Dangerous Silence (O'Connor Brothers Book 5)

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Dangerous Silence (O'Connor Brothers Book 5) Page 16

by Rhonda Brewer

  “Your mother and aunts made sure the place was spotless before they hustled everyone out. Bull said your grandmother ordered everyone else to clean up outside.” Lane plopped down on the stool.

  Billie’s eyes were so heavy that she was sure she’d fall asleep standing up, but she didn’t want to be rude to Lane. The man was using his time to be a human shield to some sicko that was possibly angry with her.

  “Sweetheart, why don’t you go take a hot bath and go to bed. I won’t be long behind you.” Mike kissed her cheek.

  “Lane, thanks for being here.” Billie touched the man’s shoulder, and he smiled.

  “It’s my job to protect pretty ladies.” He winked.

  “Goodnight.” Billie headed to the bedroom.

  She felt guilty about bringing trouble into Mike’s family. She didn’t want anybody to be in danger because of her. Hell, she didn’t even know if someone was out to get her. Mike said it was just a theory. Billie couldn’t think of anyone cruel enough to kill her. The police could be wrong but what if they weren’t?

  Billie was barely able to stay awake in the bath. She shuffled into Mike’s room, pulled her nightshirt from her bag and crawled under the heavy duvet. When her eyes closed, a deep sigh escaped. She felt like she’d been awake for days.

  It seems like seconds later she sat upright in the bed. Mike 's arm draped over her waist, and he mumbled something when she sat up, but he turned over on his side without waking. She didn’t remember falling asleep, but now she was wide awake. She glanced down at Mike and smiled as he mumbled again.

  Billie eased herself out of the bed because one, she was bursting to use the bathroom and two, she needed something to drink. She relieved herself and tiptoed out of the bedroom to make sure she didn’t wake Mike. In the kitchen, Billie pulled down a glass from the cupboard but stopped when she noticed Mike’s back deck lit up like a Christmas tree. She filled the glass, drank down the water and placed the glass in the dish tray before making her way to the sliding doors.

  Billie moved to the patio door and searched for the switch to turn off the outside lights but couldn’t find it. When she glanced out through the glass, her heart pounded in her chest. Someone lay facedown in the middle of the yard, but she couldn’t tell who it was. Billie tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. She shouted out to Mike but he didn't answer, and as she turned to run back to get him, a dark figure stood behind her holding a knife. The thick drops of blood hit the floor with dull thuds, and her whole body shook with cold. She screamed and tried to run, but her legs wouldn’t move.

  “Billie,” Mike's voice was loud, but she couldn’t see him, and as the figure moved closer, she tried to raise her arms, but it was as if paralysis taken over her body.

  “Billie, honey,” Mike shouted again.

  The figure squeezed her arms, and she closed her eyes. She was about to die just like Peggy. No, she wasn’t about to let this man take away her life.

  “Billie, you need to wake up,” Mike shouted.

  Billie’s eyes popped open, and her arms flailed over her. She didn’t know how she ended up on her back, but he wasn't going to kill her easily.

  “Billie, it’s me. You were dreaming.” Mike grabbed her hands, as she finally focused in on his worried face.

  “Someone was laying in your yard.” Billie shook her head. “I tried to go tell you but …”

  “It was a nightmare, Beautiful.” Mike pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “You’re safe.”

  “It was so real.” Billie pressed her cheek against his bare chest. “Did I wake you?”

  “It’s okay,” Mike lay back with her tightly against his side. “You’re safe.”

  Billie clung to him as she tried to calm her racing heart and erase the dream from her thoughts. She knew what triggered it. Someone tried to kill her friends and was more than likely the same person that murdered Peggy. They knew for sure it wasn’t Eugene because he was dead too. Billie couldn’t even feel a little sad about his death. He put Peggy through hell, and if it hadn’t been for him, Peggy and Matt probably would have gotten together a long time ago. Maybe Peggy would still be alive.

  Billie closed her eyes to hold back the tears that blurred her vision and blew out a shaky breath. Mike hugged her tighter, and her muscles slowly relaxed.

