The Devils Apprentice

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The Devils Apprentice Page 14

by Cilla Lee

“Well I'm going to get some sleep it's a long as fuckin’ ride from Indian Springs.”

  “Night man.”

  “Night and Sinner” I look up at him

  “You’re doin’ the right thing; if I had a sister, I'd do the same shit.”

  “Thanks, man I appreciate it.”


  The rest of the day I watch Tink help Lilly, all the other Old Ladies show up and help out too. Pink and Cream streamers hang all around the clubhouse balloons are hung, and furniture is moved around to make way for tables. Long curtains are hung from the wall hiding the walls; it looks like a prom threw up and after a while, I have to step out to get some air. Having Rowen here in the clubhouse fucked up on drugs is really fuckin’ with my head “You ok” Tiny asks me as I sit on one of the bench seats

  “No, not really,” I tell him honestly

  “So, who was the chick” I look at him

  “My sister.”

  “That was your sister,” he asks surprised


  “No wonder she knew how to kick your ass” I smile


  “What's up with her.”

  “Drugs” is all I say

  “She in deep.”

  “As far as I can tell.”

  “So, what's the plan?” he asks, and I shrug.

  “Honestly, I don't know, lock her up until she's clean.”

  “Sinner it ain't that easy most of withdrawal is mental if she doesn’t want to get clean she's just gonna go back out there and find the first score she can get”

  “Fuck man I didn't even think of that.”

  “Look you need to talk to her, find out why she does it. Really pay attention to what she says after the withdrawals, but don't judge her man. That'll only push her towards the junk again, and get her out of here. This place is a madhouse, take her out to the barn it's quiet, and you can lock it up tight” I smile

  “Sage advice Tiny thanks.”

  “That's me man wise as fuck and hung like a horse” I laugh.

  “Brother, I don't wanna think about your dick.”

  “No, but ya are” I smile shaking my head as he walks off laughing (damn I love this club)



  The night before the wedding Lilly and I had sat up most of the night talking, and it was so good. Like old times when we watched a movie and even classed it up with wine “Who would have thought we'd be in a beautiful house drinking wine getting ready for my wedding and just being happy,” she'd said, and I looked at her smiling

  “I remember the first time I saw Stryker,” she tells me.


  “I think I fell in love with him the first time I saw him,” she says

  “Really how did you know.”

  “There was something about him, and I know this is going to sound stupid, but it's like when he looks at me he can see into my soul” I smile cause it's exactly how I think of Jaxson



  “Do you love Jaxson” I nod

  “Love, I don’t know, but I really do like him a lot.”

  “Then why don't you do anything.”

  “Because he doesn't want me like that.”

  “Tink he watches you all the time.”

  “Yeah, he may stare, but when I made a move, he pushed me away.”

  “You made a move on him,” she asks me

  “Yeah, I kissed him and everything, and he told me he couldn't and the next thing I know he's outside, and Summer's giving him a blowjob, and he's calling her baby” she grabs my hand

  “Shit Tink why didn't you say anything.”

  “Um let me see because I was totally humiliated and rejected for a whore” she has that look of pity on her face and I cringe, this is why I didn't tell her if the rejection from Jaxson was bad enough, I sure as hell don't want pity

  “It's fine Lilly honestly, I've come to terms with the fact that Jaxson doesn't want me.”

  “Damn Tink, I don't think I wouldn't be that gracious, I think I would have kicked his ass” I laugh


  “Fuck yes, turning me down for a club-whore fuck that”

  “You know I caught him a few times fucking Summer.”

  “Just Summer or the other whores to.”

  “The whores the strippers anyone but me.”

  “I made him feel bad when he found you at you knows house.”


  “When he thought that you two slept together, I rubbed it in telling him he deserved it”

  “What did he say?”

  “Nothing much.”

  “Well it's fine, I've come to terms with it, I'm off men for now anyway plus the twins have a new girlfriend.”

  “Tink don't give up on love the right man is out there you'll see” I smile at her again.

  “Lilly I'm just happy being here with you Stryker and Tiny what more could I want”

  “Are you sure, I could go and kick his ass for you” I laugh harder

  “No, I'm good, so the honeymoon, are you looking forward to it.”

  “Yeah, a whole month in the Bahamas who wouldn't be.”

  “Do you know where you’re staying.”

  “No Stryker's keeping it a secret, but Tink I'm so excited to be marrying him. Spending the rest of my life with him, I'm even thinking about kids” I look at her in shock.

