Broken Symmetries: Age of Illuminati

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Broken Symmetries: Age of Illuminati Page 10

by Ormziar, H

  When Padsha Mali appeared and his news became viral, some of Howard’s followers remembered this article and re-shared his prediction on other social media which made Howard’s page popular with lots of new subscribers. This encouraged him to post even crazier predictions. For Howard, the question was no longer whether ∞Illuhim∞ exists or not. It was whether ∞Illuhim∞ does already exist or would come into existence! He made the following nerdy post in his online blog:

  I believe God is either:




  Chapter 18

  After their visit to New Delhi, the private jet took Hast and Mark directly to TNARK headquarters again. Just before take-off, Hast called Nergz to tell her that he would be staying abroad for a bit longer.

  “I’m sorry for leaving you so long, honey,” Hast said.

  “Are you still looking for the Beast?” Nergz asked.

  Hast peeked at Mark at that moment and saw he was still busy speaking with someone else on his cellphone. This call had already lasted over an hour.

  “Yes, I can’t tell you the details because of the non-disclosure agreement I made with the Interpol agent, but I hope you understand that I’m trying to save people,” Hast said with a lowered voice.

  “I understand,” she said.

  “I love you honey. Please take care while I’m away,” Hast said.

  “I love you too and don’t worry about us,” she said.

  Hast finished his call then turned to Mark who also seemed to have finished his lengthy call.

  “Guess who funded Neil Baron’s project?” Mark said to Hast.


  “Mr. Young Nimrod again,” Mark said. “Interpol has investigated the names of all of those involved in his project.”

  “Did they find more information about him?” Hast asked.

  “Not really. Again a fake address and ID, and he did fund the project through non-trackable sources,” Mark said.

  “If he was trying to hide his identity to Neil Baron too, does that mean Neil is not involved with his evil plans?” Hast suggested.

  “I think so, but it’s obvious that Young Nimrod wanted to take advantage of Neil’s ideas for his own plan,” Mark suggested as he was impressed again to find that tracing the predictions of the prophecies has led to uncovering another link!

  When Hast and Mark arrived at Prof. Neil Baron’s office, Mark revealed the reason of their meeting to him as he had decided to be more direct with Neil about his questions. “We are curious to know whether it’s possible to make the sun rise from the west by changing earth’s rotation using your ideas,” Mark asked.

  “Theoretically, everything is possible,” Neil said. “But why would someone want to do that?!”

  “Let’s assume someone is trying to achieve this by using your model,” Mark said. “How could he achieve it and what would he need to do?”

  Neil began to explain his model to Mark and Hast. “In our model, we suggested using powerful thrusts that were designed in our lab. These could be installed on both sides of the planet to generate a torque force which would change the rotational speed or the direction of the planet. The thrusting engine in our model uses nuclear power to generate a huge amount of ions that come out from the back of the engine at light speed and this would generate an immense force in the opposite direction according to Newton’s third law. Generally, our model is around a million times more powerful than the traditional thrusting engines used in NASA’s rocket engines,” he said.

  “And does someone need to stop the earth’s rotation first to change the direction of the sun rising?” Mark asked.

  “You could use the torque force to turn the earth upside down instead; this would produce the illusion of the sun rising from the west,” Neil suggested.

  “Does that require less energy and is it more practical?” Mark asked.

  “Don’t underestimate the power needed. This solution would still require an immense amount of energy,” Neil said. “Though you could turn the earth’s axis less than 180 degrees and still produce the wanted illusion in some countries because the earth’s axis itself is tilted.”

  “How damaging would this be for the life on earth?” Mark asked.

  “It depends on whether you want to make this change slowly or rapidly,” Neil said.

  “What if someone wanted to make the sun rise from the west within 24 hours,” Hast interrupted.

  Mark understood Hast’s intention; he asked this question because the prophecies indicated that people would suddenly realize the change in the sun’s direction so this meant the change would need to happen quickly.

