The Devils Apprentice

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The Devils Apprentice Page 3

by Cilla Lee

  “No, he wants me to design it and then tattoo it on” she looks at me wide-eyed

  “Really” I nod “So, what are you gonna design for him.”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Ok so what are the twins into”

  “I'm not sure.”

  “Well, Cuff did a few of their designs you should ask him” I smile at her.

  “Beautiful and smart,” I tell her, and she laughs

  “That's me doll” she winks at me as we hear the front doorbell ring



  “You’re what?” Jordan said

  “I asked Tink to design a tattoo for me.

  “Why? we always design and decide what we get” Jordan, and I had loved confusing people growing up, but now for some reason, I wanted to be me, my own person

  “I just want something different,” I tell him and he frowns at me

  “You want something different.”


  “Is this about getting into Tink's pussy.”

  “Fuck off Jordan, I just want something for me, and I want Tink to do it.”

  “Where are you getting it?”

  “On my neck.”

  “On your neck” he repeats.



  “Cause I fuckin’ want it,” I tell him getting pissed off

  “What the fuck are you two pissin’ and moanin’ about,” Razor says coming into the kitchen

  “Jaxson's getting Tink to design a tattoo for his neck” Razor looks at me.

  “On your neck,” he says, and I roll my eyes



  “Jesus can I not just get a fucking tattoo because I want one” Razor raises one of his eyebrows at me.

  “Man, you can do whatever the fuck you want, are you getting it too, I know you two have the same tats,” he asks Jordan.

  “Nah,” he says, and Razor snorts.

  “Well, at least we'll be able to tell you two fuckers apart.”


  I make myself busy all day thinking about Tink, every time I see her I remember the night she kissed me. Fuck the instant her lips touched me; my dick was hard as a fucking rock. The urge to push her up on the table and fuck her senseless was overwhelming. But I couldn't, so I pushed her away, plus the fact that I am still just a Prospect and the thought of not making the cut scares the fuck out of me. I need a unanimous full patched member vote to make it in, and I'm not pissing Tiny or Stryker off. My dick was so hard after she'd walked out, I had to release some tension. Before I went over to where she was, pull her up and dragged her to my room. So, I'd grabbed Summer instead, dragging her outside “Knees” was all I told her as she pulled my dick out and proceeded to suck me off, but when I looked down at her it wasn't Summer on her knees, it was Tink. I grabbed her by the hair wanting her there forever “That's it, suck me hard make me come in your mouth baby” I'd said still picturing Tink and not Summer. When my dick exploded in her mouth the spell was broken, and Summer came back into focus, I heard someone gasp than heave. I turned as Tink vomited all over the ground, I tucked my dick into my jeans and ran to Tink, but she pushed me away. I knew she saw me and I was pissed at myself. Tink threw up on her shirt, and I didn't want any of the guys to see her like that, so I picked her up, she was small in my arms and carried her to my room cleaning her up. Placing her on my bed, I pulled her shirt over her head trying not to get any of the vomit on her. I took her shoes and socks off and started to undo her jeans; my hands shook as I undressed her. She was so small if I placed both of my hands on her waist my fingers would entwine. I pulled her jeans off, and my dick hardened, she was in a powder blue lace pantie and bra set her creamy white skin so perfect. I pull on my dick just to ease some of the tension (don't be a creep she's unconscious) I go into the small bathroom and bring back a cloth and wipe her mouth chest and notice a little bit of sick on her bra I pull her up and unclasp it. My hands still shaking, I pull the bra from her body. Her little pink nipples pucker up making my mouth water (just one taste), my brain screams but I wipe down her chest. I put one of my shirts on her covering her up; it's so big going all the way to her knees. She's so fuckin’ small compared to me. I look at her beautiful face and trace my finger over her nose, along the freckles on her checks and down over her lips. I swallow hard remembering them on me; my dick getting harder (fuck I wish she was awake) I lie her on her side just encase she's sick again and head into the shower to release some tension.

  Once I was out of the shower and more relaxed from rubbing one out thinking about her, I lay down behind her pulling her to me. She smelled of vomit and roses but I still her kissed on her neck holding onto her tight. I felt at piece, my heart slowing and I'd slowly drifted off with my dream girl in my arms.

  Chapter Four


  I walk into Cuffs cubicle, and he looks up at me “Got ya somethin’” he says pulling out a t-shirt, and I look at him

  “You got me a t-shirt” he smiles.

  “Read it” I turn the shirt around, and in big bold letters it has the words DEVILS APPRENTICE written across it

  “Why?” I ask him, and he smiles

  “Hello cause you’re the apprentice, and this is The Devils Tattoo Parlor.”

