The Crime of Protection

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The Crime of Protection Page 89

by Gloria Martin

  After a few minutes of this, Estelle looked back at Tobin. “Get inside me, now.”

  Her bluntness surprised Tobin, but he still helped her pull off her pants and position herself on her back. Clara stroked up and down Estelle’s body next to them.

  “It might hurt a little,” she cooed.

  Just before Tobin inserted himself into Estelle, Clara began making out with her. Gently he pushed himself in as Estelle gasped.

  “Are you okay,” he asked, ready to pull out.

  “Yeah,” Estelle breathed. “It feels good.”

  Clara reached down to play with Estelle while Tobin rocked back and forth, careful to not go too fast. Estelle let out a low groan of pleasure, grunting every time Tobin pushed forward into her.

  “Faster,” she whimpered. “Faster, faster.”

  Tobin picked up the pace, loving the way Estelle grabbed his backside to make him go deeper into her.

  “Get on top of me,” she said to Clara.

  Without question, Clara positioned herself over Estelle and began to enjoy her own pleasure. Tobin had to close his eyes to keep going.

  He had them change positions so that Estelle was on her hands and knees and Clara was leaning against the headboard. Tobin loved looking into Clara’s eyes as they became dazed from Estelle’s actions below. Clara began to arch and quake as Estelle’s moans became louder and more desperate.

  “Don’t stop,” Clara yelled. “Oh, God, don’t stop.” Her knuckles turned white as they grasped the headboard and she began to buck her hips wildly.

  It was too much for Tobin. With a loud groan he felt himself release inside of Estelle. His whole body trembled as his speed slowed and he came to stand still, bent over Estelle who was having none of it.

  “Finish me,” she commanded as she rolled over and made herself ready for Tobin’s dragon tongue. Within seconds Estelle was red faced and screaming with pleasure, holding onto anything she could as Tobin continued to service her. Unable to take any more, she pushed him aside, breathless.

  “Do me next,” Clara insisted, fully intrigued.

  “Let me rest a second woman,” he said flopping on top of her and snuggling into her chest. As Estelle regained the ability to speak she too joined their cuddle breathlessly.

  “That tongue is magic, Tobin,” she gave him a long kiss.

  Tobin could not recall a time in his life that he was happier.

  After a while of silence, the phone rang in the other room. All three lovers groaned with disdain.

  “Not it,” they all said in unison.

  “Oh geeze,” Clara rolled her eyes, “I got it.”

  As she left, Estelle and Tobin pulled the covers over them and snuggled closer, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  “When did you know you liked me,” Estelle asked.

  “When you opened your mouth that first time,” Tobin replied with a smirk.

  Estelle blushed and her stomach clenched. Tobin kissed her forehead, her nose, and finally her lips.

  Clara came rushing back in, panic on her face. “It was you,” she said, pointing at Tobin. He tensed up; the news about what he had done last night must have spread.

  “What,” Estelle asked looking from Tobin to Clara.

  “I can explain,” Tobin didn’t want to let things get too bad before he had a chance to speak for himself. “When I get really stressed out, I mean really stressed out... I can lose control of my powers. It’s only ever happened one other time in my life, I swear.”

  Estelle still looked confused for a moment, but then her eyes widened. “You’re the one killing the sheep?”


  “Because your psycho bosses were trying to seduce you and you really liked both of them and didn’t want to ruin your shot with this wonderful work environment,” Clara said with a look of smug sarcasm.

  “Y-Yes,” Tobin wondered if this was a trap. Suddenly, he felt kisses on his shoulder and Estelle was stroking his chest.

  “I guess we’ll have to just do our best to keep you relaxed, then,” she said. She positioned herself behind him and took to massaging the knots in his shoulders. It felt wonderful.

  “You know what,” Clara said. “I think all this sex calls for some pizza.”

  “Oh, yes,” Tobin moaned. The women laughed as Tobin continued to lean into the message. “Thank you both for this. I’m not used to people caring for me.”

