Soul of The Swords: Brotherhood is More Than Metal

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Soul of The Swords: Brotherhood is More Than Metal Page 27

by Saxon Andrew

  Daniel smiled and nodded, “Yes, Sir.”

  Jek looked out at the gathering, “The only way this is going to work is for Fleet Commander Hefin’s ships to blind the Tronan formation so they won’t be able to see us moving in and concentrate their combined fire on our larger vessels. All of the Guyton assigned to our ships are charged to make sure they are not looking for the approach vectors you will be using to make your attacks. If they see the Tronan Warship you’ve selected to attack has moved heavy blaster coverage into your path, they will order you to back off all together or try another ship. Is that clear to everyone?”

  The entire room shouted, “YES, SIR!!”

  Questions continued for another two hours and at the end, Sam stood up. “Everyone understands their responsibilities. We’ll have six-hundred three-ship teams and they will be divided into six fleets. Each of those six fleets will be paired with a thousand of Commander Hefin’s vessels that will be used to blind the Tronan to their attacks.

  Beginning immediately, the six fleets will start perfecting the timing on penetrating the missile explosions without being harmed. It is our hope that the bretel missiles might knock out some of their blaster coverage but we have no way of knowing if that is going to happen until the fight begins.” Sam stared at the large gathering and said, “One thing I want all of you to understand!” He paused and said, “If any of their ships manage to get close to Heaven, you will not move between the planet and their ships!”

  Hefin jumped up, “That’s the only way to defend the planet!”

  Sam looked at Hefin and said very deliberately, “AND WHAT HAPPENS TO THE TRONAN BLASTER BEAMS FIRED AT YOUR SHIPS THAT MISS?” Hefin stared at Sam and then sat down. Sam nodded, “Those beams will hit the planet’s surface from more than ten thousand miles out and I suspect they will be above our cities when that happens. We have to prevent them from getting to Heaven by attacking them from the sides and above their vessels if they move close to the planet.” Sam then lowered his eyes and stared directly at Commander Hefin, “I want you to understand that if I give an order, all of you will do it immediately without question. Any of you that fail to do this will be executed after the battle without exceptions!” Sam looked around the room and said, “If you don’t feel you are capable of doing this, you should resign from the fleet now.” Sam turned back to Hefin and saw his anger but he took a breath and nodded. Sam smiled and said, “Now all of us need to go and start training for the Tronan arrival. We’ve been notified that they will be at our intersection in a little more than two weeks. Use this time wisely and I expect all of you to be able to work as a team.”

  Sam sat down and the crews and commanders stood up. Leonidas and Gem walked up to the stage, “You didn’t say what our role is going to be.”

  “We are going to use our Guytons to determine which of our teams are in jeopardy. We will go in and attack Tronan Warships and get out. I suspect that we will do most of the heavy lifting in what’s coming.”

  Leonidas looked at Gem and turned back to Sam, “You’re the boss.” Gem nodded but Sam saw the troubled look in his eyes.

  • • •

  Three large black probes exploded as they moved to avoid the vessel pursuing them. “Gregor, you were right about not going back to remove that filament.”

  Gregor shook his head as he saw ten more probes moving toward them, “If we hadn’t followed them there is no way we could have gotten all of them.”

  The ship turned and began rapidly firing its four blasters. Seven of the probes exploded and the ship turned and pursued the three that passed them. The other three were blasted into gas as Gregor heard over the wall speaker, “Gregor, six more have made it past me.”

  Gregor looked up at the monitor and said over his communicator, “I see them!” The six probes came roaring up and all six were blasted before they could get past the brilliantly shining ship. “I would have never guessed that when the leader of those ships ordered a probe launch that all two-hundred ships would launch one.”

  Gregor stared at the monitor and didn’t see any more probes. “Computer, have you managed to keep count of the last launch they did.”

  “Those six made it two-hundred.”

  Gregor fell back in his chair, “It’s good that we’re faster than those probes, otherwise, this would just not be doable.”

  “Gregor, I’ve been wondering if those ships launched message probes at the filament where they changed course.”

  Gregor saw Kaylee on his console’s monitor and shrugged, “I’m sure they did but that might not be a bad thing.”

  “Why is that?” Kaylee asked.

  “Well, whoever is the recipient of those probes will know that the original course sent by their missing warship had an error in it. If we do manage to destroy all the other probes they launch, they will have no idea what course these warships took.”

  “They’ll know the original coordinates of its last communication.”

  “That’s true, Computer. But how will they know if that is not an error as well? They’ll know how to get to the coordinates where they changed course but they’ll be blind to where they went after that.”

  “They could still go there and check out the coordinates of Heaven.”

  Gregor sighed, “Yes, they could. You always say things that cause me heartburn, Computer.”

  Gregor waited for the computer to respond and it eventually said, “Well…they could.”


  “Yes, Kaylee.”

  “What is going to happen if some of those Tronan Warships are damaged in the coming battle?”

  “I’m not sure what you’re asking, Love.”

  “Don’t you think they will launch every probe they have if that happens?” Gregor’s eyes went wide. “I don’t know if we are capable of stopping that many.”

