Dangerous Silence (O'Connor Brothers Book 5)

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Dangerous Silence (O'Connor Brothers Book 5) Page 3

by Rhonda Brewer

  “Philip this time. Matt had to work.” Her mother motioned to the kitchen chair as they entered.

  Billie was the youngest of the family, and her two older brothers never let her forget it when they were kids. They also terrorized her boyfriends in high school which was probably why when she brought someone home to meet the family, the relationship usually ended. Of course, she wasn’t afraid of either of them and made sure she returned the favor when they’d bring girls home. Maybe she was the reason neither of them was married.

  “By the way, your grandfather’s party is a go. I even got in touch with Stephanie. She’s bringing her husband, and she just found out she’s having another baby.” Leave it to her mother to get the scoop on Stephanie. She was a little nosey sometimes.

  “That’s a few months, away, but that’s great. I’m sure Pop will love to see her.” Billie poured herself a cup of tea from the teapot her mother placed on the table and snatched a freshly baked muffin from the plate. “Not sure he’ll like her husband though.”

  “I agree. I think Frank was a little smitten with her.” Her mom sat down at the table and sighed.

  “Something wrong, mom?”

  “I heard Peggy is back at the women’s shelter again.”

  “Yes, it’s the fourth time in the last couple of months, and they told her she could lose Chloe if it happens again.” Billie had been there to interpret for the social worker all four times.

  “That poor girl is so desperate for affection since her parents passed and now she can’t shake that terrible man. I don’t understand it.” The crack in her mother’s voice had a lump form in her throat.

  Peggy’s father was a fisherman and died when the boat went down during a storm. Thankfully they’d found everyone on board, but nobody survived. Peggy was only seventeen years old at the time. Her mother was so distraught that Peggy stayed with Billie’s family for a couple of months, but less than a year later her mother died. Billie’s dad said Peggy’s mom died of a broken heart, but she’d gone into cardiac arrest and didn’t make it to the hospital in time. Peggy remained in their family home because she was eighteen.

  “I wish that jerk would just leave her alone. I mean he’s already got her head so screwed up I don’t know if she’ll ever get over it.” Billie growled.

  “I was such a lucky woman to find your father.” Her mother sighed.

  “Yes, you were.” Billie and her mother both jumped at the sound of her father’s voice. She hadn’t heard him come into the house.

  “Bill, you startled me.” Her mother giggled as he buried his nose in her neck.

  “Just making sure you don’t have some young stud here.” He laughed.

  “Oh honey, there’s not a stud in the world that could hold a candle to you.” Her mom smiled.

  “You two are so cute.” Billie chuckled.

  It didn’t bother her when her parents were affectionate with each other. Her brothers hated it, but Billie always thought it was great that even after almost thirty-seven years they were still attracted to each other.

  “I’m glad to see my little pumpkin too.” Her father leaned over the table and kissed the top of Billie’s head.

  “She must be missing mommy and daddy.” Matthew’s voice boomed as he sauntered into the kitchen.

  “I certainly wasn’t missing you.” Billie poked him when he sat next to her.

  Matthew was the youngest of her two brothers and the biggest pain in the ass. He worked for a construction company, and although he didn’t work out, he was in decent shape. He and Billie had the same dark brown hair and dark brown eyes thanks to their mother’s Portuguese. Philip had the dark eyes, but his hair was closer to their father’s brown. Although, their skin wasn’t as dark as her mother’s they did have that tanned appearance.

  “So, when are we going to meet the new boyfriend?” Matthew raised his eyebrow, and Billie furrowed her brows. “Oh right, you don’t have one.” He slapped his hand on his thigh and let out a loud laugh.

  “And where’s your girlfriend?” Billie tapped her finger against her lips. “Right, you don’t have one.” Matthew wrapped his arm around her neck and gave her head a rub with his knuckle.

  “God, will you ever grow up?” Billie squealed and pinched his side to get him to release her.

