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Janet Page 5

by E. L. Todd

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Do you like him?” she asked.

  “Why are you asking?”

  “What? I’m your best friend. I’m just curious.”

  “I don’t like him.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. I heard it over the phone. “Anything else happen…?”

  I was starting to wonder if she was prying for Scott. “No.”

  “Not a thing?”


  She sighed. “I don’t think you should date Ryan anymore.”

  “Why? You’ve never met him.”

  “I think it’s clear you don’t like him.”

  “You were the one who encouraged me to put myself out there,” I said.

  “And you did, but you don’t like him. Now you should try someone new.”

  “There is no one.”

  “Well, Scott isn’t seeing anyone...”

  I knew it. “I’m not interested in him.”

  “Why? He’s hot, successful, funny—”

  “A cocky asshole, a jerk, someone who doesn’t understand the meaning of no.”

  “Come on, Janet. He was just trying to get a date with you.”

  “So you know what happened last night?”

  She paused. “Kyle might have mentioned it…”

  “Layla, I’m so envious that you found such an amazing guy to love you. I really am. But Scott isn’t one of those guys. I can see right through him. He’s hot-headed, temperamental, and a man whore. No thanks.”

  “You don’t even know him.”

  “I know him well enough. I’m not going to change my mind. He isn’t the right guy for me.”

  “I’m your best friend, Janet. I wouldn’t hook you up with a jerk.”

  “Layla, just drop it.”

  “You’re so annoying.”

  “So are you.”


  “I’ll talk to you later.”


  I hung up without speaking. I was irritated that my friend wanted me to be with Scott. I knew I was getting desperate and my options were limit, but Scott was the worse choice possible. There was no way someone that good-looking had good intentions with me. And that guy was the most conceited person I’ve ever met. It was just ridiculous that I didn’t want to date him. That was the biggest turn off to me—arrogance.

  My sister came into the kitchen. “What are you yelling about?”


  She poured herself a mug of coffee. “It didn’t sound like nothing. Was it the same Scott I know?”

  “It’s none of your business,” I snapped.

  “I think it is.”

  I glared at her. “You’ve been here for almost two weeks. What’s going on, Beatriz?”

  She stilled at my anger. “I told you. Hank is still out of town.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.”

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me.”

  “Don’t eavesdrop on my conversations.”

  “This apartment is pretty damn small.”

  “Then get your own! Oh wait, you can’t because your husband left you and you have nowhere else to go. That’s right.”

  She dropped the mug on the ground. “You know?”

  “How stupid do you think I am?”

  Her eyes watered with tears.

  “So much for having a perfect life,” I snapped.

  The tears fell and she stormed into her bedroom. After a moment, I could hear her sobs. I felt bad for eliciting the pain but she pushed me too far today. I could only handle my sister in small doses. She had been here for over a week, and I really wanted to kill her. And she continued to keep the truth from me. I was more than disappointed in her. I was ashamed.

  I left the house to clear my mind and went grocery shopping and ran some errands. When I came back to the apartment, Beatriz was still in her bedroom. I knocked on the door but she didn’t respond.


  No answer.

  “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I know you’re going through a hard time right now. I should be more supportive.”

  “Go away, bitch.”

  I breathed through the sting. “I’m ready to talk whenever you are.”

  “Fuck you.”

  I walked back into the kitchen and put the groceries away.

  After I stocked the refrigerator, even though it would be demolished by my sister later today, Cassie called me.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “How was last night?”

  “There’s nothing interesting to report.”

  “That’s a bummer,” she said. “You get any?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “I saw that.”

  “No, you didn’t.”

  She laughed. “But I was right, wasn’t I?”

  “You know me too well.”

  “Drinks tonight?”

  “I could use one,” I said. “And don’t invite Layla.”


  “I’m just irritated with her right now. And I need to get out of the house before I rip my sister’s throat out.”

  “You could kick her out…like I already said.”

  I sighed. “If only…”

  “I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Thanks for being single,” I blurted.

  She laughed. “Believe me, I’m not voluntarily. When I find Mr. Right, I’m going to be too busy getting laid for you bitches.”

  I laughed. “I’d do the same thing.”

  We hung up and I started to do some work from the office. I wasn’t supposed to, but if I didn’t play catch up at home, I wasn’t on top of everything. And I liked being the perfectionist. My boss always praised me for being so productive, and I wanted to stay in his good graces. My sister didn’t leave her room and I didn’t bother chasing her.

  When the evening arrived, I got dressed then walked to her door. “I’m going out so you can come out now.”

  She was silent.

  I sighed. “You’re going to have to come out sometime.”

  “Shut up, Janet.”

  “You’re lucky I’m too nice to throw you out on your ass.”

  Beatriz didn’t have a response to that.

  I left the apartment and took a cab to the restaurant. It was a small grill, a hole in the wall. Even though the outside looked run down and old, they had the best fried artichokes and the best margaritas. I always indulged when I was there, and after the night I had, I definitely needed to stuff my face.

