Our War (The Family Book 4)

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Our War (The Family Book 4) Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  Within two weeks, between his hospital visits and dealing with the threat, she had only gotten him to herself at night. She missed him and wasn’t afraid to say that she was looking forward to having him all to herself.

  His home was set back, and the gates were obscured by several trees.

  “How long have you lived here?”

  “I bought this when we took over The Family. I wanted somewhere that was safe and that I could call my own.”

  “Have you brought anyone else here?”

  “No. I’ve not even brought Charlene here in case you asked.”

  She held her hands up in surrender, laughing. “That was not what I was thinking about.”

  “You’re a little liar, but that’s okay.” He took her hand, pressing a kiss to her hand. “I’m pleased you’re here.”

  “How is Michelle?” she asked.

  She knew he’d asked if he could keep in touch. He wanted to make sure that she was fine, and her parents were more than happy with that. They had told him they were indebted to him, and anything he wanted, they would give him.

  Jake just wanted to know that she was fine.

  “She’s back at home. I’ve got a guy there keeping an eye. I don’t want anyone to think for a second they can take her. He will let me know if any of Damon’s guys are there.”

  “How is it looking with Damon?”

  “He’s proving to be a man of many talents. We’ve closed down three of his massage parlors. They were fronts for brothels. The women that were working there were starved. They were working for food. The bastard is a fucking pig.” He pulled up at the front of the house.

  Emily stared at it and fell in love. It wasn’t overly large or garish. It looked like a beautiful home, not a mansion either.

  She climbed out of the car and stared. “Jake, it’s beautiful.”

  “I had to do a lot of redecoration inside. I like it here.” He took her hand and led her into the main door. He took out a key and opened it up. “I have a housekeeper, and she came earlier, opening it up for me. There should also be food.”

  “Are you sure we can take this weekend? I know things are moving forward with The Family.”

  “I’m sure. Damon thought he could take us on, and that’s not the case. The guys know we’re going to kill him. We’ve taken out his brothels and several of his drug loops.” He bent down, lifting her up. “We have taken care of a lot of trouble in the past couple of weeks. The men who would betray us are gone, and they’re not going to rise from the dead. I deserve one weekend with my wife, and I’m going to get it.”

  “My dad.”

  “I know what he said that Damon was unstable. Guess what? Let him be. It will draw him out, and then I’m going to spend the next year torturing him before I kill him. Michelle is safe, our friends and their families are safe. I should be on some little island right now with my very beautiful wife.” He spun her around, and he didn’t stop. “Now, I want to get reacquainted with her body. I don’t remember if you have any freckles or blemishes. I just remember pure beauty.”

  She started laughing even as heat flooded her pussy. “I’ll stop putting a downer on our time together.” Wrapping her arms and legs around his waist, she pressed kisses to his neck. “Is it wrong that I want you all to myself?”

  “Nope. That is exactly what I want. I want you all to myself, and no one is going to interrupt up.” He moved down a long hallway, kicking open a door.

  “I feel like a virgin again. It has been too long since my husband showed me that I belonged to him.”

  “I can’t have that. I’ve got to have my woman all ready to take my big cock.” He dropped her onto the bed, making her laugh even more. “Oops, your husband doesn’t have the energy to be very nice at the moment.”

  He tugged his jacket off and started to peel each layer of his clothing from his body. She couldn’t help but watch. His body was a work of art, his skin covered with tattoos, and his devotion to The Family.

  She stood up, removing her jacket, and then her shirt, followed by her jeans. When she was naked, Jake caught her up in his arms, and pressed kisses across her chest, up to her neck, and then over her pulse. Down he went, sucking on her nipples once again, only this time he continued his journey, going between her thighs where he opened her slit.

  Going to her elbows, she watched as he ran his tongue between her pussy lips, circling her clit as he did. She dropped her head back and moaned. The pleasure was instant and totally insane.

  “No, Emily, I want you to watch me. Watch as I lick this pretty little cunt that belongs to me, and only to me.” He spread her pussy wide, and his tongue flicked over her clit. It was next to impossible not to close her eyes and just bask in the pleasure. “You taste so good, and what makes you even better is the fact I know you’re all mine. This is all mine.” He pressed his hand to her pussy. “Who does this belong to?”

  “You, it belongs to you. I’m all yours, Jake. All yours.” She kept on saying what he wanted to hear, loving the way he looked at her hungrily.

  “You have no idea how much I fucking love hearing you say that.”

  It wasn’t a declaration of love, but for Emily it meant something to her. She was falling for him. Jake was such a loving man. He gave so much of himself, and no one really knew how much he did.

  “Hold your pussy open for me, baby. Show me how much you want my tongue on your cunt.”

  She groaned. Those words shouldn’t arouse her. She shouldn’t get excited by him, but she did. She wanted him so much.

  “You want my tongue?”

  “Yes, Jake, lick my pussy.” She knew what he wanted to hear, and she gave it to him. Emily knew without a doubt that she would give him everything he ever wanted, without holding back.

  His tongue danced across her clit before sliding down inside her. She closed her eyes, loving the feel of his touch. Opening her eyes, she watched as he pulled away. His hand went around his cock, the tip leaking pre-cum. She licked her lips, and suddenly, she wanted a taste of him.

