Fallen (Fallen Series Book 1)

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Fallen (Fallen Series Book 1) Page 9

by Micalea Smeltzer

  “I’ll come back out to get your stuff. I want you to meet the rest of my family.” He said grinning. Oh that grin was so cute!

  “Alright.” I gulped.

  Chapter Ten: Meet the Family

  We walked hand in hand. Jonathon squeezed my hand to reassure me. I looked up at him. He was smiling so big and proud all his shiny white teeth gleaming. He was so happy that I was going to meet his family. I on the other hand was squeamish. True, Patrick and Joseph were awesome. But the knot in my stomach wouldn’t uncoil. Maybe, I could pretend to be sick and faint. No, that would definitely back fire in my face. Ugh, maybe I really was going to be sick. Nope, no such luck.

  We came to ancient steps leading to the front of the house. The door was wooden and looked as old as the steps and house. It was probably as old as Jonathon.

  Jonathon opened the door, it didn’t squeak like I expected it to. The inside was amazing. Not at all what I had expected. I had expected it to be cold and dark and well, old looking. It was none of those things.

  Instead the house was warm and welcoming. We walked into the living room. The hardwood floor was old and well kept, it was a dark rich color, and had to be original to the home. The walls were a rich orange. The living room furniture was a dark stained wicker with kaki cushions with orange and purple throw pillow dotting the couch and chairs. The living room set was situated around a large grand stone fireplace. There was a big screen T.V. mounted above the fireplace.

  I didn’t know vampires watched T.V. Hell, I didn’t even know vampires existed. I looked up at the ceiling in awe. Even it was beautiful. It had long dark wooden beams, running across the entire ceiling.

  I felt more at home here than I had at my old home. I didn’t even feel at home at my new house, what with the white walls and all; now I can’t even go back there.

  “Home sweet home.” He said.

  “Wow. It’s so beautiful.” I said.

  “Really? You like it?”

  “Yes, this place is amazing. Not what I was expecting.” I said.

  He laughed. “What were you expecting?” He asked.

  “You really don’t want to know.” I said.

  “Yes I do. Come on, tell me.”

  “Fine.” I huffed.

  “On with it.” He said getting impatient.

  “Well, I was kind of expecting the traditional vampire stuff. You know cobwebs, dungeons, corpses, that kind of stuff.” I said shyly.

  He laughed a big booming laugh. “Humans always assume the worst of us.”

  “I’m sorry.” I whispered.

  “Don’t be sorry, you don’t know any better. But now you know about our world.”

  “Yes I know now.”

  A beautiful woman came gliding into the living room from what appeared to be the kitchen.

  Her hair flowed down her back. It was wavy and the color of honey. Of course she was pale and her eyes were a light pale silver. She was dressed in clothes that appeared to be top dollar. She wore black slacks, a flowy red ruffle blouse, and red pumps. Her lips were also red. Her beauty made me want to weep.

  “You must be Kylie.” She said. Her voice was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard. Well, besides Jonathon. Wait, did everyone already know me?

  “I’m sorry Amelia how rude of me not to introduce you. Kylie this is my aunt Amelia, Amelia this is Kylie.” Jonathon said formally.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Kylie.” She said, extending a manicured hand to me.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Amelia.” I said shaking her hand.

  She smiled a sweet motherly smile. Suddenly I was wrapped in her arms. She was hugging me. I needed a motherly hug and my mom wasn’t able to give me one.

  “You poor, sweet girl, you’ve been through so much. But I’m so happy Jonathon has found you.” She whispered in my ear.

  “Me too.” I whispered back.

  We broke away and I looked at Jonathon. He wore an ‘I told you so,’ look on his face. I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out him.

  Standing there looking at Jonathon was exhausting. Jonathon was so gorgeous it almost hurt to look at him. Almost. I would never be able to fully describe his beauty. His blonde hair fell beautifully over his pale face. His full lips curled into the smile of an angel. Who was I kidding? Jonathon was more beautiful than an angel.

  I turned to my left and saw a massive wooden staircase; two beautiful guys were bickering coming down the steps. Since they were arguing they were too distracted to notice the three of us watching them.

