General Population

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General Population Page 11

by Eddie Jakes

  He lowered the gun to his side, and the shaking of his arm and fingers soon stopped.

  "It's okay," said Maddix, taking the gun from Ephrain. "I didn't think you would be able to."

  "What does this prove?" asked Tara.

  "The pact prevents anyone from seeking to do harm against one of us. Ephrain can't shoot me, so the pact is still in effect."

  "Well then someone, or something, has found a loophole," Roberts stated.

  "Looks that way."

  "So what is the protocol if something like this happens?" asked Javier.

  "They didn't really plan for an insect infestation."

  "There must be something."

  "I think we should just find out as much as possible for now."

  Javier jumped from his place on the floor and directly into Maddix's face. "The investigation is over, Benbrook. My men are dead, the streets are crawling with crazed monsters, and you want to ask more questions?"

  "Javier, calm down." Maddix put his hands on Javier's shoulders.

  "No, this is bullshit." Javier smacked his hands away and drew his gun.

  "Whoa, Chief!" exclaimed Roberts, who leapt to Javier's side.

  "Back off, Constable," said Javier through gritted teeth.

  He cocked the hammer back on his pistol.

  "You know something, monsieur. Are you going to tell us, or am I going to have to impeach you?"

  The two men stared at each other. Maddix could see that Javier didn't want to shoot him, but losing all his men was making him desperate for some kind of retribution. There was only one option. It would save them all and give Javier the revenge he sought at the same time, but there would be consequences.

  "I can open the gate from in here."

  Everyone in the room put all eyes on Maddix.

  "There is a key for emergencies, and I know where it is."

  Javier lowered his gun and relaxed.

  "Then let's go," said Smitty.

  "Wait a minute," Ephrain chimed in. "If you open the gate, what happens to all of us?"

  "If the gate is opened from the inside, the Founding Father's will reinitiate the third purge and everyone in Malevolent will be cast into nothing."

  Maddix had never seen Ephrain look frightened before. Tara put an arm around the old man's shoulders.

  "I'm sorry, Ephrain. If there is anything we can do for you, we will try," Tara murmured.

  "I don't mean to break up this emotional bonding," said Javier, frustrated, "but you are both talking about a man who has killed men, women, and children in his lifetime for sport. He's engaged in vile experiments that caused reprehensible suffering. His fate was sealed with everyone else in this goddamn place."

  Deep down, Maddix knew Javier was right. Ephrain had been his friend for his time as overseer, but he was a sociopathic killer being held back by a powerful leash. Who knew what would happen if he were free to do as he pleased? He would at least make the case, though, if he could. That was more consideration than a man with Ephrain Ketter's history deserved.

  "Everyone grab your things and let's divide up the ammo," said Roberts.

  "Now," Javier began, "where do we start?"

  There was one thing that needed to be done before Maddix would open the gate. "We need to go to the lake."


  There was rioting in the streets of Malevolent. Werewolf, zombie, vampire, and other demonic creatures fought against those possessed by the wasps. Javier watched as every one bit, clawed, and punched their way through trying to escape the carnage. Those free of the influence would soon find themselves swarmed and stung.

  A small number of werewolves sat on the sidelines surveying the town. Some of them appeared to be joined by some pale men who also joined them in observing the chaos. Javier figured them to be co-conspirators in this whole ordeal, but what were they looking for? They would have to watch their backs if they hoped to get the key and escape through the gate. There had to be eyes and ears tracking every move they made.

  They all lined up by the door, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make a run for it. Maddix still had some stiffness in his legs, but he assured everyone that he would be able to make it and carry out the plan.

  Everyone knew about the tiny island in the center of the lake, but no one knew that this was the secret hiding space for the gate key. Only the overseer would be privy to that information. It was necessary to ensure that no one could get the key and escape the prison.

  "Everybody knows what has to be done?" asked Maddix.

  Everyone nodded and waited for Javier's signal to run. There was no way to tell who was possessed and who wasn't, so from then on it would be shoot anything that moves.