  “It’s okay, Billie. I got you. I always got you.” Mike whispered and kissed the top of her head.

  “What’s your favorite song you sing?” Billie whispered.

  “I’d have to think about that one.” Mike’s voice vibrated through his chest.

  “Could you sing something for me?” Billie tipped her head back so she could look at him.

  “Have you ever heard the song Angels Brought Me Here?” Mike smiled. Billie shook her head. “It reminds me of you.”

  “Why?” Billie pushed up on her elbow.

  “Basically, the lyrics say that the singer’s dreams come true when he finds the love of his life.” Mike turned to face her. “It’s the way I feel about you.”

  “Why did Lane call you a man whore?” She might have been tired but she’d heard the comment, and she didn’t like it.

  Mike dropped his head for a moment, and when he lifted it, he met her gaze. She didn’t care what kind of life he had before her. Well, maybe a little.

  “Honestly, I’ve had my share of one-night stands and never dated anyone long term. I guess I was searching for that special woman who’d make my heart race and make me feel like I could do anything.” Mike ran his finger down her cheek. “You made me feel that way from the moment we met.”

  “Most women would think that was a line to get them into bed, but since I’m already in your bed, I can’t doubt you.” Billie kissed the top of his finger as it glided across her lips. “You scare me.”

  “Why?” Mike eyebrows furrowed.

  “I’ve never felt like this. The overpowering pull I feel with you. Like there’s a magnet drawing me closer.” Billie dropped her head because it sounded so stupid when she said it out loud.

  “It’s scary but a good scared.” Mike lifted her chin, so she had to look at him.

  “It’s just so fast.” Billie sighed.

  “Do you know Keith fell in love with Emily the first time he saw her. He didn’t know at the time, but he knows now. John pulled Stephanie over during a traffic stop and couldn’t stop thinking about her from that day on. The first time James met Marina, he’d just lost his first wife a few months before, but he knew. The first time Ian saw Sandy, he almost broke his neck on a set of steps. What I’m trying to say is I’ve learned by watching all of them when you meet the right person, you just know.” Mike brushed his lips against hers.

  “But this crazy person’s out there, and we still don’t know who he or it could be a she. It could be two people. Who knows? ” Billie pressed her forehead against his.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Mike whispered.

  “Can you sing that song and hold me?”

  Mike lay back on the bed and wrapped his strong arms around her. His voice was soft and beautiful. Billie tried to listen to the words, but between the vibration in his chest and his beautiful voice, she couldn’t keep her eyes open. The last thing she heard was the words ‘Angels brought me here’.

  Buzz Buzz.

  Billie turned over on her stomach and sighed.

  Buzz Buzz.

  She had to be dreaming. There was no way someone was calling her at the ass crack of dawn.

  Buzz Buzz.

  Billie popped up on her elbows and looked around. Her phone vibrated across the nightstand, and she wanted to pick it up and toss it out the window. When she snatched it off the stand, she was shocked to see it was almost noon.

  “Holy crap.” Billie sat up. She tried to wake up enough to remember how exactly to answer her phone. She slept way too long.

  Buzz Buzz.

  “Hello.” She shouted not meaning too.

  “What’s wrong?” Abbie shouted back.<
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  “Sorry, nothing I just woke up.” Billie flopped back on the bed. “What’s up?”

  “Let’s see. Dana and I are now roommates at my house, and being held hostage by two hot Greek gods with asses you could crack walnuts on.” Abbie sighed.

  “So, Trunk's still with you guys?” Billie yawned.

  “Nope, he’s night shift. Today we have Hulk, who by the way is a hunk and we have Rex who has the sexiest damn accent I’ve ever heard.” Abbie needed to get a boyfriend.

  “I’ve met Hulk but not Rex.” There were so many men at Mike’s house the day before she probably could have met Rex and didn’t remember.

  “I clicked a picture. Let me send it.” Abbie laughed.

  Billie shook her head. Only Abbie would make having bodyguards, fun. Her phone beeped, and she looked at the screen. Rex didn’t look familiar because she would have remembered him.

