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Dangerous Silence (O'Connor Brothers Book 5)

Page 19

by Rhonda Brewer

Mike shook his head as he read the email a second time. The email must have been sent by someone other than the bitchy Mrs. Duffy because she wasn’t that interested in her daughter in the meetings they had. Mike’s curiosity made him click on the PDF file attached to the email.

  Mike was instantly sorry he opened it. The first thing to fill his screen was a picture of Mrs. Duffy wearing nothing but a smile. Mike didn’t try to scroll through what looked to be several more pictures.

  “Porn, bro? Really?” Mike spun in his chair to see John in the doorway.

  “Fuck, no. It’s from the mother of one of the kids I represented.” Mike shuddered. “That woman is a fucking nutcase.”

  “You must have done a good job from what I saw.” John closed the office door and sat next to him.

  “Yeah, but it wasn’t in her favor. That woman is a barracuda that eats men alive.” Mike deleted the email and shuddered again.

  “I’m assuming you saw the news.” John leaned on the desk.

  “Yeah, is that your case too?” Mike leaned back in his chair and linked his fingers behind his head.

  “No, I’d probably kill the bastard,” John growled.

  “But,” Mike knew there was one coming.

  “I got a call from Steve Parker. You remember him?” John asked.

  Mike nodded. Steve worked with the Hopedale PD for a few years but got a promotion and was transferred to the St. John’s division. Mike wasn’t sure exactly what he did, but he did know he worked with kids.

  “Steve told me he’s working with the kids that got tangled up with Morris.” John pulled out a rolled up piece of paper and opened it. “It’s a list of the children that were sold as well as the kids they had buyers lined up for.”

  Mike shook because he knew what was next.

  “Chloe was already bought and paid for. The delivery date is written next to her name here.” John pointed to the date, and Mike jumped to his feet.

  “Isn’t that the…” Mike snatched the paper off the desk and stared at the date.

  “Date Peggy Butler was murdered.” John finished.

  “You’re saying Morris killed Peggy?” Mike stared at his brother.

  “I can’t say, but if you ask me, I think whoever is doing this could be the person who purchased Chloe and is trying to get what he paid for.” John stood up.

  “So this guy is after Chloe, not Billie.” Mike plowed his fingers through his hair. “But why go after Abbie, Dana, and Billie? That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Maybe he didn’t know Billie isn’t the one who has custody of Chloe.” John shrugged his shoulders.

  “Felix knows.” Mike still enjoyed the sour face he put on the man when he slapped the paternity papers in front of the asshole.

  “I don’t know, bro but I’ve warned Keith, and we need to let Billie’s family know.” John opened the office door. “I’m also not taking any chances with our kids. If that guy is lurking around trying to get to Chloe, he may just snatch the first kid he can get.”

  Mike didn’t like the thought of that. There were other children in the town that didn’t have the security his nieces and nephews did.

  “Maybe we should put a warning out there for the rest of the town,” Mike suggested.

  “I’m already on it. Steve's giving a statement on the news tomorrow.” Mike walked out to the front with John. “Do you want me to explain it to Billie and her family?”

  “How about you go tell her parents and grandfather? I’ll tell Billie and her brothers.” Mike gave his brother a quick hug.

  “I let Sandy know, and she’s keeping the kids in the yard. Keith sent another guy over there with Crash and Trunk.” John walked down the steps. “Keep your eyes open, bro.”

  “Thanks.” Mike closed the door and leaned against it.

  “What did John want?” Billie walked out of the living room and leaned against the wall.

  “Where are Matt and Philip?” Mike held out his hand, and she walked into his arms.

  “Philip is in there complaining about the movie we picked, and Matt is out in the yard.” Billie snuggled into his chest. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I will, but your brothers need to hear this too.”

  The girls groaned when Billie shut off the television and Philip sighed with relief. Their faces turned to concern when Mike told them he had some news about their situation. He was going to ask Pam, Kristy, Isabelle, and Jess to leave but figured Billie and her brothers needed all the support they could get.

