You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three

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You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three Page 12

by Jeannette Winters

  “Shaun, thanks again, but I better get inside, and you said you had things you needed to do. I’ll see you in the office on Monday.”

  She turned and started walking to the house. Each step was pulling at her, making her feel physically ill. It was as though she was putting the gap between them on purpose. A defensive move to protect her heart. Morgan was excellent at it. It just came with one price. Being alone.

  Shaun resisted reaching out to her when she walked back to the house. Everything in him wanted to pull her into his arms and finish what they had started last night. But the rest of the day was time for her to spend with her family. Besides, he had some phone calls to make and those calls required privacy.

  He didn’t even bother to change when he headed to the office. He pulled up in front of the building and the security guard came out shouting, “You can’t park here.”

  His face changed once he realized who he was barking at.

  “Sorry, Mr. Henderson. I didn’t realize that was you. New . . . vehicle?”

  Shaun ignored the question, and the guard knew better than push further. He tossed the keys to him and said, “I’ll call when I’m ready to leave.” They didn’t have valet parking, but today they did.

  The guard looked at the keys, then back to the Jeep. “Yes, sir.”

  The guard wasn’t the only one stunned by the Jeep. It’d been a spur of the moment purchase as he drove by the lot early this morning. That had never been the way he functioned. Everything he did was thought through thoroughly and calculated to optimize the outcome. Spontaneity was so out of character for him.

  As a kid, he’d always wanted a Wrangler. To him, it represented freedom. The ability to go anywhere he wanted. He could own any car he wanted, but chose not to. He always had the limo pick him up and drop him off. It was convenient, and that’s how he liked his life. Now he owned a Jeep and had no idea what he was going to do with it. Maybe someday I’ll do that off-road camping that appealed to me as a kid. He laughed as he got off the elevator and made his way to his office. What the hell am I thinking? I don’t even like to sleep on a couch.

  He saw a light on in Dean’s office, so he stopped there first. “Shouldn’t you be home with Tessa?”

  “Glad you’re here. I wanted to bounce an idea off you.”

  Shaun sat on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table. “What’s up?”

  Dean looked at him. “Maybe I should be asking you that first. I can’t remember the last time I saw you dressed like that. Okay, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dressed like that. Are all your suits at the cleaners?”

  “You don’t know me as well as you think you do.” The sad truth was Dean did. That’s why he knew this was so damn unusual for him. Fuck. I don’t like anyone being able to read me so well. Not even family.

  “Whatever you say.” Dean sat there grinning.

  “You wanted to talk to me about something, so talk.”

  Dean had files scattered all over his desk. “I want to talk about Morgan.”

  The one person I don’t want to talk about with you. “Business?”

  “Is there more than that to discuss?”

  “Don’t fuck with me today, Dean. I’ve got a lot on my mind right now. So say what you need to and let me get busy handling my own shit.” Shaun wasn’t as frustrated with Dean as he was with himself. He was off his game, and that needed to change. There was something he needed to finish first, then he could put his concentration back where it belonged. On work.

  Dean didn’t pursue it. “I’ve been looking over the contract that Morgan altered. I’ll tell you, we know our shit, but this woman is fucking amazing. The way she worded things brought this deal to an entirely new level. I need her.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Easy brother, I’m still talking business here. But I’m telling you she’s good, and Poly-Shyn needs her. Damn, the entire family could benefit from her skills. I just don’t know if we can trust her after what went down at WS & Son.”

  “You can trust her. I’m not sure she’s interested in that type of work any longer, but you can ask.”

  “I’m glad you think you can trust her, but your judgment might be clouded at the moment.”

  “And what is it you think I’m not seeing?” Shaun was pissed that Dean could question Morgan’s integrity. Damn. She’s a better person than any Henderson ever will be. We’ve got no right to question anything.

  “Rumor has it she got fired for intentionally screwing up a contract on a major deal they were working on.”

  “And you got your information where?”

  “Before I offered her a job heading up our contract division I wanted to hear what went down from the owner himself. My gut still said something was off even though Bennett didn’t seem to find anything. Apparently, I was right.”

  Dean, you couldn’t be more wrong. But why the hell would Sapp slam her like that? What did he have to gain? She’s out of their lives. Wasn’t that enough? Was he out to crush her? His chest was pounding with fury. If that was his rationale for slandering her name, then he was going to find out firsthand what it felt like to have his balls delivered to him on a platter. I think it’s time for Walter and me to have a chat.

  Shaun got up, his fisted hands wanting to make contact with something to release the anger within him. Dean was watching him closely but said nothing.

  “Don’t take any action yet. Just take my word, Dean. You can trust her, and that’s all you need to know.”

  He walked out of Dean’s office and entered his. He slammed the door behind him. As he sat at his desk, he ran his fingers through his hair. Walter, you think you wish you’d never heard her name now, wait until you hear mine.

  Shaun pulled his cell out and dialed Bennett.

  “I’ve got a job for you.”

  “More digging?”

  Maybe a grave. “Security.”

  “Who did you piss off?”