  “Did you get it?” Abbie laughed.

  “Yes, he’s hot.” Billie stretched. “But he’s there for a job not to be ogled by you.”

  “Hey, if he’s gonna hold me, hostage, then I’m gonna ogle.”

  “How are you and Dana doing?” Billie hated that her friends were hurt.

  “I’ve got a bit of a headache, but I’ll be okay. Dana’s throat is sore but they told her to expect that, but there’s no permanent damage.”

  “Thanks for trying to clean out my house.” What else could she say?

  “Your crap is still in my car.” Abbie chuckled.

  “I’ll get Matt or Philip to get it and bring it home.”

  “My question is, how are you doing?”

  Billie didn’t know how to answer that question. She didn’t know how she felt about someone wanting to hurt her if that was in fact what was going on. The only thing she was sure of was the only place she felt at ease was in Mike’s arms.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Is Hottie McHotterson taking care of you?” Abbie was forever going to call Mike that name.

  “Yes, he is. He’s amazing.” Billie couldn’t help but sigh.

  “That good huh? Lucky bitch.” Abbie laughed.

  “It’s not just that but yeah that good. Mike's so sweet, protective and …” Abbie cut her off.

  “You’re arse over kettle in love with him.” Abbie’s excitement was palpable.

  “Yes.” Billie laughed.

  “Good for you, honey. You deserve it but he better be damn good to you, or he’ll be dealing with me. Not letting you go through that shit Peg went through.” Abbie’s jovial tone was gone. “None of us will go through that.”

  “I’ve got to get up and see if Mike’s found out anything about the fire.” Billie rolled to the side of the bed and sat up.

  “Let me know, and I’ll call if I hear anything.”

  “Okay, love you girl.” Billie didn’t say those words to her friends enough.

  “Love you always,” Abbie said just before the call ended.

  After a quick shower, Billie dressed and headed out of the room. Philip was in the kitchen with Mike shoveling food into his mouth, but he wasn’t alone. Mike was eating like it was his last meal.

  “Hungry?” Mike asked.

  “A little.” Before Billie had a chance, Mike jumped up and filled a plate and placed it next to him on the counter.

  “I’m going to marry your grandmother.” Philip sighed as he dropped the fork on his plate.

  “I think Tom might have a problem with that.” Mike laughed.

  “Maybe she’ll adopt me.” Philip stood up and brought his plate to the dishwasher.

  “I’ll be sure to let mom know you’re running away from home.” Matt appeared in the doorway. “Hey, sis. Sleep well?”

  “Yeah. Are you guys okay?” Billie worried her brothers didn't like the whole situation.

  “I had the best sleep I’ve had in years. Probably because your man here tried to work me to death yesterday.” Philip chuckled.

  “Ignore him, Mike. Damn pencil pushers don’t know what a hard day’s work is.” Matt rolled his eyes and then laughed. “I just realized you don’t exactly do manual labor at your job either.”

  “Trust me; I get my share of manual labor.” Mike might be a lawyer, but when it came to helping out, he did just as much as the next guy.

  “Any word this morning?” When all three men’s faces fell, she knew the answer.

  “Sweetheart, it’s been less than a day. They’ll figure it out.” Mike pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

  She knew Mike meant well, but it had been a lot longer than a day since Peggy died and they still didn’t have any leads on that. How was she supposed to go day to day without answers?

  “Mike’s right, Billie.” Matt was the last person she expected to say that but if he had hope why couldn’t she.

  For the next two weeks, Billie felt as if she was on a tight leash. She went to work, tried to keep a somewhat normal life, but it wasn’t normal to have huge muscled men in the office every day. It wasn’t normal to have them at her parent’s house. Not that they were in the way because most of the time they stayed out of the way.

  Her grandfather did enjoy the company, and they were kind to him. Hulk, whose real name was Bruce Steel liked to play cards, and that made her Pop smile. Billie made sure to ask Keith if he could make Hulk a regular at her house. At least it made her grandfather happy, and nothing else had happened.