  Before he had a chance to start, his front door flew open. John shook his head as he walked into the house. It seemed he hadn’t gotten to the end of the road when a parade of vehicles filled with his family turned into Mike’s driveway.

  “I haven’t had a chance….” Mike tried to tell John, but he was interrupted by his grandmother.

  “Doncha worry ‘bout a ting.” Nanny Betty hugged Billie and her brothers. All of which looked utterly confused.

  “Nan, I haven’t….” She held up her hand and continued.

  “We bin here befer.” Nanny Betty turned to Mike. “Git on wit it.”

  Mike waited until everyone filed into the living room and either found a place to sit or stood against the wall. All the kids were held close to one of the adults as if they’d disappear. Mike’s gaze went to Chloe. She was scanning the room and looked in complete awe.

  “Maybe we should get a couple of the guys to take the kids out to the yard,” Kurt suggested.

  “This isn’t something they need to be worrying about.” James nodded.

  “Is someone after us again?” James son Mason said it as if it was nothing new. The seven-year-old had seen way more than his share of danger.

  “It’ll be fine, sweetie.” Marina turned the little boy and led him out of the room, but before he was out of earshot, Mike heard him reply to his mother.

  “Of course, it will be, Mom. We've got the superheroes to protect us.” Mason seemed more annoyed than scared.

  “Superheros?” Billie whispered.

  “Hulk and a couple of the other guys wear these superhero shirts a lot. The boys started referring to them as superheroes.” James explained and Billie nodded.

  Mike sighed as he and John filled everyone in on what the police had discovered. Matt started to pace in front of the window and looked as if he was about to explode. Then again most of the people in the room seemed pissed.

  “So this son of a bitch killed our friend because he was trying to get to Chloe?” Dana growled.

  “It’s what we think, yes.” John nodded.

  “And nobody knows who this guy is or what he looks like?” Abbie slowly stood up.

  “Steve’s team is going through the files and records they found on the computers they confiscated from the group they arrested,” John explained.

  “But they don’t have everyone involved with this.” Dana shot to her feet.

  “Not all of them have been arrested yet, no.” John glanced at Mike as if he was about to get jumped.

  “Abbie, Dana, sit down.” Billie stepped in front of John. “There’s something you’re not telling us.”

  “I’ve told you everything I can.” John stepped back.

  “John, I don’t care what kind of rules or laws you think you’re protecting and I don’t give a shit that your Uncle is standing over there probably warning you with some look to not tell us what we need to know but I swear…”

  “Tell them.” Kurt’s gruff voice halted Billie’s rant.

  “Chloe wasn’t the only one this guy paid for,” John said.

  Mike wasn’t sure what John was talking about because he hadn’t said anything earlier.

  “Who else did this guy pay for, John?” Billie growled through gritted teeth.


  Billie’s eyes closed and she turned red. It was almost as if she was trying to calm herself but not because she was scared. Billie was pissed.

  Mike knew because the rage was building u
p inside him that someone out there thought they could buy not only Chloe but Billie as well.

  “That last picture delivered to Mike, that’s going to be his way to get me to submit to him.” Billie hadn’t opened her eyes, but her hands fisted at her sides, and she shook.

  John didn’t answer because Billie wasn’t asking a question, it was a statement. When her eyes opened, they were black, and Mike felt a sense of pride that Billie wasn’t about to let this guy scare her.

  “What can I do to help bring this guy out?” Billie looked John in the eyes.

  “Belinda, no.” Her mother gasped.

  “Billie, not a chance,” Philip growled.

  “No fucking way, little girl,” Matt shouted.

  “Billie, you can’t put yourself in that kind of danger.” Abbie spun Billie around to face her.

  “So what do you want me to do? Hide until they find him which might be never.” Billie turned to Mike. “Am I wrong?”

  “Billie, this is way too dangerous.” Mike reached for her, but she stepped away.

