When Never Again Happens (Never Again Series Book 2)

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When Never Again Happens (Never Again Series Book 2) Page 13

by Jamie Lynn Boothe

  “I thought I was ready to move on. I didn’t think there would be anything between her and me, but she is moving back here and we have talked. She has told me she wants to take it slow, but has finally accepted her feelings for me. I’m sorry Sheila. This wasn’t planned and if I had known…”

  “I know. I understand and again, I appreciate you being up front and honest with me. It would be wrong of me to say to you that I wish it wasn’t true, but since I truly like you a lot, I wish you both the best. She must be an amazing woman and you deserve that. Do I wish it was me in her place? Yes, but it is what it is.”

  Sheila didn’t stay long after that. He walked her out and told her he would take her home, but she declined. She called a cab and said maybe they could talk another time, but they both knew that possibility was slim. As he watched her leave in the cab he felt torn. He felt shame and guilt because he believed he had unintentionally hurt someone, but at the same time he was relieved, for more than one reason. The main one was going to be in his arms soon, but not soon enough.

  A week later, when he finally made it through another Monday at work he checked his phone and saw he had missed a call from Sam. Listening to the voicemail he grinned at hearing her voice and knowing she was on her way. Instead of calling her back, he texted her to call him when she could stop somewhere and talk. He didn’t want her to be distracted while driving. He stopped by Domino’s on his way home and ordered his favorite steak and cheese thick crust pizza. When he pulled into the parking spot of his apartment complex his phone began vibrating. He knew it had to be Sam, but he was wrong.

  “Hey Junior. Is it okay that I call?”

  It was Sheila, and even though he hoped they could be friends and loved the sound of her voice, he wasn’t sure it was okay for them to be talking again so soon.

  “Hey, umm…yeah it’s okay. You just caught me getting home from work. I literally just parked and I’m on my way into the apartment. How you doing?”

  “I’m okay. I have to admit I was nervous about calling, but I wanted to tell you something.”

  “Okay, I’m all ears,” he told her, turning the ignition off and sliding down in his seat. Obviously, he would have to wait on diving into the pizza that smelled so incredibly good.

  “Well, I have to be honest first and let you know that I have been thinking about you and I miss you, but the main reason I am calling is because I have thought about everything from our date.”

  He wasn’t sure where she was going with it, but urged her on. “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “I’m sorry if I was rude when I left the way I did. I was truly hoping that we could have more than friendship. To be honest, I like you a lot more than I thought and I don’t want to throw away the chance of having you as a friend. I really mean that. I also meant what I told you that night. You deserve this, and she must be awesome if you want to be with her. I wish you both the best and I want us to be friends. I know we can’t go out and it might be a long time before I can see you at all, but we can at least be friends on Facebook and talk occasionally. At least, I would like that. If you want to, that is.”

  He was shocked and speechless for a moment. He wasn’t sure what to say. Her words hit him unexpectedly but they made a deep impact on him. He was glad she called and said what she needed to get off her chest and told her so.

  “Thank you, I’m glad you called. Honestly, I felt like a jerk that night. I mean I know I didn’t do anything wrong, but I felt bad because I know you left hurting and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. I want to be friends. I would love that.”

  He imagined the smile on her face when she replied, “Thank you.” They agreed to talk again soon and when they finished, he didn’t feel much like the jerk he thought he was a week before. He grabbed his pizza as his mouth salivated and went inside his apartment. He desired the food he held in his hand, but as he thought about Sam, he needed to hear her voice even more.



  Sam checked into a Best Western after driving for eight straight hours. She wanted to make good time on her trip and felt she had. It had grown dark and she was tired, hungry, and badly needed a shower. She had enjoyed the drive so far. She had always enjoyed driving on the highway during the warm seasons. Even though it was beginning to grow slightly cooler it was still nice enough to enjoy having the windows down. She had her stereo blasting and relished the wind blowing into the car. She could see beautiful country and areas she had never been before. While on the road she stopped at a small store for some gas and something to drink. Inside she browsed long enough to stretch her legs and back and saw some of the coolest homemade items, things a person would never find at a Walmart or any other department store. One item was a ceramic figurine of kittens snuggling with their mother in a basket. She looked at the price on it and couldn’t believe it was so cheap. She bought it, thinking it would look great in her new den or wherever she felt like putting it. Possibly in the bathroom on a small table in one of the corners. She also saw heavy homemade quilts like her grandmother used to make, which brought back happy memories. She grabbed two of those as well.

  She had gotten Junior’s text and couldn’t wait to talk to him. Before getting back in the car she called to let him know she was safe and sound and would be stopping somewhere for the night. She didn’t feel energetic enough to drive the entire way alone. He agreed it would be best.

  “You have no idea how much I am missing you,” he groaned, making her laugh.

  “I think I have a pretty good idea. It’s been just as long for me as it has you.”

  “True. How much longer do you have to drive tomorrow?”

  “If the traffic isn’t too bad and I don’t stop but a few times, probably about ten hours, give or take an hour or so.”

  “Okay, be careful. There’s a lot of idiots out there on the road that shouldn’t be driving at all.”

