Bare With Me

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Bare With Me Page 9

by Pawnie Santana

  “Baby, I didn’t come prepared for this. Do you have any condoms?” His eyes are pleading me to say yes.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t. I don’t ever… you know, it’s been a while for me. I… I’m on the pill and I’m clean. I get checked every six months after what happened with… you know. But if you want to stop, I’ll understand.” Damn it.

  “Oh, Hell no. I don’t ever want to stop. I was just worried about you… you know, maybe you didn’t want to if we weren’t protected. I promise, though, babe, I’m clean. I’ve never done it without one. This would be a first for me. But I trust you, baby.” Oh, thank the Lord.

  “Okay, so… now where were we? I believe you made a certain promise to take me to the high heavens tonight… or something along those lines?”

  He laughs and I smile shyly.

  “I’ll make sure you get there so you can join the rest of the angels, babe.” Um, swoon!

  I reach down and grab him by his length, and Jesus, he is blessed. The girth and length alone have me wondering how it’s going to even fit inside me. I start to stoke him back and forth and I feel him getting harder and harder. I push him over until he’s lying on his back. I kneel beside him and take ahold of his cock, stroking it firmly in my hand. I lean down and lick the glistening pre-cum that’s sitting on the top of the head. I suck in my bottom lip as I take in the sight of his engorged cock and lick from the base of his balls to the very tip his head. I start to take him in my mouth and go all the way down, letting him hit the back of my throat. I gag a little and come back up, taking the saliva and rubbing it all over making it wetter. I continue to suck and lick him like he is the best tasting treat I’ve ever had in mouth. He pulls me off him and grabs me, throwing me down so he can once again be on top.

  He looks at me while he strokes himself a few times. Then he enters me, slowly… oh so slowly. Pushing his length in between my folds, he’s moving in and out while rubbing my clit simultaneously.

  I arch my back to give him more access to depths of my cunt. I’m greedy and impatient so I put my hands on his ass and pull him harder into me. A deep growl coming from the back of his throat spurs me on and I lift my ass higher for more friction against my clit.

  “Holy shit, Liam… you’re so deep…. feels so good… keep going! Don’t you dare stop… Oh… I’m so… Oh yes… right there… right there.”

  He lays his elbows on each side of me, resting his forearms on the bed and drives into me so well I’m convinced I won’t be walking right tomorrow. He grabs my thigh and moves it up along the side of his body and flips me over so that I’m now straddling him. The switch in position has me moaning louder and louder as he hits me to my fullest. He grabs both my breasts, tweaking and rolling my nipples between his fingers. His eyes are closed as I feel him pumping into me with everything he has to give me. It’s intimate and beautiful. I raise my arms and rest them on top of my head as I ride him into oblivion. He grabs me by the waist and thrusts once, twice, and on the third roll of his hips, he grunts as I feel the sparks fly, bright bursts of light take hold of my body, and I shatter. I succumb to my orgasm and feel his release when he pulls out and comes all over my stomach and pelvis.

  The contentment is overwhelming when I bend down and lay on top of him. I sigh and let my hands roam all over the wall of muscle that my head is resting on. Liam strokes my hair, my back, and my arms. We both lie there for what seems to be forever in complete, comfortable silence—listening to our hearts pumping in unison and our heavy breathing. I pick my head up and look at Liam. He gives me that gorgeous smile and I return it. Falling in love was never on my agenda, far from it… but right now, in this moment, this man has captured my heart. He’s making me feel things I’ve told myself never to feel again. Ken was right; I feel my walls crumbling and I’m not sure how I feel about that—but right here, right now, I can’t deny that it feels right somehow.

  Lying here with Peyton is everything I thought it’d be and so much more. The way our bodies join together, the passion and intense intimacy—it’s made me higher than any drug I could’ve taken or any plane I could’ve jumped out of. I lie here with Peyton in my arms and I’m completely content. She has become so much more than a woman I desire. She’s become the woman I see my life with. Every touch, every look, and every smile I get from her sends more love to my heart than I know what to do with. It overflows out of me and I can never¸ ever see myself without it.