  One of them glanced over his shoulder and noticed us.

  “Hey, Jonathon. Mom,” He said. His smile grew. “And you must be Jonathon’s soul mate.”

  “Yeah that’s me.” I said waving at him. Waving? I was such a dork.

  They came off the last step and floated to us. They literally floated! Their feet hovering above the ground. Both looked to be seventeen.

  “Show offs,” said Jonathon. One of the boys came over and ruffled Jonathon’s hair jokingly.

  “Mason, don’t tempt me.” Jonathon said.

  “Oh! Come on Jonathon, you know you won’t hit me. You never have and never will.”

  “No, I won’t hit you. But I might just light you on fire,” Jonathon said, staring down the other boy. The other boy, Mason, looked away.

  “Oh! I’m so scared.” Mason taunted sarcastically trying to recover himself.

  “Mason stop!” said Amelia in a commanding voice that scared the crap out of me.

  “Sorry mom,” said Mason, his head hanging.

  The other boy strolled over to me cockily.

  “I’m Danny.” He said smilingly crookedly. He had brown hair, darker than his mom’s, but lighter than his dad’s. Patrick’s hair was so dark it was almost black. Unlike Danny’s hair Mason’s was a little darker. Both had straight hair. It wasn’t long but it wasn’t short either. It fell over their eyes messily.

  “I’m Kylie.” I said, suddenly Mason was next to Danny.

  “Mason’s the name.” He said taking my hand.

  “Kylie.” I said, trying to suppress my giggles. These two were funny.

  They must be the jokesters of the family. But then again Seph was pretty funny too.

  So far everyone in the family was extremely nice. But I had one more person left to meet. On top of that, I was so tired I felt like I was going to drop to the floor asleep, wouldn’t that be embarrassing?

  I must have stumbled because I felt Jonathon’s cool arms wrap around my waist.

  “You must be tired.” He said to me. “Amelia, where’s Diana? I’d like Kylie to meet her, before she goes to bed.” He asked.

  “I think she’s in her room.” Amelia replied.

  “Thanks,” said Jonathon.

  He half carried, half dragged me up the stairs.

  “I know you’re tired sweet heart but you only have Diana left to meet. Then you can go to bed.”

  “Mhmm.” I mumbled.

  Once reaching the hallway we turned right instead of left. There were doors going down both hallways. How many bedrooms did this place have? We came to the fourth door on the left and stopped.

  Jonathon raised his left hand and knocked twice.

  “Come in.” came the sing song voice, that I knew had to be Diana.

  Jonathon opened the door and pulled me through with him.

  A beautiful girl with long blond hair was sitting at a vanity brushing her long luscious slightly wavy hair.

  She jumped up and ran over to us. Her blond hair swishing around her perfect slender shoulders . She was so effortlessly beautiful.

  “Hi, Jonathon. Who is this?” She asked turning to me. Clearly the memo as to who I was had missed Diana.

  “This is my soul mate, Kylie. She’ll be staying with us for a while.” He said to her.

  “I’m Diana. Jonathon’s little sister.” She said extending a perfect hand to me. I felt like I was doing a lot of hand shaking. Her smile was breathtaking. She looked
like the poster girl of all things perfect.

  “You’re pretty,” She said. I was lost for words. What should I say? Talk about awkward!

  “Um . . . Thanks. I think.” I said. I think? I’m so stupid. They should just stamp LOSER across my forehead and call it a day.

  But her statement had shocked me. I didn’t think I was pretty but I never thought about what someone else might think. Maybe she was just saying that to be nice, to make me feel more comfortable.

  “Diana I’m going to show Kylie to her room. She is absolutely exhausted. You two can talk more later.” Jonathon said.

  “Okay.” She said as she flitted back to her antique vanity like a humming bird.

  She looked over her shoulder at me.

  “I’m happy you’re going to be a part of the family, Kylie. It’s about time another girl joined the family I know that we’re going to be best friends. Goodnight,” she said in her sing song voice.

