Fallen (Fallen Series Book 1)

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Fallen (Fallen Series Book 1) Page 6

by Micalea Smeltzer

  We passed many ancient monuments. So many I lost count. If I had one wish it would be that this day would never end. The day was getting more perfect by the minute like some surreal movie.

  The massive Colosseum loomed up in the distance. Jonathon parked the vespa in front of a storefront.

  “What are we doing?” I asked trying to keep my balance.

  “We have to park here. They don’t offer parking up ahead.”

  “Oh.” I replied. Jonathon laughed but I don’t know what at. Probably me and my stupidity. Something about him made all coherent thoughts go out the window. I felt like babbling idiot around him.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Are you going to let go of my shirt?” He chuckled clearly amused. I hadn’t realized I was still clinging to it, as if it was my life source. The fabric was bunched together and wrinkled where I had, had my hold on it.

  “Sorry.” I said releasing the soft heather gray tee shirt.

  I got off the vespa and stood on the side walk. I felt awkward not knowing what to do. So, I stood with my arms crossed over my chest which unfortunately made me look mad.

  Jonathon got off the vespa and un-snapped his helmet locking it onto the vespa. He then turned to me and un-strapped my helmet, which he then locked onto the vespa along with his.

  I studied Jonathon. He was so extremely beautiful that I tried not to look at him. Jonathon somehow managed to look like a model in a thin cotton gray shirt and paint stained jeans. I had a feeling Jonathon looked good in anything and probably nothing. I pushed the dirty thought out of my mind and focused on another thought.

  “You paint.” I stated pointing to his jeans. It was a statement not a question.

  “Yes sometimes. That’s what I was about to tell you when I was interrupted by your stomach.” He grinned. My face flushed scarlet.

  “That’s really cool.” I said.

  “You really like art?” He asked.

  “Oh! Yes, I love it. I don’t know what I would do without it. Art has gotten me through some pretty tough times.”

  “Wow,” said Jonathon.

  “Wow what?” I asked.

  “You are the most amazing girl I’ve ever met. I truly mean that.”

  I couldn’t think of anything to say. I blushed and tried to hide my face. Finally I managed to squeak out, “Thanks.”

  “Come on.” He said grinning, grabbing my hand, and pulling me toward the Colosseum.

  The massive structure loomed higher and bigger before us. The monument was beautiful even with its crumbling stone. I tried to picture it in its early days, complete. I had never seen anything like it. I wanted to memorize every stone and every crack. I ignored the tourists and the snapping photos.

  “Do we need to wait in line?” I asked Jonathon referring to the massive line of people.

  “No, we natives don’t need to wait in line.”

  “But, I’m not a native.”

  “True. But you live here.”

  “You have a point.” I giggled. Oh, dear lord, did I just giggle like a little girl?

  To the right of us there was a group of three girls. Probably my age, seventeen. They were giggling, blushing, and pointing at Jonathon. I felt a sudden wave of jealousy. Jonathon however paid no attention to them. I glared at all of them. In return they gave me a disgusted look and turned away.

  “What was that about?” Jonathon asked me.

  “You noticed?” I asked blushing.

  “Yes.” He laughed looking into my eyes. His dark silver eyes bore into my green ones.

  “Well. . . Those girls were checking you out and I didn’t like it.”


  “I guess you could say that,” I blushed at showing my insecurity. But how could I not question myself standing next to Jonathon.

  “Don’t be jealous. You’re the most beautiful girl in my eyes. The only girl.” He added.

  “That’s the sweetest thing any guy has ever said to me.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” Jonathon said grinning.

  “You should.” I said.

  Glancing back over to the three girls I noticed they were the jealous ones. Probably from the way Jonathon was looking at me as if there was no one else in the entire world but me and him. The blond rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest. I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at her.

  We flowed straight on through the Colosseum. We sat on the ancient steps looking down upon the field below where so much blood had been shed by the gladiators. I pictured one in a carriage charging his horse and aiming with his sword to kill a lion or some other crazy thing.

  “Kylie.” The sound of my name on Jonathon’s sweet lips brought me back to reality.

  “Yeah?” I said.

  “Are you ready to go? There are more places I want you to see.”

  “Oh. Right. Yeah. Let’s go.”

  He stood without a single pebble or speck of dirt on his immaculate clothes. Not even a piece of lint. I however had to wipe the back of my jeans off.

  Next, we went to the Trevi Fountain. It was absolutely magical but once again crowded with tourists.

  It felt like we went everywhere. Hadrian’s Wall, Temple of Venus, Pantheon, several churches, the Forum, and the Pyramid of Caius.

  “There’s one more place I want to show you. And I think you’ll enjoy it more than the others because so far I’m the only one who knows about it. Or now anyway. But I want to share it with you.”

  “Okay,” I said as he snapped my helmet on and then his own. We got on the vespa and took off flying again.

  Chapter Seven: Katherine’s Garden

  I held on tight to Jonathon’s shirt as we wound around tight streets. My head pressed against his back. I could tell the sun would be setting soon. Goosebumps began to rise on the skin of my arms. I shivered slightly. I wished I had worn a jacket. I was happy now that Jonathon had insisted on me eating an early dinner. If I hadn’t eaten I’m sure my stomach would’ve chosen now to growl.

