Jalia on the Road (Jalia - World of Jalon)

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Jalia on the Road (Jalia - World of Jalon) Page 17

by John Booth

  There were lots of cells in which skeletal people

  Huddled or groaned out their pain

  It took her a while to find Daniel's cell

  As she passed the hopeless, the dead and the insane

  He had obviously been beaten to tell of the sword

  But he smiled through bruised face at her

  She freed him from chains that bound him to the wall

  Then she gave him, reluctantly, his dagger.

  They escaped from the castle as fast as they could

  Returned to Daniel's donkey and their things

  Then returned to their normal size, which felt very good

  With the returning power of the ring

  Neither one spoke as they moved down the road

  It was morning and the king would be found

  They wanted to be far from that place when he was

  And a long way towards where they were bound.

  That night Jalia removed her nether garments

  Placed herself over Daniel's knee where he sat

  They had made a deal that if things went wrong

  She would be spanked and that was that.

  It hurt quite a lot as she suspected it would

  Daniel was very strong for a boy

  But for all she deserved it for nearly getting them both killed

  The treasure she'd stolen filled her heart with joy

  Interlude on the Road

  Many days had passed since the sand fairy castle

  For the first two days Jalia had walked rather than rode

  They left the dessert for lakes and forests

  Following the ancient trade road

  Jalia and Daniel were becoming close friends

  Jalia could be fun when not driven

  By the need to find treasure or prove her self the best

  But this new friendship soon would be riven

  They stopped by a lake that Daniel remembered very well

  It was here that his dagger became magic

  He went down to the lake where the fairy had been

  A place he would hear something tragic

  He had no sooner found a dead tree where he could sit

  And admire the lake, forest and mountains in his site

  Than the fairy he had rescued flew in front of his face

  And settled to rest on the tree to his right

  "Well met my knight in shining armor

  We have hoped that you would come back this way

  After your adventure with our sand fairy brethren

  Once again, you can save the day"

  Daniel was taken aback by the words he had heard

  "Surely Sand Fairies are no kin to you"

  "Alas they are but under a terrible curse

  A curse that now might be lifted, it's true"

  "Once sand fairies were beautiful and graceful and kind

  Till the day a treasure came their way

  The treasure took their hearts and their souls became black

  They turned physically ugly on the way

  But that cursed treasure has finally left their hands

  And now rests among your companion's things

  If you will gift it to us then we might make things better

  If you keep it, be sure that evil it brings"

  "This cannot be true!" Daniel said with a curse

  "We left with no treasure at all

  Jalia had no time as I was being tortured

  To search for the fairies treasure hall"

  "I am telling the truth, you can look for yourself

  The object grew when you both became tall

  It is a black pyramid shining darker than pitch

  It cannot be mistaken at all"

  Daniel felt betrayed that Jalia had not told him

  Of this extra treasure she had found

  He had to check for himself and take this object

  To give to the fairies, he found himself bound

  He went back to the camp and waited for Jalia

  To collect the fire wood for the fire

  As he searched her bags he felt unclean

  It was an awful feeling like stealing, so dire

  The pyramid was there, as he knew it would be

  Along with many other objects of wealth

  He knew it was evil, it gave off that glow

  To be rid of it would be good for their health

  He took it down to the waters edge

  And a dozen fairies surrounded it just so

  They did something that made it shrink for a second

  Then explode in a sickly blue glow

  He wearily turned his back on the lake

  Didn't see the fairies move as if to attack

  Waves of magic engulfed him from behind

  As he dejectedly made his way back

  Jalia was looking through her bags as he got there

  She had obviously noted they had been moved

  Her face gave a message as she stormed from the camp

  He had no response to which she would have approved

  In total silence she collected up her things

  As the evening sun turned the world to the color of rust

  Without a word spoken she went off on her way

  Nothing can easily make up for lost trust

  Jalia Meets the Clan of Giants

  Jalia was cursing Daniel's name

  As she walked wearily up the mountain path

  Why had he searched her private things

  Did he think that it would give him a laugh?