  “That is impossible,” Neil said. “The amount of power required to achieve that would be too immense.”

  “How is that impossible?” Mark asked.

  “First you can’t practically fix such powerful thrusts to the earth’s surface. If the ground beneath it was not very hard and solid, the thrust would expel like a projectile. You may be able to fix it if you tilted the thrust’s front slightly down, but you’d lose a lot of energy. You would also need to make the surface area of the engine’s front very wide, otherwise, it would penetrate the ground beneath it. You could perhaps attach its front end to the base of a mountain and that way you could make sure that when the powerful thrust pushed the mountain forward it would drag with it the ground below and the force could change the earth’s axis, however, there is no guarantee that even a mountain wouldn’t fall apart under such power!”

  “Let’s say someone was able to do that. What about its effect on life on earth?” Hast repeated Mark’s question.

  “I don’t know how life would adapt itself to the new changes in the environment for the long term,” Neil said, “but for the short term, lots of earthquakes and tsunamis might happen.”

  “Do you have any knowledge if someone is already trying to implement or build the thrusts you designed?” Mark asked.

  “No, not to my knowledge. Our project has stopped, however, we are currently using public funds to continue its sister project,” Neil said.

  “And what is that?” Mark asked.

  “We are trying to modify our designed thrusts to make them work as deflectors to change the direction of the Doomsday Meteor.”

  “How long will it take for the Doomsday Meteor to reach us?” Hast asked.

  “According to our estimations it will be hitting us in 2068 so in less than a decade!” Neil said.

  Hast thought that although the danger of the Doomsday Meteor was still far away, there was a much more immediate danger if Newton’s prediction about the date of the Judgement Day was true!

  That moment Neil looked at his watch. “By the way, I need to go soon, so do you have any other questions?”

  “Just out of curiosity, do you think aliens exist?” Hast asked.

  “Of course, I believe advanced life is all over our galaxy,” Neil said.

  “And why do you think they haven’t visited us so far?” Hast asked.

  “I get this question a lot! Personally, I think it is because we are living in unlucky spot. We live on the outer edge of the Milky Way galaxy, a very empty spot, and our nearest neighbor star is four light years away!” Neil said. “Imagine if there is an advanced life somewhere and capable of interstellar travel. Why would they choose to visit an empty spot instead of the center of the galaxy which is full of stars, planets, and energy?”

  Prof. Neil Baron stood up preparing himself to go. Hast and Mark thanked him for his precious time.

  “I didn’t understand your last question,” Mark said to Hast when they left Neil’s office. “Was it relevant to our quest?”

  “No, it was just a curiosity,” Hast said. “I’m curious to know whether Doomsday globally affects everywhere in the universe or it’s only specific to earth.”

  Mark looked at his cellphone which beeped twice indicating that he had received a new message. Looking at it, he realized it was from Kogar.

  Dear Mark,

  Have you reached any new clues about the identity of Young Nimrod? Please keep me updated. Thanks


  Mark turned to Hast before writing his response. “So far, you think Young Nimrod is the false prophet who is helping the Antichrist, Padsha Mali?” he asked Hast.

  “Yes, that is my thinking,” Hast confirmed.

  “Do you think the word ‘Young’ in Young Nimrod refers to the false prophet’s age or to the period?” Mark asked the question remembering the age of his prime suspect, Prof. Sanders who was 71 years old.

  “I think the word ‘Young’ means ‘New’ here. I guess Mr. Young Nimrod greatly admires the ancient Nimrod and that is why he chose this codename for himself,” Hast said.

  “Do the prophecies say anything about his age?” Mark asked.

  “Unfortunately not,” Hast said.

  “Does the prophecy say that the false prophet is helped by anyone else or is working alone?” Mark asked again as he was thinking about Ericson’s young secretary.

  “The false prophet and the Antichrist could be helped by anyone else, but they are all innocent and deceived people who need our help. No one is to be blamed except the Antichrist himself,” Hast said.