  I could feel the vespa begin to slow down beneath me. The buildings were disappearing and being replaced by trees, bushes, and flowers.

  “Wow.” I whispered under my breath.

  I’d never seen anything more beautiful. This is the Rome I’ve always wanted to see. Not just the tourist stuff but the real beauty, the heart, and soul of the city. The stuff they don’t tell you about on the internet.

  We were the only people on the road. But there appeared to be a farm with sheep roaming in the distance.

  Before I could be sure, we were turning onto an unmarked dirt road. Barely distinguishable with all the grass and brush. I clung on to him even tighter. I guess I should be scared going down an unmarked road that appears hardly traveled on with a boy I barely know. But I wasn’t scared or nervous. I was happy, extremely happy, more happy than I’ve been in a long time. Jonathon seems to have that affect on me.

  We bumped along on the road. The road was so narrow only one car would have been able to drive down or up it at one time. Seeing as it was enclosed on both sides by rose bushes. The scent was heavenly. I inhaled it greedily like a starved child. I could see an opening not too far ahead. I tried to contain my excitement.

  It had been such a miracle getting to know Jonathon. Here I was dreading, moving to Rome and now it’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. The world works in mysterious ways.

  The vespa slowed to a stop. I looked around and all I could see was flowers.

  “Wow.” I whispered.

  “I know,” said Jonathon unbuckling my helmet.

  I had never seen anything to beautiful.

  “Are we still in Rome?” I asked.

  “No. We’re just outside the city. No one knows about this place but me. It’s hidden so it’s my favorite place to be. I can come here and think about things and not be interrupted by the sounds of traffic or any type of civilization. I lose track of time when I’m here. It’s like my own little world. There’s
just me and no one else.” He said with a faraway look in his eyes.

  “I know what you mean. It’s nice to just pretend that you’re the only person in the world.”

  “You really understand me, Kylie. And now standing here next to you, I no longer want to be here by myself. I want to be here with you.”

  “Really?” I asked astonished.

  “Yes. I’ve never told anyone about this place. Much less showed them. There’s something about you that I can’t resist. I really like you Kylie. Not some middle school crush kind of like. I like you as more than a friend.” He said looking down at me. He appeared to be blushing. However, I could see no change in his pale complexion.

  I stood dumbfounded. Jonathon can’t resist me? Back home no one ever talked to me. I was the dork. The weird girl with the good address. Now, here’s this gorgeous guy telling me he likes me. Really likes me. Is the world coming to an end?

  “I think I like you too.” I said softly before I could talk myself out of it.

  He looked back up at me. His eyes searing into mine. “I might not be who you think I am” He said jokingly. But there was something serious and a look of worry in his eyes.

  “I’ll take my chances.” I said seriously, even though I was still a little muffled about his statement and expression.

  “Okay,” He said grabbing my hand. “Let’s see the garden.” He finished.

  Immediately I heard the sound of trickling water.

  As we turned I could see an entire stone fountain going down both the left and right side. Water poured out of the wall into a basin. Instead of water coming from only one spot, every three feet there was spot water poured from. And so on. Roses were trying to overtake the stone. But it was beautiful.

  Jonathon led me to a stone bench where we sat down. He continued to hold my hand.

  “What is this place?” I asked looking around at all the spectacular flowers, so peaceful.

  “A garden.” He said matter of fact.

  “Well, that’s kind of obvious. Does it have a name?”

  “No, but I call it Katherine’s garden.”

  “Who’s Katherine?” I asked. Already picturing some beautiful ex-girlfriend of Jonathon’s.

  “My mother.” He answered plain and simple, only two words. But he said those two words with so much passion and sorrow. I instantly felt awful.

  “Oh.” I said stunned.

  “She planted this entire garden. It’s rather large. I think its three acres. Give or take.” He said.

  “It must’ve taken her a long time.”

  “It did. I forget how many years.”

  “So, you’re the only person who knows about this place? Why did she tell you and no one else?”

  “She didn’t. It’s a long story. But I’ll tell you anyway. My dad knew she was coming here. But my siblings and I didn’t. Her being gone for hours at a time with no explanation didn’t bother them like it did me. I thought she was unhappy. We’ve always been a close family and I didn’t want my whole life to fall apart. I didn’t want to lose my mom. Or my dad. You know what I mean. So, I couldn’t understand my father’s ignorance of her absence. Of course he knew where she was going so it didn’t bother him. He never did tell me. One day, I decided to follow her and wound up here. Shortly after I discovered this place they died. Ever since, I’ve come here every day. It reminds me of her. The way she smelt. The way she laughed. When I’m here it’s like she’s still alive.” He finished with a sigh. His eyes began to fill with tears but did not pool over.

  I cradled him in my arms like a baby.

  “It’s nice you have this place to remind you of her.” I said brushing hair from his forehead with my fingers. His skin was so cold and smooth like a stone. But I was getting used to his cold skin and I almost didn’t notice it. Almost.

  “It is. I don’t know what I would do without it.”

  “You’d make do with what you had.” I said.

