Jupiter's Shadow

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Jupiter's Shadow Page 12

by Tl Reeve

  “The people from yesterday?” So far, she hadn’t left. If she could hear me out the rest of the way, maybe this would work.

  “Wolves, too.”


  I inclined my chin. “It’s how she knew you were pregnant.”

  Silvi pursed her lips as she stared at me. I didn’t scent any fear, but what I could smell, didn’t ease the anxious knot in my stomach. She didn’t say a word to me, even after we ordered our food. I feared not only had I lost my friend, but I’d made the biggest mistake ever.

  “How often?” She grabbed her drink. “When do you go furry?”

  “Whenever I want,” I answered.

  “So, for ten years, you’ve held this from me. You could have snapped your fingers or clicked your heels, yet, you didn’t. Why all of a sudden now? Give me one good reason I shouldn’t walk out of here and never speak to you again. I thought we were friends, Jupiter. I thought we could tell each other everything.”

  “This…this isn’t about a crush or a new job or a break up. I was afraid if I told you, either you’d run away screaming about a wolf or you’d hook me up on a 5150.” I glanced away from her. My wolf howled at the thought of losing our friend because I’d been too chicken to share myself with her.

  “I’m made of sterner stuff, Baldwin,” she quipped.

  “I know.” I gave a weak nod.

  “Why now?”

  “You’re coming to my mating ceremony. If someone goes wolf in front of you, I didn’t want you to freak out.” The last thing we needed was bad attention thrust upon us because I couldn’t let my friend go.

  “What about Tommy?”

  “Since he is with you, I had to tell you first. It’s up to you whether you take him with you or not and if you tell him our secret.” I shrugged. “Either way, I am responsible for you now. You know about us, and if anyone finds out about our existence, it’s on me.”

  “Talk about putting me between a rock and a hard place, shit.”

  I snorted. “I’ve been here a while. Stick around.”

  “I trust him with my life,” she murmured.

  “Then, I’m trusting you with ours.”

  “God, Jupiter.” She sighed. “Why can’t you chose some kind of fetish instead of throwing the wolf card at me?”

  “Drama?” I quirked a brow.

  Her lips twitched. “You certainly have a way with it.”

  I laughed before sobering quickly. “Are we going to be okay?” I held my hand out to her. “I don’t want to lose my friend and the best dang partner a person can have.”

  She sat there. I thought perhaps she wouldn’t answer me, which made me a bit antsy at the prospect. Then she said, “We’re going to be fine. I’m pissed off you didn’t think you could tell me, though.”

  “I’m sorry. So, fucking sorry. Every day has been a challenge. Every day, I have had to fight not letting it out.”

  She took another drink of her beverage. “Is there anything else I should know?”

  “No,” I replied. “You have all my truth now.”

  “I still think you should follow me to the police department. I’ll have a spot open for you. Assistant Chief is open for the taking.”

  I blinked. My back came up against the booth. “You got the job?”

  She nodded. “Yes! I got the call this morning. My pregnancy won’t make a bit of difference.”

  “Oh, my God! Congratulations. I told you, you could do it.”

  “Will you consider the job offer?” Hope bloomed in her gaze. “I don’t want to take the job without you.”

  “Yes.” No way I’d say no. As the assistant, I’d have free time. I could work and help care for my pack. Plus, the added income would help all of us.

  “Excellent!” Silvi cheered. “Tell me more about your pack. I feel like we have ten years to catch up on.”

  * * *

  I went home feeling ten feet tall and invincible. When I opened the door, the guys were on me. I swore they’d been worry about me because they knew I’d be talking to Silvi today. Benning wrapped his arms around me first. Then Dax. Mace watched me, his features neutral and his eyes were guarded while Bowie and Scout stood with Brady.

  “Breathe guys. We’re okay.” The collective sigh filling the living room made me laugh.

  “What happened?” Benning led me to the couch. Each of them were more than curious to hear the details.

  “I told her. She’s mad at me for not explaining this whole thing to her before now, but she understands.”

  “Do you think she’ll tell anyone about us?” Scout took a step forwards. The fear was all too real for him and I got why.

  “No. She won’t. Tommy…I think she’s going to keep it from him. She trusts him, but she’s worried he’d freak.” I let out a breathy chuckle. “Not like she didn’t. I kind of had to show her, to prove it.”

  “What?” Surprise flickered in Mace’s blue eyes.

  “Don’t worry, it was only a paw.” I grinned. “She’s good with us, though. She liked meeting all of you and can’t wait to see you again at the mating ceremony.”

  “I guess this means we have a mating ceremony to finish planning,” Dax stated.

  “Yep, and I know just the girl to make my dress.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  I didn’t want the pack. I never wanted the pack.

  Until now.

  I had the confidence to lead it now. I realized what my father was doing after talking to him the night before, a scant few hours before the ceremony would begin. He pushed me to find the courage to be the alpha our pack needed or take a mate who could lead us.

  When I thought about everything we’d been through throughout the years, I could see just how broken he’d been. How alone and isolated away from his pack. I saw why he governed the way he did. He’d given up hope. Or, at least all of it but me.

