Misplaced Princess (Foreign Affairs, Book One)

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Misplaced Princess (Foreign Affairs, Book One) Page 9

by Couper, Lexxie

  “Jesus, Annie! So fucking good.”

  He felt rather than saw her lips curve around the head of his cock. Her grip tightened at the base. He was too large for her to take in all at once, but he’d be damned if she wasn’t giving it a try. The head of his dick brushed the back of her throat and he groaned. Annie retreated completely, releasing him with a pop.

  Hunter parted his lids, found her looking at him.

  “I want you to come in my mouth.”

  It was all she said before she started to suck his cock back inside.

  Hunter swallowed heavily. Fuck. Given the way she was working his erection, he’d say that ending was a foregone conclusion. Worst part was it wasn’t going to take long. Hunter started counting heads of cattle in his mind, trying to prolong her sweet torment, but it didn’t help.

  He reached for her, stroking her hair, whispering words of jumbled nonsense—all his overwrought brain could manage.

  “So pretty. God, Annie. Jus’ like that. Fuck me. So fucking— Fuck me.” Somehow his crazy talk seemed to stoke her own needs. He watched her use her free hand to grasp her breast, pinching the nipple hard.

  The added visual fueled his arousal and he was lost. He gripped her face. “Gotta come. Gotta—” They were the only words he managed before his cock erupted. Annie didn’t pull away. Instead she took each drop as her reward, swallowing until he was spent.

  Hunter’s head, which he’d lifted at some point to watch her, fell back against the blanket. Sweat rolled down the side of his face, but he didn’t have the strength to wipe it away. His heart pounded so hard he feared it would burst.

  Annie moved, coming to lie beside him once more. Hunter turned to face her, gripping her hip and pressing her against his now flaccid cock. He kissed her, long and deep. She’d just rocked his world.

  She wiggled against him, trying to find a bit of satisfaction of her own. Hunter broke the kiss, reaching down to unfasten her shorts.

  “Hunter,” she whispered.

  “Shh. Your turn.” Annie hadn’t bothered removing his pants; instead she’d simply grasped what she wanted. He followed suit.

  Pressing his finger against her clit, he marveled at how wet she was. Most women treated blowjobs like a nasty bit of foreplay they merely endured. That didn’t appear to be true for Annie. Her nipples were pebbled, poking through her t-shirt, and her cunt was soaking wet and hot as the summer sun. Hunter shoved his entire hand deeper into her shorts, cupping her mound.

  Annie moaned, applying her own pressure, pushing against him for more. Curving his hand, he thrust two fingers inside, pumping them fast and deep. Annie responded like a sprinter to a starter gun. Her hips picked up the rhythm of his fingers.

  Her eyes drifted closed. Hunter watched a pretty pink hue paint her cheeks. She was a blusher—when embarrassed or hot or in the throes of sex. He’d never thought a mere shade of color could be such a fucking turn-on.

  “I want to watch you come.”

  Tit for tat. Annie had made her request. Now he made his.

  She blinked, her gaze finding his for only a moment before her lids closed once more.

  “Yes,” she whispered. Then, like him, her words were jarred loose. Driven by pure lust and need, she seemed to disengage, releasing control of her thoughts, just as his had. Annie was his kind of lover. Her dirty demands were the stuff of his wet dreams.

  “Harder! God, Hunter. Go faster. I need…deep. Three.”

  He added another finger, stretching her tight pussy even more. Annie liked it rough. Christ. So did he. Her body stiffened only a second before her muscles clenched against him. He didn’t let up, didn’t cease until he’d wrung every beautiful spasm, shiver and shudder out of her.

  Only when her climax subsided did he soften his thrusts. Slowly, he dragged his fingers out. Annie didn’t move for several moments, giving Hunter time to study her pretty face. When she’d first arrived, she’d been pale, with dark circles under her eyes. He’d blamed travel for that tiredness, but after hearing about her life in New York, he suspected perhaps that was her natural state. As the days passed, he’d watched the tension around her eyes and mouth lessen. Her skin had darkened with the sun, a few cute freckles appearing on her nose and cheeks.