  I have one arm under my head as she lies on top of my chest, and the other arm caressing her back. I love the feel of her smooth skin under my touch, the way she folds into me, fitting me just perfectly. I take a deep breath and savor this moment. I hope this is one of many, many more to come.

  The grim reality is that even though I would love more than anything to never leave this bed, this room, or Peyton, I know I need to. I have some very heavy thoughts weighing down on my mind. I don’t want her to worry about her ex-boyfriend or her safety. I don’t know how she’s going to react to what I’m about to tell her, but she has no choice. Her safety comes before anything else and it will always be my first priority. I know her independence is a strong part of her nature and I will never take control of her life. I will never be that guy. Respect is a two-way street. And I’m not the only driver on the road.

  “Peyton, I really don’t want to ruin this moment, but how would you feel about having a bodyguard around? They won’t be in your space and you won’t even know they’re there. I just want to make sure you’re looked after. I’m worried about Demetrius trying to make contact directly with you.”

  “You know, I was just thinking about that. I’m so used to taking care of myself that I don’t know how to accept help from others sometimes. Look, I’m not saying no, but I am saying not right now. If and when I feel I need it, I promise to let you know. When and if that time ever comes… they are never to tell, ask or demand. I still do as I wish. That will never be compromised,” she says.

  Well, if that’s all… I chuckle at her and pull her to face me, bending slightly to kiss her forehead. I love that feisty side of hers. I wouldn’t change it for the world. I lie back down and hold this amazing woman I get to finally call my own.

  I may not agree with her decision, but it’s hers nonetheless. She’s mine. And that’s her choice. I guess we all have to pick our battles. I’ll revisit this again soon. Baby steps for now.

  The next morning falls upon us too soon and I need to get to work. It’s still early, around 6 a.m. My eyes are still blurry with sleep. I look over at Peyton, and she’s lying on her side with all the blankets scrunched up in between her legs. Hmm… those legs. I love those legs. I take one last look and smile. I get up as quietly as I can, careful not to wake her. I want her to sleep in today. She’s had a really rough night, in more ways than one. I smirk at that thought and pad over to the en-suite bathroom to take a quick shower. After I finish, I go to the bed and kiss her cheek goodbye. She’s still soundly asleep. Good. I see a notebook on the table in her sitting area and write a quick note to her.

  Hey Gorgeous, I didn’t have the heart to wake you up.

  Stay in bed, and rest. Breakfast will be here at 8 a.m.

  Xx – Liam

  I bend the note and place it onto her bedside table and head downstairs. I hate leaving her, but I have things I need to take care of… immediately.

  As soon as I get into my car, the first call I make is to Aiden. I know he’s not up yet so he’s going to be one cranky ass motherfucker.

  “What the ever loving hell, mate?” I laugh because I expected it to be worse.

  “Morning, Sunshine. I need a favor. You still got that buddy of yours that works as security? The one you were telling me about that just started his own firm?”

  “Yeah, he’s not fully staffed yet, so he’s been doing some of it himself. Why are you asking?”

  “Peyton needs to be looked after. Her ex-boyfriend came into the bar last night when I was there with Colt. He threatened me to stay away f
rom her because in his twisted head, she belongs to him. I’m not having any of that shit. We talked last night, and she told me he’s been sending emails and packages to her unannounced. I don’t like it, Aiden. I don’t know what he’s up to, but I need to make sure she’s safe. He’s hurt her in the past, mentally and physically. It’s not happening again. Can you trust this guy?”

  “Yeah, mate, I trust him. Shit. This all went down last night?”

  “Yeah, man, right before we left the bar.”

  I’m struggling to keep my cool as I think about her ex.

