Bare With Me

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Bare With Me Page 13

by Pawnie Santana

  He parks the car and comes over to open my door. I love that. He takes my hand and helps me out. We walk into the shop and Liam asks me what I want and goes to the register to order our food while I grab a little bistro table. Liam walks over to our table and takes a seat. There’s a table adjacent from ours that two women are sitting at and they don’t even try to hide their stares. Really? Can they BE any more obvious? I can’t stand women like that. I mean, have some self-respect for God’s sake.

  Liam sees me staring in their direction and chuckles. What the hell is so funny? How would he feel if a guy was blatantly checking me out in front of him? I bet it wouldn’t be so funny then.

  They call our number for the food and Liam gets up to get it, disregarding the women who are still making it extremely obvious they’re staring at him. Ugh, whatever.

  I’m starving so I inhale my food as Liam watches me with a grin on his face. I’m hungry and annoyed, so no, I’m not trying to act like a lady right now. Plus, it’s a sandwich. There’s only one way to eat a sandwich, and it’s not pretty. Not when you’re hungry.

  After we finish our lunch, I know we have to go meet Brian, and I’m dreading it. I really, really wish there was another option. This is going to suck—really, really suck! I guess we’ll see what Brian has to say first. I can’t just make assumptions that this is going to be bad. I have to stay positive. Right—I’m already lying to myself. This is going to be a nightmare.

  It’s about 12:15 when we pull up to the address given to Liam. The building is pretty standard. It’s an all-brick single-story warehouse with a plain blacked-out door to the right side. It’s in a quiet part of the downtown area right off the main street that runs through town. Liam parks the car on the street because we don’t see a parking lot.

  Liam comes around to my door and opens it. He takes my hand as I hop down and fix my skirt. He brings me close and gives me a kiss on my forehead. He’s too sweet.

  We cross the street, holding hands as we approach the building. He opens the door for me and ushers me in. Chivalry is indeed not dead with Liam. We walk into an open concept office. There’s a receptionist’s desk right in the front. The desk is curved and to the left are black leather couches with a simple glass table in the center. On the wall behind the receptionist’s desk is a sign that says Wolfe Securities. To the right of the desk looks to be where the offices are. A very attractive blonde bombshell walks in the room and goes to walk behind the desk. I say bombshell because she’s got curves and she’s gorgeous. I can’t help myself, I look over at Liam to see if he’s attracted to her but he just looks anxious, not really paying her any attention. He looks down at me and brings my hand to his lips, kissing it lightly and giving me a wink. That sly bastard. He’s good.

  “Hi, can I help you?” the woman asks.

  “Yes, we have an appointment to meet with Brian. I’m Liam and this is my girlfriend Peyton.” Oh yeah, he’s good. Girlfriend, huh?

  “Yes, of course. Mr. Wolfe is expecting you both. Please, have a seat and make yourselves comfortable. I’ll let him know you both have arrived. Would you like anything to drink?”

  We both answer in unison. “No, thank you.”

  She nods her head and walks in the direction of the offices to the right. She returns almost immediately and lets us know Brian is on a phone call and will be out shortly.

  We sit there and wait while the receptionist gets back to working on something on her computer. Moments later, a very good looking man who looks to be around the same age as Liam comes walking down the short hallway. He’s about 6’ 2” maybe 3. He has dark hair and blue eyes. He’s wearing army fatigue pants and a plain black t-shirt. He’s in extremely good shape by the looks of his arms and his overall build. He says something quietly to the receptionist as she nods her head, agreeing with him, and continues with her work. Walking over to us, he reaches his hand out to Liam first and introduces himself.

  “Liam, I know we’ve spoken on the phone, but it’s great to meet you in person. And this must be Peyton?”

  “Hi, yes. I’m Peyton,” I say, shaking his hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Brian. I’m sorry to hear about the break-in at your house,” Brian says, motioning for us to follow him. “I’m not sure how much Liam has told you about me. Let’s go into my office and talk shall we?” Brian says, leading us away from the receptionist’s area and toward his office, I presume.