  “It’s what you do for significant others, Tobin. You care for them. Especially when they do that tongue thing to you later,” Clara winked.

  Tobin gave her a sly wink back before she disappeared. As Estelle sat behind him, assuring him they’d work everything out somehow, Tobin felt like he had a home for the first time in his life. All of him was loved.


  Bonus Story 28/40

  Fallen Loki

  Fallen to Midgard. A piteous existence. To top it off he had been stripped of all powers and left in a female form. The now-woman looked at his new female form. At least he… or should he say, she was pretty. Yes, she was a comely maid. Ginger hair fell in gentle curls down her back. Her skin was pale with a sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks and nose. She was clad in a simple, olive green dress. She turned around, trying to get a good look at her curves. She hardly noticed another woman was nearby, staring, trembling in shock at her sudden appearance.

  “You... you fell from the sky,” the other woman said. “What... what are you?”

  “I am Loki of Asgard,” she said. “Midgardian woman... Why do you present yourself in your undergarments? Have you no shame? And your hair has been cut short. What have you done to deserve this punishment?”

  “Wait... Loki?” she looked stunned and confused. “And what do you mean undergarments? I like my hair short!”

  The woman had dark brown hair cut short at just above her shoulders. She wore a loose white t-shirt and faded jeans that hugged her hips tightly. She scowled at the alien woman, hands on her hips. Loki looked very puzzled. He had not expected a Midgardian woman, said to be weak and subservient to their men, to be so very confident.

  “Perhaps I did not make myself clear,” Loki said with a slight smirk. “I am LOKI of Asgard! I am a god and will be treated as such! Now clothe yourself, mortal woman, and take me somewhere where I might obtain sustenance.”

  “Ok, if you are Loki of Asgard, when’s the last time you fell to earth? No one talks like that, and I am clothed, modestly I might add,” the dark-haired woman said. Loki looked slightly bemused.

  “What is your name Midgardian?” Loki asked.

  “Alexis,” she replied. “Alexis Johnson.”

  “Johnson?” Loki appeared more confused than ever. “Are you woman or man?”

  Alexis did not have much to show in the chest, but she seemed too scrawny to be a man, which left Loki very puzzled indeed.

  “I am a woman, and listen here Miss ‘Loki of Asgard,’ all you have done since falling out of the sky like a meteorite is insult me and I’m not going to accept that. I was going to make sure you were alright, take you to the hospital and what not, but you can just sit here in your self-made little ditch and insult the next person who comes this way, which since you’re in the middle of nowhere, could come by in the next hour to the next several days!”

  Alexis was left with her chest heaving after the outburst, a finger pointing at the red-head and gentle blue eyes turning fierce as they glared. Loki looked at the finger pointing at her for a moment then smiled.

  “Oh, I think I like you very much, Alexis, daughter of John,” she said. “Come, let us leave this dismal place. You shall take me somewhere where I might cleanse myself and then buy suitable garments.”

  Loki brought her arms around Alexis and kissed her forehead. It was a common greeting on Asgard, but took Alexis by surprise.

  “Where are the horses?” Loki asked.

  “I don’t ride horses, but I do have a Mustang. It’s a convertible,” Alexis said awkwardly. “Uh... do you
have anything? Like spacey luggage or whatever? And I mean, I’ll give you a ride to town and to the hospital, but don’t go turning me into some kind of servant, Miss High and Mighty.”

  Loki laughed again.

  “See, this is why I like you, daughter of John,” she said. “So spirited. If I had my powers I surely would have used them against you by now for my benefit. You are very lucky I was stripped of them before I was cast down here, or you might find yourself turned into a ferret. I’m quite the sorcerer you see. My magical power is the stuff of legend!”

  “Uh huh,” Alexis led Loki to the car. “And yet, without me you’d be stuck here in a hole. Listen, this uppity attitude is going to get old really fast.”

  “I don’t know what you speak of,” Loki pouted her pretty lips at the human.

