The Disappearance of Lizzie Bennet

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The Disappearance of Lizzie Bennet Page 7

by Elizabeth Hopkins

  “That is wonderful news William!” Lizzie exclaimed. “But I am surprised as I thought that Mr. Bingley and Jane had developed feelings for one another.”

  Darcy then related what occurred at his last meeting with Bingley. “We have been estranged these past three years. I could not forgive him for abandoning your sister at Miss Bingley’s insistence. I know she was deceptive and knew more of your disappearance than she was willing to say. I have so much more to tell you but first allow me to send a missive to my cousin and one to my Godfather, the archbishop for a special license.”

  Chapter 13

  They agreed that while Darcy sent his missives, Elizabeth would return to her townhouse. She did not wish to marry in widow weeds. She returned some hours later to find Colonel Fitzwilliam in attendance. He bowed to her and took her hand.

  “Miss Elizabeth, how very happy I am to see you! Jane and your sisters will be ecstatic to be reunited with you!”

  “And I with them. Thank you Colonel. I understand that congratulations will be in order for yourself. Jane is very dear to me and deserves only the deepest of affection and happiness.”

  “I assure you Miss Elizabeth that I love your sister and would consider her happiness my one priority in life.”

  “Thank you Colonel, that is most reassuring.”

  “May I also offer you congratulations on your marriage to this dour cousin of mine? I believe you will be the making of him.”

  “That is be quite enough Richard. Elizabeth is not familiar with your playful ways.”

  Elizabeth laughed and Darcy leaned to whisper in her ear. “You look beautiful my love. Come and see what the servants have prepared.”

  Darcy led her to another parlor that had been decorated with flowers and transformed into a small chapel.

  “Oh William”, she exclaimed, “It is beautiful. I must thank them for their efforts.”

  “And you shall as I invited all the servants to attend our marriage ceremony.”

  Mrs. Hodges, the housekeeper, entered the room carrying a beautiful bouquet of white roses surrounded with baby breath greenery. She handed it to Elizabeth saying, “I hope you are pleased with our efforts. The cook has baked a cake with lemon filling and icing as Mr. Darcy indicated it was your favorite and several bottles of champagne have been brought up from the cellar.”

  Lizzie’s eyes filled with tears and she whispered “Thank you.”

  Mrs. Hodges smiled and thought to herself ‘She will do very well for him and make an excellent mistress. I have never seen the master so happy!’

  Mr. Hodges appeared at the doorway and announced the Archbishop, the Reverend Mr. Poole.

  Darcy stepped forward to greet his godfather.

  “Uncle! How pleased I am to see you! But it was not necessary for you to bring the license yourself.”

  “It was necessary Fitzwilliam. My favorite godson decides to marry and I would allow no one, except myself, to perform the ceremony. Now introduce me to your betrothed.”

  After the introductions were made, the ceremony proceeded. Darcy was overjoyed that Elizabeth was finally his. When the Archbishop pronounced them husband and wife, Darcy placed a chaste kiss on his wife’s lips as all present clapped and hoorayed for the happy couple.

  After the cake had been eaten, the champagne drunk and all congratulations given, the servants returned to their duties and the Archbishop took his leave.

  Darcy, Elizabeth and the Colonel retired to the study.

  The Colonel slapped Darcy on the back saying “Congratulations again Darcy. I am so very pleased to witness your happiness. You and Mrs. Darcy deserve it.”

  Lizzie startled at hearing herself referred to as Mrs. Darcy. She thought to herself ‘Yes, I am Mrs. Darcy’ and a huge grin spread across her face as she gazed at the man she loved so dearly who was now her husband.

  Darcy was also gazing at Lizzie with a huge grin on his face and thinking ‘She is mine, finally she is all mine.’

  The Colonel looked back and forth between the two lovers who seemed to have forgotten that he was in the room. He cleared his voice to get their attention.

  “I apologize, as I know you would like nothing better than to see the back of me, and you shall. However, there are matters that must be discussed as time is of the essence if we are to capture all the miscreants involved in this conspiracy. Mrs. Darcy could still be in danger.”

