The Crime of Protection

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The Crime of Protection Page 85

by Gloria Martin

  “Breakfast? Really, jeez, Storm. You shouldn’t be up and about n your leg,” he said sleepily. He came over kissed her and with her permission checked out her knee. He agreed it looked better.

  “After everything I am surprised, but it does look better,” he said.

  “Who would have thought getting laid is good for your knee,” she said with a grin.

  They both started laughing and he went to get some coffee and eggs. Jack came out soon after and joined them. Lizzy called her lawyer and had to leave a message. Then she called Kate the detective.

  “I am glad you are doing well. Do you have company for the day? Not going anywhere?” Katy asked her.

  “Yes. The guys say now that the off season has begun they don’t have anywhere to be. They are not going anywhere and neither am I,” she told her. Pleased that she was able to do so.

  “Good girl. Look I have a few things going that might clear this whole thing up. I am waiting to hear more from someone I met last night before I can really get into it but have hope. I will call and let you know when I get all the facts nailed down. Is that cool?” She asked Lizzy. Lizzy wanted to know what she was talking about but she did trust Katy and was feeling so much better it was easier to let her handle her part.

  “Sure, Katy, just don’t leave me hanging to long okay?” She said.

  “I won’t, thanks for the trust, and I will get back to you later,” she said and hung up.

  Lizzy told the guys what Katy had said and went to get cleaned up. She enjoyed a bath this time and when she finished she felt even better. She went through her bag,a little disappointed with her mad rush of random clothes before leaving her apartment. She had a mix and match of stuff. With a sigh, she found something that would work. She was glad she had intentionally grabbed clean underwear. She put on a sports bra and panties. Then she put on a red skirt to her knees, thick with frilly trim, and a green camisole medium curt neckline that hinted at her cleavage and covered her sports bra. Then she remembered and put on her knee brace before using her crutches to wobble out to the others.

  Jack looked like he had just took a shower and Randy was nowhere in sight. Jack looked casual in sweats and a New York City t-shirt.

  “You are looking fine, if I may say so,” Jack told her. She smiled prettily.

  “I was thinking the same about you. So any plans for the day? We are to stay here according to Detective Linton,” she told him.

  “We can hang out, take naps, maybe some other activities will occur to us,” he said with an eager smile. She knew what he was thinking and she thought it would be fun later. Although right then she was so relaxed laying down almost sounded good.

  “I think I am still worn out from everything this week. Would you mind if I just tipped back on the couch for a while? I will apologize now if I fall asleep this time,” she told him and he laughed.

  “No worries, Liz, it was very cute how you were just out and snoring in a minute’s time. Make yourself comfortable, seriously. We will look out for you, so relax,” he said and hugged her. She gave him a kiss and hobbled over to the couch. She sat with a sigh. Maybe it was the big breakfast and then a long bath but a nap did sound good.

  “Where is Randy?” She asked with a yawn.

  “Getting cleaned up. No worries, remember,” he said and she chuckled, reclining to her back and crossing her hands on her waist.

  “Ah this feels good,” she said softly and she did fall asleep again.

  Until it felt like the world was shaking and she heard shouting.

  Lizzy pushed herself up and froze. There was a big guy with a Kansas accent and a gun kicking the couch to wake her up. Jack was sitting on the arm of a chair nearby with his hands above his head as another guy pointed a gun at him. He had one large foot on the coffee table keeping his leg in a forty-five-degree angle.

  “Oh come on! Not again, seriously. This is getting old dude,” Lizzy told him angrily. She was really getting tired of this and as scared as she was she had just about had her limit.

  “Shut up, slut. As your parents thought, holing up with some sports star. It is disgraceful. You are going to come with me, and you,” he said pointing at Jack, “are going to be tied up quietly or get shot,” he said and gestured for the other man to approach Jack from the living room entryway. As he approached Jack kicked the table he was resting his foot on and it slid across the room with some force and tripped the man coming at him. At the same time Randy made his appearance.

  “Not this time!” Randy yelled as he appeared from the hallway in a running dive. He tackled the big guy threatening Lizzy. They went down behind the other couch, the gun flying through the air. Jack leapt across the room to keep the other guy down.

  “If you are a fan, stay quiet and I won’t beat your ass as you deserve,” he shouted at him. Lizzy remembered a thief at the store apologizing to Randy. The guy Jack was kneeling over remained quiet and Lizzy struggled to her feet seeing Randy come up from behind the couch. Then he made a fist and swung it down. Once, twice, and a third time.

  “Hold it Randy, I think you got him,” came Katy’s voice from the door. Lizzy spun and almost fell as the woman came in with her gun drawn. She glanced around and then saw Lizzy.

  “Aren’t you supposed to stay off your feet for a few days?” Then she moved forward and handcuffed the guy Randy had taken down as another officer filed in and took care of the one Jack got. It took her a moment to figure out what Katy had said to her and she began laughing. She sat down again and took deep breaths to calm down because along with laughing she had begun shaking with reaction to the sudden shock of being woken at gunpoint. Lizzy remained there as the bad guys were ushered out and then Katy sat down across from her. Randy and Jack sat on either side of her.