  “I’ll be as careful as possible. How was your day?”

  He told her how things had been at work and how much he was obsessing about seeing her. She laughed and said she felt the same but reminded him about the whole going slow idea, and he agreed, again. When she was back on the highway she couldn’t stop grinning, but wondered just how slow either of them would be able to go. It had been a long time coming and she couldn’t wait to be in his arms again, but they had to be careful. Or at least that was what her head was telling her.

  One very important topic she would definitely talk with him about was church and living for Jesus. She knew he believed and wanted to let him know exactly how important it was to her that she was with a man who lived for Jesus. She would love Junior either way. She knew God was directing her back to be with him, but it would make things easier if he followed Jesus. She would certainly pray hard about it and for him. She would also pray for the two of them together. She had to believe it was the right thing for them both.

  Chapter Twenty

  Sam had to accept the fact that the weatherman was human and made mistakes. When she woke the next morning, the sun wasn’t shining and she didn’t hear the beautiful songs from birds. Instead she heard the impact of pouring rain on the blacktop and vehicles. With a deeply set frown she stared out of her window through the curtains, watching the large drops of rain splatter in the puddles. She saw the heavy dark clouds that filled the sky and knew she would have to be more cautious on the highway. She still had at least another ten or so hours to drive. The storm wasn’t how she wanted to start her day.

  Instead of letting the weather dampen her mood any more, she got on her knees and started her day with a talk with Jesus. She had never known a better way to feel lifted than by starting her day with prayer.

  “Lord Jesus, thank You for blessing me with another day. Thank You for opening my eyes and giving me air to breath and for allowing me to place my feet on the floor. I ask that You look over my loved ones, Lord and keep them safe throughout their day. On my way home today, Lord, please keep me safe. The weather
isn’t as good as yesterday and I still have a long drive ahead of me. Please watch over me and get me back to Torrington safely. Lord Jesus, I have to give You deep thanks and all my gratitude for working in not only my life, but Junior’s as well. Thank You for placing our hearts together and I ask that You guide us while we walk in a loving relationship if it is Your will, Lord. In Your name, I pray. Amen.”

  Feeling better after connecting with Jesus, Sam stood and started to get ready. First thing was a shower, then breakfast. She planned to stop as few times as possible. The rain itself would slow her down anyway.

  She dressed simply. With a long drive ahead of her, comfort would be a requirement. She dressed in a loose fitting pair of jeans, a purple pullover blouse, and a light jean jacket. The rain made it cool enough to need a little extra something to cover the chills. She wore her hair in a ponytail and a baseball cap. She looked in the mirror and was very pleased with her reflection. Once she was ready she thought it would be best to see what the hotel would have for breakfast instead of stopping somewhere on the way. When she got to the lobby and asked the desk clerk, she was informed there was a continental breakfast with juice, fruit, and pastries. Frowning, she knew that wouldn’t do. She was already craving either pancakes or a western omelet.

  With images of steam rising from a freshly cooked omelet with a side of bacon and wheat toast she thanked the desk clerk and returned to her room. Sitting on the edge of the bed she quickly sent Junior a text letting him know she was getting ready to check out of the hotel and leave. She wished him a great day at work and told him that she loved him. She smiled when she wrote that. The sides of her face turned upward, but more importantly her heart held one of the best smiles in a long time. It was a great feeling to finally say that again.

  After gathering her things and checking out Sam stood outside the lobby doors dreading having to run through the rain. Without a choice, she only hesitated for a minute, faintly hoping it would ease up. It didn’t.

  Thankfully, she only had to go about twenty yards, the perfect distance to get soaking wet in the downpour. Running through the rain she felt the heavy drops hitting her shoulders and cap. It was coming down the hardest she had seen in a while. She wondered why the hotel didn’t have a parking garage. If she hadn’t been wearing a baseball cap and her jean jacket it would have been worse. She didn’t know it was going to rain or she would’ve taken her umbrella from the trunk the previous night. She made sure to pick it up when she placed her bag there.

  As she drove out onto the highway she could immediately tell the ditches were beginning to fill toward the edges of the road. Seeing that made her nervous and she prayed out loud to God that He would make it ease up and not let it get too dangerous to drive. About the time she finished eating at a small diner a few miles down the road, the rain began to lighten and the sun began to make its grand appearance. When she got in her car, she once again thanked God for looking out for her and for providing His comfort.

  Over the following hours her heart beamed from within. She either sang along with her favorite artists on the radio or thought about her future in Torrington. When she thought about her new house, ideas were plentiful and bounced around in her head. She had every intention of going to a shelter and adopting a dog, hopefully one very similar to Sheeba. She would miss her neighbor’s furry baby.

  She thought about the building she was buying and knew there was a ton of work to do. First and foremost, she would need to get in there and clean the place up and get it sanitized, plus do some small maintenance tasks. She would have to have it inspected as well before she could go any further and get a business license. There was a menu to create and staff to interview and the entire place to put her personal touch on. There was a lot to do and she was excited to get started.