  “I want to suck you,” she said.

  “You never fail to surprise me.”

  “I know what I want.”

  “And I think it’s damn sexy watching you go after it.” He stroked his thumb across the tip and held it out. “Have a taste. See if you can handle more.”

  She took his wrist and flicked her tongue across the tip. Looking him in the eye, she sucked his thumb into her mouth, and released a little moan. The taste wasn’t strong enough, but the way he watched her, that hungry need, made her want to do it all over again. Jake inspired her in ways she didn’t think possible. Her body awakened beneath his touch. Bending forward so her ass was in the air, she circled his cock with her hand, and then flicked the tip.

  He hissed out a breath, and she smiled against his cock. Following the path of the vein at the side, she ran her tongue down it, and then covered his entire cock, sucking him deep. He growled, and his hands sank into her hair, wrapping the length around his fist. She closed her eyes, loving the way he pumped his hips. Did he even realize that he was fucking her face? She didn’t know, nor did she care.

  This man, her husband, was making her want things in ways she never thought possible.


  Emily’s mouth was heaven. Jake just wanted to thrust to the back of her throat, close his eyes, and bask in the pleasure, but no matter what, he couldn’t do that. He wanted to watch as she sucked his cock, as her tongue teased, tantalized, and pleasured him. Her caresses were not in any way skilled, and yet, he loved the feel of her mouth on him.

  There was no other woman for him. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that she belonged to him. This wasn’t just because she was his wife. No, their beginning hadn’t been the best, but they were two souls. He really did believe that she was his soul mate, the one destined to be his.

  Her blonde hair was so soft, and he stroked his fingers through the length as she continued to suck him off. Everything about Emily drew
him in. He was a sucker for her.

  You love her.

  It seemed too damn good to be real. His feelings for her, they had grown so much in the past couple of weeks. Even from their wedding night when they had spent it getting drunk, and dancing. She had been the first person in a long time to demand he have fun. Even with all the crap going on around them, he had her. Coming home was a pleasure, was a joy. When Bracken finally went to check on his own area, she had stayed behind. Jake didn’t know why he expected her to go with her father, but he just did.

  Emily was his. Plain and simple.

  They belonged to each other.

  He thrust into her mouth, and she sucked him deep. Her hand covered where her mouth couldn’t, driving him wild.

  When he couldn’t take anymore, he tugged on her hair, and she released him. He let go of her blonde tresses, cupped her hips, and moved her so that she was on her knees before him. Running a hand down her back, he grabbed her ass cheeks, and spread them wide, eying her tight anus and wet cunt. His cock already pressed to her entrance, he slowly began to ease inside her. He was so fucking hard that he didn’t even need to use his hands to guide himself inside her. With the tip at her entrance, she was so wet that he slid right on home.

  They both moaned as he filled her up, her tight pussy squeezing him.

  He held onto her hips as he slowly pulled out, watching his cock glisten in the light. She was so wet, and he was so hard.

  Rocking in and out of her, Jake took his time, drawing more cries from her. He let go of her hip, and slid one hand between them, stroking her clit. “I want you to come all over me, baby.” He teased, stroked, and brought her off with his fingers. She screamed his name, and he vowed that it would be the only name she ever said in pleasure.

  “Oh, Jake, it feels so good. Please don’t stop. I don’t want you to.”

  He didn’t stop. He continued to stroke her soaking wet clit, even as she begged him not to. His cock drenched in her sweet cream, he brought to a second orgasm that her screaming and shaking in equal measure. Her whole body was his and belonged to him alone. Kissing her neck, her shoulder, he began to thrust deep inside her, making her take the whole length of his cock.

  The pleasure was too much, and yet not enough. He needed her, wanted her, was completely consumed by everything that was Emily, his beautiful, sweet, sexy wife. The woman he didn’t ever want, and yet the only one he could ever dream of being with. She was the light to his dark, his soul, everything.

  He pounded inside her, feeling every ripple, every pulse, hoping that he filled her with his baby. It was the strangest feeling in the world, and not one he was used to. He wanted to bind Emily to him for fucking ever. No woman had ever made him feel this way, and he wanted to keep it, to cherish it, and to hold onto her.

  “Please, Jake, it’s so good.”

  “I know, baby. I know.” He slammed to the hilt within her, finding the building of his own peak. The pleasure grew intense with every passing second. They were both screaming, crying, begging for more. It wasn’t enough, and yet together it totally was. The entire world could have ended, and he wouldn’t have cared.

  They came together, calling each other’s name. Jake filled her pussy, loving every pulse and ripple as she squeezed his come from him.

  When it was over, he didn’t pull away. With his arms wrapped around her, he stayed deep inside her, never wanting to let her go.

  Through the foggy pleasure haze, Jake knew without a doubt that he was in love with his wife. Not only was he in love, but it hadn’t taken him long. She stroked his arm, and even from that touch, he felt an immense amount of pleasure.

  “Jake,” she said.

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “I’ve got a confession to make.”