  “I bet you don’t,” she muttered before she drove Loki to the hospital. She wasn’t truly sure what she believed about this woman. She just dropped out of the sky like some crazy thrill seeking sky diver, or a survivor of a plane crash. Now she was babbling that she was some kind of Norse god. Maybe the fall had messed up her head.

  “I do not like this transport,” said Loki, testily.

  “We’re nearly there,” said Alexis.

  Soon they arrived, and went inside. Alexis did her best to explain the situation, but it was hard.

  “Yes, she just fell from the sky,” Alexis said for the fifth time. “I don’t know what happened, but I saw her fall. I was filming for my nature film, and next thing you know a woman in a green dress just fell right in front of me and skidded into the dirt. It was a horrendous fall, At least 300 feet. I brought her here to be sure nothing was broken or that she didn’t have any brain damage. She’s claiming to be the Norse god Loki from Asgard.”

  The nurse replied to Alexis, “Ma’am, you must have been mistaken, because there are no signs of any breaks in her body. There’s also no sign of any damage in the brain. However, it is possible that something traumatic occurred and that is why she is indulging in this fantasy. Was there anything on her about a family?”

  “No, nothing but a coin purse with some old looking coins in it.” Alexis said with a sigh. “I don’t even know her. I was just trying to be nice.”

  “Well, we’ll see what we can do about locating her family. Do you want us to keep in contact with you?” the nurse asked.

  “Yes, let me give you my phone number.” Alexis took up a pen and wrote down her number for the nurse. She saw ‘Loki’ in a white hospital gown, looking straight at her. She waved to her. Alexis sighed and decided to at least say goodbye.

  “Daughter of John, these people gave me these garments to wear,” Loki said. She spun around to show that she had no underwear on. Alexis blushed brightly and looked away for a moment.

  “Listen.... uh... Loki... the fact is, I can’t stay here with you. These people are going to help you. They’re going to try to find your family to come and get you. I’m not sure what really happened out there, whether you fell or something else happened, but you need help. I hope your family comes for you.”

  “My family cannot come for me Alexis, daughter of John,” Loki said. “Nor would they if they could. My family is on Jotunheim, and they are fierce to behold. Believe me, you do not want them to come here. They would destroy Midgard in a matter of days. My blood brother Odin is the one who sent me here in his anger. For the next 100 years I am burdened to live in this realm as a woman.”

  “See, this is what I’m talking about. Loki... you’re not really Loki. You’re not some Norse God of mischief... I don’t know who you are, but you can’t be that.”

  “Why can I not?” Loki interrupted her, fire in her green eyes. “Why can I not be what I am? A god and a trickster.”

  “Well... because they aren’t real...” Alexis tried to explain gently. Loki chuckled.

  “You are without truth in this realm. Once there was a time when a god of Asgard would come to Midgard and be worshiped. Now I fall to this realm and I am lucky that you know my name.”

  “Listen, I really want to help, but I just don’t know what to do...” Alexis said.

  “Get me out of here,” Loki said, pleading in her green eyes. “Your Midgardian healers cannot help me... I need somewhere to stay. Can I stay with you, daughter of John?”

  “I...please stop calling me that. My father’s name is Mark. Just call me Alexis, ok?” she said. She rubbed her temples trying to think of what to do.

  “Look, maybe I can get you out of here, but I don’t know, you should be able to sign yourself out,” Alexis told him. “I’ll get a doctor.”

  Loki calmly explained to the doctor that she felt fine and was going to look for a nearby cousin who would be able to take her home. Since there was nothing noticeably wrong apart from a few scrapes and bruises that doctor let her sign herself out. Alexis led her back to the car.

  “You really expect me to just let you stay with me because you claim to be a god?” Alexis asked. Loki humphed and gave a pout.

  “Back in the day it was an honor to have a god stay at your home,” she said. “Thor and I would travel down to Midgard and be treated like kings.”

  “You really believe this don’t you? That you’re a Norse God?” Alexis looked puzzled.

  “Because that is what I am, though you will never live to see it, unless your age is extended,” Loki replied.

  She let out a sigh.