  Gregor sighed and said, “Computer, send a tight beam message to Sam. Include what we’ve been doing and along with what Kaylee just suggested.”

  “Gregor, will the Tronan detect that message?” Kaylee asked.

  Gregor looked up, “Computer?”

  “If I had to say, I don’t believe they will.”

  “Why not? Gregor asked.

  “They are still moving parallel to Heaven’s location and we’ll be sending the message across Under Space ninety degrees from their current location.”

  Kaylee’s computer spoke up quickly, “We do not know the capabilities of the Tronan detection systems!”

  Gregor struggled with the decision and finally said, “Don’t send it. We can’t take a risk of them detecting our presence behind them.”

  “Gregor, are you sure about that?”

  “Kaylee, if Heaven doesn’t survive, will it matter?”

  Gregor’s question was greeted with silence. Even his computer refused to comment on that possibility.

  • • •


  “Yeah, Jek.”

  “I’m going to ask Kel to be my mate.”

  “I wouldn’t do it right now.”

  Jek’s head tilted and his eyes widened, “Why not?”

  “She will be one angry Guyton that you waited until the last minute to do it. You could have done it five months ago and you would have had time to enjoy wedded bliss.”

  Jek looked up and rolled his eyes, “By the stars, you’re right.” Sam shrugged. “I’ve also received a message from my Father and he’s rather upset at the Dragons.”

  “Answer him and tell him that it’s too late to come back. The Tronan are approaching our intersection on one of the filaments that pass through it. They should be here in another two days.”

  “I told him as much.”

  They sat in silence and after a few moments has passed, Jek started chuckling. Sam looked at him and knew that his father had to be fit to be tied. He started laughing as well and Kel walked in the conference room and found them in hysterics. She saw their thoughts and then joined them.

  • • •
r />   The Tronan Squadron Director looked at the huge wall monitor and stared at their current location. He saw the red flashing light from the last reported coordinates of the missing ship and looked at his Steering Warrior, “Am I correct in thinking that we are headed directly toward our target location?”

  “Yes, you are right, Director. Filaments do not bend and this one we’re currently traveling is dead centered on that coordinate.”

  “How long before we arrive?”

  “Two days.”

  “I want all ships prepared for battle in one day.”

  The Communication Director began sending out orders without being told by the Squadron Director. Once this issue was resolved, the Squadron Director planned a scouting mission. This area of the universe was filled with ship traffic on the filaments and they stopped attacking ships months ago; there were just too many. This place was a bonanza of prey waiting to be taken.

  “Have you detected any warships?”

  “No, Director.”

  “Good.” The Director smiled; with this discovery, he would certainly be promoted to Fleet Commander. Fleet Commanders were given their own planets to rule and the wealth with the position was more than he could imagine. He would also be given a higher percentage of the spoils.

  The Director’s thoughts were interrupted by his Second, “Should we launch another probe?”

  “Not until we arrive at the intersection and determine what is there.”

  “Yes, Director.”

  • • •

  Gregor and Kaylee waited at the intersection where the Tronan Warships had turned and headed toward Heaven’s intersection. Three days later, the computer said, “I have detected high numbers of ships approaching on one of the filaments at high speed.”

  Gregor snorted, “Computer, we have ships moving around us on all of these filaments.”

  “These are different. Commercial ships aren’t this fast.”

  Gregor looked up at the wall monitor and saw the computer was right. The ships moving toward them were moving at a much higher velocity than any others they saw and they were maintaining a tight formation. Suddenly he heard over the wall speaker, “I’m sorry it took so long but we had to take a much longer route to get here and avoid the other intersection.”

  Gregor smiled, “Ash, am I glad to see you.”

  “What’s the problem, Gregor?”

  “We’re anticipating a large number of message probes to be coming our way shortly and we need to destroy every one of them.”

  “How do you want to do this?”

  “I see you have two hundred ships with you. Have each of your ships assigned to a probe and take it out. Kaylee and I will back you up and chase down any that might make it through. I’ll have my computer send you a scan we’ve taken of one of the probes so you’ll know what you’re looking for.”

  “Would it not be wise to send a ship ahead to warn us of their approach.”

  “We can’t take the risk that it would be detected. We’ll see them coming.”

  • • •

  Two days later, twelve hundred probes were detected rushing toward them. The computer said, “Looks like they’ve found Heaven,” as they began firing at the mass of approaching probes. The only thing that prevented a probe getting past was the Dragon Warships being modified with the Heaven expansion chamber. Hundreds of probes made it through their formation and they all had to be chased down all the way back to the filament where the Tronan had originally changed course.

  As the last probe exploded Kaylee said, “Each of those ships launched six message probes each. What’s going to happen if they launch more than ten each?”

  Gregor sighed and the computer said, “It will probably be more like fifty each.” Gregor frowned instantly and the computer quickly said, “OOOPS, MY BAD!”

  Gregor heard Kaylee’s sigh over the wall speaker, “You’re probably right, Computer.” Gregor shook his head. The computer was right about one thing. Launching that many probes was a clear indication that the Tronan Warships had found Heaven. They wanted to make sure a probe got back to their leaders.