  He kissed her neck, waiting to hear whatever it was she was going to say.

  “I don’t hate you anymore.”

  “I don’t hate you either,” he said.


  “Yeah?” He couldn’t help but smile against the flesh of her neck. She turned her head and looked at him.

  “I’m in love with you.”

  He reached up, stroking her cheek. Pulling out of her pussy, he moved so that he was lying in front of her. Pressing his lips against hers, he smiled into her eyes. “I’m in love with you as well.”

  “You don’t have to say that.”

  “Em, babe, I don’t just say stuff to make you feel better. I know what I feel.”

  “Have you felt it before?” she asked.

  In that moment, he saw how vulnerable she was.

  “No. I’ve never felt like this before. You’re the first woman that has made me feel like for the first time in my life, I have something that belongs to me, and me alone. This is not just as a possession. This is about a whole lot more.”


  “I’m not a good man, Emily. I kill without blinking an eye. My life has been about protecting others. For the first time, all I want to do is protect you, to love you, to give you a life you deserve. I never wanted this. You’re right. Me, Tonio, Donnie, and Luiz, in the beginning, we didn’t have as big of a commitment as we should have. Damon played on everyone’s fears, and in doing so, he made us look weak. Our enemies took advantage of that apparent weakness, and I will not, we will not let that happen again. I love you, Emily. I love you so much that it scares me. You’re mine. I want you so much. Coming home is the best part of the day to me. Seeing your smile, that’s what I want more than anything.” Tears glistened in her eyes, and Jake knew he had to be honest with her. He had to tell her exactly how he felt. “I didn’t want to be married. It’s why we wanted to make changes, so no one was forced into any marriage. My friends, they got lucky. I didn’t think there was anyone out there for me, but I was wrong, so totally wrong. I want to keep you for myself. You give me hope that the moment I walk through that door, I can forget what I do, and why I do it, and know that you care for me.”

  “I do, Jake. I care. I love you. I want a family. I know this is not what you wanted. You would probably do anything to be out of this life, but there is no out for us. We’re born into this, just like there isn’t an out for your friends. This is what it is.” She pressed a kiss to his lips. “That’s doesn’t mean we can’t make this the best damn life there is. Together, we can build a better future for our family, for our friends. I will be there by your side because I know it is possible.”

  He pressed kisses to her lips, knowing that together they could do anything.

  “Truth or dare?” he asked.


  “I dare you to love me for the rest of your life, even if you hate me.”

  She giggled. “Then you must complete the same dare. I’m not going anywhere, Jake. I’m all yours for the taking.”

  And he took her. All night, he showed Emily exactly what he wanted and how much he loved her, not giving her a moment to second guess his love for her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  For the next three months, Jake and his friends worked tirelessly with her father, Bracken, to get rid of the threat to The Family. Every single day they took back businesses that had been infiltrated by Damon Seagus, and with each revelation, they left a trail of bodies piling all the way back to their enemy’s door.

  Emily was at their place every single night, waiting for Jake’s return. He always made sure she was heavily guarded with no fewer than four soldiers at any one time. Each night he would come home and tell her everything they had done. This was all after dinner. She spent a great deal of time preparing them food, baking for him to take them into work to share with others. It was probably lame, but she loved doing it. Her father had once told her that it was the small details that helped to create loyalty. Remembering a person’s name, the stuff that was going on in their lives. Jake, he remembered his men and the women that worked for him. He made sure to keep those details of their family close. In return, whenever he was going to one of his businesses, she made sure
he took a batch of muffins, cookies, or tray bakes. She could imagine everyone laughing at her, but each night, Jake would come home with a smile on his face.

  Food was the key to people’s hearts, or so her mother had said growing up. She believed that you could win everyone’s love through the power of baked goods. Emily had had her doubts, but so far, it seemed to be working.

  “I’m shocked,” Charlene said.

  “About what?”

  Jake was out of the house, but Emily had requested to meet Charlene. She didn’t want there to be any animosity between her and Charlene.

  “You inviting me here. You are aware of Jake once having feelings for me, right?”

  “Yes, I am. It’s why I wanted to see you, and for you to see that I don’t mind. Jake told me that he thought himself in love with you. You never felt that way about him?”

  “I’ve never been attracted to men. I’ve always loved women, and I’m very happy. I did tell Jake this, and I don’t think he loved me. I think he loved the idea of being in love with me. We were never together like that.”

  Emily took a seat opposite the woman. They were sitting in the sitting room in Jake’s large house. Over the past few months she had made changes, starting with putting his stamp along with hers on this place, which meant photographs. She made him pose for pictures, and then she made all of his friends pose with him to make a large one. Over the fireplace was one of her and Jake on their wedding day. They both looked nervous as hell, but for her, she wouldn’t have had it any other way. Their wedding day defined them as a couple.

  She picked up her cup and took a sip. “You’re his friend, and he loves you like a friend. We don’t know each other, but I would like to extend that friendship to you.”

  Charlene frowned, and Emily saw she’d unnerved the other woman.

  “You’re not what I expected.”

  “It would seem that being Bracken’s daughter seems to come with an element of, erm, spoilt bitch rumors, right?”


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