The Crime of Protection

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The Crime of Protection Page 61

by Gloria Martin

  “You have to understand that I had to at least try,” he said eventually and my father nodded sagely.

  “Perhaps a better solution can be concocted, Alec. Why don’t you brainstorm with Victor? Unfortunately, I have another meeting I must attend,” my father’s suggestion wasn’t taken well by Victor. But I knew father only sought to give me another lesson in ruling a coven. Which meant getting along with neighboring ones. Orin stood up from his oak desk and then bid a formal farewell to Victor before he left his office. Not only was my father leader of our coven, but he was mayor of Old Town, which habited a completely vampire population.

  “So…any ideas?” Victor asked me and I remembered to try and be patient and measured like my father.

  “How about we increase the amount of units our runners retrieve from our blood banks and simply send it to you via trade route,” I suggested and Victor was impressed.

  “What would you have in exchange for the blood?” he asked me and I sat back in my seat, next to his and across my father’s desk, to think about that. Victor’s coven was small and less powerful, but they did have certain formulas for wines and spirits and such that our coven traded with them for. As well as other covens in the region. In fact, Victor’s coven was known for being brewers.

  “For the duration of our sharing blood with you…your shipments of all wines and spirits will be free, though we of course will continue to share medicines and trade the goods we currently share with you,” I said and Victor considered this.

  “I think we should arrange for another meeting with your father present to decide upon the best configuration of trade in exchange for the blood, then I will return to Newport to consult our council and hopefully a well arrangement can ensue,” Victor said and I stifled a sigh.

  “Of course, I shall let my father know of what we’ve discussed. Please continue to feel welcome in Old Town until we can all meet again,” I told Victor as we both stood and soon after we went our separate ways. Perhaps I should have thought the trade question through some more. Since that business was over for the moment, I figured I’d find my father and speak to him quickly. Afterwards I could look in on Blayne and Luke’s business of setting the outsider’s house on fire.

  My father was meeting with a member of our small council in one of the conference rooms of the town hall. I waited outside until he came out and Orin noticed me leaning against the wall.

  “Alec, I hope you and Victor came to some agreement?” he asked and I nodded.

  “I suggested we simply trade them extra blood our own runners would collect. But then the issue of what the handoff would be for that…” my father was a tall and physically impressive male. He had muscles that were most likely made of stone by now for how long he’s lived. He and I looked a lot alike, though I was leaner than his bulk, we had the same blonde hair and deep green eyes.

  “Well…we do trade a considerable amount of spirits from his coven, why not have those shipments free until we no longer need to trade blood?”

  “That is what I suggested, but Victor would like your input…” I said and had to work to veil my annoyance.

  “You go back to Victor, tell him you felt no need to consult me because your solution to his problem is a solid one. Victor is ancient, he will need persuasion. Remind him of the risk we are incurring for stealing more blood. We do understand his coven’s spirits are their main source of extra currency to keep up the lifestyle of vampires. But make him see that you are well aware of this and are also taking into account the best options for your coven,” father understood what Victor was doing. He didn’t want to speak to me, Orin’s son, but Orin, the current coven leader.

  “I’ll explain to him that speaking and negotiating with me is in no way a slight,” I said and my father shook his head and put his hand on my shoulder.

  “Do not, that can convey weakness. You will soon lead our coven and Victor will have to get used to this…” he trailed off and then his gaze held mine with a sincere weight. “Alec I would like to begin the process of your truly taking up my position. You know what you must do, find a mate, appoint a second in command, and take my seat,” in that moment I lost whatever paranoia or bitterness that my father might never give me the position as leader of our coven.

  He conveyed pride and trust and honor in his gaze and I was humbled and ready to follow in his footsteps.

  “Thank you, Father,” I said and he pulled me in for a kiss on the neck and clapped a hand on my back, his smile wide.

  “You will be a great leader, my son, but perhaps learn some punctuality. Oh and I think you should consult your mother about the business of finding a mate. I know she’d be thrilled to arrange you with someone,” he said and then got called away by another council member. I did not know how I felt about being arranged with someone for a lifelong mating. I’d want to find my own mate…but where would I start?



  The only drawback of buying a big house and being the only one to live in it was that unpacking appeared endless. Maybe I should have just waited until Rylen flew in so she could help me. I startled when someone knocked on the front door, hopefully it wasn’t Blayne or another strange neighbor… I hurried from the kitchen and checked the peephole that time. It was Blayne. I sighed deeply before ingrained politeness forced me to open the door after he knocked once more.

  “Hi… Blayne…” I answered and he smiled at me, it wasn’t the odd smirk he gave me before. But a real polite smile that just made his face that much more gorgeous and unreal. He was dressed differently, in dark jeans and a dark blue t-shirt.

  “Hello…I thought I should apologize for before, for being so weird,” he said and I had to admit I was relieved. If he knew he was being weird then he couldn’t be crazy… or anything, right?

  “Well that whole outsider thing was kind of weird,” I said and he laughed then rubbed the back of his neck kind of nervously. “Um, how about you come in? I just got back from grocery shopping so I have coffee and stuff if you’d like?” I asked him and he perked up.