  “He’s about as mature as he’s going to get,” Philip grumbled as he pushed her grandfather’s wheelchair into the kitchen.

  “Bite me,” Matthew snapped.

  “How are you doing, Pop?” Billie ignored the rest of the insults going back and forth between her brothers to kiss her grandfather and help him out of his jacket.

  “I’m doin’ just dandy, pussycat.” He grinned. “It’s good to see you.”

  “Since everyone’s here, why don’t I throw some burgers on the grill and your mother can make some of her famous double baked potatoes and salad. It’s been a while since we had supper together.” Her father said.

  “You’re going to barbecue? In April? With snow still on the ground?” Billie laughed.

  “April, June, October. It’s always a good time for a good old barbecue.” Her father pulled on a jacket, toque, gloves and headed out through the back door.

  “He’s insane.” Billie shook her head.

  “Nah, it's no big deal. One time when you guys were little he actually cooked burgers in a snowstorm.” Her mother laughed.

  Billie rested her arms on the table and glanced around. She was so lucky to have such an annoying but loving family. They teased each other but were always there when someone needed them.

  A lump formed in her throat when Peggy’s tear-stained, bruised face flashed in her mind. Peggy and Chloe had no family. The only people she had were Billie, Abbie, and Dana. Of course, the whole Carter family would do anything for Peggy, but she would never ask or accept for that matter.

  “What’s up, sis?” She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.

  “I just zoned out there for a minute.” Billie smiled at her brother, but from the raised eyebrow she knew Philip wasn’t buying her answer.

  “You want to take a walk?” That was his answer to everything. Philip always told her he did his best thinking when he walked and although she would never admit it to him, she’d found herself doing the very same thing when she needed to clear her head.

  “It’s a little chilly out.” She sighed as she sat back in the chair.

  “Best time to walk.” He pulled her chair away from the table and leaned down so he could whisper in her ear. “Plus, Matt will have to help with the dishes.”

  Billie jumped to her feet and pulled on her jacket. Matt looked back and forth between her and Philip but before he had a chance to say anything her mother ordered him into the kitchen to help with the cleanup.

  “You two take your walk, and we’ll have tea and dessert when you get back.” Her mother waved them off. Billie giggled as Matt flipped them the finger before he disappeared into the kitchen.

  Outside the wind had a bite to it, but as they walked down toward the lake, she forgot about the chill and just enjoyed the beauty of Quidi Vidi Lake. They’d been walking for about ten minutes when Philip spoke.

  “How’s Peggy doing?” He asked.

  “I spoke to her this morning, and she swore she was done with him. She wasn’t taking a chance of losing Chloe.” Billie linked her arm into her brothers.

  “You don’t believe that, do you?” He cupped his hand over hers.

  “No, she’s said it more times than I can count, but he keeps coming back.” Billie sighed.

  “Maybe Matt and I could have a chat with this guy,” Philip suggested.

  “It wouldn’t work. He’d just take it out on her.”

  “Men like that make me sick,” Philip stopped on the bridge.

  “Me too, big brother.” Billie rested her head on Philip’s shoulder, and they watched the waves crash against the shore.

  “So how’s the love life.” Philip chuckled a few minutes later.

“Ready for the life support to be unplugged.” Billie laughed.

  “Cool, same as mine.” Philip wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. “I’m sure there’s some guy just waiting for you out there.”

  The words had the blue-eyed hottie from the bar popping in her head. The only things she knew about him was his name was Mike, he was a lawyer, and his kiss made her knees weak. If Peggy hadn’t texted her that night, she’d probably have gone home with him. That thought both scared and excited her. It was a good thing she didn’t get to know him more. It would probably ruin the fantasy man she’d made him out to be in her dreams.

  Billie pulled into the driveway of the small house she rented a couple of blocks from her parents. She’d stayed later at her parent’s then she’d intended, and forgot to leave on her porch light. She grabbed the flashlight out of her glove compartment because the front of her house was pitch black at night. She needed to get the landlord to put some motion sensor lights placed on the walkway.

