The Pet Psychic Diaries

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The Pet Psychic Diaries Page 5

by Jeanne Miller

  Her parting message: “They may think our time together was too short, but the love we created will last forever between us.”

  A lot of the messages I received from dear Mariah are similar to the messages I receive on a daily basis from our pets. Once a bond of love is created, it can’t be broken; not even by death.


  Rambo was a hoot to speak with. When I first told him who I was, he sat in front of me just like a person would sit in a chair. He was completely comfortable with me and let me know he was most eager to chat.

  Nancy felt a special affinity with Rambo and wondered if he felt it too. He blurt out: “Yes! Yes! I’m her father!” This took me aback and I wondered if he was referencing a past life. I don’t ask about past lives as a rule, but I have had animals bring it up on occasion. But I immediately got the feeling that what he

  was trying to say is that he looks upon Nancy as his child rather than his parent. The feeling of tenderness he directed toward her was very sweet.

  Nancy had wondered why Rambo, or Ram as she calls him, growls so much. He answered: “I love to talk! Mom and Dad talk all the time and I like my voice to be heard too.” I have run into this in many readings. Our pets try to emulate our behaviors and the results can be comical. Their talking sounds like growling or barking, their smiling ends up looking like they are baring their teeth at us. I’ve done many readings where people question why their dogs keep showing their teeth, yet don’t seem upset by anything in particular. It always turns out they are merely trying to smile like we do. Growling is Rambo’s rendition of chatting like a human.

  Dear Rambo, as you can see from his size, loves to eat. And one of Nancy’s concerns is that he will eat anything within range of his mouth. She asked me to remind him that cloth is not an appropriate meal. He said he would try to remember.

  Ram mentioned that he has seen Mariah and she is sorry that Nancy and Dan can’t see her the way he can. He asked me to tell them that Mariah tries to tug on their blankets at night to announce her presence.

  Nancy asked me to tell Rambo that he is eating way too much and they need to get his weight down for his health. She asked for his cooperation in this. Rambo said: “But everything tastes so good!” I got the feeling that eating is almost like a hobby or pastime for him. He did admit though that he had tried to climb up on something the other day, and added: “I’m too fat and I didn’t make it.”

  As we said goodbye, Rambo said: “I never dreamed I would have such a great life.”

  It has been a couple of years since this reading and I’m happy to report that as of this writing, Rambo is alive, well, and still bringing constant smiles to his family.

  Frisco hops up for a ride with Daddy Dan

  I fell in love with Frisco from the first moment I connected to him. He is a sweet and gentle soul. He was very nervous at first but after I spoke gently to him and explained why we were connecting, he relaxed and enjoyed communicating.

  He mentioned Mariah immediately. “I see her all the time. I don’t’ miss her so much now. She plays with me and sleeps with me sometimes. When I wake up though, she is usually already gone.” My guides then told me that Mariah will come when she feels Frisco is missing her. During these times, she will come and lie with him until he falls asleep.

  Frisco and Rambo unfortunately squabble a bit. Nancy said that it never gets serious - just little disagreements - but she wondered if Frisco would tell me what this was all about. He was happy to. He blurted out: “He’s a jerk! He thinks Mom and Dad love him more than the rest of us and his head is swelled. I don’t like that.” I asked Frisco if he could just ignore it and he said he would try. I was able to assure Nancy that Frisco knows this isn’t true and is very confident in their love for all of them equally.

  Nancy said that Frisco was a bit of a picky eater lately. He used to love scrambled eggs but will no longer eat them. He agreed that he had lost his taste for them and asked if he could have them raw from now on. I guess that our pets are like us in that our tastes change at different times in our lives.

  I was asked to find out if Frisco understood what was being said to him by his family. “I get most of it, but not all of it.” This is true of most of our pets.

  Nancy wanted me to ask for Frisco’s cooperation when she has to flea comb him. He seems to balk at it a lot. He promised he would try to be better about it “if it doesn’t pull my hair too hard.”

  I really loved speaking with this sweet boy. As we parted, he said:

  “I like to climb on them when there is room for me. I want to get close to their faces. I like their faces.”

  “Please tell my Mom and Dad that I love them so much.”

  “I am so happy here. We have a nice family. Even Ram sometimes when he is being good.”

  Sammy Joe

  A tribute

  Sammy Joe

  One of the hardest things a pet owner has to face is the fact that our babies don’t have long life spans. There is no getting around the fact that at some point, we will lose our dear little companions. Sadly, during the writing of this book, Nancy and Dan lost their sweet Sammy Joe. They are inconsolable. As Nancy said, “He was the glue that stuck us all together.”

  Here are a few quotes from my first reading with Sammy Joe that I hope will show what a remarkable little guy he was…and still is:

  When I introduced myself to Sammy Joe for the first time, he was way ahead of me. “I know who you are. You’ve been talking to my brothers.”

