Bare With Me

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Bare With Me Page 15

by Pawnie Santana

  The waiter comes back with the food and after I take one bite, I want to say screw it and devour every last thing on my plate, licking it completely clean. Yeah, it was that good! But, I’m not. This place is way too fancy, and they just might kick me out or ban me.

  I sit and eat (at a normal pace) while we continue our conversation. I’ve had a great time tonight.

  “So Peyton, I know you’ll be working at the rehearsal dinner on Friday, but I’d still like you to be my plus one,” he says, smirking at me. That damn smirk.

  “I’d love to, Liam. Although, I’m curious to know why you think you had any other choice but to take me,” I say jokingly. I like that I can be silly around him.

  “You are always going to be my plus one no matter where I go, Peyton,” Liam says adoringly. Okay—double swoon!

  We finish up with dinner and polish off the rest of the wine. Everything was just excellent. We walk back down to the lobby and I swear I can’t even breathe.

  I think Liam should just roll me to the car. We make it up to the valet and another guy is already pulling up with the car. You know, for someone who has money, I wonder why he drives such a normal car instead of a fancy sports car.

  Liam opens my door and helps me in, instead of the valet guy. The valet guy stares at me and winks as soon as I get in the car. Liam must have noticed it because his face gets hard and he glares at the valet guy like he wants to start throwing punches. I giggle to myself and shake my head.

  “What’s so funny?” Liam asks me.

  “Oh, nothing,” I say and shrug my shoulders, putting my seat belt on as he does the same.

  “Answer the question, Peyton.” All of a sudden, he gets serious.

  “I was just laughing because you looked like you were ready to throw it down with that guy.”

  “I was. I didn’t like how he was staring at you.”

  “People stare, Liam. Women stare at you all the time. I’m sure you know that already,” I say, rolling my eyes, annoyed, thinking back to those scandalous women at Chief’s Special. Yeah, he has zero room to talk. I sit back and cross my arms over my chest, waiting for him to say something dumb. Men.

  I wait for him to continue, but he doesn’t say anything else. He just smiles and turns his head looking back out at the street over his shoulder and pulls out the valet lane. Smart man. He drives off into the direction of his house. I know he’s stayed the night with me and everything, but it’s going to be so weird staying at his place. I mean it’s not just me staying the night; it’s me staying the whole evening. I really hope Brian has finished up with my alarm system. At least that will give me some piece of mind when I’m home alone.

  Once we get back to his house, he takes me straight to his room and sits me down on the bed. I raise my eyebrows at him, wondering what he has up his sleeves. He just ignores me and continues on with taking his watch off and placing it on the dresser. He goes in to the en-suite bathroom and then I hear a door closing and water running. Is he taking a bath? Am I supposed to just sit here and wait for him? I’m kind of confused right now.

  “Liam, I’m gonna go wait for you in the living room okay?” I shout out to him.

  Just then, he peaks his head through the bathroom door and tells me to give him a minute. A few minutes later, he walks out holding a long white cotton robe. Walking over to me, he tells me to get undressed.

  “Take all your clothes off, Peyton and put this on. I’ll be in the bathroom waiting for you when you’re done,” he says as he walks away.

  I’m not usually much of a take-order kind of girl, but with Liam, it’s like the word no doesn’t exist. My brain is all mushed when it comes to him. I start taking off my clothes and do as he says because he never really asked. I put the soft robe on and peddle over to the en-suite. It’s a gorgeous, spacious room decorated with grays, whites, and dark navy blue. There’s a huge shower straight ahead of me as I walk in that looks like something out of a designer magazine. There’s a rainfall that comes from the top and at least four shower-heads on the sides of the tile designed to hit every part of your body.

  I look over to the right and there’s a huge window made up of blocks of glass that reach the ceiling. The lights have been turned down and there are tea light candles placed in glass holders on top of every surface.