  Right now, as she lay boneless, replete, she looked healthy, relaxed. Beautiful.

  Finally Annie’s eyes opened, her gaze finding his. Neither of them spoke as she rolled to face him. He was reminded of lying with her like this in his bed as she stroked his cock. It was a new position for him, but it was suddenly his favorite. Lying close to her, watching her expressive blue eyes, sharing her air, knowing he could reach out and touch her anywhere, at anytime. It was as close to heaven as he’d ever come.

  “Thank you,” she whispered after several silent moments.

  His mouth twisted into a crooked grin and he wiggled his eyebrows. “For what?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Well, for that,” she gestured to her lower body, “but also for the last few days. I’d sort of hit a wall at home. Hit a point where I just couldn’t take one more step. I feel stronger now.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m glad.”

  “Did you know yesterday was Thanksgiving? Or, well…today. God. The stupid time difference is so confusing.”

  He shook his head. “That’s one of your American holidays, right?”

  She nodded. “Yep. Usually families get together for a big meal and to take a moment to say what they’re thankful for.”

  He frowned. “Shouldn’t you be home with them?”

  She sighed and closed her eyes. “I love my family, Hunter. I truly do. My sisters sort of drive me nuts, but they’re funny and harmless most of the time. They’re twins too. Did I tell you that?”

  “No. I didn’t know that.”

  “I’m older by four years.”

  Hunter did the math. Annie, at seven, would have remembered their mother leaving, however, her younger sisters had only been three. They’d never known what it was like having a mother in the house. Annie did.

  “My father’s wealth increased as we got older and with that money came more and more exposure.”

  “I thought you said your father sort of promoted that.”

  Annie’s lips tightened. She’d been so relaxed just a few minutes ago. Hunter hated to see that easiness go away. “He did. Apparently there’s a gene in my family that makes them crave attention. It’s dominant in my dad and sisters, recessive in me and my mom.”

  Suddenly things were making more sense. The one person who’d grounded Annie, made her feel secure in her family, in her own skin, had left her alone to deal with those differences.

  “Is that why she left? The attention?” he asked.

  Annie nodded slowly. “Yeah. I think so.” She paused. “I know so. The tabloids drove her nuts. Do you know where she is now?”

  Hunter shook his head.

  “In a little villa in Tuscany. The place is completely isolated except for a few neighboring villagers.”

  “Does she still live with her younger man?”

  “Yeah. They’ve been married for nearly twenty years. He works in a vineyard and she putters in the garden and writes poetry. They don’t travel often because my mom says she’s never found anywhere as beautiful as Italy, anywhere that brings her that same peaceful feeling. I’ve visited her a few times. It’s nice, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t get that same sense of home there that she does.”

  Hunter could appreciate that idea. He’d never left Australia and had only traveled to Sydney and Adelaide a handful of times. While it had been cool to see the lights of the bigger cities, he’d missed home. Farpoint held his heart and always would. It seemed Annie was still searching for her place in the world.

  “Are you happy in New York, Annie?”

  Her response came instantly. “No. Not really.”

  “Then why are you there?”

  This time her answer took longer. He could see her formulating her r
esponse, searching for the right words. “Honestly? I have no idea. I think I settled there after college because that’s where my family was, because that’s where the jobs were. Before I knew it, one day had become a month and a month had become a year, then six years had passed. I kept going because it was easier than uprooting, moving somewhere else.”

  “Why did you come to Australia?”

  “Because I’m tired of playing it safe. Tired of accepting the status quo. I want my home, Hunter. It’s out there. And I’m going to find it.”

  It was on the edge of his lips to tell her to stay longer, to try Farpoint on for size. Ridiculous as it seemed given her short stay, Hunter suspected Annie belonged here. Unfortunately, he couldn’t extend that offer. Not until he cleared things with Dylan.

  He’d put off talking to his brother for days, uncertain what to say. Now he knew. He wanted Annie. Somehow he’d have to make Dylan understand.

  A car door slamming outside the shed recalled them to their present state.