  “I’m old and tired, Jupiter. I lost the will to lead. You haven’t. As much as you hated everything I did, it was to get us to this point. You’re going to make us stronger and I couldn’t be prouder of you than I am right now. Run with our pack and make it thrive.”

  I don’t know what I expected when this all began. I feared my father would fight Benning or Dax. Then I realized he added Dax to see if I would accept him as my mate, or at least, believed I would. A safety net of sorts. But as the weeks passed, he noticed I’d become smitten with all of them.

  He realized, then, he’d made the right choice.

  We talked about Sarafina and Emily. He’d been so sick. My father hated violence. My father, for as much as he failed us, he protected women, and he had no clue what the others were doing.

  I replayed his words, unable to sleep due to the anticipation of the coming day, and the anxiety, too. I guess I figured my father all wrong. I worried when I left his home, if I would return in the morning to find him dead or gone. My mom…she left us. No explanation or anything. Perhaps, he waited this long to see me mate, then would go, as well.

  Sadness swamped me. However, when I walked through the door, he appeared to be a new man. He didn’t appear so haggard around the edges. The sag in his body was gone, and he was spry.


  He turned from the mirror and smiled. “I wanted to look nice for your ceremony.” He straightened the tie he wore, one I’d seen shoved into the back of his closet for many years.

  “You look amazing.”

  “Where’s your dress?” He straightened his tie before buttoning his coat. “I thought for sure Jessy would make you another.”

  “She did,” I whispered. “I worried about you, so I thought I’d check on you first. Make sure you were okay.”

  He smiled and opened his arms to me. I launched myself into them. Despite everything, I loved him more than life itself. “I’ll be fine, Pip. This is your day. This is what I hoped would happen for you.”

  “I love you, Dad.”

  “And I, you. No matter what happens after tonight, I will always be h
ere for you, baby. Of everything I’ve done in my life, you’re still the best thing I’ve created.” He kissed my forehead. “I’m so proud of you. Now, go get ready. You have men to mate.” He winked and flashed a jovial smile.

  Excitement welled inside me. I was having my ceremony today. Our packs were beginning a new chapter today. I rushed from his house to Jessy’s where my dress was housed. Sarafina, Jessy, Shanon, and Cag waited for me when I arrived.

  “There you are. I was getting antsy,” Jessy said in greeting. “You’re going to look amazing.”

  Sarafina grabbed the garment bag off the door and handed it to me. “Go get dressed.”

  I hurried through my shower, then dried off just as fast. When I pulled down the zipper to expose my new gown, I gasped. Tears filled my eyes. Besides the brilliance of the white silk, small wolf prints were beaded onto the fabric along with leaves and other representations of our pack. The bodice had intricate floral designs flowing into a circular pattern.

  It was perfect.

  I slipped it from the hanger, and held it against me as I stared at my reflection. It was fancy and formal and made me feel like a princess—something Jessy and I had fantasized about as little girls. Our princes coming to get us. I slipped into the gown, the fabric kissed my flesh, reminding me how decadent it really was.

  “Jessy, a little help?” I couldn’t reach the zipper. I was afraid I’d be in a perpetual pattern of reaching and dropping the dress.

  “Sorry.” She crept into the bathroom and gasped. “It’s better than I could have dreamt.”

  “Where did you get the money for this?” I knew the material alone would have set her back months.

  “Benning. He came by and saw my creations. He gave me a small pack loan, and told me to expand. Your dress was his first purchase.” Her eyes were twinkling with pride and happiness.

  My heart squeezed. My mate loved his new pack members already. “Well, you’ve out done yourself.” I took her hands in mine. “You never have to worry, Jessy. You’ll always be safe with us.”

  A blush stole over her cheeks. “Thank you.” She motioned for me to turn around. As she pulled up the zipper, the dress cinched together, accentuating my figure. “All done.”


  “I think this is my best creation ever.” Jessy made a circle around me. “Sarafina wants to do your hair.”

  “Oh, my.” Sarafina sighed as she clasped her hands together. “It’s absolutely amazing. Jessy, you must make my dress, as well.”

  My friend’s eyes went wide. Her face paled. “A-are you sure?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t hesitate. “After the party, we’ll discuss what I want.”

  “S-sure. Thank you.”

  Sarafina guided me to the chair in front of the mirror and smiled. “We’re going to make your day a memorable one.”

  Little did she know, it already was.

  * * *

  Small paper lanterns lined the dirt lane to where my father waited for me. Miniature lights were wrapped in the trees, giving it a pixie-like glow. On the raised platform where my mates stood, two wooden lanterns flickered to life, casting shadows on them and the area. Dried wild flowers were hung from branches with care while others lined the path I walked. Our packs had gathered together as one to celebrate the beginning of something new, and my heart swelled.

  The wonderland of earthy colors and decadence had me wanting to stop to take it all in, but my feet continued to move, taking me one step closer to where I belonged. Glancing at the crowd, I spotted Silvi with Tommy. Already she was dabbing her eyes. Later, she’d blame it on pregnancy hormones.