  The huge—and I do mean HUGE—Jacuzzi tub already has hot water filled to the top with steam rising from it. Liam has placed two glasses of champagne on the sides of the tub while standing there, buck ass naked, looking heavenly divine. I lick my lips as I take in all of him. From his legs to his well endowed man friend to his chiseled chest and shoulders to his handsome face. I smile really big and use my index finger, twirling it around in a circle, gesturing for him to follow. He shakes his head no and laughs softly.

  “Take the robe off and come over here. Now please,” he says.

  “Only because you said please this time,” I say in return.

  “Why, thank you Ms. Somers, for kindly taking an order,” he jokes back.

  I giggle and take the robe off, handing it to him while he stares at me, presumably doing the same thing I just did to him, maybe a little naughtier since the look in his eyes went from adoration to hunger.

  He helps me into the tub, waiting for me to sit down. Once I am settled, he comes in and sits behind me. The tub is so big, there’s still plenty of room left—to do what exactly, I have no idea—but game on, Mr. Powers. Game. On.

  He takes my hair and pulls it up, putting a clip in it. Well, he came prepared. With my hair up, he gently takes the warm water and starts to get my back and shoulders wet. He adds a little body soap and lathers up, spreading it all over my neck, shoulders and back. Ohhh, this feels so good. He massages my shoulders and I know I’m tense, so this is definitely a treat right now. He’s amazing. Dinner and now a massage—in a setting like this? I feel like I need to pinch myself. How did get so lucky?

  I let my shoulders give in to the soothing sensation of his touch all over my body. I lay my back against his naked chiseled chest and rest my head on to the side of his shoulder. Taking my hands and dipping them in the water, I grab his legs firmly and caress them back and forth. Our bodies have intertwined and become one. In this moment, the world outside us didn’t exist. It is just Liam and me, right here, right now.

  After having quite possibly the greatest night of my life with Liam, he made sure I had an equally great morning. We stayed in bed for a while and enjoyed each other… further. He made me breakfast in bed and made me feel like the most important person in his life. Every moment with him felt too good to be true. Like this was all going to end horribly somehow. Nothing this good could last forever. I let that seed of doubt creep into my mind once again and I hated it.

  Brian called me late that afternoon, informing me that the alarm system was installed last night and was currently active. He gave me the codes I would need and how to reset the code for my own choosing. I thanked him for everything and he said we’d talk again soon regarding the protection plan he’d come up with. Thursday pretty much rolled through uneventfully.

  Although Liam was upset that I wouldn’t be staying another night at his place, he reluctantly agreed to let me go back home. He dropped me off and walked me in, making sure everything was okay before he left. My over-protective man. I smile to myself because I feel so happy. After all this time, I finally found someone I can feel with again.

  I know Friday and Saturday are going to be so crazy. Any time I have big events planned, I like to be by myself and just relax. Liam wanted to stay the night with me, but this is something I always do. No matter how much I want to have him with me, I need this time to reflect and get ready. People are depending on me to make everything perfect. That’s my job, and it’s a job I’m damn good at. I can already feel that OCD kickin’ into my bloodstream.

  It’s the morning of my sister’s wedding and I’m really excited to see Peyton. Her ridiculous idea of us not spending the night together since Thurs
day when I dropped her off was absolutely absurd. I mean we’re not the ones getting married here. But whatever, I’ll let her have her crazy moment. Ever since I’ve met her, I feel like I’m having withdrawals when she’s not around. How insane is that?

  Here I am, sitting at Aiden’s house, waiting for the show to start, listening to him bitch about Kennedy. That woman has really gotten to him. I don’t know what has happened between them but whatever it is, it’s not good. I’m a little surprised, because Aiden doesn’t usually care enough to get upset. As far as their relationship goes, I’m not asking any questions because I just don’t want to get involved.

  “Can you believe she had the nerve to blow me off, mate? Like I’m going to just sit at home and wait for her? I’m nobody’s bloody fool!” he says, pacing the floor like he’s really lost it.

  “So, is this thing between you two casual or do you want something more?” I ask curiously.