  Occasionally, because of the luxury of having money, the fact that most of her money came from Chris came to mind. She would still wonder from time to time about where and how he saved such a large sum. A lot of her money did come from the insurance company from when she was hit by the car on their Myrtle Beach vacation and from when Chris was killed. She had managed her money well by investing some of it, too. The uncertainty of the matter remained, however. She knew eventually she would ask Junior about it again and hoped he would be willing to talk about it.



  Junior worried about Sam the entire day. Getting through the work day was not easy; his mind was constantly on where Sam was and if she was okay. The rain had let up quite a bit from what she said in her last text, but he still worried. He knew as well as anyone how reckless a lot of people were on the highways. It was like when some people drove they thought the road belonged to them.

  Once during the day his boss asked him if he was okay. Junior had made a few mistakes and it wasn’t like him to overlook simple things. He would be glad when she got home so he would feel better. He figured she should be arriving into Torrington around nine o’clock or so. He would be sure to be waiting for her when she did.

  They had talked about her sleeping at his apartment after such a long day behind the wheel. She wouldn’t have her bed or couch or anything else at her new home until the next day. Of course, he would sleep on his couch and let her have the bed. Sleeping together may be what their bodies desired, but he knew it wouldn’t happen. It would be too difficult for them both. She told him she didn’t want to add temptation to their situation and would rent a room at another hotel. He understood, of course, and agreed, but in a way, he was disappointed.

  When it was finally time to leave and go home Junior couldn’t get out of there fast enough. He needed to work off some tension and drove straight to the gym. He hit the machines and added some weight to his normal workout.

  For the next hour, he lifted and grunted and sweated. The entire time he thought about Sam and how much he looked forward to seeing her. He thought about how long it had been since the last time he had the privilege of looking into her eyes and being close to her. It had been a memorable evening when they first kissed, a night neither of them had forgotten.

  By the time he felt like he was ready to drop he had been at the gym for two hours. After he came close to over doing it on the weight machines he rode five miles on a stationary bike. He was exhausted, and all he wanted was a hot shower and something to eat. Even though he worked out several times a week, he expected to be sore the next day.

  After he got home, showered, and downed some leftover pizza, it was close to the time Sam should be getting into Torrington. His eyes flicked back and forth from the television to the digital clock on the cable box. He felt like time had stopped. Then again, checking the time every minute or so wasn’t helping.

  Even though she wouldn’t be staying at his apartment, she said she would definitely come over to see him before getting a room. It had been too long since they had seen each other and she admitted to missing him terribly.


  Obviously, he was more worn out than he realized. As Junior waited for Sam to arrive, he lay his head back against the sofa and fell asleep. The soft sound of the television and the hardcore workout he had earlier did him in. He thought he was dreaming at first when he heard a rapping noise and the most beautiful voice God had blessed his ears with. After several times, he jerked awake, knew what he was hearing, and jumped up and ran to the door. When he opened it, an angel stood in front of him, an angel who was as exhausted as he was, but just as beautiful as he had ever seen her. He thought the ball cap on her head suited her well. When she smiled up at him, he was temporarily mesmerized.

  “Sam,” was all he could whisper. He felt as if he was still in a dream.

  She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned into him. He could smell her shampoo and deeply inhaled her scent. He wanted, no he needed, to take in as much of her as was humanly possible.

  “I missed you,” she whispered into his chest then looked up at him. “I’m sorry for being so stubborn.”
  The corners of his mouth lifted and he placed a finger underneath her chin. Her eyes were getting misty and her chin quivered. He didn’t say a word. He slowly lowered his lips to hers as she welcomed his kiss. She was exactly where she needed to be. In his arms.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The next morning Junior called into work and told his boss he had something extremely important to do and wouldn’t be able to make it in. Thankfully, things had been caught up recently, and he was told they could handle things without him for a day or two if he needed it. He felt relieved and took the next day off as well. There were times such as that when he knew he was very fortunate to have the job he had.

  When he turned his phone off and laid it on the coffee table he felt his smile spread and his heart hammer. When he sat up from the couch a slight dull pain spread quickly through his back; his muscles were sore from the previous day’s workout. He knew he had overdone it and that he would feel that way. He thought the next time he would go a little easier and be sure to go to the jacuzzi afterward.

  His thoughts left his physical dilemma and went directly to Sam, who was currently lying in his bed, sleeping. Once she arrived the night before, they sat and talked. Time slipped away into the early morning and they agreed she should stay after all. They had a difficult time saying goodnight to the other, but eventually she turned as her eyes held his and her tired smile was just as lovely. They held hands as long as they could as she walked into his room; he stood in place and watched her disappear. He didn’t want to sleep on the couch as she was in his bed, but the last thing he wanted to do was disrespect her.

  Standing, he painfully shuffled to the door of his bedroom and peered in on her. What he saw made his heart feel like it moved out of its normal position and made him lean against the door frame. She was incredibly gorgeous as he stared at her. She had changed into a pair of shorts and one of his t-shirts and was spread across the bed almost sideways. Her hair was flayed out, partly covering her face, and he almost laughed as he watched her unmoving form. He had half a mind to grab his cell phone and take a picture of her because she was so cute. Instead, he turned and left her alone as she was obviously tired from her drive and then staying up late talking.


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