by Ormziar, H
Nimrod closed his eyes waiting for the miracle to happen, the miracle promised to him by the archangel. Moments passed and nothing happened. He thought, ‘Why am I still on earth? Why am I still on the same level as these low level mortals, the humans! Why am I not God yet?’
That moment when he was deep in his godly thoughts, Nimrod heard loud shouting coming from the crowd beneath him. Someone was using a disturbing phrase he was never used to hearing.
Nimrod opened his eyes to see what was happening, but again, he heard the same unsettling voice coming somewhere down from the bowing crowd.
“YOU ARE NOT MY GOD!” said the shouting voice.
Nimrod looked down into the crowd and saw someone standing among the bowing crowd. He gave an angry look to Haran who was still bowing before him, the bowing minister stood up quickly as he got the gist from his angry king. He looked down to the crowd, and to his shock, he saw a low level citizen standing and refusing to bow to Nimrod! This action was enough to justify being tortured and given a death penalty, but in this situation, the rebel needed to be humiliated among the people first! That is what Haran thought to himself.
Nimrod’s pride and his sense of highness prevented him from directly confronting the low level citizen, so Haran himself shouted to Abraham, “Bow to your god now or you will face death.”
Abraham’s response to Haran was, “I only bow to the true god, ∞Illuhim∞. He is the one who controls life and death. Nimrod is just a man. Like us, he eats, sleeps, defecates, and one day he will die just like everyone,” Abraham shouted loudly from below toward Nimrod to make sure everyone heard him defying Nimrod.
The gathered people were deeply moved by the extraordinary courage displayed by their fellow citizen. They felt a thrill pounding in their hearts for the first time as they witnessed the possibility of the impossible, the possibility of standing against Nimrod, the great God of Babylon. People looked up to Nimrod and all they saw was an angry Human-God clenching his teeth from rage! Then they looked to Abraham who was standing firm; they saw their next god, the god who was born among them and had the courage to express what was in their hearts without any fear. In their subconscious they learnt a vital lesson; a normal citizen can become a god too!
That moment Nimrod felt he was descending instead of transcending and killing and torturing Abraham wouldn’t solve the problem. His status had already been shaken among the people; Nimrod felt the need to prove himself, so he stood up from his golden throne finally, and for the first time shouted directly to his people. “I’m your God, I’m Nimrod the Immortal, and I control your life and your death.” He said to remind the people of his power and his dominion over them.
“Only ∞Illuhim∞ controls life and death,” Abraham challenged Nimrod.
That moment Nimrod ordered his minister, Haran, to bring to him two prisoners. He ordered the execution of one of the prisoners and freed the other, and then he looked down to Abraham and the crowd, proudly shouting, “Now tell me, was ∞Illuhim∞ controlling the life and death of these two prisoners or I?”
People turned to Abraham awaiting his response. Abraham thought for a moment then posed to Nimrod another challenge, “∞Illuhim∞ brings the sun from east, so if you have his power, bring it from the west.”
The crowd of people turned to Nimrod awaiting his next move. They still believed in him so much they were actually expecting him to win the challenge, but all they saw was a furious Nimrod shouting at Abraham and threatening him with torture and death. Then moments passed and Nimrod challenged Abraham back, “If you are proclaiming the truth, ask your ∞Illuhim∞ to bring the sun from the west now.”
Abraham closed his eyes and lifted his hand to the sky praying to ∞Illuhim∞ for a while, and then he looked back to Nimrod. “My Lord ∞Illuhim∞ has told me that he can bring the sun from the west now, but if he does, the world will be destroyed. ∞Illuhim∞ is a loving God and cares about his people, unlike you. He doesn’t want to harm his creations, so he will only do that when the Judgment Day comes, and when that day comes, right and wrong will be revealed and you will be burnt in his hellfire forever.”
Nimrod ordered his army to throw Abraham into a big fire to imitate the hellfire that Abraham threatened him with, but according to the legend, Abraham was later saved. The impact of his encounter with Nimrod was very big on the people of Babylon. People started to lose faith in Nimrod, and rebellious groups began to appear in the towns and villages holding a new flag that had the same two strips red and green but now with the symbol of a sun at its center. This was the sun that Nimrod had failed to control, and the new flag became the symbol of freedom. People who held this flag couldn’t be controlled by Nimrod.
Nimrod eventually lost his power and he was ultimately defeated of his rule of 200 years by Kawa, a young blacksmith who led a rebellious group to Nimrod’s final defeat. The day of his defeat was labeled as the new day for freedom and it is still celebrated in the region as the Feast of Newroz.
Abraham’s ideological revolution demarked an end for the Human-God period. People from the surrounding empires started to revolt against their tyrants. Moses revolted against the Pharaoh, Zoroaster revolted against Cyrus, and Hercules against Zeus. The next stage of revelation began and people all around the world were united under the name of one God, ∞Illuhim∞.
Hast felt his story was making an impact on Mark, however, he still needed to make his point as to why he was telling this story and what its relevance was to their mission.