  His office is pretty standard as well. His mahogany desk sits in the middle with a laptop opened up and a small picture frame facing him on the top right corner. He has a big bookcase behind him that matches his desk. Medals adorn the top few shelves and books take the lower shelves. I notice lots of file boxes on the floor to the right side and some behind his desk. As we make our way in, we both take a seat in the beige chairs in front of his desk.

  “Please, excuse the mess in my office. We just moved into the building and we’re still getting things sorted and put away,” Brian says, gesturing to the boxes on the floor.

  I just look at him and smile. Liam must know what he’s talking about because he starts asking him about his staff and if he’s found a partner for his firm yet.

  “So, I wanted to meet with the both of you because I don’t like discussing things over the phone. Call it paranoia but there’s always a big brother somewhere out there and I don’t trust important information to be transmitted through phone calls or texts. I’m old school I guess. I like to speak in person.” Old school? He’s not even old.

  “Peyton, I understand your ex has been contacting you again? Do you feel threatened in any way or concerned for your safety?” he asks, getting straight to the point.

  “I guess. I mean I don’t know how I feel exactly. I… I just know that it didn’t end well, and I’m not sure what he wants. I want to know why he’s trying to interrupt my life after so many years,” I say as I look down and ring my hands together. Liam looks over to me with worry in his eyes and I hate that. I don’t want him to worry about me. Ugh! I hate talking about Him.

  “I see. Well, as I’ve discussed with Liam, I needed some time to do research on Demetrius before I met with the both of you. I wanted to get an idea of who he is and what, if anything, he’s involved in. From what I was able to find out, he’s been in Europe for the past four years after selling his bar here in Monroe. I looked into Xavier Montes as well and let’s just say Mr. Montes has been very busy. He’s had consistent contact with Demetrius since he left, but it’s been more frequent the past two years. From what I’ve gathered, after the incident that left you hurt, Peyton, Demetrius took off to France. While he was there, he had some trouble with the client you were promised for. I am aware of the business, if that’s what you want to call it, that they had running here in Monroe. I don’t know if anyone has told you in detail the nature of their business but I am, and I’m not going to sugar coat it or hide anything from you.

  “I’m going to be completely honest with the both of you. Peyton, you were meant to be sold to a high profile politician that lives and works out of Prague. His name is Vojta Černý. He likes beautiful American women and you’re exactly his type. Xavier used to scout the college campus quite often and he noticed you immediately.”

  My eyes go wide as saucers. I did not expect to hear all of this. The police chief told my dad they didn’t have enough to prosecute Xavier but that was the extent of any detail they told us. I had no idea how bad this was. I start chewing on my bottom lip as I take in all this new information. Liam must sense my shocked appearance because he grabs my hand reminding me he’s still here. His other hand is clutched onto the arm of the chair, turning white from the grip he has on it. I have a feeling this is going to get worse so I brace myself for the rest of the information Brian is going to tell us.

  I nod my head at Brian, letting him know it’s okay for him to continue. He looks over at Liam and nods in response.

  “Xavier must have told Demetrius about you, hoping he was more approa
chable, and asked him to check you out. He knew exactly where you’d be because you often went to the same places so once he saw you, he essentially became obsessed with you. It struck me odd that Demetrius approached you himself because they always had the girls meet them at undisclosed locations. When you accepted his offer to go out, he knew he had you. Xavier wasn’t happy with him dating you, because he already got a bid for you from Vojta. Instead, Demetrius wanted to keep you. The longer you two were together, the more he didn’t want to let you go. When you found out about them and went to the police, you pretty much messed up their operation here.

  “That’s why Xavier is working out of Charleston. It may seem like he’s got some legit businesses, but the more I looked into it, I found he’s still got the illegal human trafficking operation going. He’s got a few politicians here on his payroll, so he’s protected for the time being. So for the last few years, Demetrius has been continuing their operation in Prague to pay off the debt he owes Vojta because you were never delivered to him.”