  “Sure, that sounds great thanks,” he said and he stepped inside, shutting the door behind him as I walked towards the kitchen.

  “Excuse the boxes, I’m still taking up the fight with unpacking,” I said and Blayne chuckled. The sound of his voice was directly behind me and I hadn’t even heard him walk over. I glanced back at him, he was leaning against the wall near the pantry where I was fishing out the coffee and filters for the coffee maker.

  “I can help you know, I’m very handy to have around,” he gave me a cheeky grin and I giggled. His head sort of ticked to the side and he stepped over to me and took the coffee and filters form my hands. I held my breath and simply watched to see what he’d do. But he only went over to the coffee maker on the counter and got the pot going.

  “Well um… I wouldn’t mind some help with unpacking and it would be cool to get to know someone in town. Maybe you can show me around a bit, tell me the best places to hang out,” Blayne smiled and then his brows furrowed as if some thought crossed his mind.

  “I could take you around, sure…” he seemed unsure about it and I wondered about the whole outsiders thing again.

  “Are you afraid the locals will shun you for being seen with me?” I teased and he laughed.


  “Oh come on, what’s the deal around here? When I went to the grocery store I swore I wouldn’t have made it out alive if stares carried any weight,” I was half joking, but also mostly serious. It was weird how everyone just… stared at me.

  “Well you are a beautiful woman, maybe everyone was just shocked to see a beauty such as yourself,” my chest warmed at the compliment, especially coming from him. It was also a bit of a surprise.

  “Stop, you flatter too much.” I said and he chuckled.

  “It’s not flattery if it’s true,” I looked at him and saw his gaze intent on me. The coffee maker had been sputtering in the background and had finally fa
llen silent. I went to one of the few cabinets I had unpacked into and pulled out two coffee cups. When I went over to Blayne and the pot he didn’t move aside or back to give me space to pour. Instead, once I set the cups on the counter, he touched my chin so that I’d look up at him. His icy blue eyes were mesmerizing and suddenly my fingers itched with the need to brush his hair out of his face.

  Acting on impulse, I went for it and Blayne leaned into my touch, his eyes closed briefly until my hand fell away from his hair. He laced his fingers with mine and then slowly his lips touched my own. It’s as if he wanted to be careful with me and I couldn’t fathom why. I wanted him to kiss me harder and his lips were so soft, not to mention he smelled like mint and the woods. I leaned into him and his other hand went around my waist, pulling me closer against him. As soon as my chest hit his, the kiss grew heated and I was swept up in his spell. My skin was warm and I felt all tingly, not to mention Blayne was pressing his hips into mine and I definitely felt the bulge in his jeans.

  Then his lips slid to my neck and he grazed his teeth along the jumping vein under my sensitive skin and I shivered in arousal at the sensation.

  “Shit…we can’t—I shouldn’t be…” abruptly he backed away from me and the sudden absence of his presence was a bit jarring. One second we were wrapped around each other, the next he was at the other end of the counter.

  “I’m sorry I came in to be polite and help you unpack… I shouldn’t have just… done that,” he said and my heart actually warmed at his bashfulness, he was concerned about being a gentleman. “First I weird you out and now… I should just go,” he said and made to leave, but I stepped forward to stop him.

  “No, it’s okay Blayne, I’d really like the company and if I was freaked out by the kiss I wouldn’t have kissed you back,” I explained and he studied my gaze for a moment before he nodded cautiously.

  “Alright… I actually can’t believe you’re giving me so many chances,” he said as I poured us the coffee finally and handed him a cup.

  “Well you’re the only person I know in this town and you don’t seem like a bad guy… also you’re kinda cute, so you’re not too bad to have around,” I teased and he quirked an eyebrow at me after taking a sip of the coffee.

  “Only kinda cute?” he asked and I shrugged one shoulder while giving him a grin. Blayne chuckled and then he looked at the boxes still stacked in the corner of the kitchen. “So how about we see to this unpacking,” he said and I nodded.

  “Yeah definitely I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to help,” I told him and he gave an old gentleman’s bow.

  “It’s my pleasure, my Lady,” he then walked over to the boxes and opened one up. When he pulled out a ladle and held it up with a smile I couldn’t help but laugh. “First things first…where does this ladle go?” he asked and I laughed again. I couldn’t believe how much I was quickly growing to like or definitely more-than-like Blayne. I partly blamed his looks, but his personality was great too.



  After spending the entire evening with Allison I was definitely certain that I wanted her as my mate. Hell, part of me was already identifying her as my mate. I just had to find out a way for her to be turned into a vampire. We got through a few rooms before she called it a night, though I could’ve unpacked and hung out with her all night. She was funny and cute and there was just something about her that was enrapturing. Of course she was gorgeous, but there was just something that drew me in and kept me wanting more with her. More time, more contact, more anything… everything.

