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You & Me Make Three: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Three

Page 15

by Jeannette Winters

  Morgan tried not to overthink it, but she couldn’t help herself. Like every young girl, she’d dreamed about finding her happily ever after. She knew that wasn’t what she and Walter were about, but once Tyler came along she yearned for him to have a father in his life. Having no father is better than one who treats you badly.

  She knew Tyler wouldn’t be the loving boy he was if Walter had been around. Walter made everything and everyone around him tense. She could only imagine how much worse it would’ve been for the child to have endured his endless badgering. We would’ve been yelling and fighting every day about what was best for Tyler. No, thank you. He didn’t need that in his life. We’re better off alone than living like that.

  It was sweet thinking she was no longer alone. They had Shaun in their lives. Not only did she spend Saturday with him, but he also came on Sunday. It wasn’t the fast moving pace they’d had at the zoo, but at least, they were together. He even stayed while she got Tyler ready for bed. At first she thought it was because he wanted to spend the night, but soon after Tyler was asleep, Shaun kissed her and went home.

  Had spending the entire day with them two days in a row been too much? For someone who doesn’t have children, it could have been overwhelming. He’s my son, and there’re times I can’t do it and need a break. It was probably more than Shaun expected.

  She looked at the clock. It was almost time to meet them. Why did I agree? I am comfortable with Shaun, but I’m not ready to do lunch with his family. There was no way she could call and back out now. Not only were they all her supervisors, but it was clear backing out wasn’t an option earlier, so she doubted it’d be now.

  Grabbing her purse, she left her office and made her way to the lobby. She was going to be early, but the last thing she wanted was the three of them waiting for her.

  While Morgan waited, someone outside caught her attention. There was a man who looked familiar hanging around just outside the entrance. Where do I know him from? I know I’ve seen him before, but where?

  Morgan remembered faces from her coffeehouse days, but that wasn’t the case. This was much more recent. She got up and walked closer to the glass. It was the type you could see out, but not in. Perfect for spying on someone.

  She normally wasn’t bold enough to gawk at someone, but she had a strange feeling about him, and it wasn’t good. As HR, she should be concerned about someone loitering around that might bring harm. This day and age you can’t be too careful.

  Her heart almost leaped from her chest. She remembered where. I saw him in my neighborhood. She looked around to see if anyone else had noticed him. No, it was just her and the security guard at the moment. Morgan debated asking the guard to go out and check him out. Find out who the man was, what he was doing there, but what if it was just her imagination? She looked at her watch again. It was ten minutes before noon. Okay. I need to know if I’m right or if I’m losing my mind.

  She walked to the door and left the building. It wasn’t going to be a long walk. Just long enough to make it appear she was leaving. If he followed her, then she had her answer.

  Briskly she walked down to the sidewalk and crossed the street at the crosswalk. Making her way to the ice cream stand, she decided to order something just to act normal. This would give her enough time to adjust herself to look around at her surroundings and see if he was anywhere nearby.

  Shit! Although her gut said she was being watched, she now had proof. The man was by the magazine rack right across the street. Why? What could he want with me? It can’t be about work because I’m nobody important. For him to be around my house and here, he’s got to be a pervert or some stalker. But why me? She couldn’t stand there contemplating the answer.

  Her hands trembled as she paid the man for the ice cream. She took it and headed back to Poly-Shyn. Maybe checking on this alone wasn’t a wise decision. Come on, move these feet faster and get your butt back to work where you are safe. When she passed a trashcan, she slipped the untouched cone inside. Not waiting for the crosswalk, she bolted across the street. Car horns blared, but she didn’t care. Right now she needed to get back to talk to Shaun. She had to tell him.

  Morgan dug in her purse while walking briskly. Damn. I forgot my cell phone on my desk. Great! One more block and she’d be there. From where she was she could already see the limo parked in front, waiting. Almost there. Keep moving.