  Holy shit! That’s why I never heard from him for so long? This is all too much to take in. I don’t even know what to say. I’m dumbfounded. Was I that predictable, or just stupid? Yeah. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

  “As well as paying off his debt, he’s been trafficking young women overseas for Xavier. He’s had people here watching you the whole time he’s been gone, Peyton. When they informed him you were dating Liam, well, he’s not happy about it.”

  “I think it was a good idea that Liam contacted someone to look over you. He’s dangerous and unpredictable. If you agree to this, I’d like to offer you that protection.”

  “I don’t even know what to say, Brian. I’m in shock. I just can’t believe I’m somehow involved in all of this. I mean, does he still want to hurt me? Should I be afraid? Do you think it was him that broke into my house last night?”

  “From what I heard, he never intended to hurt you physically the first time, but something you did set him off and he lost it. Like I mentioned earlier, he’s extremely unpredictable, but I don’t think it was him that broke in last night. He’s not that stupid. It could have been one of the people he has watching you, though.”

  That’s when I hear Liam speak. “She’s getting protection, Brian. I’d like to hire your firm to do that. This goes way deeper than I ever anticipated. I just can’t take any chances with her safety. How soon can we get you on this?”

  Looking at me, he adds, “Babe, I’m never going to tell you how to live your life, but you need to understand how dangerous this is. Not only Demetrius, but Xavier as well.” His eyes are hard and he looks really worried.

  “Okay,” I say quietly. I’m speechless. I hate the look in his eyes. That look that I hated seeing in my parents’ and Ken’s and Max’s eyes. Worry.

  “Thank you, Peyton,” Liam says with relief.

  Brian reaches over to get some paperwork and slides it over in our direction. It’s a contract. He goes over the contract with us in detail, explaining the conditions and what I can expect. He also states that he’s always armed with a weapon, just in case. I sign the contract and I see Liam visibly more relaxed. My God, he was wound up pretty tight. The news has taken us for quite a surprise.

  “Peyton, may I recommend you get a taser or some kind of pepper spray? Something you can have easy access to in case of an emergency. It’s always good to be prepared. We never know what can happen.”

  Well shit! That’s not going to help me sleep tonight.

  “Yes, I will make sure she gets that. Is there anything else you recommend, Brian?” Liam asks.

  “Yes, actually I wanted to come by your house later tonight and check it out myself. The police can only check so much legally. I want to make sure nothing was planted in there—for example, listening devices or cameras. I’m also going to install a new security system in your home so you’ll be monitored 24 hours a day when you’re home and when you’re away. I will shadow you starting tomorrow, Peyton. You won’t see me unless I want you too. I make it a habit to stay away unless needed. Here’s my card. Please call me anytime you have any questions or concerns. I’m here to help you, day or night.”

  “Thank you, Brian. I appreciate your help,” I say as I get up and shake his hand. Liam follows my lead and gets up, shaking Brian’s hand as well. We turn to walk out of the office and Brian lets us know that he’ll be in touch soon.

  Liam and I walk out of the building feeling a little on edge. Well, at least I do, anyway. How do you handle news like that? I could’ve been sold to some politician! And on top of that, he’s back and I have no idea what his plans for me are. However, I do feel better knowing Brian’s on the case. He’s a no-nonsense no-bullshit kinda guy. I like that and I respect him for being honest.

  Having Liam in my life has been a blessing I can’t even begin to describe. Every gesture he does makes my heart open further and I care that much more about him. He’s special. And he’s mine.

  The meeting with Brian just ended and I feel no better than when we first went in. I know Brian will do his best to keep an eye on Peyton, but it doesn’t make me feel less worried. I care too much about this woman. It would kill me to see her hurt in any capacity.

  Peyton asks me to drop her off at Ken’s so she can update her on everything. I don’t want her to go but she insists so I cave in. We arrive over at Ken’s a short drive later and as I let her out of the car, I give her a kiss and tell her I’ll pick her up later for dinner.