  Mark turned to his cellphone again while trying to send a reply to Kogar. Hast was eager to have a peek at Mark’s cellphone to see what he was busy about writing but he was too shy to do so.

  Dear Kogar,

  You were right about suspecting someone from TNARK, as we’ve already found some suspicious activities there. We are still investigating. I’ll update you once I have more information.

  Regards, Mark.


  On their way back, Hast and Mark engaged in a lengthy discussion about the prophecies of the end-days and the Antichrist’s goals.

  “I wonder if the Antichrist was mentioned in other faiths?” Mark asked trying to take advantage from the theologian’s knowledge.

  “Well, similar characters to the Antichrist are mentioned in many other non-Abrahamic faiths such as Ahriman in the Zoroastrian religion which is equivalent to the Antichrist,” Hast said.

  “Does it have the same signs?” Mark asked.

  “No, theirs is somewhat different. The Antichrist in Abrahamic faith is just a bad human being, but Ahriman in Zoroastrianism is a mischievous deity,” Hast answered.

  “Is it like the polar opposite to ∞Illuhim∞?” Mark asked.

  “Yes, that is how they view it,” Hast asked.

  “Can you tell me more about their prophecies?” he asked.

  “In my theology courses, I didn’t read about them a lot but I know their basic ideology,” Hast said. “Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions which has had influence over other monotheistic faiths including Abrahamic religions, however, Zoroastrianism itself couldn’t preserve its strict form of monotheism and it became gradually dualistic in nature.”

  “How old is Zoroastrianism?”

  “Scholars believe Zoroastrianism was started by Zoroaster, a prophet who lived during the Medo-Persian Empire around 1000 BC. He rejected the worship of the many gods in Hindu and Greek religion and identified one god who he thought was worthy to be worshiped, Ohrmazd, the God of Light and Wisdom,” Hast said.

  “Is Ohrmazd the same as ∞Illuhim∞?” Mark asked.

  “Yes, I think so. Zoroastrians name their god differently due to the language differences, but their concept of Ohrmazd is very similar to the Abrahamic concept of ∞Illuhim∞,” Hast answered.

  “Why did it become a dualistic faith then?” Mark asked as he began to show interest.

  “Well, the core Zoroastrian religion defined Ohrmazd as an all loving, benevolent god who wouldn’t create bad things and everything he did create was good and perfect in nature,” Hast said. “As you see, the problem with their assumption was that they couldn’t explain the origin of evil and the bad things that were happening in the world.”

  “Why they didn’t blame the evil on human’s actions and their free will then?” he asked.

  “Because Zoroastrians believe that evil can’t come from good, and since they defined their god as all loving and all good, hence, they couldn’t explain why their god would create evil.”

  “So they blamed the bad things on a separate god, the God of Evil,” Mark tried to explain.

  “That is what they did,” Hast confirmed Mark’s conclusion. “They resorted to the concept of a triune God where they defined ‘Zurvan’ as the Lord of Time and the progenitor of the twin gods: Ohrmazd, God of Wisdom, and Ahriman, the God of Evil. Zurvan himself is agnostic, meaning he doesn’t care about good and evil. Ohrmazd, God of Light and Wisdom, created us and the universe. On the contrary Ahriman, God of Darkness and Destruction, tries to destroy what Ohrmazd has created, so in other words, Ohrmazd is matter and Ahriman is anti-matter. Ohrmazd derives his power from: Humata, Hukhta, Huvarshta, which translates to the ‘three good’: Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds. While Ahriman derives his power from the ‘three evil’: Evil Thoughts, Evil Words and Evil Deeds. According to Zoroastrianism, Ohrmazd won the war and the matter became dominant over anti-matter, and that is the reason why our universe mostly consists of matter rather than anti-matter according to them. Since Ohrmazd derives his power from the ‘three good’, he needs humans to do the ‘three good’ continuously, so that he can progress the world into perfection and ultimately defeat Ahriman forever.”