  “Yes, I’m sure I would’ve but nothing reminds me quite like this place does. Sometimes I think I can even hear her sing. It sounds so real.”

  “I wish I could’ve met her.” I said.

  “She would’ve loved you and you would’ve loved her. She was always so happy and willing to listen. You could go on and on for hours about the most boring topic and she would still listen and pass her opinion. She knew everyone in the area by name. If something drastic happened to a neighbor or someone she knew she would spend hours in the kitchen preparing a meal. She was and is the greatest mom in the world.”

  “She sounds like it. I wish my mom was like that.” I said.

  “Well, your mom is probably great in many other ways.” He said.

  “I guess so.” I replied.

  The way Jonathon talked about his mom was so wonderful. It was so tragic that he no longer had her. My mom used to be that way. But now . . . well it’s like she’s not alive. Hopefully after everything that’s happened she will go back to being her old self.

  Suddenly tears pooled from my eyes. I tried to stop them but they just kept coming.

  Jonathon uncoiled my arms from around him. He then wrapped his arms around me. Jonathon leaned against the bench and brought me down with him. My body melted into his. A perfect match.

  “Shhh.” He wiped the tears from my eyes. His pale fingers coming away black. He spoke to me in Italian.

  I buried my face into his shoulder ashamed. Ruining his shirt further in the process.

  “What did I say?” asked Jonathon.

  I tried to compose myself to answer him. Deep breaths.

  “You didn’t say anything. I just got to thinking about my mom.” I choked out, new tears falling from my itchy eyes.

  “Shhh, love. There is no need to shed unneeded tears.”

  “It’s been so long since my mom has been herself and even longer since anyone has cared about me.”

  “Your family cares about you. . . I care about you.”

  “No they don’t. If they did care about me they wouldn’t have put me through hell.”

  “What are you talking about?” He asked kissing my cheek. I composed myself as much as possible.

  “After the boys left my parents fought constantly. There was so much drama I was emotionally drained. I was so unhappy and angry, I lost all my friends. My grades dropped. Then there was the divorce and the move. They’ve put me under so much stress. They must really hate me.”

  “They don’t hate you.”

  “How do you know?” I sobbed.

  “I just know.”

  I rose up and looked at him.

  “Oh, crap! I must look awful.”

  “No, just sad. I’ll be right back.” He said picking me up and sitting me back down on the bench like I weighed nothing.

  He came back with the end of his shirt wet. No doubt from the fountain. I sat up straight. He knelt down in front of me. Jonathon held his shirt up to my face. I couldn’t help but look at his naked chest. His stomach was chiseled to perfection. I wanted to run my hand over his chiseled chest. But I kept myself composed. I studied his tattoo. It was so strange. I wanted to trace it with my finger, maybe even try to draw its complicated lines.

  “I think that’s all of it.” He said sitting back down beside me.

  “Thank you.” I said gazing into his silver moon colored eyes.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He said suddenly putting his hands on both sides of my face. Impossibly fast his mouth was on mine. We were exchanging the most heated and passionate kiss in the history of all mankind. My lips warm, his cold. It felt like fireworks were going off. I even felt a little shock to my lips but chalked it up to static electricity.

  Our mouths seemed to fit together like two puzzle pieces. A haze seemed to fog my mind. I could only focus on Jonathon and the moment. I felt like something was drawing me closer to him. Pulling us together.

  We came apart from the kiss gasping for air.

  “Wow.” We said in unison.

  So, I had
n’t been the only one to feel the spark?

  Jonathon grabbed my hands. He was grinning from ear to ear. He appeared to be breathing heavier as was I.

  “Kylie Lyons,” he said looking directly into my eyes. His eyes seemed to bore down into my soul. “The heart never lies Kylie and right now mine is saying I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I said in shock of hearing those three words. They sounded so amazing coming from Jonathon’s perfect lips. I knew as soon as I said it that it was true. I love Jonathon and nothing is going to change my mind. We are meant to be together. Forever.

  “I want to be with you forever. I want you for all eternity. Please, say that you feel that way too. Please say you want to be my girlfriend as much as I want to be your boyfriend. He seemed nervous, like he was asking me to marry him. I guess the question seemed so insignificant compared to ‘I love you.’

  “Yes.” I said smiling.

  He wrapped me up in his arms. I felt at home.

  He kissed my forehead and I felt loved for the first time in years. Not the kind of infatuation middle schoolers go through or the false love that high schoolers go through. But the real thing. The kind of love many adults never find.

  Jonathon turned to look at me.

  “Kylie, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  Chapter Eight: Love Bites

  I straightened up to look at him. What could he have to tell me? He just fooled me and he really doesn’t like me? He killed someone? I mean, come on, what could be so bad as to have caused the pained look on his face?

  Please, don’t be anything too bad. I silently prayed.

  “What is it Jonathon?” I said tenderly stroking the side of his face. I wanted to calm him as much as myself. My heart was racing. I felt a trace of fear run through me. I was out here alone with him and nobody knew where we were. This was the stuff of horror movies. Hot guy goes after girl, they have a romantic encounter in an ancient garden, guy murders girl, her body is never found.


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