  “Kids,” I say, and she nods

  “The thought of being pregnant with Stryker and my baby Tink, god I can't wait.”

  “Kids, wow Lilly I don't know what to say” she smiles.

  “Whenever I see Niya and Logan, I want that you know, I want to be a Mom and have Stryker’s baby to have a little him and me, god I want that so much.”

  “Are you thinking about getting your bar out” she nods.

  “I am.”

  “Wow that's a huge step, don't you just want it to be you and Stryker for a while before you have kids.”

  “No, after we get back from the honeymoon I'm having it taken out.”

  “Shit,” I say, but she just laughs

  “Have I shocked you,” she asks me

  “A little but I'm happy for you, and whatever you decide I'll be there for you and Stryker.”

  “Thank you Tink so much” tears prick my eyes, and I look at her

  “It's you I should be thanking Lilly.”

  “Me,” she says

  “Yeah, you saved me.”

  “I saved you.”

  “The life I had before you came along wasn't all that good but you, you brought me to life. And I will love you for that for the rest of my life, no matter how many arguments we have or if I ever get pissed at you, I'll always love you for saving me.”

  “Tink,” she says pulling me in for a hug “Tink.”


  “Will you ever tell me about what happened”

  “Maybe one day.”

  “Well, I'll be here when you’re ready.”

  “Deal,” I tell her


  The sun shines through my window, and I watch as the ray of light fills my room, I can hear people downstairs, and I know the girls are here to help Lilly and me get dressed. Today is the day Lilly gets married, and I'm nervous but excited I can't imagine how she would be feeling “TINK” is screamed as I walk into the kitchen Lilly Chelsea Niya Zoey and Maggie holding Logan are all sitting at the table.

  “Good morning,” I say to everyone “Excited,” I ask Lilly, and she smiles

  “I'm so nervous.”

  “Why are you having second thoughts.”

  “God no I'm scared something will happen” I smile at her.

  “Lilly nothing is going to happen, and by the end of the day you’re going to be Mrs. Lilly Adams” everyone smiles but I laugh, and everyone looks at me

  “Oh, come on that's funny,” I tell them.

  “What?” Niya asks

  “Mrs. Adams” I laugh rolling my eyesr />
  “Hello if her name were Morticia it would be funny as shit” Maggie starts laughing

  “Morticia Adams and Stryker as Gomez” we all laugh hard, but Lilly just rolls her eyes

  “Very funny,” she says

  “Come on Lil that was funny you do look like her a bit “she frowns.

  “I do not” I laugh again.

  “You’re too easy Lil,” I tell her.

  “Very funny,” she says smirking giving me the finger

  Chapter Nineteen


  After having my talk with Tiny yesterday, we decided that moving Rowen out to the barn was probably the best thing and Razor agreed. It wasn't that hard to move her; she slept most of the way, so Saint just held her as I drove.

  The night was hard when she woke up; she was sick for hours she was sweating so much we had to change her clothes twice and by hour six we just left her in a vest shirt and her underwear. Saint held her as she shook, it was so fuckin’ hard to see our baby sister like this and I was fuckin’ pissed at Taylor and swore the next time I saw that bitch I was gonna put a bullet in her head.

  “LET ME OUT YOU PIECES OF SHIT LET ME GO....PLEASE” Rowen went through stages of begging and raving like a bitch possessed than she slept. Saint was taking it hard, listening to her he'd gone for a long walk just after she fell asleep and when he came back he was quite “You ok” I'd asked him.

  “I swear I wanna find Taylor and kill her” I snort.

  “Me too Brother me to.”



  “Do you think she'll make it.”

  “Jordan she's doing good ok, this shit has to happen for her to get better.”

  “I know that I'm saying where forcing her to give up do you think she'll go straight back to it when she's better.”

  “Man, I don't know, but Tiny said we should talk to her find out how it started, listen to her and not judge” he smiles.

  “Wise words.”

  “Yeah well, I think Tiny's right man, when I first found out I was pissed but thinking about it more I want to know why.”

  “It's just fuckin’ hard man it's Rowen, our little sister.”

  “Jordan we'll always be her big brothers we just gotta listen to her”


  “You hungry,” I ask him, and he shakes his head.

  “You going to the wedding tomorrow.”

  “I want to, but I don't want to leave.”

  “Sinner she's fine go and see Tink I know you want to.”

  “Man, I don't know what to do with her.”

  “You know what to do fuckhead, just take her you've got your patch man up and claim her.”