  No one yet. “Not for me; it’s for Morgan and Tyler.”

  “Shaun, I know there is no reason she would need any protection, so I have to assume there is one coming.”

  Damn, you’re good. “Possibly. I can’t be there to watch them, so I need your men to. Nothing better happen to them. Do you hear me?”

  “We’re good at what we do, but I need to know who we’re protecting her from.”

  “Walter is still fucking with them. I’m going to make him see what a huge mistake that is.”

  “And you’ll be doing that how exactly?”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to kill him. Just financially crush the bastard and his father. When I’m done with them, they’ll regret everything they said or did to those two.”

  Bennett was quiet for a minute then said, “I’ll handle my end. Keep me in the loop on the status, and we’ll up the level if needed.”

  “I don’t care what it costs, Bennett. I need them safe.”

  “Teach that prick a lesson about how to treat women and children, and I’ll do this one pro-bono.”

  “Maybe you’re not the asshole I thought you were.”

  “Don’t count on it. I take it Morgan knows nothing about what’s going on, correct?”

  “No one does and no one can.”

  “Nice and clean. Good luck.”

  Shaun ended the call. Luck wasn’t something he used in business. If there was a risk, he never took it. What he had in store for WS & Son was costly, but it was going to be 100% effective.

  He scrolled through his phone and found the number of a family friend who he thought might want in on something like this. Even though he was going after Walter, a tag-team effort was going to make it impossible for them to recover.

  “Davis here.”

  “Trent. I’m in need of some assistance.”

  “You’ve never come to me before. What’s so big that you need me now?”

  Shaun gave him the details regarding Sapp’s company.

  “I need you to us
e your contacts to shut down any deal on the table for them. Any contracts that are pending. Any financial backing they have. You name it, shut it down.”

  “Shaun, I don’t work like that any longer. I’m a family man now, remember?”

  “Trent, this piece of shit needs to pay.”

  “I get that. But what I don’t know is why?”

  Because he’s hurting people I care about. Shaun had no idea when he started caring. He never allowed himself to get close enough to anyone to care about them. Up until a few weeks ago, he would’ve said someone was crazy for taking something like this so damn personal. But all he could hear was Tyler’s voice say new bike and Morgan’s warm, loving eyes, and he knew he would do anything to protect them. Besides, he didn’t start this; he was just the one who was going to finish it. There was no reason for Morgan to ever know. Probably better she doesn’t.

  Shaun explained the history behind what happened between Morgan and Walter. The details of how he’d rejected them because he considered his son less than perfect.

  “The man has money and prestige. I want both taken from him. I want him to question if he can afford to order from the dollar menu at a fast-food drive-thru. His days of looking down on people who are in need are over. Time for him to be the one in need.”

  “I’m no knight in shining armor, but this guy’s a real piece of work.”

  “That’s putting it nicely, Trent. So are you in?”

  “I’m in. A project like this will take a few weeks to chip slowly away at, so it doesn’t raise a red flag right away, but if we line it up between my contacts and both of us, it is very doable.”

  “Excellent. One last thing. No one can know, including my family, about Morgan’s history with the Sapp family. I need her left out of everything.”

  “You’ve got to protect the ones you love,” Trent said before he hung up.

  This has nothing to do with love. I’m just doing what’s right.

  Chapter Twelve

  It was already Thursday, and he wanted to call her, see her again. The days seemed to run together between keeping up with his own business, covering HR for Poly-Shyn, and spending quite a few hours working with Trent to make sure everything was lining up to explode at just the right time. Right this second couldn’t be soon enough for me, but I want it done correctly, not quickly. I want them to feel the pain as it all starts slipping through their cold-hearted, money-hungry hands. I want to watch them scramble and find no one there with a lifeline. Imagining them out on the curb, just like they basically did to their own flesh and blood, brings me great satisfaction.

  As he looked back at his last few hours of work, it was amazing and scary to see how many contacts he and Trent held power over. People who might not want to cut their ties with WS & Son but would because they feared they would be targeted next. He knew Trent’s reputation. Even though he said he didn’t play hardball any longer, just the mention of his name was enough to get a conversation flowing that might’ve otherwise ended. When he started making calls, people noticed Dean wasn’t the only shark in the Henderson family. Maybe I have more of my father in me than I want to admit. But at times like this, it comes in handy.

  When he passed Morgan earlier in the hallway, she said she was on her way to Dean’s office. The next time she was with a coworker, and they were running to a meeting. It looked like the only way he was going to get to spend time with her was to schedule something himself. Just having her come to his office so he could kiss and touch her was not going to get the response he was looking for. He needed a valid reason. One she’d be enthusiastic about, but what the hell could that be?

  Yes! He picked up his office phone and dialed her extension.

  “HR, this is Morgan.”

  Her sweet voice was like nails running across his chest. Instantly he wanted her. “Do you have an opening on your calendar to discuss the company match program?” He’d already accessed her schedule and knew she didn’t.

  “Today and tomorrow aren’t good. Can we schedule another time?”

  “Yes, we can. I’ll pick you up tonight at eight.”

  “Wait. What?”