  “I’m happy to be a part of the family. Goodnight, Diana,” I said to her, smiling. She smiled back.

  Jonathon and I left her room. He closed the door behind us. Jonathon smiled down at me. We headed down the hallway the way we’d come, past the stairway. The walls in the hallway were painted a light brown.

  As we walked down the other side of the hall I noticed that the house was designed like a giant U.

  Jonathon stopped in front of the last door on the left. He opened it for me.

  “After you.” He said with a little bow.

  I entered the room and was shocked. I shouldn’t have been, since the whole house was beautiful, but I was.

  “Wow.” I murmured.

  “I thought you’d like it.” He said.

  “I love it. This room is amazing.”

  An antique chandelier hung from the ceiling casting a warm, cozy glow. The bed was huge, it had to be a king size. The head board was shaped like an old wingback armchair. It was covered in a blue gray fabric. The bedding was done in blues, grays, and purples. The walls had blue gray and silver stripes running down them. The dresser was old but painted with silver paint to match the walls. It was set between two large windows. A large, old, mirror hung above the dresser it was pure gold. An old fire place was in the corner of the room, casting a romantic glow. I glanced to my left and saw an updated bathroom; it contained a claw foot bath tub, just to retain something antique, in the mostly modern bathroom. A bench sat at the end of the bed it had curved arms just like the headboard. It too was covered in a blue gray fabric. The two windows in the room had purple gray drapes hanging from them.

  And the view was amazing. It overlooked the back yard. The backyard had a fountain in the middle and I could just make out the faint trickle of water, there were flowers everywhere but not quite like Katherine’s garden. It looked like something out of an old movie.

  “I’ll go get your stuff while you make yourself at home.” Jonathon said from behind me.

  “Okay.” I said still in awe.

  I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I would take a long hot bubble bath and then go to bed.

  I turned on the water and began looking for the bubble bath and a towel. I found them under the sink. I poured some bubble bath into the steaming water.

  I turned off the water and put my clothes in the hamper then I climbed into the hot water. Instantly I felt my muscles uncoil. I laid my head back and relaxed. So, much had happened in one day. My mom was released from the hospital, I went sightseeing with Jonathon, I saw Jonathon’s mother’s garden, I found out Jonathon and his family are vampires, Jonathon is my soul mate, my mom is now a vampire, I got attacked by my mom, and met Jonathon’s entire family, Patrick, Amelia, Joseph, Danny, Mason, and Diana. It’s been a busy day. It was enough to exhaust anybody.

  I climbed out, dried off, wrapped the towel around me, and let the water run out of the bath tub.

  I went back to the room, my room. All my stuff was waiting for me on the bench. I put on my pajamas and climbed into the bed. I turned off the light and grabbed my pillow and teddy bear. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

  Chapter Eleven: Daily Grind

  I woke up and stretched. I looked at the clock, it was 6:15. Plenty of time to get ready; at least by my standards. I headed to the modern shower. I looked at the claw foot bath tub. It seemed miss-placed in the mostly modern bath room. I let the water beat down upon me.

  I got out and wrapped the towel around me. I walked back over to my room and grabbed my little bag that contained my makeup and hair supplies. I also, grabbed a pair of clothes.

  I went back over to the bath room and got dressed. I put curl product in my hair. I was leaving my hair curly today and if I didn’t put any product in it, my hair would be a major frizz ball. I shuddered at the thought of the furry mess it could become it not tamed.

  I put my makeup on looking in the huge bathroom mirror with lighting that would make celebrities green with envy.

  I looked at my watch. I had plenty of time to unpack. I went back to my room and grabbed my suit case. I unzipped it and began to organize my things into the dresser. There wasn’t a closet. I guess at the time the house was built closets hadn’t been invented yet.

  I finished and looked at the clock. I guessed I should find Jonathon so we could go to school.

  I opened the door to the hallway to find Diana standing there, hand raised, about to knock.

  “Hey.” I said.

  “I just came to tell you that after school today Jonathon has to go stay with your mom. So, you’ll ride home with me. I thought since its Friday we could go shopping. Is that okay with you?”