  “Fine. Let’s go to my apartment,” she said.

  “I am hungry. I need nourishment Alexis,” Loki said firmly.

  “I’ll make something when we get to my apartment okay?”

  Alexis drove out of the hospital parking lot.

  “This is an interminable wait, Alexis,” said Loki. “And this vehicle again, it displeases me!”

  “You’ll just need to practice some patience. We’ll be there soon.”

  “I hate to wait,” Loki crossed her arms over her large chest. “I never had to wait back when Midgard was young.”

  “Well, Midgard isn’t so young anymore and people don’t even believe in you and your kin anymore,” Alexis pointed out. “The reason I know is because I’m a substitute teacher. The stories are fascinating, but they aren’t true.”

  “Well, maybe to me, your stories aren’t true. Believe me, you don’t give birth to an eight-legged horse and just forget about it,” Loki said huffily.

  Alexis looked over at Loki, giving her a peculiar look. “You can’t expect me to believe that,” she said. “First of all, you’re clearly human, and second of all, with a figure like that you expect me to believe you gave birth to a horse?? If you really want me to believe you, show me that you can shapeshift.”

  “I was a horse at the time of the birth. It was altogether a rather dreadful experience and one I would not like to repeat.” Loki said. “And I cannot. Odin in all his wisdom saw fit to strip me of my powers. I could not even change my hair color if I wished it.”

  Alexis looked incredulous, but then she smirked a little bit.

  “So... what did you do to be stripped of powers, turned into a woman AND thrown down here to earth?” she asked as she parked the car. She looked at Loki, her blue eyes sparkling with a certain mischief.

  “I... tricked Thor into an engagement with a troll...” Loki said, looking embarrassed. “It did not go as planned.”

  Alexis snorted with laughter.

  “I thought Thor was already married to Sif. I imagine that didn’t go over well with her either. Anyway, come on, I’ll make dinner.” Alexis got out of the car.

  “Sif was indeed displeased. But then, Sif hasn’t liked me since the incident with the hair cutting,” Loki said, thinking aloud as she tried to get out of the car. She couldn’t for the life of her figure out how the car door worked.

  “You’ve certainly done your homework, I must say that,” Alexis said. She watched Loki struggle with the door and nervously tucked a piece of her short dark hair behind her ear. “Do you need help?”

Of course not, don’t be foolish!” the red-haired woman said as she struggled. “I do not see why you would even need such a contraception. Do horses no longer exist in this realm?” She began to bang on the door with her fists out of frustration. Alexis began to smirk. It was just so funny. She covered her mouth to avoid laughing before she walked over and opened the door. She pointed out the handle and showed Loki how to pull it.

  “Horses still exist, but it’s cheaper and more convenient to own a car,” she explained. “Come on Loki. You said you were hungry.”

  “Famished,” Loki said with a hand to her stomach. “I did not receive a chance to dine before my blood brother saw fit to cast me out.”

  “You’re really going to stick this out?” Alexis asked. “I don’t know if you’re playing a trick or if you’re completely mad. You just don’t give up. I’m hungry too though, so let’s go.”

  Alexis led Loki up to her apartment. It wasn’t very big, just a few rooms.

  “It’s not much, but make yourself comfortable,” said Alexis. Loki looked around for a moment. She looked confused.

  “This is all?” she asked. Alexis scowled angrily, hands on her hips.

  “Don’t get all high and mighty with me,” she said. “I’m not rich or powerful, but at least I believe you.” She bit her lower lip thoughtfully before she spoke again. “Well... I don’t exactly believe you... but... kind of... I guess.”

  “I am the god of lies. I can tell when you fib,” Loki said with a sad sort of look. “You have not believed anything I have told you.”

  She sat down on the couch, twisting a long lock of red hair around her finger as she sighed sadly.

  “Midgard has grown into a godless land...” she said, looking very disappointed.

  “Well, I don’t completely not believe you...” Alexis said softly. She couldn’t help but agree. Earth had no real gods to believe in anymore.


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