know.

  Kennedy comes up behind Peyton and whispers into her ear, so I have no clue what she’s saying, only that she keeps looking at me and smiling. Aiden moves to stand next to Kennedy and puts his hand on her lower back. He looks at me and winks.

  “Liam, can you be a sweetheart and give my girl here a ride home tonight? Your friend Aiden here wants to show me his… penthouse in the city.”

  “Sure, I’d be happy to take Peyton anywhere she wants to go.” Home with me, preferably.

  Aiden is a slick fucker. He’s already sealed the deal with Kennedy tonight, leaving me alone with Peyton. I’ll have to take his sorry ass out to lunch and thank him sometime. He takes Kennedy by her hand and leads her out, while she blows Peyton a kiss. Now we’re alone. Finally.

  I make my way over to Peyton and ask if she wants to stay longer or if she’s ready to leave. She looks a little weary being alone here with me and the last thing I want is for her to be uncomfortable, so I tell her we can leave since it’s getting late and we have a long drive back.

  “I can’t believe Ken just left me like that. I hope I’m not putting you out.” Is she serious?

  “No, not at all. Like I said, it’s my pleasure.”

  We start walking down the stairs when Xavier approaches us. I’m about to ask if he needs something when I feel Peyton tense up next to me. She turns her head away and looks down, avoiding Xavier. She looks scared? The hell is that about?

  He looks at me, and then looks to Peyton. Immediately, I get a bad feeling. Does he know her? Unsettling thoughts creep into my brain as I try to analyze what’s unfolding in front of me. Xavier clears his throat, bringing me back to reality.

  “Liam, a word please? In private?” I don’t like the tone he’s using, so I let it go—for now.

  “Yeah, sure.” I lean in and whisper to Peyton that I’ll be right back. She doesn’t say anything, just nods her head.

  “What’s going on, Xavier?”

  He looks over to Peyton and back to me.

  “How well do you know that woman?”

  “Xavier, I don’t mean to be rude, but that’s none of your concern.” Yeah, this doesn’t sounds good.

  He waits a beat before saying, “If I were you, I’d stay away from her.”

  “Is that some sort of threat, Xavier?” Why would he say that?

  “No, son. That’s a fair warning.” He walks away and I’m left speechless. I have no idea what the fuck just happened.

  Peyton is still standing where I left her as I make my way back. She looks uneasy, frightened even. I take her hand and hold it firmly. “Hey, are you okay? You seem really tense. Do you know him? Xavier?”

  She ignores my question and says, “Um, can we go? I really need to get home.” She starts to fidget with her hands and keeps looking in the direction Xavier went off in. I don’t want to push her so I leave it be.

  “Yeah, sure. We’ll leave right now. I just need to get my keys from the valet.” She doesn’t answer me, just starts walking out the front exit, quickening her steps. We reach the valet and I give the kid my ticket. He pulls the car around and parks in front of us. I open the passenger side to help her in. Walking around to the driver’s side, I hand him a twenty and get in. We head out onto the highway in silence. She’s got her head turned to the window, looking out into the night. Lost in thought, maybe? I wanted to leave it alone, but my curiosity is piqued and I have to know.

  “Peyton, are you all right over there? Did I do something to upset you?”

  She takes a moment to answer me.

  “No, you’re fine Liam. You didn’t do anything. I’m just not feeling well.”

  “Do you want me to stop and get you anything?”

  “NO! No. Look, I’m sorry. I just really want to get home.” I honestly didn’t know what to say, so I left it alone. The rest of the car ride with the exception of getting her address was silent. I had no fuckin’ idea what happened to make her so on edge. Whatever it is, she’s made clear that she doesn’t want me to know. Well, too damn bad. One thing she doesn’t know yet is I don’t give up. Not when it concerns something that I want.

  I pull up into her driveway as she starts to get her keys from her purse. She’s got a two-story home on a nice sized lot. There are about eight homes nearby, and they all share the same street. It’s the only street that leads in and out of the community. Its light-colored exterior has two wooden columns that sit in front of the door with a long veranda that leads around the front porch and onto the side of the house. I get out of the car and walk to the passenger side and open her door. She stays quiet as we walk up the house.

  “Thanks for giving me a lift home, Liam. I should probably go inside. It’s getting late.”

  “Yeah, sure. It’s no problem. I’m glad you didn’t try to fight me on it.” I smile at her, hoping to get her mood to change. She smiles shyly and turns to unlock the door. Before she steps inside, I reach for her arm and pull her to me gently.