  “Will you not address me as Elizabeth or Lizzie? We are now cousins and soon to be brother and sister.”

  “Thank you Elizabeth, and I would be honored if you called me Richard. Now let us discuss what we must so that I can be expeditiously on my way.”

  Darcy and Lizzie both laughed and Darcy said, “You will get no argument from me cousin.”

  Chapter 14

  Darcy’ mien turned somber as he reach across for Lizzie’s hand.

  “Elizabeth, my love, would you please relate the particulars of your abduction to Richard? I know he is eager to earn what transpired and I only told him that you had returned.”

  Lizzie nodded her head and related to Richard all that she previously had to Darcy omitting the savage attacks by her “so-called” husband. When she had finished, Richard roared, “That vile, vicious bastard Wickham! You were right cousin! He was involved! How I would love to run my sword through him! As to Collins and Miss Bingley, they must be made to account for their heinous deeds.”

  “I agree with you wholeheartedly Richard,” said Lizzie, “but there are others involved who instigated and brought about the ruin of my family and my abduction. Those miscreants must be brought to justice. Mr. Wickham, Mr. Collins and Miss Bingley were willing participants, but they are underlings, and not the ones who instigated these evil deeds. Allow me to share with you the plan I have devised.”

  Both men listened intently as she outlined her plan to bring the miscreants to justice. When she finished, Darcy stood and paced.

  “Absolutely not Elizabeth! I forbid it! Wickham is an evil man and your plan places you in great jeopardy. I have you back at last and I will not lose you again.”

  Colonel Fitzwilliam stood and placed a hand on his cousin’s shoulder. “Calm yourself, cousin. I trust in her plan and believe that it might just work.”

  “Please William, allow me to do this! I must do this!” pleaded Lizzie.

  Darcy thought for a few moments and then replied, “Very well my love, but I have a condition. You must allow Fitzwilliam and myself to be present when you confront Wickham. We can be hidden. He cannot be trusted as he is not an honorable man.”

  “I concur William and I believe this is the only manner in which he can be worked upon to relinquish his co-conspirators.”

  “I agree with your wife Darcy. Greed is the only weapon we have to get a confession out of Wickham.”

  “Very well, I shall send a message to Webster to come as soon as possible. His last report to me still had Wickham in London. Elizabeth, when do you wish to meet with him? Will the day after tomorrow suit you?”

  “Yes William, it will suit very nicely. I need to contact the bank and the sooner this business is concluded, the sooner we can go to Pemberley.”

  Darcy held out his hand to his wife.

  “This is all that can be settled for the time being and as you so nicely put it, I am anxious to see the back of you Fitzwilliam. Please come for dinner tomorrow night and we will finalize our plans.”

  The Colonel chuckled, “I do not have to be told twice cousin. Till tomorrow then. Goodnight cousins.” He bowed and took his leave.

  As he led his wife to his bedchamber, he stopped to instruct the butler, “Please alert the staff that we do not wish to be disturbed. We will ring if we require anything.”

  “Very good sir,” the butler replied.

  Darcy and Elizabeth did not emerge from his bedchamber till late afternoon the next day with very happy smiles on their face.

  Chapter 15

  On the following afternoon, Darcy met with Webster and in
formed him of his wishes. “Bring Wickham to the Duke of ____ house, which is directly across the street from my house tomorrow at 9:00 in the morning. Take a few men with you and bring him by force if you must. Advise him that it is to his financial advantage to accompany you. Is that understood?”

  “Aye sir, and should my men and myself wait in the house and guard Wickham?”

  “Yes, I need you to ensure that he does not attempt to escape. Mr. Wickham is finally going to receive his just reward for his misdeeds.”

  The following morning found Lizzie, dressed all in black, surveying the study in her rented townhouse to ensure that everything was in place. The screen for William, the Colonel, the magistrate and constable to conceal themselves behind was in place. The 100,000 pounds in gold sat on a table behind the desk in full view of anyone who entered the room.

  ‘Oh my’ she thought to herself, ‘that is a lot of money. Or I should say bait.’ This was the means by which she hoped to entrap Wickham.