  “I suppose you are wondering why I called you here,” Katy said with a grin. They just nodded.

  “First, sorry about being late. I didn’t think they would move that fast. Now then Lizzy, your parents are on their way to the station. They were down stairs waiting for you to be kidnapped. They told me all about it,” she said. Lizzy’s jaw dropped open.

  “They were here? How did they know where I was?” She asked with a trembling voice.

  “That is what is interesting. I received a call last night from your lawyer. He said he had been trying to call you but was getting a wrong number. I told him you still had the same number and I gave it to him. The one he had programmed into his phone was one digit off. Guess who programs his phone for him,” They thought about it for a second. Randy got there first.

  “That Donna chick,” he said and Katy nodded.

  “Yes. Apparently she was in constant communication with your folks. After the man they sent followed you to the jewelry store the first time, they did not have to follow you anymore. Donna knew every move you made because you told her or her boss. Her bank account has grown substantially this past week and the phone records all show the numerous calls she made with your mom and dad,” Lizzy was amazed.

  “I am shocked they left Kansas,” she said softly, not sure what to make of the new development.

  “They told me it had to be done to put you in your place. They are quite proud of their actions and are bragging about it even now I should expect,” she said, her nose wrinkling up in disgust.

  “How did you find out they would be here?” Jack asked.

  “We got Donna into a room with the man we caught last night and between them they gave it up. That big guy is a factory foreman for your dad’s company and everyone else are local morons looking for a payday. Donna told us the plan as she heard it and we rushed over here right away. They got past security by posing as delivery men. I have a feeling your building security, Jack, is about to be revamped,” she said. She looked at Lizzy carefully.

  “Are you going to be alright?” She asked.

  Lizzy gave a shaky laugh. “So it is over? I don’t have to worry about it anymore? Do I have to see my parents?” She asked, her only real concern.
She had a feeling building within her she was not sure she recognized.

  “Not if they keep bragging about their crimes. A judge will take care of them really quick,” Katy said. Lizzy felt a relief and then that elusive feeling she had never had. Freedom.


  Lizzy walked back into her apartment from her balcony that faced Central Park. She had made the move right after the last attack from her parents and was very happy in this building. She saw herself in her mirror and wrinkled her nose, then smiled with a shrug at her reflection.

  “What are you going to do girl, it’s been fun,” she said to herself. She was wearing two tank tops, a red and a white, tucked into gym shorts showing off her new muffin top and pooch belly. She had spent the last month and a half spending most of her time on her rear after the surgery her knee ended up needing. So consequently, her love of all things pastry had caught up to her. She did not mind though. She had enjoyed it and today was the first day of getting in shape. The guys were coming over to take her to their gym to work out. She spun on her leg happily. She barely had a limp now. Life sure was fine she thought.

  Her parents were on their way to jail and none of her dad’s money could save them. It did not help them that they still bragged about their actions as if they were only saviors trying to get their daughter to repent. The judge was not impressed. The dumb-ass thugs they hired went away as well. Lizzy was truly safe and would be for a long time to come.

  She had also fallen fairly hard for Randy. She loved Jack but the experience she shared with Randy in the Jewelry store had created a bond neither of them had recognized at first. Now that they had they had talked and decided to give it a try. She did not mind his celebrity status and he did not mind her trust fund baby state of living.

  She had managed to finally buy two bracelets from Reginald’s Jewelry. He was doing well and his store was still doing fine. He refused to hire security, not wanting to destroy the atmosphere. She thought it was a good idea. She told everyone she knew with money to shop there because he was a brave man who had stood up for her. People listened and he had got some business from it.

  She also had taken the time to attend the meetings at Wonders Woman Shelter. She spoke of her experiences and it seemed to help some. At least she hoped it did. After speaking she would sweep up as promised. She wasn’t sure if that itself didn’t help more people. It was the final actions that helped her get past her own past and truly embrace her future and she was delighted and in debt to the ladies there.

  Lizzy heard a knock at her door and grabbed her gym bag and went to answer it. It was Jack and her man Randy.

  “Hi guys, ready to go?” She said with a happy smile. They returned it.

  “Damn right, if you are,” Jack said.

  “Yeah I was wondering if I could bring along a friend,” she asked.

  “Sure, who did you have in mind. Is she cute?” Jack asked and Randy laughed winking at Lizzy.

  “Depends on who you ask,” said Kate Linton. She had just walked up behind them with a gym bag over her shoulder. The woman smiled at everyone and eyed Jack critically.

  “With a little work you could be cute,” she told him. Randy and Lizzy busted up laughing as Jack humorously protested. Lizzy noticed he was eyeing the detective though. She was a good looking woman and Jack would be in for a time of it if he tried to date her. Lizzy was looking forward to it. She linked arms with Randy and followed the other two down the hallway. Life was good.