  “Peyton wait. I wanted to know if you’d like to get together for dinner sometime this week. My schedule is pretty open so any day will work for me.”

  She seems to be thinking about it and answers almost right away.

  “How about Tuesday? I’m free after six.” She smiles and that feeling of happiness hits me right in the gut. This woman has really done me in. Her smile alone can make me bow down to her.

  “Tuesday sounds great. Give me your phone.” She looks puzzled for a minute but does as I ask. I program my number in her phone and call mine so I’ll have hers as well. I wait as she goes inside and I hear the click of the lock.

  Tuesday can’t get here fast enough. Just then I get a text from Aiden.

  Text Message from Aiden

  Peyton still with ya?

  Text Message to Aiden

  None of your business

  Text Message from Aiden

  Cheeky bastard

  Text Message to Aiden

  Kennedy with you?

  Text Message from Aiden

  Wouldn’t you like to know arsehole?

  Text Message to Aiden

  You know what. No, I don’t.

  I want to tell him about Xavier because that was just really weird, but decide not to since I have no idea what is going on. I get in my car and head home with a smile on my face. The only thing on my mind right now is my date Tuesday night. It’s going to be a date she won’t forget anytime soon.

  I lay awake all night long, thinking about the man who changed the course of my life—or had a hand in altering it, really. Xavier. That son of a bitch. I think I’m still in shock from seeing his disgusting mug of a face. I wanted to run the minute I laid eyes on him, but I couldn’t. Liam asked me to wait, so I did. I wasn’t up for a game of twenty questions, so I stayed put. That evil monster standing fewer than 15 feet away had his eyes narrowed and zoomed in on me the whole time he was speaking to Liam. I wonder what they were talking about. How the hell does Liam know Xavier?

  Five years ago, I was finishing up my bachelor’s degree in communications at a community college right here in Monroe. Even though I didn’t go to a state school, I’d like to think I had a pretty healthy college life—friends, activities, and a social life I was pretty proud of. I met Max there. We used to go to the same coffee shop every day. She ended up getting a job there as a barista, so we would talk every time I came in. Over time, we’d make plans to hang out and our friendship evolved. We’ve grown extremely close since college life, and I love her dearly. She’s one of the few people who knew what happened to me back then besides my parents and Ken. If I didn’t have them to fall back on and support me, I’d be locked away in a mental institution staring at padded white wal

  I’m feeling exhausted. Mentally beaten down. Last night really did a number on me. I haven’t thought about Him in so long; I’ve willed myself to never be a victim again. That’s why the need for control in my day-to-day life is so important to me. It’s how I cope with what happened. Having control of your life is one thing, but running into the devil himself is a major reality check.

  I decide to work from home today. Getting caught up on emails and finalizing plans for a new client seems like a better idea. Plus, I get to stay in my pajamas. That’s a win-win for me. I grab my laptop, cup of coffee, and head out to the balcony that’s off of the sitting area in my bedroom. In the early summer morning, I like to leave the French doors open so I can feel the slight breeze that comes through and take in the fresh smell of grass and dew. It’s calming and it relaxes me. I set my laptop down onto the bistro table and quickly get to work to get my mind off all this shit that threatens to consume my sanity. I scroll through my email and notice one from yesterday. The sender is unknown, which is odd because it wasn’t automatically sent to my junk folder. Curiosity gets the better of me, and I open it.

  <> Time: 9:32 p.m.

  Have you forgotten about me already?

  I stare at the email for what seems to be hours. I’m in total shock. The hairs on my arm stand at attention, and a shiver runs deep down my spine. Can it be? Is it Him? How does he know my email? All these questions, and I have no answers. Could I be jumping to conclusions? I tell myself not to overreact. I delete the email and block it. If it happens again, I’m going straight to the police and reporting it. I know they can’t do anything about it, but this is for me, for my own piece of mind. It’s all I have left. I’ve been through this before. I’ll get through this again.

  Tonight is the night Liam is picking me up for our date. I’m a little nervous. No, scratch that… I’m. Fuckin’. Terrified. I hate dates. I hate the bullshit let’s-get-to-know-each-other crap that always comes along with dating. This is what I’ve spent so many years avoiding—the inevitable questions. That’s the real fear. Hidden far back behind the recess of my brain is a fucked up story. A story I’m not ready to tell. Not out loud, anyway. No. Not tonight. Tonight, I’m allowing myself to enjoy this. I deserve this. They can’t all be like Him, right?


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