  “You really want me to wear this,” I ask him, and he smiles more.

  “Yep,” he says leaning down and pulling a couple more out

  “Are you serious,” I ask not sure if he's fucking with me

  “Yep” there in five different colors, black, blue, white, purple, and red

  “Seriously,” I ask again, and he nods his head.

  “Fine, I like new shirts,” I tell him, and he smiles

  “Good now what’s up,” he asks me.

  “Jaxson want me to design a tattoo for him,” I tell him still unsure why he would want me to do it

  “Really,” he says

  “Yeah, do you have any idea what I should draw,”

  “He was talking about roses or something the other day if that helps.”

  “Roses,” I say, and he nods

  “Yep, something about how he loves the smell of them or some shit.”

  “Roses” I repeat, and he laughs

  “Yeah, roses.”

  “Are you trying to set him up for some joke or something?” I ask him, and he smiles

  “No Tink I swear he was talkin’ to his brother the other day actin' all girly and shit and I heard him tell his brother something about roses.”

  “Any specific rose.”


  “Ok I'll draw up a few roses and see if he likes them”

  “Sounds good Tink, you doin’ ok, you seem quiet lately.”

  “No, I'm good.”

  “Nothin’ goin’ on at the moment,” he asks, and I narrow my eyes at him


  “Just checkin’” shit maybe he saw me texting Markus, we have been messaging back and forth all week.

  “No, I'm good,” I tell him

  “Got any plans for tonight” I look at him squinting my eyes (he knows)


  “Just wonderin’ if you're comin’ to the clubhouse tonight.”

  “No not tonight,” I tell him

  “Why not you doin’ somethin’ special,” he asks me

  “You know don't you,” I say, and he smiles.

  “Yeah, I saw the message when you were helpin’ Socket yesterday when lover boy messaged.”

  “Why didn't you say anything.”

  “Cause you’re an adult Tink if you wanna go out with the douche than that's up to you.”

  “The douche,” I say, and he smiles

  “Yeah the Prospects named him”

  “Damn it, please don't say anything Cuff.”

  “Baby girl my lips are sealed, but I warn you now Tink, that fucker puts one hand on you” I place my hand on his chest.

  “He's a nice guy.”

>   “Who's a nice guy,” Lilly asks walking in.

  “The douche” Cuff says, and I smack him.

  “That's not nice,” I tell him

  “Markus” Lilly asks, and I look at her

  “Yeah,” Cuff says

  “What about him?” she says

  “Tink's got another date” Lilly looks at me surprised.

  “You do since when” I shrug my shoulders.

  “He messaged me after our last date, and we've been messaging and talking all week” Lilly frowns at me.

  “Why didn't you tell me?”

  “Because you can't keep a secret.”

  “Yes, I can.”

  “Maybe from other people, but the second Stryker gets you alone you spill everything.”

  “Tink I'm sorry, damn I've been a shit sister haven't I” she pulls me in for a hug

  “It's fine,” I tell her

  “So, when’s the date.”

  “Tonight,” I tell her, and she looks surprised again

  “Tonight! Where is he taking you” I tap my nose smiling at her

  “You’re not going to tell me.”


  “Is he picking you up.”

  “Yeah, he's going to pick me up here.”

  “Are you sure Tink.”

  “Yes, Lilly, I like Markus he's sweet.”

  “But he...” I put my hand up to stop her

  “I'm going, and you all keep your damn mouths shut, I mean it,” I tell both of them.


  Jaxson comes in later that day for his tattoo, I'd drawn up a few things, but my favorite is a red rose with green leaves shading around it. A few, dew drops on the petals, and of course, I've put a tiny little fairy in the shading. You wouldn't know that it's there unless you were an inch away from his neck

  “So Tink you ready to tattoo me,” he asks, and I smile, but I feel nervous showing someone a piece of artwork is like opening your chest and exposing your heart waiting to see if they'll reach up and pull it out

  “Yeah, I've got a few for you to look at” but he shakes his head.

  “Nope you pick the best one and do it; I don't even want to see it until it's done.”

  “But what if you hate it, it will be there for you to look at forever.”