  “Yeah that sounds great.” I’ll need the distraction from worrying about Jonathon.

  “Okay, I’ll meet you in the parking lot after school. Jonathon will walk you to my car.”

  “Alright.” I said.

  “Fantastic, I’ve been looking for an excuse to go shopping.” Diana said clapping her hands together.

  We walked down the hallway and then down the steps.

  “Diana is there any food here?”

  “No. But Jonathon went out and got you some breakfast this morning. We’ll have to go grocery shopping today too; we can’t have you going hungry. Your food is in the kitchen. Do you know where the kitchen is?”

  “No,” I said and she led me there, disappearing before I could say thanks.

  My stomach growled.

  I went into the kitchen and saw Jonathon sitting at the table with a plate of food in front of the seat across from him.

  He grinned when he saw me.

  I glanced around the kitchen. It was decorated in a Tuscan style.

  I sat down in front of the food. There was an egg and a croissant. It tasted delicious.

  Jonathon watched me.

  “What? Is there something on my face?” I asked wiping furtively at my face with a napkin.

  “No, I like your hair curly.”

  “Oh. Thanks.” I said trying to hide my blush in the napkin.

  “You’re welcome.” He said smiling. His smile made me go weak in the knees. I thought I might slip from the chair. I swallowed my last bite of food.

  “I’m ready.” I said.

  “Okay. I have a surprise for you.”

  “Really? What?”

  “You’ll see.” He said. I grunted.

  I put the plate in the sink and washed it. Jonathon waited patiently.

  We left the kitchen and walked through the living room to reach the front door.

  “Ladies first.” He said holding the door for me. I walked out and began to descend the steps while Jonathon closed the door.

  “No way!” I exclaimed. The motor cycle I had fallen in love with was parked just at the end of the steps.

  “We’re taking this to school?” I asked.

  “Yes, I thought you would like it.”

  “Jonathon this is amazing.” I gasped.

  I stood in awe. The motor cycle was so beautiful. Purple, red, orange, a
nd yellow. The flames seemed to glow in the daylight.

  Jonathon handed me a purple helmet that matched the motorcycle. I stuck it on my head and Jonathon buckled it for me. He put on a red helmet flattening his curls.

  He climbed on looking effortlessly gorgeous. I climbed on behind him. My body fitting perfectly with his. We were made for each other.

  He revved the bike and eased out of the driveway. As soon as the road was clear we turned right. Then left at the stop light. We went down and around past my house then down the hill to the next stop light. We turned left and went for another mile before we met another stop light. We turned left there and went up a steep hill. Then turned right into the school parking lot. We parked and I hopped off the motorcycle.

  I tried to take off the helmet and failed, it was more complicated than any helmet I’d ever seen or worn. What was it with vampires and complicated helmets?

  “Gee, you need to know rocket science to work this helmet.” I said struggling against it. Jonathon had already removed his helmet.

  “I know there difficult but you’ll get used to it. Patrick invented them.”

  “He did?” I asked Jonathon as he removed my helmet.

  “Yeah, he’s always inventing new stuff.”

  “You said his power is inventing, right?”

  “Yes, that’s right.” He sighed blocking his face from the sun.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t have taken the motorcycle.” I said trying to make him feel better.

  “No, I’m fine.” He smiled but it seemed forced.

  He took my hand and we walked towards school.

  A group of guys and a girl, some carried instruments, stared after us as we walked by.

  Jonathon smiled down at me, this time he looked genuinely pleased, instead of stiff and forced.

  “It’s nice to finally have you Kylie, even though I know that is an understatement.”

  “I feel like I’ve waited all my life for you.” I whispered back.

  “At least you didn’t wait over six hundred years.” He whispered back, his lips cold against my ear. A tingle of pleasure ran down my spine. I hoped he didn’t notice.

  “That is true, I didn’t have to wait that long.”

  I saw some girls shoot me jealous looks. Some looked surprised. Either they thought I wasn’t good enough for Jonathon or they had never seen him with a girl except his sister or he’d turned down all of them maybe it was a combination.


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