  “Mike, I love you, and I want to be able to do more than sit in your house or your yard because some sicko thinks he has the right to buy people and use them the way he sees fit.” Billie took a deep breath and let it out slowly before she took a step forward and cupped his face. “Are you telling me you want to be worried every time we go anywhere or that you want to have to take Ben, Lane or any of the other guys everywhere you go. I mean I like the guys but no offense to any of them, I like being alone with you.”

  What was he supposed to say to that? The truth was the only time he and Billie were alone were when they went to bed, and as much as he enjoyed that part, he wanted to be able to just walk to the beach or the park.

  “You know if you try and stop her she’s going to find some way to do it anyway.” Mike glanced over Billie’s head at Sandy.

  Mike shook his head because when Sandy was trying to draw out the person that was making her life a living hell, she slipped out her father’s bathroom window and almost got herself killed.

  “Churchie, not everyone would do what you did, and she doesn't need you giving her ideas.” Ian pulled Sandy under his arm.

  “But she’s right.” Marina smiled.

  “Marina, you’re not helping.” James narrowed his eyes at his pretty wife.

  “I want my freedom back.” Billie wrapped her arms around his waist, and Mike gazed into those chocolate eyes. “I want to be free with you, and I want Chloe to be safe.”

  Mike pulled her against his chest and kissed the top of her head. He scanned the room to see different expressions. The women’s showed agreement with Billie. The men had that ‘hell, no but we don’t have a say’ look.

  “I could lose you.” Mike hugged her tightly.

  “If you keep hugging me so tight, you could lose me now ‘cause I won’t be able to breathe.” Her muffled voice strained.

  Reluctantly he released her but grabbed her hands and pressed them to his lips. Billie was strong and determined, but Mike saw too many news reports of women disappearing and never seen again. Human trafficking rings around the world bought and sold people like cattle, and one of them already bought and paid for Billie, that shook him to his core.

  “I don’t like this, but I’ll support you with whatever you want to do.” Mike could hardly get the words out as he studied her beautiful face. He just hoped she wasn’t about to make a huge mistake. Billie could be about to put herself in the arms of a monster.

  Chapter 24

  “There’s not a snowball's chance in hell that I’m letting her do this.” Matt roared.

  “You don’t control me, Matt.” Billie turned to face her brother and cringed.

  Billie's never seen Matt so pissed before, but he directed that fury at Mike, not her. He stalked toward where she and Mike stood, and Billie put herself in between them.

  “You. I warned you if she got hurt I’d kick your ass.” Matt’s voice didn’t even sound like him.

  “Matthew, back off.” Billie wasn’t afraid of her brother, and she doubted Mike was but she didn’t want a fight in the middle of both their families. “I’ll get Jess to kick your big ass.”

  A chuckle from his cousin had Matt turning around to glare at her, but it didn’t appear to bother Jess. She just gave him the raised eyebrow and stretched her arms over her head.

  “Trust me, pal. You don’t want to go there.” Aaron spoke up for the first time since he’d arrived.

  “That’s enough.” Her father’s voice echoed through the house and made almost everyone jump.

  It was the first time Mike had heard Bill raise his voice since the day he met him. He stomped across the room and stepped between his son and daughter.

  “I’ve had enough of this. We’ve all been walking on eggshells around each other because we don’t know when someone is going to snap and it’s all because we feel trapped. I don’t want Belinda or Chloe to be in danger anymore.” He turned to Matt. “Son, I’m scared too but none of this is Mike’s fault, and you really shouldn’t be shouting at him.” He turned to Billie and cupped her shoulders. “I don’t want you to do this either, but I know you’re going to regardless of what anyone says. Promise me you’ll let the police put together a plan and do what they tell you.”

  “I will, Dad.” Billie wrapped her arms around her father and closed her eyes to hold back the tears.

  “I can’t believe this.” Matt stomped out of the room, and she heard the front door slam. Before anyone else spoke a voice in the back of the crowd shouted.

  “I’m on it.” Bull hurried out of the room.

  “So what can we do?” Billie turned to John.

  “It’s not my case, Billie.” John shook his head.

  “Then call your friend.” Billie motioned to the phone in his hand.

  “He may not agree to this.” John put the phone to his ear as he walked out of the room.