  Her stomach fluttered and she reminded herself to regulate her emotions and present a calm and self-assured countenance.

  There was a knock at the door and the butler entered announcing Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam. Darcy introduced Lizzie to the magistrate and the constable who accompanied them. Darcy had previously apprised them of the situation.

  Darcy took both her hands in his and spoke low enough for only her to hear. “Are you well my love?”

  “Yes, William and I can hardly believe the moment which I have waited for is finally upon me. I have thought of nothing else for years but obtaining justice for my family and myself. Please do not be concerned my love. I am comforted to know that you will be close by if anything goes awry.”

  Darcy squeezed her hands gently and replied, “I will not allow any harm to come to you.”

  A knock came at the door, and everyone took their places; the men behind the screen and Lizzie seated behind the desk.

  “Enter,” she called and the butler announced Mr. Wickham. He was shabbily dressed and Lizzie noticed the puffiness in his face. His dissolute ways have finally caught up with him, Lizzie thought.

  Lizzie stood as he entered and noticed her. He stumbled and his face went ashen.

  “Miss Elizabeth, is that you?” he asked in a panicked voice.

  She extended her hand in greeting and said “Come Mr. Wickham, we were once friends. You have nothing to fear from me. Please have a seat and all will be made clear.”

  As Wickham seated himself, he did not notice the two men, who were law clerks, enter the room and take seats at a table away from them. They were going to record Wickham’s confession. It was so difficult for Lizzie to feign a happy and pleasant countenance when she was seething with anger inside, but do it she must to accomplish her purpose.

  “I must tender my gratitude to you Mr. Wickham as through your efforts you have made me the richest woman in all of England.” Her tone was light hoping to put Wickham at his ease. Wickham looked at her with a puzzled expression on his face.

  Lizzie continued, “I am Mrs. DeVere, the widow of Mr. Jasper DeVere. You do recall him? He was the man who took me after you abducted me.”

  Wickham stared blankly at her and shifted nervously in his seat.

  “Mr. DeVere died in a violent storm and left me a very rich woman” Lizzie literally purred the last three words. But Wickham was no longer looking at Lizzie, but at the gold piled high behind her desk.

  “Mrs. DeVere, do you think it not wise of you to keep your money on display?”

  “Oh that” Lizzie tittered and waved her hand about. “That is not my money, oh but to say it is my money but it is for you. Over 100,000 pounds.”

  Wickham looked shocked and asked smugly, “And what do I have to do to obtain such a princely sum?”

  Leaning forward, Lizzie said, “You simply have to speak the truth. I already know the truth Mr. Wickham, but I must hear it from your lips and put down on paper for you to sign to attest to its validity.”

  Wickham opened his mouth to protest but Lizzie held up her hand to still him. “You are a hireling Mr. Wickham and I am not interested in you but those whose orders you followed.”

  She slipped the first class boat ticket leaving for the Americas across the desk to him. “With 100,000 pounds, a man could do very well for himself in a new country. He could pass himself off as a very wealthy aristocrat and no one would be the wiser. Please bear in mind only the absolute truth will suffice.”

  Wickham hesitated for only a moment. “You are aware that I would be killed if they found out that I had informed on them.”

  “Hence the ticket to the Americas. You shall be long gone before they are apprehended. Do you accept my offer?”

  Still eyeing the gold, Wickham slowly nodded his head.

  Lizzie was glad that he was so preoccupied with the money or he might have noticed the look of relief she felt at his agreement.

  “Let us begin with my abduction at the Netherfield ball. I am aware that Mr. Collins and Miss Bingley had foreknowledge of these events. Who ordered my abduction and why was it necessary?”

  Wickham crossed one leg over the other and relaxed his pose. Let him feel that he has the upper hand. When I obtain the information I require, he will know differently.