  “And what do they think will happen in the end-days? Will they think Ahriman will rise again?” Mark asked.

  “Yes, that is their prophecy,” Hast said. “They think in the end-days, humans will do less good and since Ohrmazd derives his power from our good acts, he will no longer be able to throw over Ahriman. The anti-matter will increase in our universe and Ahriman will rise again but he will be defeated again in the great final war that will happen in the heavens between the good and evil.”

  Mark remembered a scientific documentary he saw recently on HDTV about the world-renowned physicist, Richard Feynman, explaining anti-matter, “I heard anti-matter is just normal matter but it’s gone back in time!” he said to Hast.

  “That is interesting,” Hast said. “Do you mean that matter itself will become anti-matter if it goes back in time?”

  “Yes, according to Feynman, a positron which is a well-known anti-matter particle is just being an electron that has gone back in time. That is why it has an opposite charge to the electron and why some scientists call it anti-electron,” Mark explained.

  “I see,” Hast said, “but what if an electron collides with a positron? Would they annihilate each other?”

  “Yes, according the documentary matter and anti-matter can’t mix in the same place,” Mark followed.

  “I think this concept goes in line with the Zoroastrian’s belief that Ahriman is the god of anti-matter and he can’t exist in the this world without destroying it, and that is why Ohrmazd’s plan is to eliminate every source of anti-matter to help this universe reach its perfection,” Hast claimed. “It’s like two different pyramids. One has ‘three good’ at its base leading to the truth, ∞Illuhim∞. While the other pyramid base has ‘three evil’ leading to deception, or a fake reality ruled by Illuminati or Ahriman.”

  Mark tried to conclude, “So in Zoroastrianism they have two separate pyramids each ruled by a deity with polar opposites, but in Abrahamic faith they don’t explicitly separate the two pyramids and there is only one deity, ∞Illuhim∞.”

  “Yes, ∞Illuhim∞ is the ultimate ruler of both realities. The truth pyramid which leads us to heaven and everything good we envision for ourselves while the deception pyramid leads to hell and everything bad we envision for ourselves. Also, conceptually the god of Abrahamic faith is infinite. Even his name is an infinite set of letters, and nobody can spell or pronounce it. We are only able to see and pronounce a small portion of his name, Illuhim.”

  Although Hast was a faithful follo
wer of the Abrahamic faith, he never devalued the concepts and beliefs of other religions. He always thought that all faiths boiled down to the same core concepts and tenets in their purity and their ultimate goal was human salvation. Unfortunately, greed and evil always tried to hijack faith, and feed upon it and use it for its own deeds.

  Chapter 19

  Deep underground at an unseen site, an elevator had just reached the ground. Media Rozhgar pushed the button to open the elevator door, and the AI-robot installed inside had recognized her immediately enabling the red light to become green and the door to open. Leaving the elevator, Media walked along a long corridor which ended at a spacious hall full of computers, cameras and TV screens. At the center of it, sat the man of her dreams wearing a helmet and specially designed eyeglasses through which he was connected to the entire world: internet, news agencies and television programs, etc.

  When he was underground, he preferred to be called Young Nimrod and he behaved as if he was in charge of and responsible for everything happening in the world.

  When Media Rozhgar entered the hall, she saw that he looked exhausted. She thought his fatigue was from his viewing of all the horrible things happening in the world through his visual eyeglasses! ‘I need to stop him; otherwise, he will get seizures again.’ She called him but there was no response, so she looked at his hands and they were shaking. She immediately realized it was the seizures again, so she took the helmet and his eyeglasses off. His eyes were rolled upward and his teeth were clenched so Media quickly looked around and found a needle syringe on the table along with an ampule of diazepam, a seizure suppressant. To her it looked like he was expecting to have seizures again, so she grabbed his hand strongly and injected him with the ampule. His seizures gradually started to fade away, and he became sleepy, he looked into the eyes of his faithful lover. “I love you Media. Thanks for everything you have done for me,” he said.


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