  “Bullshit,” Nick pulled out his smartphone. “Steve knows if one of our women are putting themselves out there, we’re all on board.”

  Our women.

  The statement sounded so chauvinistic, but it made her smile that Mike’s family grouped her in with the fabulous females in his family.

  “Really, Nick? Could you sound more like a cave man?” Isabelle rolled her eyes.

  “First things first,” Kurt moved over to Billie. “Have you ever taken any self-defense classes?”

  “Umm ... No, but I grew up with two older brothers.” Billie chuckled.

  “But I’m sure they loved you, so they weren’t out to hurt you.” Kurt’s expression was like stone.

  “I wouldn’t exactly say they didn’t want to hurt me at times,” Billie remembered several occasions she would run to her parents because Philip or Matt had hurt her.

  “Jess, I want you to show Billie some basic self-defense. I’m sure Keith will give you the time off.” Kurt glared at Keith and then turned his attention to Jess.

  “I was going to…” Jess began.

  “You and I will have a long talk after all this is over and Keith?” Kurt turned to Mike’s brother.

  “Yes, sir?” It was odd to see a man as big as Keith with the look of a naughty boy on his face.

  “I’ll be having a long chat with you too.” Kurt turned back to her, but she managed to see Keith point his finger at Jess and shake his head.

  “Have you ever shot a gun?” Kurt asked.

  “No,” Billie shook her head.

  “Mike, do you keep up with your skills?” Kurt glanced over her head.

  “I haven’t been to the range in a long while.” Mike almost sounded ashamed. Why would he need to know how to shoot? He was a lawyer.

  “James,” Kurt didn’t turn around to look for his other nephew.

  “I’ll take care of it.” James left the room with his phone to his ear.

  “Mike, you’ll be joining her,” Kurt ordered.

  “Steve said if we can come up with a plan to draw this
guy out, he’ll be there with his team. We’ll be back up.” John re-entered the living room.

  “So, now we need a plan.” Billie sighed.

  “Tom, we gotta go get supplies.” Nanny Betty hurried out of the room with Tom behind her.

  “Supplies?” Billie glanced at Mike.

  “Let’s just say, none of us will go hungry.” Ian chuckled.

  She was scared, but when she looked around the room full of people she loved and grown to love, Billie knew she’d have the courage and strength to get through whatever she was about to face.

  “Ugh.” Billie slipped on the mat for the fifth time.

  “Come on, girl.” Jess stood over her with her hand held out.

  “I used to like you.” Billie groaned and reached for Jess’s hand.

  “Just be glad, Dad isn’t teaching you.” Jess laughed.

  “You’re bad enough.” Billie bent over and glared at Mike’s cousin.

  “Abbie, are you ready?” Jess turned to where Abbie and Dana sat off to the side of the small workout room.

  “I don’t see why we need this.” Abbie stood up. “I mean, I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

  Before anyone could respond, an arm wrapped around her friend’s neck and Abbie screamed. Dana jumped up and backed away.

  “What the fuck?” Abbie struggled with the massive arm. Billie could now see who it was.

  “How are you gonna get out of that?” Jess chuckled.

  “Ben, for fuck’s sake. Let go.” Abbie struggled, but it seemed like Trunk was about to give all of them a lesson.

  “Do you think an attacker would just let you go if you cursed on him?” Trunk growled.

  Abbie sighed and stopped her struggle. Dana stood next to Billie with a grin because she knew as well as Billie that Abbie hated to be wrong.

  “Just sing.” Jess crossed her arms.

  “What?” Abbie threw her arms up in the air, but Trunk still had his arm around her neck.

  “Trunk, come here.” Jess laughed.

  Trunk chuckled when he released Abbie, and she swung her fist at him. Abbie missed, and from the look on her face, she wanted to punch him in the nose.

  “Okay, girlies. Sing is an acronym. It stands for solar plexus, instep, nose.” Jess pointed to each part as she said them. “and every man’s favorite, groin.” Jess looked as if she was about to jab Trunk and he covered himself.


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