  “Baby I trust you” he sits down in my chair, and I get everything ready. My hand shakes a bit; I have to grab it to steady myself. Jaxson must feel my uneasiness because he looks at me “You got this Tink” he winks at me making me feel a little better, I take a deep breath and place the stencil that I drew up on his neck, and it fits perfectly

  “Ready,” I ask him, and he nods closing his eyes as I start the outline. It takes about two hours to finish, and it's amazing. Socket sitting with me the whole time giving me pointers

  “It's really good Tink,” Socket says, and I can't help but smile, I sit back and admire the beauty of it as I wash it down

  “All done you ready to see it,” I ask Jaxson, and he smiles

  “You know I am baby” I hand him the mirror nervously and take a deep breath, my heart beating a million miles an hour. He slowly lifts the mirror, or maybe that was me and time has just slowed down, and all the doubting comes into play. Is it good enough, will he like it (fuck I hope he likes it) I watch as his eyes look surprised and I swear I've stopped breathing

  “Well,” I ask to impatient to wait for an answer

  “Damn Tink” is all he says lifting the mirror one way and then another.

  “You hate it” I go to stand up, but he grabs me pulling me to him. I'm sitting on his lap, and he takes a deep breath, and I can feel his breath on my neck

  “Why a rose,” he asks me, and I smile

  “Do you like it” he shakes his head and my smile drops.

  “I fuckin’ love it baby” his warm breath on my neck has my nipples standing at attention, heat rises from my toes to my face, and I imagine pushing him back and riding his cock right here. (dammit get your mind out of the gutter he’s a man-whore) “Baby,” he says, and I'm pulled out of my erotic daydream

  “Yes” is all I manage, his hand rubbing my back in slow torturous circles and my panties feel like they’re going to combust with the heat between my legs

  “Why the rose,” he asks me again, Socket getting up and leaving us alone

  “Cuff” is all I say

  “Cuff” he repeats, and I nod my head.

  “He said he heard you and Jordan talking the other day about roses” he takes another deep breath.

  “I was talking about you baby; you always smell like roses” I move back to look at him

  “Me” he nods

  “You” he moves his hand up around my neck and lifts my chin with his thumb his huge hand holds me around my neck, I look into his eyes seeing his eyes dilated and felt his cock harden under me

  “Me,” I say, and he nods, his eyes shift to my lips, and I involuntary lick them and he growls at me

  “Ahem,” someone says, and I turn to see Chelsea as I come back to my senses (fuck I'm sitting on Jaxson's lap) I stand up fast knocking over my tray.

  “Shit,” I say starting to pick up the items off of the floor, luckily my gun was on the other bench

  “Baby leave it” I see Chelsea smile and wave her hand at herself like she's hot and mouth to me

  ‘baby,’ I shake my head at her standing up and putting the items back on the tray and brush down the front of my jeans to wipe my sweaty hands

  “Your next appointment is here,” she says, and I look at her (appointment), but she rolls her eyes at me “You know your appointment for tonight” (fuck Markus) we both have an unspoken conversation

  “Right” I hand the mirror back to Jaxson “Just stay there, I want to get my camera and take a photo if that's ok.”

  “No-prob babe” I watch him watch me, and I smile as I walk out of my room closing the door

  “Shit he's early” I whisper to Chelsea.

  “Yeah but he's cute” I frown at her.

  “You think everyone is cute” as I walk out, I see Markus sitting on the sofa out the front. Lilly talking to him and he stands up when he sees me.

  “Markus,” I say, and he kisses me on the cheek

  “I hope it's ok I came early, I thought we could go and get a coffee before we head out” I smile.

  “That sounds amazing the coffee shop down the street is amazing, I'm just finishing up with someone is it ok if I meet you there in five minutes.”

  “Sounds great I'll order, what would you like.”

  “Large cappuccino.”

  “Great I'll see you in a couple of minutes” I smile and watch him walk out the door, I let the breath that I was holding in, out and feel a little light headed

  “Damn Tink you can pick 'em,” Chelsea says, and I shake my head at her

  “He's a nice guy,” I tell her.

  “And what about the sexy as fuck biker who keeps calling you baby,” she says

  “Jaxson's just.........” (fuck what is Jaxson and what the fuck is it with him calling me baby all of a sudden) “Argh,” I say walking back to my room opening the door and stop. Jaxson is sitting in my chair (god he's so cute…no no he blew you off for a club-whore) all the heat I was feeling towards Jaxson cools down the instant I remember Summer on her knees “Sorry I forgot my camera is here” I bend down into my bottom drawer and lift up my camera

  “No problem baby, take as many as you want, do you need me to take my shirt off” I frown at him, but my heart skips a beat (fuck no I'd spontaneously combust) I shake my head.

  “No need” I lift my camera and take a few shots for my portfolio and show Jaxson the picture

  “You did really good, baby, it's perfect” I look at him and frown

  “Ok, what's with the baby shit” he shrugs.

  “Nothing I just like it” (yeah, I remember you calling the whore that too)

  “Yeah well quit it, it's KC or Tink nothing else,” I tell him but he laughs, but I frown at h


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