  Billie started to spend most nights at Mike’s house. She’d been there so often that her father wondered if she’d moved in but was afraid to tell them. Billie had assured him she would tell them before she made that move.

  Chloe spent a lot of time with Mike’s nieces on the weekends. Lily picked up sign language and was almost better at it than she was. Mike’s other niece Evie learned as well. His nephews didn’t seem as interested, but they didn’t leave Chloe out when all the kids played.

  Matt had even thought about moving to Hopedale with Chloe so she could be close to Lily and Evie. Billie didn’t ever remember the little girl so excited over friends since she’d started school. Peggy always worried about Chloe fitting in with the hearing world.

  “Mike said he’s on the way.” Trunk informed her just before five.

  “Thanks, Ben.” Billie couldn’t get used to calling the guys by their nicknames.

  “Trunk, are you with Dana and I tonight?” Abbie pulled on her jacket.

  “Yes, Abs.” Trunk laughed.

  “Are you finally going to give in and play strip poker?” Abbie wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Not on your life.” Trunk shook his head.

  “He’s such a wimp.” Abbie hitched her thumb over her shoulder and winked at Billie.

  “Who’s picking up Dana at the hospital?”

  “Rex,” Trunk glanced down at his phone, but a loud screech outside the huge picture window, made him spin around.

  “What the hell .…” Abbie moved to look outside.

  “Get down.” Trunk shouted and dove toward her and Abbie.

  Seconds later the window in the door shattered and the picture window seemed to explode as what looked like balls of fire came through. Billie didn’t have a chance to see anything else because Trunk covered both her and Abbie with his body. She did hear a car door slam, and then tires squealed again.

  “Stay down.” Trunk growled as the weight of his body disappeared.

  It wasn’t more than a second later he cursed, and Billie felt a hand wrap around her arm. She stood up and looked at Abbie, but the horror on her friend’s face had her spinning around to look at the front of the store.

  Flames were licking up the wall and across the waiting area. Billie stepped back and grabbed the edge of her desk. Trunk pushed them back toward Abbie’s office and had his phone to his ear. Billie couldn’t hear what he said because she couldn’t focus enough on anything but the fire.

  “Come on. We’ll get out through the back exit.” Trunk pushed them into Abbie’s office and slammed the door. />
  The emergency exit was off Abbie’s office, and Trunk ran to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. He cursed and slammed his body up against it a couple of times. It still didn’t move. Abbie squeaked when he picked up her office chair and threw it at the window behind her desk. It shattered, and he cleared away the jagged edges with the chair.

  “Come on.” Trunk reached his hand out.

  Abbie ran toward him, and he lifted her out through the window. Abbie’s agency was in a small one-story building and as it turned out it had been a smart move. Billie started to cough from the smoke seeping under the door of the office and ran toward the window.

  “Billie, come on.” Trunk shouted.

  He lifted her out through the broken window, and she noticed him flinch for a moment, but as soon as her feet were on the ground, he jumped through himself. He wrapped his arms around her and Abbie and hustled them out of the alley behind the building.

  At the front of the building, Billie got a good look at what they escaped. The whole thing lit up with red and orange flames. Trunk had both of them wrapped in the circle of his arms as the sirens grew deafening. All Billie could do was stare as her friend’s business burned.

  “Billie,” Mike’s voice echoed through the noise, and she turned around.

  He ran full force toward her, and she wiggled out of Trunk’s hold and went to him. He had her tightly in his arms seconds later. She wasn’t sure if it was her trembling or if it was him.

  “Are you okay?” He pressed his lips against her temple.

  “Yes, thanks to Ben.”

  They walked back to where paramedics checked Trunk and Abbie. Mike’s friend Bobby checked Abbie out while another guy checked Trunk. He didn’t look the least bit happy about being poked.

  “Trunk’s hurt.” Billie noticed the cut on the side of the man’s face and his arm had blood running down the length of it.

  “If that tattoo is damaged I’m going to beat whoever did this to death.” Trunk growled.

  “I think it'll be all right, big guy.” Bobby chuckled.

  “Ben, thank you for saving us.” Billie reached out and touched the man’s hand.


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