Cowboys Last All Night

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Cowboys Last All Night Page 51

by Jennifer Ashley

  He handed her a sandwich. “Eat up. You look as though you need it.”

  She smiled as she took it. “Just what the doctor ordered.”

  The small dinner of sandwiches was great after two days of bland hospital food. The fire crackled and popped in the fireplace, its heat enough to warm the cozy cabin. The two Coleman lanterns and the fire were the only light in the cabin now that it was dark outside.

  Trace finished off his second sandwich and drained his bottle of water. “How are things in Indiana?”

  Christie lowered the last bit of her turkey sandwich instead of taking a bite. She tilted her head to the side as she thought about it. “Things have been good, but it’s taken me a while to adjust.”

  He held her gaze. “When this is all over, will you consider staying in Arizona?”

  “I don’t know.” She set the rest of her sandwich on the paper plate on the coffee table and wiped her fingers on a napkin. “Bisbee will always be home to me, and I miss it.” She looked away before meeting his eyes again. “But there are bad memories that I want to get away from.”

  “I’ll bet there are a hundred times more good memories.” He spoke with sincerity in his tone. “You have your friends from the CoS, too.”

  “Thanks to my ex-husband, the Circle of Seven doesn’t exist anymore.” She had to fight to hold back the tears. “We’re broken.”

  “I’m so sorry, honey.” He wrapped his big arms around her and pulled her close to his chest, clearly taking care not to hurt her injured arm, which was now not bothering her in the least thanks to the pain med. “I shouldn’t have brought that up.”

  “It’s okay.” She rested her cheek against his chest. He felt so warm, so solid and real. “I should think of the friends who remain.”

  “Like Belle and Dylan.” Trace kissed the top of her head. “And their baby.”

  Christie tilted her head so she could see his face. “You’re right. Nate and Tom would have wanted each of us to be happy.”

  Her words died away as she met Trace’s eyes. The flint gray had darkened nearly to charcoal. He slid his fingers along her jawline before brushing her lips with his thumb.

  “This wasn’t a good idea.” He spoke in a low rumble that caused her insides to quiver.

  “What wasn’t?” She found herself staring at his lips. Lips that she wanted to kiss.

  “Bringing you here.” His throat visibly worked. “Being alone with you.”

  She reached up and stroked his stubbled jaw. “I want to be here. Alone with you.” She didn’t know where the confidence came from—maybe her newfound independence over the past several months.

  He put his hand over hers, stilling it. “Christie.” He looked like he wanted to say more but couldn’t get it out.

  “Tell me why you’re really here.” All she had to do was make a little movement and they would be kissing. Maybe she should shut up and kiss him. But she wanted him to tell her. “You skated past it before. I want to know.”

  He shifted her in his arms and stroked her hair. For a long moment, he just looked into her eyes before he finally spoke. “It’s been over a year since the first time I saw you. I’ve never been able to get you out of my mind since the beginning. I’ve even dreamed of you.”

  Her breath caught. She hadn’t expected him to tell her that. He hadn’t been able to forget her. Like she hadn’t been able to forget him.

  She didn’t stop to wonder why the words came so easily to her as she spoke them. “I’ve thought so many times about you, Trace. It wasn’t simply because you saved my life, and not just because you took care of me afterward.” She placed one hand on his chest. “There’s so much more I’ve wanted to know about you. I’ve wanted to get to know you, but I didn’t think it could ever happen.”

  An expression of surprise shifted to a look of hunger that he was fighting to hold back. “I don’t think you have any idea what you do to me, Christie.”

  She moved her palm up his chest to his shoulder. “If it’s anything like what you do to me, then I might have an idea.”

  He searched her gaze as if needing to affirm the truth in her words. In a swift movement his mouth captured hers, as if he could no longer hold himself back. The kiss was deep, filled with need, longing, desire.

  It was clear in the kiss that her hunger was equal to his. She kissed him with a passion she hadn’t known she possessed. From somewhere deep inside her feelings bubbled to the surface, as if long held back, feelings she’d never experienced before.