  When she arrived at the limo, she peeked inside, but there was just the driver. That meant they were still inside the building. She ran through the automatic glass doors and found Shaun, Dean, and Tessa standing there.

  He must’ve seen the fear in her eyes because he was by her side with his arm around her instantly. “Baby, what’s the matter? What happened?”

  She was trying to catch her breath. “Shaun, I wasn’t imagining it. It’s real.”

  He brushed a stray hair away from her face and asked, “What’s real?”

  Morgan forgot. She’d never told him of her suspicions. No time like the present. “I’m being followed.”

  Shaun looked around then turned back to her. “Why do you think that?”

  “There’s a man outside wearing a baseball cap who I’ve seen lurking around my house. Now he’s here at my job. I don’t believe in coincidences.”

  “Are you sure he’s the same man?”

  “Yes. When I noticed him, I went for a walk two blocks down the street and even crossed the street to make sure. He followed me there and then followed me back.” She pointed to the man she was talking about. “See. He’s right there. Acting like he’s reading, but in fact, he’s watching.”

  “Oh my God, Morgan. That’s horrible,” Tessa said.

  “No one would want me, but I know one person who’d be crazy enough to do something to Tyler.” Her blood boiled just thinking of him. “Walter Sapp, Tyler’s father.”

  “Morgan, it’s not Walter having you followed. It’s me,” Shaun said while still holding her.

  She looked up at him puzzled, hoping she’d misunderstood. The look in his eyes said she hadn’t. “What do you mean you’re having me followed?”

  He eased his grip on her but didn’t let go fully. “They’re people I hired to keep an eye on you and Tyler.”

  She pushed away from him. “Why?”

  “Because I don’t trust Walter any more than you do.”

  “And you didn’t tell her about it?” Tessa interrupted.

  Morgan appreciated Tessa’s support, but that didn’t change a thing. Was that why Shaun was spending so much time around them lately? She’d hoped it was because he’d come to care for them. She couldn’t bring herself to voice her thoughts because she knew the answer. Her heart was breaking, and it was Shaun’s fault. “I’m sorry. I need to go.”

  Shaun grabbed her arm as she tried to leave. “Wait. I want to explain.”

  She looked at his hand and said harshly, “Let go of me. And I don’t want to ever see you again. Do you understand? Never again!”

  Although she knew her angry words were harsh, she couldn’t stop herself from voicing them. Pain and betrayal had bubbled over. Not only was she upset with him, but with herself for putting herself in the situation in the first place. I knew it. What was I thinking opening myself up like that?

  His fingers slowly released her, and she headed through the glass doors. Tears of anger streamed down her cheeks. How could you do this to me? To us? I know you might think you were doing the right thing. You were trying to protect me and my son, but you should have told me what was going on. Let me decide what to do. All I wanted was your love, but you couldn’t give that, could you? No all you could give me was manipulation to try to control me. Thanks, but I’ve had enough of that already. I was looking for so much more, something real.

  She needed to get home. When she told her parents what Shaun had done, she knew they’d be furious with him. Dad won’t be all smiles with you after this. Actually, I think you might be the person he hates second most in this world.

>   Within minutes, she hopped on the public transit and was making her way to where she’d parked her car. I need to stop working in Boston. It obviously doesn’t agree with me.

  “What the fuck was that about, Shaun?”

  “My words exactly, well almost,” Tessa said, giving Dean a warning look to watch his language. “Might as well practice now. I don’t want you swearing in front of the baby.”

  Shaun normally enjoyed watching Dean get put in his place, but right now he was too pissed at Bennett to care. “I have Bennett and his men watching her and Tyler.”

  “Why?” Dean had a look of shock on his face no different than Tessa.

  Dean, do we really need to do this in front of Tessa? She’s going to tell Zoey, who will, in turn, tell Lena, and then I’ll have to hear it from Brice. “It’s complicated.”

  “Isn’t it always with the Henderson men?” Tessa stated.

  You don’t know the half of it. Oh wait, yes you do because you almost got killed because of Dean. “Remember her former employer?”