  “We’ll have dinner, and you can present the program to me.”

  “Yes, but I can do that much easier in the office.”

  But it’s not as fun. “You said this program would be great for the non-profit agencies. I’m sure you can clear one night for me so we can get this ball rolling. No time like the present.”

  All was quiet on her end of the phone. He knew she was weighing her options. She was a thinker, and that was one more thing he liked about her. Not clinging and ready to jump in my bed. But God, I want you there.

  “Tyler goes to bed at eight thirty. I would prefer to be home for that. Would nine be too late?”

  “I’ll pick you up then.”

  He leaned back in his leather chair with his arms resting behind his head. That was easier than I thought. I wonder if she really believes I only want to talk business. There’s no way she’s that naïve.

  “I should’ve told him no.”

  Elisabeth laughed. “You know you want to go. Don’t even try pretending otherwise. You’re a beautiful young woman and need to get out. And goodness knows that man is into you. The way he looks at you when you’re not watching makes me think of the way Loras looked at me when we were dating.”

  “Oh, Mom, you know Dad still looks at you that way. Even after forty years.”

  Her mother blushed. “Morgan, that’s what I want for you. And I think you might’ve just found it. But you’re going to need to put some effort into this. If you keep pushing him away, one day he won’t come back. But don’t do anything you don’t want to do. If you want to spend the night with him, then do it. If you don’t, tell him so.”

  “Don’t you try giving me the sex talk at this age. I think I will pee myself if you do.” Morgan was trying to keep her laughter down as not to wake Tyler.

  “Oh, don’t act like you don’t need one. I mean you have been cooped up in this house for six years. I don’t think I cou—”

  “Don’t say it. I don’t want to know.” Morgan covered her ears.

  She loved the relationship she had with her mother. But no matter how close they were she didn’t want to hear the personal details of her love life. What kid does?

  “Okay, I won’t say it if you go change that outfit and put on your white dress, please.”

  “This is not a date. We are meeting to talk about a program I would like to initiate.”

  “Oh, my. How can someone so smart be so dense?”

  “Mother! That’s not very nice.”

  Elisabeth laughed. “No, but it’s true. Will you open your eyes? This man is not picking you up at nine to talk business. Trust me. He could’ve had you email the information to review at his leisure.”

  Morgan thought about it. Yeah, why make me come out just to discuss what really will only take ten minutes? “This is crazy. Why waste time like this? He knows we’re both very busy. If he wanted a date, why didn’t he just ask for a date?”

  “Because it is a date!” Elisabeth said, her voice louder than either of them wanted.

  “Okay,” Morgan whispered. “It’s a date.”

  “Good. Now get out of those business clothes and wear something . . . sexy. Show him you appreciate his attention.”

  “Mom, you’re so old school.”

  “And you, dear girl, are so out of practice. I already told your father I am spending the night up here with Tyler, so don’t worry if for some reason you don’t make it home till morning.”

  What mother tells her child to stay out all night? Isn’t she supposed to lecture me about getting my priorities straight? Of course, she wasn’t going to waste any time telling her that. She had ten minutes to change and fix her makeup. Not because you’re right, but I’ll feel better in this cute outfit.

  It was a lovely night, so she had the windows open. Her pulse quickened as she heard a car door shut.
And now I find out. Business or date. She moved the curtain and peeked through the blinds, wanting to see him. As she watched him open the front gate and head toward the porch, she saw he was carrying flowers. Date.

  Morgan was glad she listened to her mother. Not only did she change out of her stuffy business suit, but she also changed her undergarments too. She wanted this to be more, but she wasn’t going to allow herself to hope for it. The scars from previous rejections, though covered, were still there. It wasn’t Walter rejecting her that hurt at all. They’d honestly only been together because it was convenient. There never was any passion or love between them. The scars she carried were from watching him dismiss their child. Morgan couldn’t bear it if she let Shaun into her life, their life, and he eventually decided it’d been fun, but it was over.

  He’s not Walter. Shaun is amazing. He’s shown me how good he is with Tyler. He’s gentle, caring, and patient. He wouldn’t . . . couldn’t . . . hurt us like that. And although it petrified her to take a chance and open herself up to him, it hurt far more to deny what she felt. I want to be with him. If he doesn’t kiss me tonight, I think I’ll die.

  She looked in the mirror one last time. Tonight Morgan, don’t hold back. Let him know what you want. Stop being afraid. What’s the worst thing that can happen? He says no. Better to find out now than later.

  Morgan heard the light knock on the door. He knows Tyler is sleeping. It’s like it comes natural to him. How? He doesn’t have children. I don’t even know if he wants any. But I know he’s great with them, or at least with Tyler.

  When she opened the door, he looked past her for a moment, as though confirming they were alone, then pulled her into his arms and kissed her. It was like fireworks exploding within her. How she missed and wanted him.

  It was too brief, but anything more would’ve made it impossible for her to stand; her legs already threatened to give way. She could pretend it was because she’d eaten only a light meal earlier, but they both knew he had the power to make her melt. And that’s just with a kiss.


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