  Hunter rose slowly, hooking his pants back up. “I suppose we should head to the house. The work day is about to start.”

  Annie set herself to rights as well then took his proffered hand and they descended the hay bale staircase.

  When they returned to the house, they ran into Hazel at the front door, carrying a small overnight bag.

  “Running away from home?” Hunter teased.

  “It’s my turn to stay with your Aunt Joyce. She had her hip replacement surgery. I told you about it a few days ago.”

  Everything had been a whirlwind since Annie’s arrival. So much so, he’d forgotten his mother had promised to take a turn caring for his elderly great aunt. “Oh yeah. That’s today?”

  Hazel nodded slowly. “And tonight. I’m sleeping there as well.” Her gaze traveled from his face to Annie’s. Damn observant woman.

  Annie must have felt the penetrating look as well. “I think I might head upstairs for a quick shower,” she said.

  Hunter didn’t want to let her go, but Hazel clearly had some piece to speak and he wasn’t going to be given an easy escape like Annie.

  “Of course, dear.” Hazel gave her a motherly kiss on the cheek. Annie smiled at the gesture and, for a moment, Hunter thought he saw the sheen of tears. “You have a nice day and I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

  Annie said goodbye to his mum. Hunter watched her walk down the hallway, knowing he was in a whole world of trouble—and not with his mother.

  He was falling in love with Annie Prince.

  Hunter Sullivan, the world’s most practical man, was losing his heart to a woman who didn’t even live on the same continent, whose father had more money than God, who had come here because of her interest in Dylan. Fuck.

  “Call Dylan.”

  Hunter glanced at his mum, trying to ignore the elephant in the room. “You need a hand with your bag?”

  Hazel narrowed her eyes. “No. I don’t.”

  “How about I drive you over there?”

  She shook her head. “Keith’s waiting in the truck. He’ll take me. Call your brother.”

  “I will, Mum.”

  His mother reached over and placed her hand on his shoulder. “If for no other reason, Hunter, than to tell him how you’re feeling.”

  He nodded. His mother left and Hunter watched the retreating truck until the taillights disappeared into the darkness.

  Then he walked over to the phone. It rang the moment he touched the receiver.

  He answered with his usual. “G’day.”


  A twin moment. It wasn’t the first time he and Dylan had reached out to find each other at exactly the same moment. His mother always laughed and it was she who’d dubbed them “twin moments”.

  Hunter forced a casual tone to his voice. “Dylan. How you goin’?”

  “I’m doin’ all right. Mum says you’ve been entertaining Annie there for me. Well done, mate.”

  “Are you on your way home?”

  It took a few seconds for Dylan to reply. “No.”

  “You still missing your luggage?”

  Dylan cleared his throat. “Uh, no. I got it back a couple hours ago. Just thinking I might stay here a little longer.”

  “You’re going to stay in New York? I didn’t think you were interested in sightseeing. Thought you were just going to meet Annie.”

  “Yeah. I was, but I met Annie’s friend, Monet. She’s been putting me up, showing me around. Is, uh, Annie planning on coming back soon?”

  Dylan was still expecting to see Annie. “Didn’t Mum tell you? Annie’s staying here for a couple weeks. She’s writing an article about the cattle station for her magazine.”

  “Oh yeah. Monet said she’d gotten an assignment. Didn’t think she’d do it with me here.”

  Hunter heard music in the background, heard Dylan say something to someone else.

  “Where are you?” Hunter asked.

  “I’m at Monet’s. We’re about to start making Thanksgiving dinner. We just got home from a parade. Give me a minute, Monnie. I’m going to take this call in the other room.”

  Hunter couldn’t miss the peculiar tone in Dylan’s voice. Something seemed odd, but he couldn’t put his finger on what it was. It was throwing Hunter off, making it harder for him to confess what he was feeling for Annie. If Dylan was having problems in New York, Hunter didn’t want to add to his misery.

  “I’m alone now,” Dylan said after a few moments.