  “WS & Son? Yeah. They really don’t like her. You said there was no issue there. Were you wrong?” Dean asked.

  “No. The son is Tyler’s father. Let’s just say their family is a bunch of bastards. Do you know that Tyler is autistic?”

  They both shook their head. “What does that have to do with anything?” Tessa asked.

  “When his father and his family found out they didn’t want anything to do with him. They weren’t there for him emotional or financially. And not only that, they worked to make sure she never got another job in the field again. They purposely set out to ruin her. The sad thing is she never went after them for anything. Not one penny. She didn’t even collect unemployment when she left. Morgan decided to do it all on her own.”

  “She certainly sounds amazing. But that doesn’t explain why you had her followed.”

  Oh, sweet Tessa. Don’t you know by now that Hendersons fuck up everything they touch? “It was time someone taught that family a lesson.”

  Dean raised a brow and asked, “Is that why their stocks are dropping faster than they can recoup?”


  “Shaun. That’s a dangerous game to play. I mean I do that shit all the time to acquire a company, but you’re making this personal. The one who has something to lose doesn’t seem to know what you’re doing either.”

  “I made sure not to link her to what I was doing. But just in case, I hired Bennett to keep a close eye. I thought he was better than slipping up like this.” Shaun planned on given Bennett a piece of his mind when he saw him next. But right now he had bigger things to worry about, and that was fixing things with Morgan.

  “It really doesn’t sound like Bennett. His men don’t make mistakes like that.” Dean’s face showed concern as he spoke.

  Shaun had no issue calling Bennett out on what happened in front of Dean. He might like the guy because he saved their lives, but right now he sucked.

  Pulling out his cell, he dialed Bennett’s number.

  “What’s up?”

  “Your lackey screwed up.”

  “Care to give me a bit more information, Shaun, or did you call just to blow off steam?”

  “Bennett, your guy got made. And not by me, but by Morgan. Great job.”

  “My guys don’t make that kind of mistakes.”

  “Listen, you cocky bastard. I saw him myself right outside of the office building so don’t tell me what they do and don’t do.” Shaun didn’t want to hear excuses. Bennett’s mistake may have just cost him Morgan.

  “Shaun, I don’t have any men at Poly-Shyn. If you’re serious, I need a full description now, and I’ll alert the team.”

  Fuck. “Double up, Bennett. I think the guy knows he was made, and if he’s not yours, she could be in trouble.”

  “Where is she?” Bennett demanded.

  “I don’t know. Going home I guess.”

  “Wait, let me track her phone.”

  I hate that it’s possible to do such things. But right now, thank God for advanced technology with remote tracking. He needed to know she was safe. That was why he started all this. And now it was blowing up in the worse possible way.

  “Shaun, her phone is in the building. Are you sure she left?” Bennett updated him.

  “Yes. We saw her walk out of here about ten minutes ago.”

  “I’ll get some men over to the house and also have them scope out the neighborhood for that guy. Text me what he looked like, and I’ll blast it out. Until we know who he is, I think you should also have someone close by.”

  “I don’t need any fucking babysitter, Bennett. Just find her and keep her safe. Understood?”

  “Roger that.”

  “Shaun, find her, and then tell her you love her,” Tessa said.

  Love her? Who said I love her? I’m just worried about her and Tyler; that’s all. He turned to Dean. “We are all on alert until we hear back from Bennett.”

  “Agreed. Now go find her, Shaun.”

  Shaun nodded, headed out the door, and hopped in the waiting limo. He dialed Loras’s number and gave him the heads-up on what was coming.

  “She’s not home yet, but I’ll text you once she arrives,” Loras said before disconnecting the call.