  When I walked inside, I didn’t see Cassie anywhere. She was usually impeccable with her timing. She’d never been late to anything in her life. I took out my phone and texted her.

  I’m here.

  There was no response.

  A strong hand moved to my lower back, touching me gently. I recognized the touch immediately. It was the same one that gripped me on the dance floor. The heat felt familiar. And I recognized the smell.

  “What a lovely surprise,” Scott said.

  I glared at him. “Are you following me now?”

  “Stalking isn’t my style.”

  “Kyle is your brother.”

  He laughed. “That was a good jab.”

  “I’m having dinner with Cassie. You should go.”

  “Why can’t I have dinner here?” he asked. “We can’t be in the same building anymore?”

  “Just don’t talk to me.”

  “Ouch,” he said. “You’re angry.”

  My eyes widened. “You took my keys and blackmailed me to come inside.”

  He shrugged. “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

  I took out my phone and texted Cassie again.

  “How about we share a meal together?”

  “No,” I said.

  “Come on. We’re both here.”

  “I said no.”

  “You’re the most irritating person I’ve ever met.” The humor left his voice and the annoyance shined throu

  “You aren’t used to not getting your way.”


  “Then we aren’t a good match,” I said. “I won’t let you boss me around.”

  He sighed. “I’m not telling you what to do. I asked nicely.”

  “And I nicely said no.”

  “I’m getting tired of this.” He gripped my waist and held me close to him. His nose was pressed against mine and the scent of his skin washed over me. My breathing immediately stopped when we held me to his chest, his lips just an inch from mine. Against my will, I stared at his mouth, wondering how he would taste. My anger disappeared in light of the heat between us. His arm held me tightly, refusing to let me go.

  Scott brushed his lips against mine, barely kissing me. The gentle touch was enough to take my breath away. His warm mouth felt smooth against mine. The faint growth of hair on his chin rubbed against my skin, tickling me slightly. His eyes were heated while he stared down at me. I crumbled before him, feeling more heat, more desire from that slight touch than I felt with every man I’d ever been with.

  He moved his lips to my ear. “You didn’t look repulsed that time.” He pressed his face close to mine.

  “I—I didn’t know you were going to do that.”

  “Well, I’m going to do it again.” He moved to my mouth and sealed his lips over mine. The touch was brief but my nerves were lit on fire. His lips were soft and wet. His hand still gripped my waist, holding me so I wouldn’t fall when my knees buckled. The chemistry between us was obvious, the sexual tension paramount. His mouth didn’t open, and his tongue didn’t caress mine. Scott pulled away and stared at me, watching my expression.

  I could only see my face in the reflection of his eyes. My lips were slightly parted, missing his absent kiss. My face was red, blushing from the heat that tinted the skin. A strand of hair fell from behind my ear. Before I touched it, Scott tucked it away.

  Scott grabbed my hand and turned to the waiter. “For two, please.”

  I said nothing, speechless. When I touched my lips with my fingertips, I felt the searing heat.

  Scott guided me to a table by the window then pulled out my chair for me. I stared at it for a moment, feeling my mind go blank. I was still thinking about that kiss. He grabbed my hand and helped me sit down.

  “I’m a really good kisser,” he said as he sat across from me.

  The butterflies in my stomach disappeared. “You’re so fucking cocky.”

  “I’m just confident,” he said. “And I can see your face. You obviously liked it.”

  What the hell was wrong with me? I was only attracted to the jerks. I finally found a guy that burned my lips every time he kissed me, but he was a total asshole. I was seriously judging myself right now. “I strongly dislike you.”

  “I don’t believe you.” He grabbed the menu and looked at it.

  “I really do.”

  His hand moved under the table and rested on my knee. He stared at me while his fingers moved across the skin, touching me lightly. His fingertips felt warm as they moved. I liked feeling his touch. His hand was large, taking up my entire knee. I felt my spine shiver while he touched me possessively. My anger evaporated again. “I’m a nice guy.”

  I averted my gaze and looked at the menu even though I knew what I was ordering.

  “What’s good here?”

  “If you don’t know, why did you come here?” I asked.

  “Because you like it.”

  “And how did you—” The realization hit me like a freight train. “That little bitch.”

  Scott smiled. “Don’t be angry with her. I pestered her all day. She fought me for a while, but like everyone else, she submitted eventually.”

  “Stop talking like that,” I snapped.

  “Like what?”

  “Like you own everyone. You aren’t as amazing as you seem to think.”

  His hand gripped my knee, his fingers slightly moving up my dress. “I’m not?”

  “Take your hand off me.”

  He removed his hand immediately.

  “Wow. I can’t believe you actually did that.”

  “I can tell when you mean it and when you don’t. And I’m not into touching women against their will.”

  “That’s surprising.”

  He stared at me. “I really am a nice guy. Respectful, caring, and understanding.”

  “It didn’t seem that way when you kissed me.”

  “I wouldn’t have kissed you unless I knew without a doubt that you wanted me to.”