  It looked as though he had only taken one thing

  A pyramid thing she had hated on first sight

  Though you couldn't deny its power

  She was almost glad it was gone by the night

  She had left the trade road to avoid Daniel

  And set off on a path she had found

  But soon this path became difficult

  As it headed for higher ground

  She had a feeling she was being watched

  Though she couldn't really be sure

  Till her world went black as her head was hit

  Filled with only darkness pure.

  She awoke in what she thought must be a cave

  And found she was wearing nothing at all

  'Why do they always strip me naked?

  I'm tired of feeling so vulnerable and small'

  Not only her clothes but also the ring had gone

  She was in a space formed of four massive stones

  There was no way to climb up to freedom

  She could feel the trouble she was in, in her bones

  There were gaps where the rock faces met

  She could see all her things out of reach

  Then she saw the legs of someone outside

  That robbed her of her speech

  Two giants waited just outside

  Waiting there till she awoke

  And now that they saw she was moving around

  The biggest of them spoke.

  "Human creature, we want to know

  How you killed our brother Grey Don

  We have tracked your blood across the world

  So don't deny what you have done"

  "He was murdering lots of human kind

  He didn't deserve to live

  So why should I answer your questions

  What incentive will you give?"

  "We care very little for human lives

  To us your blood is a danger and curse

  It attracts us like the drug it is

  Makes us stupid and much worse

  This giant you killed once was a scholar

  Kind and gentle, lost in books

  Till your killer blood took his mind and soul

  From the first taste he partook

  We want to know how his end came about

  Not for vengeance but for lore

  So we can write down his life so he will be remembered

  We want tha
t and nothing more

  We have caged you for our own protection

  Stripped you down so you can't use human guile

  When you tell what we want to know

  We will leave you with a smile"

  So Jalia told them what they wanted to know

  How she had tricked the giant into killing himself

  The giants wrote every single word down

  In a book, which they regarded like wealth

  Then the giants stood up and made to leave

  Jalia shouted "What about me?"

  But the giants left without a backward glance

  Ignoring Jalia, ignoring Jalia's plea

  She sat and wept in her prison of rocks

  Defeated for the first time in her life

  "Well it might be bad, but crying won't help"

  Daniel said softly, cuttingly like a knife.

  Daniel had been following her for many days

  Making sure to stay quite a way behind

  When the Giants caught her, he had lost her for a while

  That felt terrible, like being dumb and blind

  But he had found them just as the giant started to talk

  Stayed hidden when he realized she was all right

  Waited as the giants left, till they were far away

  Then strolled into to their very large campsite

  Jalia demanded to be released

  "Use the ring right now" she said

  "Not until you apologize for walking off"

  "No I won't, I think I'd rather be dead"

  "Suit yourself", said Daniel walking off

  As she screamed profanities his way

  "I'll ask again in the morning

  Or maybe some other day"

  "At least leave me some water"

  Jalia plaintively cried

  "You can drink your own urine till I get back

  It time you learned how to survive"

  The night was terrible as scorpions and snakes

  Wandered into and out of her cave

  Jalia was just getting angrier and angrier

  It was a way of keeping her brave

  Finally Daniel returned to her prison

  Jalia apologized for leaving on her own

  Daniel used the ring to move one of the rocks

  She left her prison with a moan

  She dressed very quickly as Daniel stood waiting

  Fuming inside at having to wait and to beg

  She put the magic ring upon her finger

  Saying, "Magic ring break both of his legs"

  She didn't look but ran away from the campsite

  Went and cried for an hour or more

  She knew she had to go back and heal Daniel

  But he could suffer a little before.

  Jalia returned to the campsite, actually she ran

  For some reason her heart filled with dread

  She had realized how dangerous some breaks could be

  And she really didn't want Daniel dead

  The campsite was empty like a graveyard might be

  Daniel was nowhere to be found

  There were two pools of blood where he fell to his knees

  Just two pools of blood on the ground

  Jalia panicked and called out his name

  No one answered, the silence was almost like a pain

  So she picked up her stuff and went back down the path

  No option but to go back to the trade road again

  Return to the Road

  When Daniel followed Jalia up into the hills

  He cursed her lack of judgment with a frown

  Didn't she know how dangerous these places were?

  Far from the law or the nearest town

  By the time he caught up with the giants

  It was more than curses at her he sought

  She just should have more common sense

  Why was her life so fraught!