  As far as Javier could tell, there were more zombies than werewolves in the streets and that would give them an advantage. Although they could be the most dangerous if they got ahold of you, they were still very awkward and tended to flock together in large groups. This would give them the fortune of tripping up anything else that might come after them. With that in mind, he waited for just the right opening.

  It appeared they were about to get that moment.

  Javier couldn't tell for sure, but it looked like five or six werewolves got tied up wrestling with multiple biters. Werewolves were normally known for their animalistic finesse in a fight, but this slugfest was nowhere near that. The blows were savage and random, no doubt attributed to the effects of the wasps, which were burrowed deep into their brains by this point. Flying above all the chaos, Javier could see swarms of the bugs seeking out new victims.

  Drawn to the ensuing fights, most of the walking dead moved in to join their dead brethren.

  "Everyone get ready," said Javier, as he pulled the slide on his pistol. "No noise unless they see you. Hopefully, we can get a good distance away before we're spotted."

  The pack of zombies joined in the fight, biting and clawing at the wolves and each other. Luckily for everyone, zombies couldn't turn werewolves like regular humans. Most of the time, a zombie's bite wouldn't even break the skin of one. Javier couldn't begin to fathom the idea of an army of zombie werewolves, but then again it seemed like the wasps had done a good enough job of that.

  As the last zombie joined in the rumble, Javier could see a clear path for them to take.

  "Now's the time," Javier called. "Move!"

  Everyone shuffled out of the shop as quickly—but quietly—as possible. The entire ruckus caused by the fighting was enough to drown out their movements, and they managed to make it near the wrecked constable station. Javier stared at his proud station and bit his lower lip in anger. He gave one last silent prayer for his lost comrades as he pushed on.

  The shattering of glass as two large figures burst through the pub alerted the escaping group. One was clearly another werewolf and it was attacking a large man viciously. Closer inspection and Maddix recognized that it was Richmond Kirkpatrick, and he was wrestling with one of his own.

  Kirkpatrick fought with the beast as if it was second nature. He was clearly stronger despite his human form and decidedly more experienced as a fighter. A few quick moves and he snapped the neck of the wolf, followed by another twist in the opposite direction, removing its head from its shoulders.

  "Fucking pup," said Richmond. "Think you're gonna get the better of me, eh?" A small stream of blood dripped from Richmond's lip that he promptly wiped off. He could see the group watching him from across the street.

  "Hey, Overseer! What the hell is going on in this town?"

  Behind them, dozens of zombies turned toward the sound of Kirkpatrick's voice. The echoes of shrieking zombies alerted the group that they had been spotted.

  "Just get the hell out of here, Kirkpatrick. Now!" shouted Maddix.

  The horde of zombies started collapsing as a stampede of wolves made their way through the crowd and toward the group. By now, all the conflict had become so loud that no one but Tara even bothered to notice that the swarms of wasps had zeroed in on fresh t

  "Oh my God," said Tara. "Run!"

  The five continued their escape, pushing themselves to the limits. Richmond watched them, confused and still enraged at being attacked by his kinfolk. A swarm began to form around him. He swatted and dodged what to him was a minor nuisance till one hit its mark on the back of his neck.

  "Ouch, you bastard," said Kirkpatrick.

  Kirkpatrick reached for his neck but his arm suddenly went limp and his legs gave out on him. Javier watched as his face drained of all emotion and his eyes when blank. Kirkpatrick's body started to seize violently for a few seconds before going totally rigid, followed by his eyes clouding over and his pupils narrowing.

  Javier knew they were in deep shit now—Kirkpatrick was starting to turn.

  "If we don't hurry, we are as good as dead," said Javier.

  The group moved fast, but they could not escape the swarm of the wasps and they soon began to taunt them.

  "Watch your backs!" shouted Javier.

  They all waved their hands around, trying to deter the insects from hitting the bull's-eye. Smitty was panicking and screaming. Waving his arms like a maniac, he failed to pay attention where he was stepping and tripped over a rock in the street. One of the wasps was already on him and driving its stinger into his neck before he had time to get up.