  Bonus Story 27/40

  The Dragon’s Babies

  Her favorite part of the day was the bit just before she opens her eyes as she gently falls from slumber and back into wakefulness. It was then that Clara could appreciate the peaceful symphony that surrounded her day in and day out on the little farm she shared with her partner, Estelle.

  The goats were bleating out in the barn, stirring and ready to begin their day lazily chewing grass in the pasture. Somewhere further away was the chirping of birds that melded nicely with the chimes being clanged by the easy summer breeze. A breeze that found its way through Clara’s open bedroom window to kiss at her exposed skin, enticing her out of bed to start her morning routine. Rolling over, Clara pulled her thick quilt up to her chin in protest.

  Every morning Clara reached out to touch Estelle, wishing to know someone else was there to enjoy the early morning peace. Every morning, though, Clara found an empty space where her girlfriend had been the night before. Clara was not surprised of course. After five years living on the farm, the reach for Estelle had become muscle memory more than anything. Clara could remember a time very early on when Estelle would be there, though. How a still sleeping Estelle would respond to her touch by pulling Clara closer and giving her a reassuring squeeze.

  As it was now, Clara was sure Estelle was already in her office on the phone with the east coast publishing office she did edits for. Their farm’s business, Gibson Creek Wares, had been so prosperous in the last two years that Estelle’s editing job was quickly becoming the hobby that earned extra money and took up way too much time. People loved their goat’s milk soaps, fresh salsa preservatives, and hand spun wool among other “organically produced, artistically made” products in their extensive online store.

  To her credit, Estelle had met the change with support and enthusiasm. She hadn’t missed a step in balancing her mounting list of things to do with Gibson Creek Wares and maintaining her editing work load. Clara wouldn’t mind if she missed a couple of steps if it meant she would be there to hold her in the mornings when everything was simple.

  On her bed side table, Clara’s phone started to buzz indicating it was time to rise and greet the day. Under her bony, pale feet the hard wood floors were shockingly cool. A shiver ran up Clara’s spine and she opened the ancient wooden trunk at the foot of their bed to pull out a knitted blanket to wrap herself in. The instant rise in her body temperature combined with the gorgeous way the sun hit the small flower garden outside her bedroom window made Clara pause. She tried to have at least one moment like this every day. A small moment when she could celebrate being alive.

  Inhaling deeply one more time, Clara imagined herself putting on her work cap for the day as she stepped towards the bedroom door.


  “Todd, I understand where you’re coming from, I do,” Estelle had no idea where Todd was coming from, really. She figured Todd’s head was so far up his rear end that even he wasn’t sure whether he was coming or going. Why he offered a publishing deal to the Jack Kerouac wanna be who authored the manuscript in front of her was utterly baffling.

  “Red Horse isn’t that diverse in the books we’ve published, but wouldn’t you want that diversity to start with something at least readable?”

  “But, Estelle, American Steam isn’t meant to be readable – it’s experimental. Don’t you see the vision we’re going for here?”

  Estelle rolled her eyes at Todd’s words.

  “Okay, look, Todd,” Estelle flipped to the front page of manuscript to read the author’s name. “Is Jeremy Diggs someone’s nephew or something? Because I don’t see vision here. I see swill. Over thought, ridiculous swill that reads like a meth induced psychosis. We could do better. That’s my honest opinion.”

  As she spoke, Clara came to her side with their routine morning coffee in hand. Estelle looked up and raised her right pointer and middle fingers to her head as if she was about to blow her brains out. Clara chuckled softly, taking Estelle’s fingers from her temple and giving them a kiss before planting another one on her freckled forehead.

  On the phone, Todd was silent for a moment. Estelle knew she was his least favorite editor at the up and coming publishing house, but luckily for her, she was also his best. Giving Clara’s hand a quick squeeze before turning away, Estelle leaned back in her seat. This was a waiting game and the first to speak would lose serious ground. It wasn’t going to be her.

  “Jeremy,” the defeat was palpable in Todd’s voic
e, “is the son of a very prominent investor. It would be nice to get his attention. Perhaps he could help Red Horse progress to the artistic standards you seem to have set for us.”

  “Mmhmm, well…how about I attempt another read through on this, give it some notes, and you guys don’t even have to pay me for it.”

  “What’s the condition,” Todd sighed. This game was played at least once a quarter.

  “You finally give me the go-ahead on that YA novel I’ve been pushing.”


  “I know, we’re not a children’s publishing house, but this story needs to be told, Todd,” the passion Estelle felt swell in her chest caused her to stand. “The writing is solid. LBGT kids need more normalizing fiction that isn’t in a separate section of the store than everything else they read.”

  Clara had taken a seat on the floor, cross legged, coffee in hand. “Get it, babe,” she whispered, shaking her fist in support. Estelle grinned and winked.

  “Okay, okay,” Todd was just ready for the ordeal to be over. “We need a release for next Fall. Sell American Steam and we’ll get in touch with the YA author. Deal?”

  “Deal – you’re not going to regret this, Todd.”

  “I hope not, Estelle. Just get American Steam ready.”

  They hung up and Clara gave a loud, “Woohoo,” from the floor.


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