  Something knocked at the back of her brain. The last time she’d been with her ex, he’d raped her, more than once. She hadn’t been with a man since.

  But this is different. This is Trace.

  He wouldn’t hurt her. He would never hurt her like Salvatore had.

  Trace was her knight in shining armor, a man who would come to her rescue and not be the cause of emotional or physical pain.

  She knew she was stronger now, and didn’t need a man to rescue her in life. But when it came to rescue from a bullet, apparently she did need some help. Outside of that, she felt much more powerful.

  And that power reinforced how much she desired to be with Trace.

  The desire to be with him magnified.

  She kissed him with even more fervor than before. She wanted him. Needed him.

  Trace grasped her waist and pulled her onto his lap, clearly being careful not to jostle or hurt her injured arm.

  She wrapped her free arm around his neck. She pushed all thoughts of her bastard ex from her mind and concentrated on the way that Trace made her feel and her desire to be with him.

  His cock grew rigid beneath her bottom and she squirmed, loving the feel of it so hard against her. She loved knowing that she caused that reaction, that he desired her just as must as she needed him.

  The kiss was wild, as if so much had been bottled inside them that had finally been set free, something neither one of them could control. His body was so hot, burning though her shirt. Her breasts felt heavy and full, aching to be free, aching for his touch, for his mouth.

  He broke the kiss, his breathing hard. “We need to stop.”

  She looked at him, puzzled. “Why?”

  “One, you’re injured.” He stroked her hair. “Two, you just went through the trauma of being shot and finding out your ex put out a hit on you. Three, I’m not going to take advantage of you when you’re on a pain med.”

  “But—” she started.

  “Shhhh.” He put two fingers against her lips. “You’re vulnerable right now, Christie, in more ways than one, and I’m not going to ask you to make decisions under any of these circumstances.”

  “I’m more than fine.” She met his gaze. “It’s thanks to the meds that my arm is not bothering me in the least.”

  “But it might be clouding your judgment.” He stroked her nose with one finger. “I want you to be clear-headed when you make your decision.”

  She reached up and kissed him. “I don’t want to wait, you know.”

  He put his forehead to hers. “It might be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but I’m going to put you to bed. Without me.”

  She wanted to pout. She ached so much for him. “I knew I hated Percocet. This gives me one more reason.”

  He caressed her cheek, his gaze serious as he studied her. “I won’t take advantage of you. If there’s a chance that you could change your mind in the morning, I won’t do it.”

  She shifted in his lap and put her head against his chest. “You’re a good man, Trace Davidson. In this case I almost wish you weren’t quite so good.”

  “So do I.” He held her close and she heard the smile in his voice. “You are one hell of a woman, Christie. I want you to know how special you are.”

  Chapter Six

  The bathroom was chilly as Christie took off the sling and changed into a big T-shirt and sweatpants. She hadn’t expected to be sleeping in the same room as the man she’d more or less had a crush on, or she might
have picked out something a little sexier to take with her on her trip.

  Her arm wasn’t bothering her with the pain med, but it felt stiff after having been in a sling for so long. When she left the bathroom, she carried her things out and saw that Trace was wearing a form-fitting T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, too. Damn, she’d never seen anyone look so sexy in sweatpants.

  He held up a first aid kit. “Let’s change that bandage.”

  She sat in a chair as he crouched beside her, and she felt more flutters in her belly. Every time he came near her, she wanted to lean into him and feel his body even closer to hers. Being in his arms, feeling his lips against hers—it had been incredible. And she was greedy—she wanted more.

  He carefully removed the bandage, the touch of his fingers on her skin giving her goose bumps. “It looks good.” He examined her arm and she saw the bandage had no traces of blood and the wound was closing. “It’s healing very well.”

  He dressed her wound, then got up from his crouch. “You take the bed.” He nodded in its direction. “I’ll unfold the couch bed.”

