by Ormziar, H
“Yes, we will meet together,” she said. “But after I pass the Antichrist, who is facing me now,” she said to Hast with a smiling and confident face.
“Why are you denying the truth?” The Antichrist asked her “Haven’t you seen me raising the dead from the graves and bringing the sun from the west. Haven’t you seen all my power and all my mercy?!”
“It’s not the power that makes ∞Illuhim∞ a God,” she said.
“Then what makes him a God?” The Antichrist asked.
“You will never understand why you can’t become like ∞Illuhim∞,” she said.
“How can you be so sure, what have you seen in ∞Illuhim∞ haven’t seen in me?” he asked.
“You broke your rule,” She said.
“I was showing my mercy, I made the rules and I can change them,” he said.
“God doesn’t break his promise,” she said.
At that time the Antichrist turned to the archangel, “She chose hell, I command you to give her what she chose”
The ground beneath Nergz split and she fell into a lake of fire and lava, that moment she screamed from agony and pain, and after a moment, everything became dark and silent again as she woke up into another reality.
Nergz now found herself restrained in a chair, she couldn’t move her hands neither her feet. She was not able to see anything, as her head was covered with a helmet; the head cap was firmly covering her head and her eyes. She soon remembered the brain controlling technique Hast told her five years ago when he was investigating the Antichrist, ‘Are they using that technique to control my dreams?’ she asked herself. She tried to free herself several times but she failed.
She listened carefully to hear what was going on in the room and she was able to hear an intense discussion between two guys in the same room, she tried to lift up her head so that she could peek through the slit under the helmet, she was barely able to see but she recognized them immediately. Kogar, ‘the Antichrist’, and his minister, Haran, were in an intense discussion!
“Why don’t we eliminate all the opposers,” Haran asked Kogar.
“I can’t eliminate every one of them,” Kogar replied, “They are already mastering their hideout. Even those who follow me, I can’t fully trust everybody. Some are pretending to follow me and hiding their true beliefs.”
“Why don’t we use this optogenetics technique to convince someone else, another leader?” Haran suggested.
“I need to convince her. Most of my opposers trust her. If she believes in me, then most of the opposers would do the same after her,” He said.
Nergz was able to see the faint figure of Kogar through the slit; he looked very angry and desperate to find a way to convince her, as he was punching the wall and Haran was trying to calm him down, “If I don’t do something soon, the Meteor will be hitting us in two years and everything will be gone, I need to reach the center of the galaxy soon,” Kogar said.
“I think she was very close to submit,” Haran said. “If you hadn’t broken the rule, she would have believed in you.”
“Nothing will work with her,” Kogar said in a frustrating voice. “I have already tried not to break the rule in my previous attempt, in that case, she said that her God is a merciful loving one and I’m not.”
“That is absurd, I wonder if she really believes in a well-defined coherent God!” Haran said.
“She is just an obstacle Nature put before me,” Kogar said. “People like her are determined to rebel against me no matter what I do for them!”
“I think if we try with her several other times she will submit at the end,” Haran said.
“That is what I’m going to do, she doesn’t know me. I will never give up, I’m the God and how can a God give up!”
That moment Nergz realized that her submission to Kogar’s will might be inevitable. She couldn’t remember any of the previous trials that Kogar was talking about! the only thing she could remember was that in her dream she was very close to be deceived. ‘If Kogar controls me, he then can control all the other opposers through me. I can’t let myself be a tool for his evil plans. The truth should stay. I need to sacrifice myself for the truth,’ she thought. That moment she decided to commit suicide but there was no way to do so as she was restrained tightly to a chair. She began to hold her breath forcefully, as time passed, she increasingly felt suffocated, but that was her only choice even though she knew that her act of suicide is punishable! ‘God, please forgive me for committing the suicide,’ she thought, ‘If the Antichrist controls me then many people will be deceived and will be punished by you because of my failure. I have no choice only to sacrifice myself for the greater good, please do help them after me, please send them your true savior, the true Messiah,’ that was her last thoughts before she fell unconscious.
Cast of characters
∞Illuhim∞: The God of the universe in this book.
Hast: The theologian and the leading character.
Nergz: The second leading character, Hast’s wife, and a historian.
Mark: The Interpol agent and a private investigator.
Sardar: The doctor and Hast’s brother.
Kogar Shervan: Previous governor, owner of Tek-brains and zanzor.
Padsha Mali: The famous faith healer.
Media Rozhgar: Kogar’s business administrator and his secret lover.
Zaniar: Media’s cousin and a security manager for Tek-Brain.
Lee Shark: The CEO of the largest 3D printing company in 2060.
Dr. Bernhard Johnson: The head of TNARK in 2060.
Sir Farad: The head of Interpol in 2060.
Prof. Ericson Sanders: The leading neuroscientist in TNARK.
Prof. Neil Baron: The famous astrophysicist working for TNARK.
Prof. Catherin Smith: An influential genetic scientist.
Bakir: Unfortunate son of a loving mother with breast cancer.
Kate Gould: Mark’s ex-partner and researcher.
Howard Nick: The founder of “the Mind Quanta-Soup” theory.
John Badu: The manager of Virtual world™.
Roger: An Interpol agent and Mark’s assistant.
Aabha: A brilliant biochemist and a friend of Mark.
Tom: A tough guy with a high superego but with a bad luck.
Raimon: A confused post-apocalyptic person (who could be anyone)
Abraham: The founder of Abrahamic faith.
Zoroaster: The founder of Zoroastrian faith.
Nimrod: The King of ancient Babylon and the nemesis of Abraham.
Haran (4000 BC): Nimrod’s right hand minister.
Haran (post 2060): Kogar’s right hand minister.
Son of the morning: Lucifer, the archangel with asymmetric red wings.
Dear reader,
Thanks a lot for purchasing this book; I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. The purpose of this work was not to devalue or promote for any system of belief or thinking. It was just a collection of thoughts trapped in my mind for a long time, here I translated some of it into words and tried to share it with you. Hopefully, you liked it! I would love to see your feedback. Your honest review on Amazon or goodreads will be deeply appreciated and it will be encouraging for me to share more of my thoughts and learning experience through these fictional characters.
H.A. Ormziar
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