  "Oh my God! Help me!" pleaded Smitty.

  Smitty had managed to grab a hold of the nasty insect before it could burrow into his skull, but that didn't stop the wasp from pumping its venom into his body. The venom sack drained quickly and Smitty was paralyzed.

  Tara instantly rushed to help Smitty get the bug off his neck, which was started to burrow itself into his head. Smitty was unable to speak and started babbling incoherent words as Tara yanked the wasp from his neck and tossed it to the ground. The wasp twitched and kicked its legs wildly before going completely still. The wound in Smitty's neck oozed a mixture of blood and pungent blue fluid. He continued to babble incoherently for a few seconds before his body gave out and he died in the street with Tara shouting at him to keep his eyes open.

  "Come on, we need to keep moving," Roberts demanded.

  "Too late," said Maddix. "We have bigger problems!"

  Gaining on them with huge strides was the largest werewolf any of them had seen in their lives. It was gray with a jaw capable of swallowing a person whole and paws with fingers the size of a man's head.

  "It's Kirkpatrick, shoot him before he gets to us!" shouted Javier.

  The three men opened fire at the monstrous wolf, and almost every shot hit its mark, but it kept coming at them. The small arms’ fire only seemed to make Kirkpatrick even madder.

  "Look out!" shouted Tara as she dove to the side.

  Maddix reached for Javier and Roberts but was only able to grab the former. They both fell to the ground and watched in horror as Kirkpatrick's large mouth snatched up Roberts and bit down hard. He screamed in pain when the teeth ripped through his torso. Kirkpatrick shook his head wildly with Roberts still in his mouth and then spit him out like rotten meat. Roberts landed on the ground crying in pain and unable to move.

  A pair of hands grabbed both men by their collars. It was Tara. "Quick, let's go."

  The three of them ran for their lives without looking back. There was no way to fight something that powerful with the caliber of ammo they had, and none of them had time to grab Smitty's shotgun. Their only hope at this point would be to get out of town and hide out in the forest till things calmed enough for them to carry out the plan.

  Javier watched the world around him go dark as the sun was suddenly blocked out. He didn't want to look up and confirm what he already knew but did so anyway. Kirkpatrick had taken a leap behind them and was propelled over the heads to cut them off. When he landed on the street in front of them, the ground shook slightly from his landing. They were now surrounded.

  They knew there was no turning back even without looking. They could hear the supernatural lynch mob behind them getting closer and the sound of more wasps joining in the swarm. While a lot of them seemed more interested in killing each other rather than them, there was still a considerable mob of killers closing in on them.

  "Fuck it, just shoot him!" Javier instructed.

  The two men opened fire with everything they had on Kirkpatrick, but the bullets couldn't do enough damage to hurt the beast. Javier managed to get two shots at his head, but his skull was so thick that it didn't penetrate. It was hopeless.

  "Just stop," said Tara. "Save them for us."

  The three of them glanced at each other. Perhaps she was right; it was better to die on their terms. Javier raised his gun to his chin and cocked the hammer slowly. Maddix told Tara to close her eyes, and he put the barrel of his weapon to her head.

  "Don't tell me when, just do it," said Tara. A tear slid down her cheek.

  Kirkpatrick shook off the few drops of blood on his face. Javier had managed to break the skin, but he was too old and too powerful to put down with such a weak weapon. His clouded eyes focused on his prey, and his muscles tightened up in preparation to pounce. His hind legs pushed him forward and into the air.

  But he was intercepted.

  "Run, you idiots!" a familiar voice broke through the tension.

  "It's Tanya!" said Javier.

  "We're not done yet," Maddix stated. "Let's run!"

  The three ran into the forest. Kirkpatrick was wrestling with Tanya, who was half his size and not as strong, but she moved quicker and more calculated. Kirkpatrick swiped at her wildly, but Tanya could stick and move like a boxer and eventually managed to sink her teeth into Kirkpatrick's back.