  I spent all night simply watching over her house. Maybe if I went to the mayor he’d allow for her to be turned and to become a part of the coven, then Allison and I could be mated. With one last glance at Allison’s house I dematerialized and ghosted over to city hall. Orin was usually in his office pretty early and if anyone wanted a one-on-one with him it was best done in the morning. I was seen right back to his office when I materialized in reception and when I knocked on his office door he beckoned me in.

  “Blayne! How good it is to see one of my best warriors individually. Sometimes I fell there is a divide between the warriors of the coven and our governing body, how can I help you?” he asked me and I sat down across from his desk. I could see the subtle signs of aging in Orin, from the few strands of silver in his golden-blond hair and faint wrinkles around his eyes. Vampires didn’t live forever, but we lived a damn long time. Eventually though our bodies aged in subtle ways and when a vampire reached the end of their life, their body would gradually shut down. A vampire would become bedridden until they simply took their last breath, much like humans, though it would appear as if someone in their early middle age died from bodily breakdowns a person in their eighties would face. The average lifespan of a vampire stretched between five hundred to a thousand years.

  “Well Orin… I have found someone I’d like to mate,” I told him truthfully and he seemed a bit taken aback.

  “I’ve known you for a hundred years and never have you seemed to show much interest in anything other than fighting and your station,” he observed and I shrugged.

  “Sometimes when you find her… you find her,” I answered and Orin chuckled softly.

  “Don’t I know it… so why are you coming to me with this? If you’ve found a mate, simply marry her!” he urged in good humor and I took a deep breath.

  “She’s human… the one outsider I was supposed to run out of town. I was hoping that she could be turned,” Orin was definitely taken aback then. If I had the ability to change a human, hell, I would have told Allison about vampires and what I felt for her last night, then I would have turned her myself. But after years and years of careful breeding within our race Vampires had specialized the gene for a vampire to be reborn with venom. It was done to stop radicals from turning countless humans and to allow vampires to naturally birth more vampires. Only those from the royal line, the ultimate head of our race who resided in Eastern Europe, had the ability to turn humans from the traditional bite. Most coven leaders around the world were from this bloodline and carried the gene for venom. That meant only Orin or Alec could change Allison.

  “Well… some of our people have seen Allison around yesterday and they were concerned about why you haven’t yet dealt with her. Now I understand why… I do like you Blayne. You’ve been a friend of my son’s for some time and a loyal member of our coven. If you see this human as your mate, then I would not bar you from that happiness. I will have Alec drop by so that the two of you can discuss turning your human,” I thanked Orin and then went to first visit Allison and wait for Alec to show up at my house.

  “Blayne, hey!” Allison answered the door with a bright smile and my eyes drifted down to her plump pink lips. They had tasted amazing the night before and I couldn’t stop myself from leaning down to brush a light kiss over them.

  “Good morning, I hope I’m not too early,” I said and she gave me a crooked smile while she shook her head.

  “Right on time, thanks for helping me unpack, you’re a big help…” she beckoned me inside and I noticed for the first time that she wore tights that showed off her full curves and long legs. But her loose, oversized blouse hid much of her torso, though the outline of her breasts were visible and tantalizing enough. She led me to one of the bedrooms and I became more than aware of the queen sized bed in the room. Allison looked at me and began talking about her plan for unpacking for the day. My eyes roamed her beautiful face, perfectly formed cheekbones, a gently sloping nose and soft chin, feminine jaw line and arched brows. Her eyes appeared golden, though they were hazel, and then I realized she was looking at me with a smirk and a tilt of her head. Her long wavy blonde hair curtained over one shoulder.

  “What are you staring at?” she asked and I actually blushed a little.

  “You, you’re so beautiful,” I said and it was her turn to blush at the compliment.

  “Thank you, but you can compliment me later. First we have to get thro
ugh unpacking so we can go out finally,” she said.

  “On a date?” I asked and she nodded, a short giggle escaped her lips.

  “Yeah on a date… I mean I should hope so,” I walked over to her and pulled her into an embrace, my arms circled around her waist.

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I said and she kissed me twice before pulling away. To hell with unpacking, I wanted to get her on that bed and underneath me, but I knew that once I got lost in the moment I’d want to take from her vein and that would surely freak her out.

  “Oh hey, I may have to step out for a couple of hours soon. A friend of mine is dropping by, we have to discuss… something,” I said and she looked at me curiously from across the room. I looked down and opened up the nearest box to me.

  “Like for business or something?” she asked curiously and I nodded.

  “Yeah something like that…” I stared at her as she lowered her head and wondered if she’d be open to being turned… hopefully I could explain things without scaring her too much.



  “I can’t believe that after spending one night with this woman you want to have her turned so that you can be mated,” I said in disbelief. This was truly uncharacteristic of Blayne, at the very least I would expect him to want to mate a vampire.

  “She’s… I can’t explain it, it’s like her blood, her whole being calls to me. I’ve never seen someone so beautiful… spent time with a female like her. She’s just right,” Blayne was actually waxing poetic about a female, how incredible.

  “By all means I must meet her,” I murmured. “Actually I do have to meet her before you approach her about being turned, I must see if she would be viable for the transformation process.”


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