  “Lady Matlock arranged the kidnapping on Lady Catherine de Bourgh’s orders. Word had reached Lady Catherine, by way of that harpy Caroline Bingley, that her nephew Darcy was paying particular attention to a certain country miss. This was confirmed when your sister Lydia told me of your secret courtship. Lady Catherine always intended for Darcy to marry her sickly daughter and unite their two estates. When you refused Collins hand in marriage, she became desperate and enraged. That bogus express was sent to Darcy to remove him from the neighborhood.”

  “I do not understand Lady Matlock’s involvement. Why would she do Lady Catherine’s bidding? What am I to her?”

  “Lady Catherine was blackmailing Lady Matlock. She had some love letters from a former lover stating that one of her sons was his and not the Earls. The letters were a fake but enough to convince Lady Matlock that Lady Catherine would ruin her and convince the Earl to divorce her. Lady Matlock is one of ton’s leading members and would not risk losing that status even if the rumors were false. The damage would have already been done. When Lady Catherine ordered her to dispose of you, she complied. Collins, Caroline Bingley and myself, conspired together to carry out her orders. That bumbling idiot was suppose to convince you to accept his proposal. When you refused, we had no choice but to put this plan into effect.”

  At the mention of his mother’s name, Colonel Fitzwilliam stiffened. Darcy placed his hand on his arm in comfort.

  Lizzie sat still, shocked at what she heard.

  “And what of my father and Lydia? Who is responsible for their deaths?”

  “Collins murdered your father. That fool would not wait to inherit and when they were searching the woods for you, he took his chance. Ah Lydia, now there is a stupid cow if ever I met one. She saw me take you the night of the ball and jumped into the carriage demanding I take her in your stead. She thought we were eloping. I agreed, but when the carriage was far enough away from Netherfield, I pushed her from the carriage. Her death was an accident.”

  Lizzie seethed inside with rage. She had to keep an indifferent countenance until she had Wickham’s signature on the confession. She put her hand up to her face and tittered, “Yes, she was such a silly girl.”

  Just then, the two clerks presented the written confession for Wickham’s signature. Lizzie stood and said, “If you would be so kind as to affix your signature at the bottom, you can be on your way.”

  “Gladly, and might I say it has been a pleasure doing business with you Mrs. DeVere.”

  Lizzie watched Wickham carefully and ascertained that he signed both copies before she spoke. “Thank you, Mr. Wickham, but I would prefer if you addressed me by my proper name.”

  Wickham looked momentarily confused. �
�And pray tell, what name is that? You stated your name was Mrs. DeVere.”

  “It was until I remarried. My name is Mrs. Darcy. Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy. I believe you are acquainted with my husband.”

  Wickham paled and his smug composure crumbled.

  “Yes…ah…I must be going. If you would be so good as to pack the gold, I shall be on my way.”

  At that moment, the men emerged from behind the screen. Webster and his men burst through the door at the sound of Darcy’s angry voice. “You will not be going anywhere but to jail Wickham! You are a murdering fiend and I will see you hung for your crimes against my wife and her family!”

  Wickham was grabbed by Webster and his men and the constable slapped manacles on his wrists and feet.

  Wickham blanched and begged Darcy for mercy. Darcy turned away as Wickham was dragged from the room. He enclosed Lizzie in his embrace. “Are you well my love? You were magnificent.”

  “I shall be well William. What a despicable, evil man to ruin my family for money. I knew his greed would be his undoing.”

  “Darcy, Elizabeth, I do not know what to say,” said the Colonel. “I assure you no other member of my family, especially not my father was aware of my mother’s machinations. I am deeply ashamed. Please forgive me.”

  Lizzie replied, “You have done no wrong Richard and therefore there is no need for forgiveness. Please put your mind at ease.”

  “Thank you, Elizabeth,” he whispered.

  Darcy interjected, “I do believe it is time to confront Miss Bingley. Richard you will accompany Elizabeth and I in my carriage and the magistrate and constable will follow in theirs. Agreed?”

  All agreed and after they secured their outerwear, left immediately for the Bingley residence.

  Chapter 16

  Darcy presented his card to Bingley’s butler after he and his party entered the townhouse and stated, “We are here to see Mr. Bingley”

  The butler took the card and stated he would be back shortly. Instead of the butler, Bingley himself came into the entryway.


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