  “Okay, well… let me get with him and I’ll touch base with you when I hear something. His name’s Brian Wolfe. I’ll give him your contact info as well so he can contact you directly.”

  “Thanks, Aiden. I owe you one. I’ll hit you later, man.”

  “We don’t keep scores, mate. I’m here for you. Let me know if you need anything else. But next time, wait until I’ve had a shower, yeah?” he says, laughing, and I’m glad he’s got my back.

  After hanging up with Aiden, next on the to-do list is order Peyton breakfast. There’s a café not far from her house. Although they don’t deliver, I have them make an exception. Money isn’t something I flaunt, but if I can get breakfast delivered to my girl, then I’m going to make sure they know I have enough to make it worth their while.

  I head home to get changed so I can meet my dad at the office. I need to speak to him about Xavier and why Xavier would want to set up a meeting with him. My father has no connection to the type of business Xavier’s in.

  At 8:15 a.m. I receive a text from Peyton.

  Text Message from Peyton

  Thank you for breakfast. It was really sweet of you.

  I’ll be thinking of you today.

  XO- Peyton

  I smile BIG as I read and re-read the text. She’d better be thinking of me today, because I can’t seem to get her off my mind. I need to focus. She makes me want to do nothing but be with her. She’s insatiable!

  Text Message to Peyton

  I’m glad you liked it.

  I’m always thinking of you. :)

  Xx- Liam

  Moments later, I pull into my parking space at work and grab my work bag. The building is six stories high and is made up of all glass. There’s a beautiful garden in the courtyard dedicated to my mother. The plants and flowers are all the ones she favored in life. So my dad makes it a point to keep the garden immaculate. I walk inside and greet the security guard as I make my way past him and up to the sixth floor, where my office is.

  I walk out of the elevator and go down the hallway to my left and see my personal assistant Danny waiting for me with coffee already in hand. He’s good.

  Danny proceeds to tell me my schedule for the upcoming week and the trip to Kansas I need to make before taking the week off for Ophelia’s wedding. I can’t believe my little sister is getting married in less than a week! She’s all grown up. My mother would’ve been proud.

  I shake my head and snap myself back to reality… I quickly turn my computer on and go down the emails I’ve got accumulated from oldest to newest. I need to tell Danny to go through these and get rid of all the non-important ones. This is just ridiculous. As I’m scrolling, I see an email that grabs my attention.

  <>Time: 7:05 a.m.

  Enjoy your night Liam?

  I’m speechless. Are you serious right now? I’m struggling to control my anger as I grab my phone and dial Aiden. I tell him about the email and he informs me that Brian is coming back to town today and will contact me when he arrives.

  After attempting to work some more, I realize my head’s just not in it. There’s no way I can concentrate at work so I pack up all my things and tell Danny to cancel any meetings I have the rest of the day. As I head out of my office, I see my father walking into his. I make a detour and start walking toward him.

  “Hey son. You ready for your sister’s wedding this weekend?” he says, patting my back.

  “Yeah, Dad. Are you? You’re the one who has to give her away,” I say. I know it’s going to be tough for the old man.

  “Yeah, yeah. What’s on your mind, Son? Or you just coming to see if the old man is working?”

  I chuckle and follow him into his office.

  “Actually, I did want to ask you something. Do you know a man by the name of Xavier Montes? He’s mentioned something about trying to get a meeting with you? Any idea why?”

  My father thinks it over and finally he says, “Oh, yes! I know whom you’re referring to. He owns a few clubs throughout Charleston, right? Yes, yes. He’s been trying to set up a meeting with me these past few months.

  Honestly son, I’ve heard he’s got quiet the reputation around town. That’s why I’ve been denying any meetings with him. I don’t want our company name involved in his line of business.”

  Well, that explains a lot. “Thanks, Dad. That’s all I needed. I’m about to head out. Did you need me for anything?” I ask.