  Since I don’t have anything else to do, I decide to go see my little sister. I need to go spend some quality brother-and-sister time, anyway. It’s been less than a week, but it feels like I haven’t seen much of her lately. It’ll be good to see her before her wedding day. I wonder if she’s nervous; I’m sure she isn’t. She loves Dominic. He takes care of her and that, I approve. I was a little hesitant when she first started dating him. He was a little older, and I knew nothing about him. Of course, I did a little background check myself, nothing extensive, and everything he says seems to be legit. As long as he treats my sister right, I’m happy.

  When I pull up to her house and park my car, I look in my rearview mirror and notice a black sedan with tinted windows parked a few cars back. What strikes me odd is that there’s only one figure I see in the car, and no one is getting out. I take a little longer than I need to get out of the car. As I get out and close the door, I look over to the black sedan. I can still see through the windshield the figure of a person sitting there. Huh.

  I get up to the door and ring the bell, waiting for my sister to open it. Instead, I see Dominic coming to the door. He opens it, letting me in, but before I take a step inside, I look back over to the black sedan that’s now gone. What the hell? I shake my head as I walk through their foyer trying to figure out who that was. I wonder if that was Demetrius or one of his men. Great! Now I’m paranoid. Shit keeps getting better and better.

  Dominic must sense something is off because he asks me if I’m ok. I don’t want him or anyone else to know what’s been going on so I just simply nod my head and ask where Ophelia is.

  “She’ll be right out. She was on the phone with your dad in the study,” Dominic says as he goes to sit down in the living room.

  “So Dom, what’s going on? You nervous about the big day?” I grin at him.

  “Hell no. If it was up to me, I would’ve taken Ophelia to Vegas and been done with all this waiting nonsense. I understand she’s always wanted to have a big wedding, so that’s the only reason we aren’t married now. I’m fucked when it comes to her. She can have whatever she wants as long as it makes her happy.”

  Well shit, these days, that’s exactly how I feel when it comes to Peyton. She’s like my sun. Whatever I can do to make her rise and shine, I’ll do it. I feel like she’s awakening me from a dreary sleep. I had everything at my disposal, but it didn’t fulfill me. When I’m around Peyton, she fills a void in my life. I enjoy doing things with her—and to her. Her body is amazing… Ok
ay, I need to stop before I get hard on in front of my sister.

  “I fell ya, man. I never thought there’d be a day when I felt I wanted more in my life. But I do. And now, I’d do anything to keep it,” I say, looking up and smiling. Peyton. Yup, I’m about as fucked as he is, maybe worse. At least he and Ophelia dated for more than a couple weeks.

  Ophelia walks into the room with a huge smile and I smile back. I go to give my little sister a big hug and kiss. I’ve missed her. I can’t believe she’s going to be a married woman by the end of this weekend. She’s grown up to be a beautiful woman inside and out. I’m so proud of her.

  “Hey Bro. How are you? Or, should I ask how things with Peyton are? I’ve heard through the grapevine about you two. You’ve managed to piss off a lot of ladies from what I hear.” She smirks at me while she goes to sit down next to her fiancé.

  “Oh? And where did you hear all this, little sister. Please, you’ve got me curious now,” I ask.

  “Oh Liam, Liam. Why do you think I go get my hair done? It’s the best place to get all the juicy gossip, duh?! Women will tell a gay man anything and everything,” she says like its common knowledge. First off, I’m a guy. We don’t do salons, and we don’t gossip. How the hell should I know this stuff?

  “Well, I’m glad you’ve filled your quota for all the juicy gossip,” I laugh. Dominic just sits there, shaking his head at the two of us.

  “So, I ordered some food from Pino’s. Do you want to eat with us? I might have gone a little overboard,” she says and shrugs her shoulders as she pats Dom on the leg before standing up.

  We all walk in to the kitchen and the smell hits me like a starved man. Pino’s has the best spaghetti in Monroe. Colt and I went there the night it opened and it instantly became my new favorite Italian place. I should take Peyton there sometime. I know she’d love it. That’s another thing I like about her. She eats! She doesn’t obsess over her weight or talk down about herself. She’s comfortable in her own skin and I love that. I’ll take a curvy woman with confidence over a skinny chick any day. I know I told Peyton I was taking her out to dinner, but I can eat a little now.


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