  "Chief!" The voice of Roberts caught Javier's attention and he stopped.

  The constable was alive and standing. His wound was gory but healing right before Javier's eyes. Roberts' skin was like leather, and his eyes were narrow. It was apparent to Javier that Roberts had survived his ordeal long enough for the change to happen. Roberts was now one of the creatures he had the most disdain for and there would be no cure for him.

  Roberts grabbed at his stomach in pain and tried to call for Javier one last time before he was unable to speak. Javier wanted to end his pain, but there wasn't any time for mercy. He would have to meet his fate with the other prisoners in the realm. He watched for a moment as his friend and underling for so many years suffered through his transformation.


  After ten minutes of running, they decided that it would be much easier to veer off into the forest and continue toward the lake under the cover of trees and zombie stench. There were still quite a few left that hadn't been stung by the wasps and didn't pose any threat to the group. Zombies rarely stood on the outskirts of the forest anyway.

  Maddix motioned for his two companions to come closer and pointed to Krazek's house in the distance past the foliage. There was a small fishing boat on the shore with a pair of oars laid across it.

  Javier let out a gasp when he saw the bodies of who he could only assume were his men spread out on the beach. Their bodies had been picked clean by the lake creatures and nothing but bones and shredded clothing remained. Javier had to choke back some bile when he saw the horrific scene.

  "You okay?" asked Tara, offering a gentle rub on Javier's back while he coughed.

  "Doesn't really matter anymore," Javier replied. "The coast is clear, let's just do this."

  Each of them stepped out from the foliage and scanned the perimeter. It was mostly quiet except for some commotion in the distance toward town. The skyline glowed and flickered. It appeared that someone had started some fires.

  "Either the town is on fire or someone is trying to burn some bodies," said Maddix.

  "It's all in the past now, monsieur. You sure those things won't try to eat us, too?" Javier pointed his finger at the chewed bones.

  "They can't hurt us. I discovered that already today."

  Maddix knocked on Krazek's door. After several seconds of silence, he knocked loude
r, calling the wizard's name as he did. Once again, there was no answer. Oh well, guess they would have to take his boat without asking. Not that Maddix was in the mood to be polite, anyway.

  "He's probably hiding or dead," said Javier.

  "Or worse, if he got stung by one of those things. Could he start casting spells?" asked Tara.

  "I don't think so," Maddix answered. "I think those things do something to the brain, that's why Smitty didn't recover when you pulled it off of him."

  Maddix walked over to the boat and started dragging it.

  "Help me move this to the water."

  The three of them dragged the small boat over to the edge of the lake and dropped it in. Tara grabbed the oars and threw them inside. It was just big enough that they could all fit in, but not a lot of space to move if they needed to. It would make defending themselves difficult, but they agreed splitting up would be even more dangerous.

  "Okay, one of us will work the oars while the other two take point, front, and back and watch for trouble," instructed Maddix.

  "I'll row the boat. I'm not a good shot anyway," Tara stated.

  "I'll take front then. Javier, the rear?"

  "Oui, monsieur."

  One-by-one they climbed into the small boat. It was a tight fit and maneuvering the oars was tough but slightly easier due to Tara's small frame. The two men sat with their pistols drawn watching for anything that might get in the way.

  It took less than five minutes to get halfway across the lake. Tara kept her breathing steady and rowed like a champion.

  Maddix was alerted to an approaching wasp and instinctively aimed his pistol at it.

  "One of those things is flying right at us!"

  "Try to shoot it!" shouted Javier.

  Maddix thought that Javier must have been kidding. He did his best to get a good shot at the approaching insect, but it moved too fast and was way too small for him to even try to get it in the sights.

  "No good! Here is comes!"

  The three of them closed their eyes and ducked their heads down. Maddix and Javier covered their necks with their hands clasped tight, but Tara didn't give up rowing. Each of them prepared for the inevitable that never came. It had closed the distance to five feet when a lake monster jumped out of the water and swallowed the wasp whole. The cold and slimy water splashed down on all of them as the creature dove back under the surface.


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