  Sammy Joe has let me know that although he loved Mariah, her sudden visits from the other side would frighten him sometimes. “It scares me because it’s so sudden when she visits.” I got the impression that her suddenly “popping in” was a bit unsettling at first.

  “Sometimes when my mind is quiet, I can hear Mom’s voice in my head.” I believe that Sammy was very good at psychic communication with Nancy and picked up on her thoughts more than the others had.

  “I like hugs so much!”

  “When Mariah visits, the air crackles; but I like to see her just the same.” Then Sammy referenced a past life. He showed me a woman in a western setting wearing a pioneer era dress. He said, “Mariah was with us in the old life. Mom and Dad kept people from killing us. They loved us then too.”

  As Sammy Joe was leaving our first communication, he suddenly turned back and walked toward me. He cocked his head to one side in a quizzical manner and said, “Mama said you love Raccoons. How come you don’t have any?” This was the sweetest question and I explained that I couldn’t have them where I live. He nodded in understanding and went on his way.

  To say that Nancy has added happiness to my life is an understatement. Not only has this loving and kind woman allowed me the privilege of speaking to her babies, but she has also become a friend. I was happy to connect again to her Sammy Joe after he passed on to the other side. Nancy was comforted to know that he was surrounded by not only Raccoons, but the lady who brought them together, her dog Duke, and a mysterious white cat. Just as he was in life, he is still surrounded by those who love him. Who could ask for more?

  Newly rescued Sammy and his brother Rambo

  Members past and present of the Raccoon Lodge:

  Mariah Bayou couldn’t start the day without a kiss from Papa

  No one’s shoulders are safe from Frisco. He loves to ride!

  Roxanne sitting in her favorite chair with her Fried Chicken

  Rambo has never met a meal he didn’t like.

  Make that…LOVE!

  Raccoon Condo

  Rascal pretending to be a black cat

  Ghost Cat in Love

  The Story of Annie’s Boys

  All of our pets have quirks; little parts of their personalities that make them unique and adorable. But my friend Annie’s three boys seemed to have more than their share. I had the pleasure of knowing them in life and the honor of speaking to them after their passing.

  Annie is a dear friend of mine so I was well a
cquainted with her threesome and once enjoyed pet sitting for them. Meet Waffles; a Maine Coon who put the capital B in Big; and Alex who wouldn’t eat his food until you sprinkled Parmesan Cheese over it.

  Waffles holding his brother Alex

  Arnold was gorgeous! He also had an extreme leather fetish. When I would visit, I often had to wrest my purse and/or shoes from him before I could leave.


  The “boys” as we called them lived good long lives and brought much happiness to Annie and all who met them. Sadly, they all passed within a year of each other and left a giant hole that was so hard to fill. But my friend has a huge heart that has many rooms, and it wasn’t long before she had a new addition to the family. Enter beautiful Isis.


  Isis had been in a few homes before she was lucky enough to find Annie. A lovely pure white cat with blue eyes, she has the genetic anomaly that most cats of that type have; she is deaf. It took sweet Isis a little while to find someone who would love her despite this disability. And she did; she found Annie. Isis may have had an unhappy past, but thanks to my dear friend, she has a wonderful present and a beautiful future in a home where she is loved and cared for.

  Wanting to know if she was happy in her new home, Annie asked me to have a chat with her. Isis told me many things that Annie confirmed. She had a little white toy that she loved to lick; she is very fond of chicken, and she keeps trying to drink “that red stuff” which turned out to be Annie’s tea.

  Isis told me how happy she is in her new home. She said: “I got shuffled around a lot because I can’t hear and they didn’t like me because of that.” She went on to tell me that she always felt she was doing something wrong and was disappointing her previous owners, but she didn’t know what she was supposed to do. She ended our session by telling me to tell Annie that she loves kisses and that she never knew real love before. She said: “It never lasted before.”

  Life with Isis soon settled in to a sweet and comfortable routine. After a short while, Annie asked if I could connect with the “boys.” Being a psychic, she had been feeling their presence very strongly and thought it would be nice to check in with them I was very happy about this as I had always been so fond of her boys. I looked forward to having a chat with them.

  Up until this time, I had always read pets one at a time and I assumed that this reading would be no different. But the boys always had done things in their own way and all three came running into my sacred space jockeying for first position. As I was taking this in and trying to decide how to start, Arnold sent me a very strong “hurry up” message. While Waffles and Alex stood by politely as I finished my opening prayer, Arnold threw himself on the floor and stretched out yawning loudly. He made such a production of being bored that I got the message and hurried along. I can tell you that it is very difficult to pray and laugh at the same time, but I managed. Annie later told me that when Arnold was bored, he would stretch out and yawn in just that way.