  Sarafina, Jessy, Cag, and Shanon were sitting with her, handing her tissues, as my friend giggled and shook her head. Tommy, of course, doted on her. His hand went protectively to her belly when he leaned in to whisper something.

  The look on her face said it all. When I told her about this, my life and my pack, I worried if she really would accept us. Then, she showed up yesterday and she got to know everyone. Even tried to recruit a couple of our wolves to become police officers.

  All you need is a little confidence and you can do anything.

  Our lives were changing. I could feel it. A sense of freeness washed over me. It grabbed me, wrapped me in a warm blanket of safety, and released me from the stress and worry clinging to me. We were doing the right thing. We’d thrive now. Our packs would grow stronger. Expand. It started here with us. Tomorrow, Sarafina and so on, but if looks were anything, she too was well on her way of fixing her pack. Which only left a few others, and they, too, would see the changes within our packs and crave them.

  When I took my position with my mates surrounding me, all the nervous energy in my stomach, disappeared. Their handsome faces and confident smirks only bolstered my desire to fully be their mates. Even though, technically, we were. I laid my hand in theirs and listened as my father proclaimed the day to be one of rebirth and new beginnings.

  “When Jupiter was three, she went down to the creek to find some fish. She didn’t care if they were under the water and couldn’t be disturbed. She wanted to find them. Meet them and learn about them.” He chuckled. “I chased after her, and tried to tell her it wouldn’t work. But she was so stubborn and so determined. She jumped in the creek, which was only two feet high, and found nothing. However, she didn’t give up. She kept going. In those moments, I knew she’d have the grit and perseverance to become someone important one day. I also realized, if anything were to happen to me, she’d lead this pack, as well, if not better than, me. She’s proved me right, once again.”

  I don’t think I heard the rest of what he had to say. I had been so caught up in the moment surrounded by our packs and the men I’d come to fall for. All of them held a piece of me as I held a piece of them. I don’t think I’d ever heard my dad speak of me with such joy in his voice. It was all I wanted, and silently, he’d experienced it.

  Oh, Daddy.

  “This mating is strong. This mating brings prosperity and changes for our pack. I hereby declare this mating sealed.” My father tied the organic ribbon Jessy made especially for today, joining us as one.

  A ruckus cheer of approval echoed through the forest as one by one I accepted a mated kiss from Benning, Dax, Mace, Scout, and Bowie. In a few short weeks, we’d done it. We’d saved our pack.

  After our hands were freed, Benning stepped forwards with Dax and me. My mouth watered. Each of my mates wore suits, which fit them perfectly. Sharp dressed men got me every time. Keep it together, girl.

  “When I came here, I didn’t know what to expect. I feared I wouldn’t be chosen, and then, would return to my pack alone,” Benning stated. “But I saw a need here. Packs thrive when packs are happy. We get by sometimes because it’s all we can do. Well, no more getting by. We will lift our pack. We will find our place in the human world and expand.”

  I glanced over my shoulder at my father. He winked as he ambled away from the stage, and headed for the woods. My heart ached. Sadness crept in around my happiness. I worried in the beginning if I could do this. But my father stuck with his word. This was my pack now. Everything from this moment on lay on my shoulders.

  “New laws have been passed,” Dax added. “New freedoms have been extended. Tomorrow, they will be posted where you can read them and understand them.”

  “Tonight,” I finished, “is for fun. Mingle. Get to know your neighbors and our new human friends.” I pointed to Silvi and Tommy. “But don’t stay too long. I have a new job to start in the morning.”

  Laughter rang out.

  Music began. Country bluegrass was fine by me. As everyone got up to dance and eat, I turned to my men. “I didn’t think I could do this a month ago. Nevertheless, you kept at me.”

  “Oh, we’re going to keep at you all right,” Mace growled.

  “Pups are next on my list,” Bowie stated.

  “I agree.” Benning wrapped his arms around me. “The sooner the better.”

“Easy boys. I have a new job, remember?” Silvi and I were beginning our positions at the police department tomorrow. So much for basking in the afterglow of mating.

  “Fine,” Scout answered. “It will happen when it happens.”

  “I can live with that.”

  “So, what do you want to do now, Pip?” Dax inched a little closer, the heat of his body warming me.

  “Food. I’m starving.”

  Benning laughed. “I’m sure we can find you something to eat.”

  Oh, I bet they could, too. “Perverts.” I laughed. “I love each of you.”

  Benning smirked. “About time you said it.”

  I quirked a brow. “Don’t you have something to say to me?”

  “We love you, too, Pip,” Scout remarked.

  “We do,” Mace added.

  “Damn right, you do.” I started for the pot luck line. “Let’s eat.”

  About the Author

  TL Reeve, a bestselling, multi-published author with Cobblestone Press, Decadent Publishing, Evernight Publishing, and Loose-Id, was born out of a love of family and a bond that became unbreakable. Living in Alabama, TL misses Los Angeles, and will one-day return to the beaches of Southern California to ride the waves at Huntington Beach. When not writing something hot and sexy, TL can be found curled up with a good book, or working on homework with a cute little pixie.

  * * *

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