  “I don’t know, Liam. It was supposed to just be a one-time thing. One time turned into two and ever since then, we started to see a lot of each other. Mostly at my place, but we don’t go out. All of a sudden, she starts blowing me off. You know what? Fuck that, Mate! I’m not playing these bloody games with her,” he says, exasperated.

  I don’t even know what to tell him because I’ve never been in that kind of situation. My problem was always me trying to get away from a woman. Not trying to be with one. Well, until Peyton came along. I’m screwed when it comes to her. It’s sappy and I’ll never admit this out loud to my boys, but she makes me want to be someone better—as cliché as that sounds. I’d sacrifice anything for her. Until you’re in my shoes, I can’t do justice trying to explain any of this. It just wouldn’t make any sense. I mean—it’s my life and I’m having a hard time wrapping my own head around it. I just met her, and now I couldn’t imagine my life without her. Yeah, send me to loony bin.

  The wedding starts at five and it’s already four. I tell Aiden to quit bitchin’ because we needed to get going and head to the plantation. I wanted to spend some time with Ophelia before it got hectic. On the way there, Aiden asks how things are going with Peyton and her ex. I tell him everything has been quiet since the break-in. Brian is supposed to meet us at the wedding for some updated news. Of course, he didn’t want to say it over the phone so once I get to the venue, he and I will talk to Peyton. She’s been there since six this morning, making sure everything’s perfect.

  Aiden and I pull up to the plantation and park the car up front. I didn’t feel like having my truck parked by the valet in case Peyton and I decided to leave early. We head in through the front doors and I’m speechless as I walk past rows and rows of flower arrangements. They’re everywhere. Aiden excuses himself to go to the cash bar that’s set up right off the foyer. The wedding ceremony will be held in the actual plantation home and the reception is set to take place out back, where the tents have been set up well in advance.

  I go off to find Peyton. I’m anxious to see my girl. I saw her last night at the rehearsal dinner, but with all my family here for the wedding and her duties, we didn’t get to spend much time together. However, since she decided we couldn’t have any sleepovers until the wedding was done, I decided that I was going to plan a little trip away for us. Our first mini vacation together if you will. I Googled a lot of places I thought she might like, but ultimately I decided on Mexico. It’s a short five or so hour flight out of Charleston to Cancun, and I know she’s never been there before, so I can’t wait to see her reaction. I can’t wait to get her in a bikini and lounge on the beach doing nothing. Yeah, I’m really looking forward to it.

  I finally find my workaholic woman out in the back, barking out orders left and right. She is really in her zone right now. I’ve never seen anyone so dedicated to his or her craft. The tent looks amazing. Ophelia and Dominic are going to love it. Mostly O. I don’t think Dominic cares either way, as long as they’re married.

  I walk up right behind her and slide my arms around her waist.

  “Hey Baby. You miss me yet?” I whisper into her ear.

  I feel her tense body soften as she turns around with her arm mid-air, pointing something out to someone, and she smiles. I live for those smiles. It’s genuine and real. I love it when she smiles like the whole world disappears and it’s just her and me. That’s how it should always be.

  “Hi! I’m so glad to see you. Have you seen Ophelia yet?” she asks me.

  “No, I wanted to come see you first. Everything looks great, Peyton. It really does. They are going to love it,” I tell her. I’m so proud of her. She put all this together herself and I’m amazed by her talents. Well, one of her many talents, that is.

  “Thanks, Liam. I still have a bunch of stuff to do. Have you heard from Brian? He left me a message saying he wanted to talk to us about something.”

  “No, I haven’t seen him yet. I just got here. You were my first stop. I’ll let you finish up and come find you when Brian gets here,” I say, kissing her on her forehead. She tells me she’ll be done soon so I leave her to it and walk back into the main house. I go to the bar and find Aiden chatting it up with one of the bartenders. Huh, he must really be trying to move on from Kennedy, I think to myself. She’s an attractive woman, but she’s got nothing on Kennedy. That’s just from a male perspective.