  “No Liam, I’ll see you at the rehearsal dinner Friday. I wish your mom could be here with us but I know she’s watching from up there,” he says, pointing a finger up. I know exactly how he feels.

  I head out of the building with only one intention right now. Peyton. I need to see her. Although I only left her this morning, that email doesn’t sit right with me. I need to make sure she’s okay.

  Text Message to Peyton

  Where are you?

  Text Message from Peyton

  Where you left me this morning…

  I’m ashamed to say I’m still in my pajamas. lol

  Text Message to Peyton

  Good. Stay there. I’ll be over soon.

  Text Message from Peyton

  Looking forward to it handsome.

  Just reading her text messages puts me in a better mood. That’s when I know I’m done for. All the woman has to do is text me, and she’s already made my day.

  I’m lying in bed, wondering how in world I survived last night. That man is incredible—in and out of bed! I smile to myself in total disbelief that Liam wants me. That he wants all my craziness. Because that’s exactly what this is. It’s craziness! My need for control dissolves around him and I’m terrified of that. Then there’s this situation with Him. What the hell does he want? It’s a question I’ve been asking myself over and over. Still, I have no clue.

  I hear my doorbell ring, so I get up and get my robe on and tread downstairs on my tippy toes like I’m really trying to be quiet. Good God, now I’m paranoid. I get to the door and look through the peephole. There’s a young guy out there with a black baseball cap and black t-shirt on with something in a brown bag. I think twice about opening the door because, you know, he could be here to kill me or something… hey, it could happen. Oh stop it, Peyton, you’re being silly.

  “Who is it?” I say loudly.

  “I have a delivery for a… Ms. Somers?” he says while reading the piece of paper stapled to the bag. I open the door and take the bag, thanking him. He turns around and heads to his car that’s still running. Hmm, this must be the breakfast from Liam. I promptly shut the door and walk into my kitchen. Yum! The food smells so good, and after last night, I really need some sustenance. I think my body used muscles I wasn’t aware I possessed. I need to make a mental note to work out more if he keeps putting it on me like that.

  I put the bag down on the counter and when I open it, it’s like a rush of happiness coming out of the bag. My mouth is already watering. My God! Did he order one of everything? There are croissants, bagels, fresh fruit, cinnamon rolls, and donuts. This is way too much food. Maybe he’ll join me—that’s a nice little thought. Liam, in nothing but boxers feeding me fruit in bed—yeah, I like that idea. Oh lord, I need to get a grip! He gives me one great lay and I’m out of control. I shake my head and laugh at myself. I send off a text letting him know how sweet he was to think of me and send me breakfast.

  After eating, I go back to my bedroom in the hopes of mo
tivating myself to get showered and dressed. This is so unlike me. I’m way off my game. I still have a few things to tie up for Ophelia regarding the venue so I’ll need to stop by the plantation later today.

  As I contemplate getting back into bed or getting in the shower, I decide on the bed. Those luxury sheets, that down comforter—yeah, I’m going back to bed. Just then, I get an incoming text from Liam asking me where I am. Still being a bum apparently. Of course, I’ll dress that up a bit and make it sound a little sexier. Yeah, don’t judge.

  Another ding comes through my phone—now he’s coming over. I wonder why he’s coming back so soon. Who cares? He’s coming back! I can’t even lie to myself; I enjoyed having him here with me.

  When I open the door for Liam, I have to take a step back. Damn… I mean, just, damn. He’s dressed in dark navy tailor-fitted slacks and a crisp white dress shirt with a simple black tie. His hair is styled with the top part up and the sides cut low. Holy Mother Mary. He. Is. So. HOT.

  As soon as he sees me, he gives me that Liam smile that I love so much. Love…? No, no. Like. I meant like so much. It shows off those gorgeous dimples that always give me butterflies. Damn those dimples! He automatically grabs me by my waist and holds me so close I can smell his cologne and feel the day-old stubble. I’m not much for a man with facial hair but he makes it look and feel sexy as hell.


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