  Billie got out of the car and hurried to the front entrance. She used her Fob to lock her car as she made her way to the door. She slid her key into the lock and turned it, but a loud crash from inside had her jump back. She almost tripped over her own feet as she ran back to her car. She unlocked it, jumped in and locked it again while she fumbled in her purse for her phone.

  She’d never had such a difficult time tapping three numbers in her life as she was having at that moment. She took a couple of deep breaths and tried again, but a knock on her car window made her scream, and her phone flew across the car.

  At first, she didn’t recognize the face in the window, being that it was dark and her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

  “Billie, are you okay?” She sighed when she heard Matt’s gruff voice.

  “I think there’s someone in my house.” She stepped out of the car.

  “Get in the car and lock the doors.” He grabbed the flashlight from her hand and jogged toward her front door.

  “Let me call the police, Matt,” Billie called out.

  “Get in the car.” He ordered right before he disappeared into the house.

  Billie did just that and grabbed her phone from the floor. She’d managed to punch in nine one one but hadn’t sent the call. Her finger hovered over the call button as she glanced back to where her brother entered the house.

  “Damn it, Matt,” Billie glanced down at her phone.

  It seemed forever since Matt entered the house. What if someone was inside and they’d hurt him? Maybe worse. She didn’t even give it a second thought when she tapped the talk button.

  “Nine one one, what’s your emergency?” the operator answered.

  “I think there’s an intruder in my house, and my brother just went inside, but he hasn’t come out.” Billie hadn’t realized she was trembling until she almost dropped her phone again.

  “What’s your address?” The operator replied.

  Before she could answer Billie saw someone exit and come toward the car. At first, she wasn’t entirely sure it was Matt. At least not until she saw the flashlight in his hand.

  “My brother just came out. Can you hold on a second?” She didn’t give the operator a chance to reply as she threw open the car door and stepped out.

  “You left your kitchen window open.” He growled. “Anyone could have gotten in there, but thank God it’s only a cat.”

  Billie let out a huge breath and leaned back against the car. She glanced down at her phone and remembered she still had an emergency operator on the line.

  “I’m so sorry for wasting your time. My brother is here, and said it’s just a cat that got in through an open window.” Billie chuckled a little embarrassed for her overreaction.

  “Are you sure everything’s okay?” The operator asked.

  “Yes, I’m so embarrassed.” Billie glanced up at her brother who looked about ready to kill her.

  “It’s okay.” The operator said, and Billie ended the call.

  “Thanks for checking.” Billie tried to walk around Matt and head into her house.

  “Belinda Carter, you’ve been told more times than I can count to make sure all your windows and doors are locked before you leave your house.” Matt grabbed her arm and spun her to face him.

  “Yes, Matthew, I know. I was in a hurry this morning, and I must’ve forgotten to close the window before I left. I always open it to put milk out for this stray cat who hides under my back step.” Billie pulled her arm away and grabbed her things from the car.

  “Well, it seems your stray cat decided to move inside. He’s sleeping on your counter, and there’s a broken bowl on the floor.” Matt followed her into the house.

  “Great, now I won’t have to worry about the poor thing freezing to death.” She wasn’t thrilled with the cat in her house. Not that she didn’t like cats, but she didn’t know if the cat was tame or if it had some sort of disease.

  “Take the thing to a shelter,” Matt grumbled.

  “Is there a reason you’re here?” Billie groaned when she entered the kitchen she spotted the black and white cat perched on her counter like he owned the place.

  “Mom asked me to drop off the container of leftovers you forgot. I put it in the fridge by the way.”

  Billie turned to thank him, but the cat began to hiss and growl. The fur on his back stood up, and he slowly stalked toward the window. Billie glanced at Matt. He shrugged his shoulders as he eyed the cat.

  “Hey sweetie, what’s wrong?” Billie spoke softly as she slowly moved closer.

  “Careful that thing doesn't fly at you,” Matt whispered.