  It didn't surprise him when the giants left

  Without freeing her from her stone cage

  He had been sitting with magic dagger in hand

  Ready to fight if they attacked her in a rage

  He felt foolish when they left her caged

  His dagger would have been little good in a fight

  With two full grown angry intelligent giants

  He would have been dead that very night

  So when he went to Jalia he was boiling with anger

  At this mess she had got herself in

  Seeing her naked and yet so proud

  Made him want to punish her more for her sin

  So he asked her to apologize, knowing she wouldn't

  Then appeared to leave for the night

  He spent the night only feet from the side of her cage

  Jumped up at her every little fright

  That morning he knew that he'd gone far too far

  He could see how distraught she'd become

  He released her quickly as she mumbled an apology

  And quickly to her clothes she had run

  He never heard what she said, he was worrying

  About whether again they could be friends

  When his legs failed him, with bones sticking out

  Flesh torn and sticking to the ends

  The pain was horrendous, the shock made him dizzy

  He could see arterial blood squirting free

  He knew he had only seconds to staunch that flow

  Before unconsciousness and death came to be

  He used finger and thumb to stop the flow

  Sticking them deep into the torn flesh of his leg

  But he'd lost too much blood and his strength failed him

  No time left to pray for salvation or beg

  As the world vanished around him in darkness

  Suddenly the fairy princess's voice he heard clear

  He felt himself lifted gently into the air

  His legs straightening, he felt only fear

  "Daniel we owe you so very much

  We have given you the finest gift that we could

  We imbued you with our magic to heal you from injury

  When at risk of death you stood

  This is a very great gift because healing is something

  No magic object or incantation can do

  Only living magic conferred from a living soul

  Can heal someone as injured as you

  We didn't tell you for fear it would make you rash

  Even we do not know how many times our magic will work

  Perhaps only this time, so please be careful

  Don't be rash, but don't good deeds ever shirk

  This healing process will age you a little

  Perhaps one year or maybe two

  But the task is done and you are healed

  Be careful in whatever you do"

  He had floated to the top of ridge

  Where he gently came down

  He and his clothing were sopping with blood

  Best go home, he thought with a frown

  He collected his donkeys and all his stuff

  Never once looking back at the giants camp

  He started down the rocky path

  Which was rough and steep as a ramp

  He walked in a daze, not thinking at all

  The trader's road was just below

  Jalia was only minutes behind him

  But this he didn't know

  When he reached the road he stumbled upon it

  Steadied himself on the donkeys rains

  He should have ridden but that would have required thinking

  And something had numbed his brains

  Jalia spotted him as she reached the trader's road

  Only a hundred yards ahead or so

  She squealed with joy at seeing him alive

  And wanted so much to tell him so.

  He ignored her as she pulled at his shirt

  She saw all the blood, enough for him to be dead

e you hurt!" she screamed almost fainting with fear

  He just looked at her and slowly shook his head

  "I was coming back, I would never have left you

  I had the magic ring to heal you right up"

  "Magic objects can't be used for healing

  You killed me then, my time was up"

  "The fairies saved me with their soul magic

  For allowing then to destroy the evil pyramid you stole

  It had ruined the nature of all the sand fairies

  Without it, maybe they will regain their souls"

  Jalia found that her voice had failed her

  Daniel sounded so distant and grown

  She suddenly noticed he was taller than her

  She wanted to scream and she wanted to groan

  He had saved her life twice, once only yesterday

  And she had treated him like nothing but dirt

  Suddenly she wanted him to punish her harshly

  Punish her until she stopped feeling this hurt

  "Beat me!" she cried as she rushed right in front of him

  "Punish me severely, I deserve it you know

  Make me feel all your righteous pure anger

  I won't fight it, I'll welcome each blow!"

  But Daniel ignore her while walking on steadily

  There in the distance he could barely see

  The city of Delbon just a smudge on the horizon

  His birth city and the place that his brother would be

  He quicken his pace while Jalia just followed

  How dare he refuse to whip her bottom, she asked

  He had enjoyed it before when she was bare ended

  And she would make him again, 'He was tasked!'


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