“Is it true that Abraham tried to sacrifice his son to ∞Illuhim∞?” Mark suddenly asked.
“People are always making this mistake because of their literal interpretation of the holy§cript,” Hast said. “As you know ancient people used to make sacrifices for their Human-Gods. This was a very common practice around the world then. After all, look at the history of the Mayan empire, Egyptian empire, etc. They all made human sacrifices, and this was part of human culture at that time. People in certain regions still use sacrifice related terms in their language! For example, where I am from, we use the term ‘Qurbant bim’ which means ‘I will be your sacrifice’ to express gratitude or love toward someone,” Hast said. “Regarding Abraham’s intended sacrifice of his son, my guess is that when people began to worship ∞Illuhim∞ instead of Nimrod, they probably asked Abraham how they could make a sacrifice to ∞Illuhim∞ to express their gratitude toward him. It’s true at that moment Abraham took his own son to be sacrificed, but then he sacrificed a goat instead and told people that ∞Illuhim∞ didn’t need human sacrifices anymore. Animal sacrifices were sufficient for him.”
“So does that mean ∞Illuhim∞ needs animal sacrifices?” Mark asked.
“No, not at all,” Hast said. “People tend to understand things step-by-step and that is why ∞Illuhim∞ reveals the truth about himself slowly. All I’m saying is that if we don’t take things literally, and if we understand the culture back then, it will become clear for us that Abraham didn’t sacrifice his beloved son. Instead, he freed us from human sacrifices and introduced animal sacrifices. It’s now our responsibility to take Abraham’s revolution further and free animals too from unnecessary sacrifices.”
Mark found Hast’s claims about the god who reveals himself in steps intriguing. “I have recently read a psychology book, and it claims that our brains are prediction tools. We tend to understand and see things that we can predict. If our brains cannot predict or comprehend something, it fails to see it even if it was all around us,” Mark said. “So do you think that we are unable to see ∞Illuhim∞ or comprehend his actions because our brain fails to predict it?”
“Yes, that is what I meant,” Hast said. “I don’t think ancient people who worshiped Human-Gods were wrong at their time because that is probably what ∞Illuhim∞ wanted them to do. God reveals himself to us from inside ourselves, and as time passes, our perception and understanding of him improves.
First we thought God was a powerful king who needed human sacrifices, but then our perception of God advanced. We began to think that God was a powerful being in the sky, and he only needed animal sacrifice. Now our understanding has changed further and we started to think that God as an omnipotent spiritual entity that is everywhere and doesn’t need any sacrifices, and some Abrahamic sects even believe that God himself made a sacrifice for us not the other way around.”
“I love the symmetry in your description,” Mark said smiling.
At that moment the train arrived at Heathrow Airport, and they left the train and checked in for their flight tickets. Mark was set to go back to Interpol headquarters in Lyon, and Hast was returning to Erbil.
“I think I understood your point from the story,” Mark said before departing from Hast. “You think Mr. Young Nimrod is someone who admires Nimrod and tries to imitate him.”
“That is what I think,” Hast said. “In fact many theology scholars believe that Nimrod himself was the first Antichrist.”
“I get your point even clearer now. You think Mr. Young Nimrod could be the last Antichrist then?” Mark said.
“That is what I fear,” Hast answered.
“Let’s keep each other informed. I will try to look up this name in our database at Interpol headquarters.”
Then they both shook hands and went their separate ways.
Chapter 13
It was midnight when Hast arrived home. En route, he couldn’t stop thinking about the Young Nimrod. ‘What a dangerous time we are in,’ he kept thinking to himself. His wife, Nergz, was holding the baby in her arms as he arrived. He took the baby from her and held him in his lap kissing the baby’s forehead.
Hast had first met Nergz at college when he was studying theology eight years ago and she was studying history. They met for the first time in the library when they were both looking for a book titled The Prophecies of Abrahamic Faith, and since they bumped into each other while looking for the same book, they began to talk about it and soon realized there were so many similarities between them. It was as if they shared the same mind. Later on, Hast found that Nergz had the same views as him in regard to the end-days. Like Hast, she thought the Judgment Day was close and all the minor signs had already come true. The two like-minded people soon decided to develop their relationship to marriage.
After his arrival from the long journey, Hast knew that Nergz was eager to hear his news, so he first took a quick shower then came back to the bed holding the baby, the little Abraham, in his lap and kissing the baby’s forehead again. “I’m sorry my little angel. You are growing up in a very hard time,” he said in sorrow.
“What is happening? Is Doomsday close?” Nergz asked Hast.
Hast always felt that Nergz had a strong intuition about things, and when she felt something was going to happen she was always right. It was as if her brain had developed a sixth sense to predict danger. ‘If she thinks the Antichrist is close, then the end-days are close,’ Hast thought.
“A portable nuclear bag is missing and someone calling himself Nimrod is already working behind the scenes,” he said.
“Is he planning to ignite the third world war?” Nergz asked.