  “I think I might have fucked it up though.”

  “Man, that woman, is in love with you.”

  “She's still with the douche.”

  “Nah they broke up” I look at him frowning.


  “Not sure I just heard Niya and Maggie talking and they said that it was over between them.”


  That night I help Rowen again, she cried begged and pleaded for me to get her a fix, it broke my heart watching her go through this. I'm still pissed off at our parents for not telling Saint and me just ignoring their own daughters’ addiction; maybe if they ignored it, it would have gone away.

  “Please, Jaxson I'm begging you let me out.”

  “No Rowen this is for your own good.”

  “MY OWN GOOD YOU FUCKING PRICK I FUCKING HATE YOU” she'd broken the side table the first night after she'd woken up so Saint and I moved her to another room with just a mattress a bucket nothing else in the room not even sheets we emptied the bathroom even takin the plug so she couldn't fill the tub. It had already been three days and today was the day of the wedding I was tired as fuck, but I really wanted to see Tink. She was what kept me sane her beautiful face was what kept me going.

  “Yo Sinner” I open my eyes to look up at my brother up at my eyes.


  “The weddings in an hour.”

  “Shit what time is it.”


  “How's Rowen”

  “She's asleep.”


  “Get up you don't want to miss seeing Tink walk down the aisle” I smile the thought of Tink walking down the aisle make me happy, and I imagine her walking towards me “Fuckhead move your ass” I jump up and head for a quick shower. Getting to the clubhouse was a breath of fresh air, even though I was up all night with Rowen I had a few hours’ sleep, and I was pumped to see Tink. I knew the colors of the wedding where cream and pink because the clubhouse looked like a little girls’ doll house pink and cream ribbons and balloons everywhere. It looked so strange with all of the bikers in leather cuts jeans and boots it was the definition of an oxi-moron statement bikers and princesses.

  “You made it,” Gunner says


  “No Saint”

  “Nah he had to stay and watch Rowen.”

  “How is she”


  “Brother you'll get her through this you both will” I smile at him and look around.

  “Place looks horrible,” I tell him, and he laughs.

  “I know right, if another club was to ride pass we'd be branded pussies” I smile

  “The guys look clean.”

  “Fuck man you missed it yesterday, Lilly made us all show her what we were wearing today if she didn't like it we had to go buy something new the women's crazy” I look at him and notice everything he has on is new.

  “So, I guess you didn't have anything she liked.”

  “Fuck no the women almost throughout half my shit” I laugh; I at least had the foresight to buy new shit for the day. I watch as Stryker and Colt walk in everyone greeting them. The smile on Stryker’s face is catching, and I find myself smiling for him. They make their way down the aisle the yard has been transferred into white seats on each side of an aisle that has a white cloth flowers and ribbons are all over the place, but all I keep staring at is Stryker's face. The mans a hard nut to crack at best, but today he can't stop smiling, and I know that's down to Lilly. The music starts, and everyone turns to the back. Tink comes walking out, and the earth stopped, her hair is twisted in waves framing her face, and it's down with small white flowers in it. Her dress is gorgeous on her, all pink and flowy. Her smile as she walks, stops me breathing she's breathtaking. I watch as she passes my row but she slightly moves her head and I know she looked at me, as she keeps walking my dick gets so fuckin’ hard her hair flowing all the way past her ass.

  I notice out the corner of my eye Lilly walk past with Tiny escorting her, Tiny's face says it all he's happy as fuck and proud. The ceremony goes off without a hiccup, but I don't even pay attention to anything else but Tink, the way she's standing there her tits in that dress has my imagination on overload. I watch every move she makes her smile her gorgeous neck that I want to suck on to holding her hair as I fuck her hard. Damn that women is gorgeous.

  Everyone cheers and I realize the ceremony is over, I watch Niya hand Tink a tissue, and she wipes away the tears, she hugs Lilly and kisses Stryker, and I feel like marching over there and claiming her, but I don't. I just stand back and watch her. My phone pings in my pocket and I pull it out, and it's a message from Saint

  'need ya Brother' I look back up at Tink, and my heart feels heavy. Fuck I wanna claim her, but my family need me

  'on way' I message back.



  I watch Sinner say something to Gunner, and he nods; he walks around to where the bikes are, and I hear a bike roar to life and leave. My heart sinks a bit he just left “Tink you ok” Niya asks me, and I smile

  “Of course, just happy.”

  “That wasn't a happy look Tink, are you sure you’re ok” I plaster on a smile.


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