  “Dylan, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I just… Ah, fuck a bloody duck. I’m just going to say it. Call me a dickhead all you like, but I think I’ve fallen arse over tit for Monet. I feel like shit, given that Annie flew all the way to—”

  “Jesus, Dylan,” Hunter interrupted, the breath flying out of him in a relieved swoosh.

  “I know, man. I fucked up. Big-time.”

  “No,” Hunter said. “You didn’t. I think I’m already halfway in love with Annie.”

  “You are?”

  “And I’ve been feeling like a right prick for stealing your girl.”

  Dylan’s laugh washed over him like rain on a hot summer day. Calmness descended on Hunter. He realized it was the first time since Annie arrived and turned his world on its ear that he didn’t have an ache in his chest.

  “Didn’t expect that. Sorta figured you’d chew my arse off and tell me to get my shit together and hop on the next plane.”

  Hell no. “I think you should stay in New York. See what’s what with this new girl. Give it a chance. She could be your soul mate.”

  Hunter could hear the shock in Dylan’s voice. “Is this the same brother who told me to get my head out of my arse? Told me flying to New York was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done in my life?”

  “One and the same. You can kick my arse for being a self-righteous prick when you get home.”

  Dylan’s sigh of relief traveled all the way to Farpoint. “Deal.”

  Hunter heard a female voice before Dylan said, “I need to go. Give Mum and Annie my love.”

  “Will do.”

  The phone clicked off before Hunter could say goodbye.

  Dylan was staying in the States. He’d met another woman.

  Hunter’s smile grew.

  This changed everything.

  Chapter Seven

  Annie turned off the shower and sighed. After her heated interlude with Hunter in the shed, she’d felt the need for distance to gather her thoughts. It had taken every ounce of strength in her body not to insist that he fuck her right there in the hay. Unfortunately, he’d made it perfectly clear on several occasions that he wouldn’t let things go too far because of Dylan.

  The truth was, months of emails and Skyping with Dylan had never left her feeling the way she’d felt as she lay next to Hunter just talking. It was becoming abundantly clear that even if she and Dylan hadn’t crossed wires, they would never have produced the same sparks or shared the undeniable chemistry sh
e had with Hunter.

  She’d thought taking a shower would clear her mind, but it hadn’t. The only problem it had alleviated was the itchiness. Hunter hadn’t lied. Hay was scratchy stuff.

  She pulled back the shower curtain and grabbed a towel from the rack. As she did so, a huge spider dropped to the floor and scurried through the door to her bedroom.

  Annie cringed then panicked. Quickly wrapping the towel around her, she darted from the bathroom to her bedroom door, keeping a very close watch on the floor.

  Dashing out into the hallway, she ran straight into Hunter.

  Her face must have betrayed her fear. “Annie. What’s wrong?”

  “Spider. In there,” she gasped. “You have to kill it.”

  She’d expected him to rush to her rescue, but instead, an amused grin covered his face. “What kind of spider?”

  She scowled. “A fucking big-ass spider! Go find it and kill it.”

  Hunter rubbed his face but the movement didn’t fool her. He was trying to hide the fact he was laughing.

  “Hunter. I can’t sleep in there until I know that thing is dead. What if it crept under the sheets?” She shivered at the thought and realized regardless of the spider’s imminent death, she was facing a few rough nights, imagining bugs crawling all over her. She hated spiders.

  Her complaint didn’t trigger the same disgust in Hunter. Instead, the twinkle in his eyes faded and morphed into something much more thrilling as his gaze drifted lower, studying her dripping hair and body. “I have a better idea.”

  He didn’t bother to explain. He didn’t need to when he grasped her hand and led her to his bedroom. “I think you should start spending your nights—and even some of your days—in my bed.”

  Her heart slammed into her throat. He couldn’t possibly be offering the invitation she was hoping for. Could he? “And where will you be?”

  “Beside you. The only thing crawling over your body tonight is going to be me.”

  “But I thought—”

  “I spoke to Dylan on the phone. Explained things.”

  Annie narrowed her eyes, confused. “I see. So why don’t you explain some of those things to me too.”


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