  She bit her lower lip, suddenly feeling vulnerable and needy for his companionship. “Will you sleep with me?” Before he could list the reasons why they couldn’t have sex, she hurried to add, “To sleep. Just keep me company.” She gave him a little mischievous smile. “I promise not to attack you.”

  His lips curved with a hint of amusement. “As long as you’re promising not to attack me, we can make that happen.”

  She grinned and scooted under the cool sheets and quilts on the bed. She plumped one of the two pillows and rested her head on it as she watched him.

  He turned off one of the LED lanterns and the room grew darker. He drew his gun out of its holster before turning off the other lantern.

  The fire in the fireplace had died down and the light was dim as he returned to the bed, and then set his weapon on a nightstand at the head of the bed.

  He smiled down on her. “Give me a minute.” He went to the fire and added a big log into the grate.

  When he finally came back to the bed, the sheets were a little warmer from her body heat. He slid between the sheets and rested his head on the pillow as he faced her. The firelight flickered, casting shadows over his face. For a long moment they looked at each other and she felt like they were lost someplace in space and time.

  “Will you hold me?” She wasn’t sure where that came from, but she wanted to be closer to him.

  He hesitated. “Sure, honey.” He adjusted himself on the bed and she scooted closer so that her head was resting on his shoulder and his body was within inches of her own. Her good arm was beneath her so that she wasn’t lying on her injured one.

  She gave a contented sigh, feeling safe and cared for. It was the first time in fifteen months that she’d felt that way. She filled her lungs with his masculine scent and his body heat surrounded her, warming her to her core.

  He rested his hand on her hip, even more heat traveling through her at his touch. “Tell me about Indiana.”

  She shrugged, glad her arm didn’t hurt her when she did so. “It’s a pretty quiet life in a town that’s even smaller than Bisbee. I work with my cousin and just try to enjoy the simpler things in life.” She smiled. “Like embroidery. I embroidered some blocks that my aunt quilted.”

  “It sounds like you have a good life there.” His eyes were dark as he studied her. “Did you date?”

  “No.” Her smile faded a little. “I don’t know that I can. I’ve never had a normal relationship, and honestly, I’m not sure how a healthy relationship works.” Trace lightly stroked her hip, which seemed to give her the courage to continue. “I was a different person with Salvatore. He controlled me, told me what to wear, what to do, what to say, how to act. He even controlled my interactions with my friends.” She looked away from Trace’s gaze. “I don’t want to ever lose myself in a man again.”

  “Don’t let one bad man continue to control your life,” he said softly.

  “I know. You’re right.” Wanting desperately to move the topic from herself, she turned her gaze back on him. “What about you? Any serious relationships? Have you ever been married?”

  “Never been married.” The way he watched her made her feel like he was waiting for a reaction. “I’ve dated women, but nothing serious. At least not on my side.” He stopped moving his hand and rested it on her hip. “It’s not like me to have such an intense reaction to a woman like I’ve had with you.”

  “You have?” She almost couldn’t breathe.

  He reached up and ran his knuckles along her cheek. “From the very beginning, I’ve wanted nothing more than to steal you away from everything and take care of you.” He slid his fingers into her hair. “But I also wanted to see you thrive and grow stronger every day like you have over these past months. You were an amazing woman before, but I like this new, independent you.”

  “Thank you.” She snuggled in closer to him, her palm on his chest, her head tucked under his chin. “That means a lot.”

  Her eyelids grew heavy. She was so content at that moment, more content than she ever remembered feeling in her life. Her eyes drifted closed, and in moments she slipped away into a deep and restful sleep.

  * * *

  Christie was still sleeping when Trace woke the next morning. The day was overcast, dim light barely making it through the skylights. The fire had died down and a chill had descended over the room.

  He watched her for a long moment, her face relaxed in sleep and looking more peaceful than any time since he’d met her. It had felt so good holding her last night.