  The limo darted between traffic heading to her house. He’d never before felt such panic. Not even when Dean was going after Tessa. Could Tessa be right? Could this be love? He had nothing to compare it to, but whatever it was, caused him physical pain. It was like a knife in his chest. She’s okay. She has to be. Morgan, just go home where you belong. And so help me God, if anything happens to you or Tyler, I will kill the bastard with my bare hands.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Morgan slammed the car into park and made a mad dash for the house. The entire way home she cursed Shaun in her head. He’d hurt her, and she’d never forgive him for that.

  Her father was standing on the porch when she got there. By the look on his face he wanted to talk. She didn’t. “Not now, Dad.”

  “Yes, Morgan. Now.”

  She looked up at him. “You have no idea what Shaun did. Trust me, if you had any clue you’d—”

  “I know, Morgan. I already knew. Now get in the house where you’re safe,” Loras said, and she saw him looking past her as though watching for something.

  “Dad, Shaun’s men can watch me all they want. He might be a jerk, but he’d never let anyone hurt me.”

  Her father looked at her as he said, “That wasn’t one of his men. So until he gets here and we figure out what really is going on, you stay inside.” He opened the front door and waited for her to go inside.

  Thirty-six and still treating me like a little girl. You’re lucky I love you so darn much, or I’d tell you no. She’d never disrespected her parents, and she wasn’t about to start now. She trotted past her father and went to sit in the living room. Plopping herself into the overstuffed lounge chair, she let out a heavy sigh.

  “Oh dear, you look like you’ve been crying,” Elisabeth said as she entered the room.

  Yep. All the way on the train and the drive here. I must look like hell. I know I feel like it. “I’m better now. Just needed to get it out of my system.”

  “I don’t blame you after what Walter did.”

  “I wasn’t crying over Walter.” Why would I? He’s nothing to me, to us. He’s out of our lives and can’t hurt me. Unlike Shaun Henderson.

  How she wished that was the truth. No matter what, Walter’s lack of interest in Tyler did hurt her. If it didn’t, she wouldn’t be human. But it was a different kind of pain than what she was feeling right now. I never loved Walter, but I did love Shaun. Damn . . . I do love Shaun.

  It was a realization she wished she didn’t need to face. It was past. She loved him, but that was before she found out he wasn’t around her for the reasons she’d thought. Oh God. I even made love to the man. How could he bring me to his house and . . . Tears started coming down all over again. Why
Shaun? What did I do to you that made you do this? Did you trust me so little that you had me watched like this? Couldn’t you have just asked me what you wanted to know? I would’ve told you. But no. You needed to hire people to watch and report back. I feel so. . . so violated.

  Elisabeth came over and wrapped her arms around her. “There. There. It’s okay. Shaun will be here soon, and you’ll see, everything will be okay.”

  He’s coming here. No. “I don’t want to see him, Mom.” It was too soon for her to be able to have an adult conversation. Her emotions were all mixed up right now and crying in front of him was only going to let him know that he’d won. And I don’t want him to know how much I care. He’s not going to get the last laugh on me.

  She heard her father coming into the house, speaking to someone. The voice wasn’t Shaun’s.

  “Morgan, this is Bennett. He works for Shaun.”

  I don’t want to meet anyone associated with him. Not a friend, not family, and not someone who works for him doing God knows what. “Are you one of his goons spying on me?”

  “We are providing security, yes.”

  Hmm. Security. Funny. I’m not at risk. Unless you consider Shaun ripping my heart from my chest and walking all over it a risk. “I don’t want or need it.”

  “I would like to think so, but from what we see, you do.”

  “Really? Good, then when Shaun gets here I want you to protect me from that jerk.” Morgan got up; she couldn’t just sit back and let them all control her life, her actions. That is exactly what Shaun did when he hired people to watch her. He took away her rights. Her freedom.

  “If need be, I would, but he’s no threat to you, Morgan. He has never been.” Bennett stood, blocking her from leaving the room.

  “You don’t know him.” I never would’ve thought he was capable of this either. “He is having you watch me for no good reason.”

  “I wouldn’t say that, Morgan. But I will let him explain to you what the driving force behind his actions is.”


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