  Waffles told me that they spend most of their time on the other side doing things together. He told me though that he prefers to hang back and watch them more than participate in everything they do. The feeling he sent me was one of an indulgent Uncle watching the young ones have fun. Waffles is what they call “an old soul.” He went on to tell me that they have been visiting a lot. He said they love the view from the windows in the new house and they also like Isis. He told me the feeling isn’t mutual though. He said that they try to engage her in play but

  she largely ignores them. Waffles ended by saying that Isis was jealous of “Mom’s past loves.”

  I was about to ask who wanted to speak next, when Alex and Arnold both raced toward me trying to be first. Arnold won and Alex sat back down to wait. Arnold started jabbering a mile a minute and I had a hard time keeping up. He wanted Annie to know that they are all extremely happy on the other side and they visit her quite often. He also repeated what Waffles had told me about Isis. He said they try to engage her in play, but she only responds “some of the time” and he too felt she was jealous. He said she wants to be the only cat in Annie’s life because she has finally found love and isn’t about to let it get away from her. Before he stepped back, he said I could tell Annie he loves her if I want to, but “she knows that already.”

  Alex walked up very quietly and I commented at how polite he was being. He said, “Yes, I have always been the gentleman of the bunch.” Alex mentioned that in life, his favorite thing to do was to wiggle into places that Arnold and Waffles were too fat to fit into. He thought this was very funny and said he would watch them try join him and laugh at their futile efforts.

  Alex said he visits a lot because he “misses Mom” and then suddenly blurted out, “I love Isis! She is so beautiful.” He said, “Sometimes when I come alone, she will play with me.” He sent me the clear feeling that because of this, he prefers solo visits. He said: “Waffles understands this but Arnold doesn’t and I always have to shake him off my tail.” It was very clear that Alex was one smitten kitten. Before they left, Alex had a request. “Will you ask Mom to tell Isis that I’m a good boy?” I promised.

  So, if anyone ever asks you if a spirit can fall in love with a mortal, tell them yes. And then tell them about Alex and Isis.



  Reading Excerpts

  Kyla – a dog:

  “I scared something out of our yard the other day. Mom and Dad would have been proud but I don’t think they saw it. I don’t think they know everything I do for us.”


  Minx – a cat talking about her dog companion:

  “I think she is my mother, but she doesn’t think so.”


  Salvador – a cat:

  “This is a neat way to talk! I didn’t know people did this.”


  Sultana – a horse talking about another horse he didn’t get along with:

  “I hate that horse! If we aren’t pastured together, I will be OK. But tell Mom to stay away as that horse will try to hurt her just to annoy me. I couldn’t stand that and there would be trouble! I’m not too crazy about his owners either! Arrogant! Arrogant!”


  Alex – a dog on the other side:

  “Tell Mom that if she is offered a cat, she should take it. I’ve met some really nice cats over here. They aren’t as bad as I thought they were.”


  Daisy - a dog whose Mom asked me to speak to her about her constant barking:

  “I barked at something through the glass window and scared it away. Barking is good sometimes too, you know!”


  Reading Excerpts

  Free – a horse:

  “Someone was throwing hay around and a lot of it landed on their head. It was funny!”


  Shalimar – an Arabian horse passed on:

  “I work with people over here who were afraid of horses. Also those who were killed while riding. I help them to overcome their fears.”


  Benton – a dog on the other side who was asked what he wanted done with his ashes:

  “Ashes? What ashes? I’m not ashes. I’m right here.”


  Tara – a cat:

  “Can I have a catnip mouse to chew on? It helps me think.”


  Oscar – a Persian cat after I told him how beautiful he is:

  “I know. Everyone tells me that. I can’t help it.”


  Joker – a Rabbit:

  “Can my carrots be in bigger pieces please? The little pieces get lost in my bedding.”

  “More Than a Thousand Moons”

  The Story of Rachel and Benjamin

  A person can tell you of their heartbreak, but when they write it, you can almost see the pain drip from every word.

  I hadn’t been doing this work for very long when I received the following message from my website with this simple title: />
  “Are you real?”

  Are you real? I didn’t know what to think or expect and was a little taken aback, not to mention a bit nervous about reading the rest of the message. I was afraid of what I would find. As it turns out, I found a love story for the ages and a beautiful affirmation of the eternity of life and love.

  “Please be honest with me and let me know if you are really able to do this or not. My dog died and I can’t take any more pain.”

  I wasn’t clear as to how I could reassure her, but I knew instantly that I wanted desperately to help her. So I agreed to something that I don’t normally do. I allowed her to test me with questions she already knew the answer to. The reasons I don’t normally allow this are varied and many. The most important being, that I can’t always control what information is going to come to me. What if the answers didn’t come; if that were to happen in this case, she might not go through with the reading. She would then miss the messages from her sweet pet that I knew would surely come through. And my opportunity to help her would be gone as quickly as it came.


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