  At the same time it had been rough—he’d wanted her so badly that he hadn’t slept well at all. He’d finally fallen asleep but he woke up with morning wood.

  His arm was numb from holding her all night, and he hated to move and wake her. But Mother Nature called and was becoming ever more insistent.

  Tingles prickled in his arm as he managed to adjust Christie and move her onto the pillow. He slid out of bed, hardly able to take his eyes off the beautiful woman lying there.

  He headed to the bathroom and took care of business. She was still asleep when he returned. After shedding his sweatpants, he pulled on his jeans and belt, attaching his phone holster to the belt.

  As he built up the fire again, his mind went back to sleeping with Christie last night.

  Coffee. He needed coffee. He grabbed a bag out of a cabinet and then went straight to the propane coffee maker. In no time he had the thing going, and the aroma filled the cabin.

  He had sausage links and half a dozen eggs in the ice chest. He turned on the Coleman stove, heating the griddle. Soon the smells of eggs and sausages, as well as two pieces of buttered bread toasting on the griddle, joined the coffee aroma.

  “That smells like heaven.” Christie’s sleepy voice came from behind him. He looked over his shoulder and she smiled. “Need any help?”

  “Good morning, sunshine.” He returned her smile and glanced at the bandages. “How’s your arm?”

  “Better.” She tentatively extended the bandaged arm. “I don’t think I’ll need to wear the bandage past today.”

  He nodded, grateful that the bullet had only nicked the artery and it had been not more than a flesh wound beyond that. “We’ll change your bandages again around lunch.”

  She stretched, her T-shirt tightening over her full breasts. Her nipples pressed against the fabric and he felt like his morning wood had just become something that someone could set on fire with just a match.

  His throat worked as he faced the griddle, trying to gain control over his body. Barney & Friend’s theme song rang in his head and that did it. The purple dinosaur’s song was the best remedy he knew to get rid of an unwanted erection. Most of the night he’d had that stupid music in his head just to keep his cock restrained. Thank God for Barney.

  He turned over the sausage links before he finished scrambling the eggs and putting the toasted bread onto a plate.r />
  While he finished up breakfast, Christie took one of the giant 800mg ibuprofen tablets out of the container in her purse. She swallowed it down with water from a bottle she’d grabbed from the ice chest.

  Breakfast was easy and natural. They didn’t refer to anything they’d talked about in bed. Instead they began to discuss Belle and Dylan’s growing family again. Christie’s face lit up when she talked about the baby, and Trace felt warmth in his gut just watching her. She’d make such a good mother.

  They started gathering the empty plates and his phone vibrated twice in its holster, telling him that a message had come in. Considering how far up the mountain they were, cell service was touch and go. He pulled his phone out and saw that it was from Dylan, who had sent another short video.

  Trace grinned and motioned for Christie to sit beside him. A delighted expression came over her face as they watched the video together.

  In it, Belle held Shane and chatted as Dylan followed them through the ranch house with the camera phone. She showed the baby’s room that had a changing table, a bureau, a line of stuffed animals sitting along a long shelf, and a mobile of the solar system hanging over the crib.

  When the video was over, Christie gave Trace a wide smile. “Isn’t the baby adorable? And Belle looks amazing. Tired, but amazing.” Christie laughed. Trace loved the way she looked and sounded when she laughed. “The stuffed horse I brought for the baby will fit in with his animal collection.”

  He couldn’t take his eyes off Christie. He was mesmerized by her beauty, her radiance as she talked about Dylan’s family. Trace wanted to reach out and touch her, take some of the light she glowed with. He wanted to fill himself with her and her light.

  She cocked her head as he just stared at her. “Is something wrong?”

  “Absolutely not.” He smiled. “Just thinking of what a wonderful mother you would be.”

  The moment he said it, her eyes looked haunted. “I can’t have children. I’m sterile.”

  It was like a punch to his gut to see this beautiful woman appear so desperately sad. He brought her into his arms because she looked like she needed it.


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