  “Well, I didn’t.”

  “I really hate liars.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away.

  “If you gave me a chance, I know we would hit it off.”

  “Every time I talk to you, you annoy me.”

  “I’ll stop annoying you, then.”

  “I have a feeling it’s ingrained in you,” I said.

  “I’m not arrogant,” he said. “I really am just confident. And when I see something I want, I seize it. I don’t wait for it to fall into my lap. I grab it and hold on.”

  I looked across the restaurant, watching the couples sitting across from each other. Everyone looked so happy and calm. Girlfriends laughed together at the bar, and a husband and wife shared a piece of cake.

  “Look at me.”

  The command in his voice made me flinch. I turned to him.

  “I want you, Janet. And I will have you.”

  I stared at his blue eyes, seeing them shine brighter than ever before. “I’m something that can’t be claimed.”

  “You already are. And I’ll make sure every guy knows it, especially Ryan.”

  “This may work on other girls, but it doesn’t work on me.”

  “I’ve never been this way with another girl.”

  “Another line,” I said.

  “You like me,” Scott said. “Stop pushing me away and give me a chance.”

  “But you’re really annoying.”

  “The feeling is mutual,” he said.

  “Then let’s stop before we waste our time.”

  “It wouldn’t be a waste,” he said.

  I sighed. “I don’t know what impression I gave you, but I’m not the right person for you.”

  His gaze drilled into my face. “Would you care to elaborate on that?”

  “I’m not easy,” I said. “I only sleep with someone when I’m in a relationship. I love hanging out with my best friends and going out, but most of the time, I prefer to stay at home with a pint of ice cream and watch TV. I go to the gym because my friends make me. If it was up to me, I would be fat and happy. I’m the most serious person in the world. I love my job and work very hard. I’m not spontaneous or interesting. And I’m not the most attractive girl in the world. I have a stomach, an ass, and I’m fine with that. I’ve never cared about having a perfect body, just being healthy and living long enough to retire.”

  He closed his menu. “Your lack of confidence surprises me.”

  “I don’t lack confidence.”

  “You basically just told me all your flaws.”

  “We all have flaws. I’m just humble enough to admit mine.”

  “When you’re selling yourself to someone, you don’t usually lead with your shortcomings.”

  “Well, I’m not selling,” I said. “I’m trying to dissuade you.”

  “And I’m a man that can’t be dissuaded.” He leaned over the table. “First of all, you aren’t fat. And you definitely aren’t happy. I’ve stared at your body intently. I like what I see.”

  I felt my cheeks blush even though I wished they wouldn’t.

  “And I don’t want a girl that goes out all the time. I want someone to sit on the couch with, sharing a pint of ice cream. And who likes going to the gym?”

  “You do, obviously,” I said sarcastically.

  “I don’t go because I want to. I have to.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Someone holding a gun to your head?”
  “No. But how am I supposed to protect the people in my life if I’m weak?”

  “Who needs to be protected?”

  “My girlfriend.” He stared into my eyes.

  “Who is that?”

  “I’m looking at her.”

  “No,” I said. “No.”

  He didn’t seem offended by the harsh rejection. “I like that you care about your friends more than anything, and I like that you’re passionate about your career. You’re a strong independent woman. I like that. And you’re always taking care of everyone else but yourself. I would like to take care of you for a change, if you’d let me. I like your catty side. You don’t take shit from anyone and you put them in their place. I find that very sexy. And I love your ass, by the way. I don’t see the stomach you’re referring to, but you’re welcome to show me anytime, along with everything else.”

  I held his gaze until I couldn’t look anymore. This guy was a smooth talker. He was getting to me, even though I was mortified to admit it.

  “And I can tell you aren’t easy,” he said. “Another reason why I like you.”

  “You seem like the kind of guy who isn’t into that.”

  “I’m not sure what gave you that impression.”

  “Your brothers.”

  He shrugged. “I’ve had a few one night stands. Who hasn’t? But I’ve never been in a relationship with someone that I had a one night stand with. They are separate. And those types of girls aren’t the ones I’d want to settle down with.”

  “You don’t know anything about me,” I said. “I could be the biggest whore in this city.”

  “I do my research before I make a move. I picked Layla’s brain for a while.”

  “Well, I don’t tell my girlfriends everything.”

  He smiled. “I think you do. And if you don’t, what are you hiding? Are you a human resources director by day and a prostitute by night? You have too much respect for yourself to be that way, which is another reason why I like you.”

  The waiter came to our table and took our orders. Scott surprised me when he ordered a salad with a light dressing. I still ordered the fried artichoke hearts and the margarita, not caring what he thought.

  When the waiter walked away, Scott smiled at me. “You have the appearance of a lady, but the stomach of a man.”

  I patted my belly. “I have an iron stomach.”

  “I’d love to see it.” He stared at me while he drank from his water.

  I’d love to see his too. But I pushed the thought away. “I don’t know anything about you.”


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