  I go and stand next to him and order a drink while I wait for Brian to show up. I’m a little nervous at what he wanted to talk to us about. Since Aiden is too wrapped up in his conversation with the bartender, I leave him be and go find my sister. I walk up the grand staircase that leads to the second floor where the bedrooms are located. I knock a few times on different doors, hoping O is in one of them. On the second door I knock on, one of her many bridesmaids comes and cracks the door open just a little. As soon as she sees that it’s me, she opens the door all the way for me to enter.

  “Hey, Baby Girl. How’re you feeling? Having second thoughts yet?” I joke with her. I know she would never flake out on this wedding. She loves Dominic way too much. They were meant to be together. Yes, I know, another cliché. But nonetheless true.

  “Of course not! Don’t be silly, Liam. I’m SO ready to walk down that aisle. Your girlfriend put a lot of work into this wedding. I think she’d murder us all if we flaked out” O says, giggling.

  Yeah, she would. I haven’t seen her pissed off yet, and I hope I never do. Women turn into an entirely different entity when they get pissed off. It’s like the scarier, ruthless side comes out. I shiver just thinking about it. No thank you! I like my Peyton happy.

  As O and I are talking, I get a text from Brian, telling me to meet him downstairs. Finally. My palms are sweating because I just want to get this over with already. We have a great night ahead of us to celebrate and I just want to be done with this already. I tell O that I’ll see her when she walks down the aisle and give her a kiss to the cheek as I leave to meet Brian. I text Peyton, letting her know it’s time to meet Brian and where to go.

  I get downstairs and head toward the front of the main house, where the property manager’s office is located. I see Brian standing there talking to the manager as I walk up. They finish up their conversation as I approach and the manager leaves us for some privacy.

  “Hey, Brian. What’s going on, man? I texted Peyton as I was coming to meet you. She should be here soon,” I tell him, shaking his hand.

  “Good. She needs to hear this. I have some news regarding Demetrius,” he says seriously as he lets my hand go. Well, this is already starting off to a bad start. I feel it in my gut and I’m worried.

  The French doors behind us open up and I hear Peyton before I see her.

  “Hey, Brian,” she says as she looks in between us. She closes the doors and turns back around, taking a seat next to the desk.

  “Peyton,” Brian says, simply nodding his head toward her.

  “So, what’s going, Brian? Did you find out anything new?” she asks as she starts to twine her fingers together. I know she doe
s that every time she gets nervous.

  Hell, I’m nervous too with that serious look he has on his face. I move to stand behind Peyton and put my hands on her shoulders for support. It can’t be that bad, can it?

  “Peyton, I told you when we had our initial meeting that I wouldn’t sugarcoat anything for you. I’ll be 100 percent honest. I’m a little disturbed myself with what I found in your house,” he says, shaking his head. He starts to walk over to the opposite side of us and stands by the window as he continues.

  “When I went to your house Wednesday night to install the alarm, I brought some equipment with me to do a thorough sweep of your house before I left. Peyton, I know how Demetrius has been spying on you. Well, most likely how he’s been keeping tabs on you. I’m convinced it was him that you saw in your house. My guess is that he’s been going to your house quite frequently in fact. I found six hidden cameras all throughout your house and four small microphones hidden behind photos and furniture. The cameras were placed strategically in all the main rooms in your house, including your bedroom. He’s been watching you for some time,” Brian says, looking at the both of us.

  “What the fuck! I can’t believe it. I just cannot believe how crazy this guy is!” I scream. He’s been watching her, as in literally watching her, this whole time. Watching us! I’m beyond pissed off right now. I need to focus on Peyton but all I see is anger and how I plan to kill this asshole. He’s dead. If I ever see him, I’m going to kill this fucker with my bare hands.

  He. Is. Dead.

  I look down at Peyton and she’s stunned silent. Not a word has come out of her mouth. Not one reaction. I start to caress her back and shoulder, asking her if she’s okay. Nothing. She’s just staring out the window. Brian and I both give her a few minutes and then finally, she asks Brian.


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