  “He sees something.” Billie stood on her toes to look out through the window. It was completely black, but she didn't see anything at first. Then, something moved, and she jumped back against Matt.

  “There’s someone out there,” Matt shouted and ran out of the house.

  “Call the police. Now.” He yelled.

  Billie did just that.

  Chapter 3

  Mike smiled as Keith dropped to his knee and proposed to Emily Bradshaw. Keith was so obviously head over heels in love with the cute hairdresser that a blind man on a galloping horse could see it. Keith was the fourth of his older brothers to snag a fantastic woman. Was he the next in line?

  Fuck no.

  That thought had to get out of his head because when he thought about spending his life with someone, there was only one woman that came to mind.


  How was it possible to not be able to get a girl out of his mind that he’d known less than two hours? It was stupid, and he was obsessed with her only because he never got to know her better.

  “You don’t even know her last name,” Mike muttered to himself.

  “I love that song.” Isabelle chuckled behind him.

  This was just what he needed. His cousin Isabelle was probably the only one in his family that knew Mike well. She was also the only one besides Sandy, that knew about the cute girl that scampered out before he had a chance to do anything but kiss her. Oh, what a kiss it was. He still got hard when he remembered how her lips molded perfectly with his.

  “Of course you do.” Mike shook his head.

  “Or were you referring to your night with Cinderella?” Isabelle climbed onto the stool at the bar. She’d started to call Billie Cinderella because of the way she disappeared into the night. The problem was at least Prince Charming had a glass slipper to track down his mysterious beauty.

  “This is not the time or the place to discuss that.” Mike scowled at her.

  “Has Sandy had any luck?” Isabelle wasn’t going to drop it.

  “No, and I told her not to bother. It’s just one of those things.” Mike leaned his back against the bar and rested his elbows on the top.

  Jack’s Place was a small pub and restaurant owned by his Aunt and Uncle. Also, Isabelle, Jess and Kristy’s parents. Kurt O’Connor was more of a silent owner because being the superintenden
t of Hopedale’s division of the Newfoundland Police Department; he didn’t have much time to tend bar or cook. That was his wife’s job, and Alice loved it.

  “Maybe you should talk to Aunt Cora,” Isabelle giggled.

  “Let’s leave cupid out of this.” Mike laughed.

  His father’s younger sister had a reputation of bringing couples together or at least knowing when they were meant to be together. She’d even been dubbed Cora the Cupid, but Mike took all that with a grain of salt. No matter how often she was right.

  “Looks like Keith finally got his Princess.” Mike turned at the sound of the gruff voice. Dean Nash otherwise known as Bull stood off to the side of the bar as if he was hiding from something.

  “Skulking in corners now are we.” Isabelle teased the huge man.

  “Nope, just dropping off a little gift for the happy couple before I head out of town again. It’s a family affair, and I don’t want to interrupt.” Bull put the large wrapped present on the bar and turned.

  “If you weren't such an idiot you’d probably be part of the family.” Isabelle sighed.

  “I think I’m too old to adopt,” Bull called over his shoulder as he ducked out through the door.

  “He’s still avoiding Kristy, I see.” Mike chuckled

  “Do you know he gave Keith a card to give her to congratulate her on graduating nursing school?” The annoyance in his cousin's voice was evident.

  “Why didn’t he just give it to her himself?” Mike sat on the stool next to her.

  “Who the hell knows? That guy is driving my sister crazy, and I’ve told her to forget about him and look for someone else.” Isabelle sipped on a glass of water the bartender put in front of her.

  “Maybe it’s for the best.” It was kind of hypocritical to say since he couldn’t get a particular brown-eyed beauty out of his mind.

  “Are you staying in Hopedale tonight?” Sandy giggled as she linked her arm into Mike. His sister-in-law looked like she had a few too many of those fruity drinks his aunt had been passing out.

  “Depends on what time I get out of here.” Mike helped her as she struggled to climb on the stool between him and Isabelle.


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