  • • •

  The Tronan Squadron Director looked at the data collected from the probes he had sent out on the filaments that crossed the intersection and saw one of the lower filaments led to a planet circling a Red Giant Star. The probe was attacked and destroyed but not before it sent back data showing that there was a large fleet of warships holding position not far from the planet. The missing ship must have been attacked and overwhelmed by those ships. “Launch six probes with all the data we’ve collected.”

  The Director sat in his Command Chair and stared at the images. He felt the huge ship vibrate slightly and knew the six probes were on their way. He glanced over his shoulder, “Launch probes toward that fleet.” He waited a few hours and more data began pouring in as the probes moved in on the assembled fleet. All of them were destroyed but not before he had a clear image of what he was up against. He was pretty certain his ships could handle what he was facing. But…He lifted his communicator and pressed a button, “Ship Director.”

  “Yes, Squadron Director.”

  “I’m sending you all the data I’ve collected and you will take that information back to the Prime Fleet Director.”

  His Second quickly said, “You don’t think sending probes will be enough?”

  The Ship Director replied with no enthusiasm, “Yes, Squadron Director.” It was clear he was not in the least bit happy at missing the coming confrontation.

  The Director stared at the now dark monitor in stillness and said, “I’m taking no chances. This information we’ve collected is too important to take even a small risk of it being delivered. Besides, that ship might only get in the way.”

  The Second turned around and stared at the monitor with the Director. There was more to this decision than the Director would admit.

  • • •


  “What is it, Ash?”

  “The ship I left at the filament reports that a giant warship is moving toward it.”

  “Get it out of there, Ash! Kaylee, they’re sending a ship back with the information they’ve gathered.”

  “Are we capable of destroying that ship?”

  “I don’t know, Kaylee. We’re going to have to let it go and wait to see what happens to Heaven.”

  Kaylee was silent and Gregor knew if that ship made it back, the known universe was in danger. He lifted his communicator and began speaking. When he finished, the computer asked, “Didn’t you say it was too dangerous to attempt to communicate?”

  Gregor shrugged, “Have you taken a scan of all the communications happening on this filament?”

  The computer made a scan and said, “You’re right. There’s thousands of communications happening with the ships on the filaments around us.”

  Gregor nodded and moved off the filament along with the Dragon Warships. They flew away from the filament at maximum speed and powered down in normal space before the giant Tronan Warship blew past at high speed on the distant filament.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Leonidas looked at the tactical wall monitor and saw the Tronan Ships moving toward them on Heaven’s filament. He looked at Gem on his monitor and sighed, “Is there a reason why we don’t just take our three ships, attack the Tronan Warships, and leave everyone else out of this?”

  Gem leaned back in his chair and said, “I really miss, Ana and the twins.”

  Leo’s head lowered and he said, “Did you hear me?”

  Gem sighed, “Leo, you saw what happened when we both fired at Delilah’s Sword, didn’t you?”

  “Of course I saw it.”

  “And I hope you noticed that the hull began taking on heat after ten minutes of both of our ships firing all our blasters at it.”

  Leo hesitated and said, “So?”

  “I calculated the rate of temperature increase in the hull and extrapolated how many Tronan blasters our hulls
can stand before they failed.”

  Leo looked at Desiree sitting next to him and she said, “I told you so.”

  Gem nodded, “If we’re hit by more than eight-hundred of their blasters simultaneously, the hull will fail within two seconds.” Leo stared at Gem and he continued, “If the Tronan Ships are flying in a tight formation, more than ten of them can fire at a chosen target at any given time. That’s two thousand blasters, Leo. And if they determine that our three ships represent the largest danger to them, we will be their primary targets.”

  Desiree nodded, “Did you see the response time on their blasters?”

  “I did,” Gem answered.

  Leo looked at Desiree, “I’m not following what you are saying.”

  “Leo, their blasters are capable of tracking a target but their speed in traversing the barrel is not fast enough to stay locked on us if we’re moving at high speed past them.”

  Leo thought for a moment and looked at Gem, “So our best chance of survival is to go in at high speed and open fire as we pass?”

  Gem nodded, “And it will help us greatly if the Tronan Blaster Operators don’t see our approach.”

  “So we need the Trillium Missiles cover as much as the other ships?”

  Desiree shook her head, “Not really. Our ships can handle a much larger load than they can. Our Guyton crewmembers will be able to tell us if any approach we choose is being targeted by massive numbers of blasters and Barney has learned from seeing their thoughts where the area’s to attack are located.”

  Leo stared at her and Gem said, “What Sam hasn’t said to the other ships is that they are there to keep the Tronan distracted while we go in and take out their ships. However, by having to withdraw at high speed to avoid being targeted, the process will be very time consuming.”

  Leo looked at Desiree and she sighed. He said, “Will there be enough time to stop them from reaching the planet?”

  Gem stared at Leo, tilted his head, and shook it slowly, “It’s going to be a very close thing.”

  Leo saw his expression and leaned back in his chair, “Now I understand why you said you missed your family. Going after them head on would lead to them missing you.”


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