“Yes, I think so. The political tension between all the major powers is at its peak. Russia and USA are blaming each other over the missing nuclear bomb. All the European countries are now in conflict with Russia, and the current economic breakdown is threatening their union. North Korea already claims to possess nuclear power and is threatening the USA with it if dares to attack. The Mideast is in total chaos, and the polarizations between the West and East is like never before. It will only take a small step to ignite the next world war,” Hast said.
“The Antichrist thrives on chaos,” Nergz said. “The survival instinct will urge people to seek safety, and they will be vulnerable to anyone providing them with hope. The Antichrist will be the only one who can provide them with this hope but it will be a false hope.”
“His power is mind control,” Hast said. “So he takes advantage of anything. Technology is now so powerful that scientists are able to control the brain directly and there are several ways to do so. I think the Antichrist is already using some of these techniques.”
“Do you think the Antichrist is a scientist working for TNARK?” she asked.
“I think so; I wonder what you think?” Hast asked trying to get his wife’s opinion.
“I tend to think that the Antichrist is a famous person who has a lot of followers,” Nergz said. “He might use scientists to achieve his goals though.”
“A famous person! You mean like a singer, movie star or even a religious preacher?” Hast asked.
“Or a corrupt politician who tells a lot of lies and is able to convince a lot of people,” Nergz replied.
“I would guess he is a charismatic person, smart with mind controlling abilities and people tend to follow him,” he suggested.
“According to the prophecies, he can also heal people from diseases,” Nergz reminded Hast.
“Like a doctor or a scientist?” Hast queried.
“Or like a faith-healer,” Nergz suggested.
Hast suddenly felt he caught the tail of an important clue after hearing the word ‘faith-healer’.
“You are right! How did I forget that!” Hast said. “Faith-healers are the best candidates for becoming the Antichrist, since many of them are charismatic religious preachers with lots of devout followers.”
“And the scientist who is helping him could be the false prophet,” she suggested. “However, a faith-healer can only be the Antichrist if he declares himself to be God. Are there any faith-healers demanding their followers to worship them instead of ∞Illuhim∞?”
Hast found her suggestion really good, so he opened his laptop and entered ‘faith-healers’ into the search engine. He found a Wiki page detailing the meaning of the faith-healing and countless many other pages, however, what caught his attention was an article by BBC News on their news page. This piece was published one week ago and it was about a faith-healer in India who was able to heal any cancer within a short period without any complications!
Although by 2060 scientists had found radical treatments for many cancers with 80% survival rate, patients still had to undergo a tedious protocol of chemotherapy for years and still suffered from its side effects before they could be cured completely. The BBC article claimed that the faith-healer’s healing rate was 100% and without any side effects. This was something beyond conventional medical science at the time! Hast began to read in more detail about the faith-healer. His name was ‘Padsha Mali’ and he was 55 years old from a small town near New Delhi. When Hast entered the faith-healer’s name into the search engine, he found many results about him. Seemingly, he was already famous and there was even a Wiki a page about him.
“Wow, this guy is really famous and can heal cancer,” Hast said to Nergz showing her the articles and pages he found about Padsha Mali.
“Look at his Facebook, Twitter, and Zanzor pages! He has more than one million followers already! I have never seen such popularity for a faith-healer,” Hast said admiringly while peeking through the posts. “Oh, my God! He is even blind in his left eye!” he said while browsing through his images.
“What does he mainly preach about in his social media pages?” Nergz asked.
Hast begun to read through some of his page posts and the videos made about him “He seems like a devout follower of Abrahamic faith. In most of his posts he asks people to return to their true God, ∞Illuhim∞!”
“We don’t know what is in his heart,” Nergz said. “He may be trying to gain people’s affection by healing their loved ones and preaching for Abrahamic faith. He might show his true face once many people fall under his spell,” Nergz said.
“You are right. After all, his main power is mind control,” Hast continued. “But how come I haven’t heard about him before?”
“Maybe he became famous recently, or maybe h
e just recently got his cancer healing powers,” Nergz suggested.
Hast looked at the news articles from the BBC and the information on the faith-healer’s Wiki page. They stated that Padsha Mali had realized his cancer healing powers just a few months ago!
“Wow! According to these articles, the news about this guy only got viral recently!” Hast said.
“This means his followers and his fame will increase even more in the upcoming months,” she said.
Then out of interest, Hast put the combination of words ‘Padsha Mali, the Antichrist’ into the search engine, and to his surprise, he found several posts from writers and bloggers claiming that Padsha Mali could be the Antichrist!
“Wow! There are other people like us who suspect him of potentially being the Antichrist,” Hast said.
“This looks clear cut,” Nergz said. “I suspect something is tricky going on!”
Hast always hated the literal interpretations of the holy§cript and its prophecies, but this time the signs of the Antichrist were so evident in Padsha Mali and everything matched so well with literal interpretations of the holy§cript. Hast hated to admit this but how could the signs of the Antichrist be so simply evident and yet people were being deceived and were following him!
“Everyone following Abrahamic faith will be able to tell he is the Antichrist if he ever declares himself as a god,” Hast said. “I wonder how can he deceive us?!”
“Isn’t his power in mind control?” Nergz reminded Hast.