Built for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #5)

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Built for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #5) Page 13

by Sharon Cummin

"Cat got your tongue," he said.

  "I wasn't," she began. "I wasn't trying to get your."

  She stopped and closed her eyes.

  "My what?" he asked. "What were you going to say?"

  Tara couldn't believe the position she had put herself in.

  "Don't try to blame this on me," he said, as leaned down so his mouth was next to her ear. "I was innocently tickling you. You're the one that had to bring my nipple and cock into this."

  The way he said the word cock had her clenching her thighs together.

  Heath's tongue darted out and licked her neck just below her ear. She moved beneath him. His teeth scraped against her neck and she stilled. Heath reached between them, grabbed both of her hands in his, and held them above her head as he slid down her body a bit until he was straddling her perfectly. She felt his erection through his jeans against her belly. When she pulled her lower lip into her mouth, he leaned down and took her nipple, covered with clothes, into his mouth.

  "Heath," she whispered.

  "It's only fair," he whispered, as he pulled back and looked into her eyes.

  She sat with her hands in his above her head and his dark eyes staring into hers. His lips were so plump. They looked so soft. A small smirk lifted the corners of her lips. She moved her hips against him. He didn't break contact with her eyes. She ground against him again. He sat still. She continued looking into his eyes, as she moved forward quickly and pulled his bottom lip between her teeth and sucked. It was soft and warm. She thought he'd pull away, but he didn't. It wasn't like her to have dirty thoughts, but she couldn't stop them. One after the other, she thought about all of the things his muscular body could do with hers. When she released his lip with a pop, a small smirk spread across his face. His eyes were so dark and demanding. She felt her body reacting to only that look. It was so damn intense. She felt her body shake and move beneath his. He still didn't move his gaze. It was like he could see everything inside of her. Did he know what she was thinking, she wondered? Did he know what she imagined him doing to her? It was all too much. She felt like she was going to lose it. His look was something she would never be able to erase from her mind. She found herself wondering if he was awkward in bed. Would he be greedy like her ex? Would it be all about him? She felt her thighs clench again. What the hell, she thought? Say something. One of them needed to say something.

  Heath put both of her hands in one of his and slid his other hand down her arm bringing goosebumps with it. He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, leaned down, and claimed her mouth. She gasped into the air just as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. His kiss was filled with that same deep passion as his eyes. He was making it known that he was the one in control. His tongue worked her mouth like she had never experienced before. She loved Rick when they were together, but not once in their relationship did his kiss make her feel the way Heath's was in that moment. She was taking her breaths from him. A small moan escaped her lips, and he swallowed it down. When she pulled her arms to free her hands, he held her tight and chuckled into her mouth. She knew her panties were completely soaked. His kiss was sexy and hot. She felt desired by him. She needed something. It had been way to long since she'd had any release. Living at Heath's, she was too afraid he'd hear her if she touched herself. Her hips went up and rubbed against his extremely hard cock in his jeans.

  When he pulled back from their kiss, she instantly felt sad at the loss of his mouth on hers. Heath looked deep into her eyes, grabbed under her arms, and lifted her onto the couch. He reached down to adjust himself, and she couldn't help but want to feel it. Her tongue darted out and moved across her lower lip.

  "Stop," he demanded.

  Her eyes widened at the tone in his words. He was so quiet and soft spoken most of the time. She'd put him through so much when they met. He'd always stayed calm and appeared laid back. The side of him she was seeing in front of her was totally different. Her body jerked when he slid his fingers under the hem of her shirt and touched her belly. He lifted it up, and she thought about stopping him. She'd had two kids, and she knew her body wasn't what it used to be. Rick had been sure to remind her of that. It was as if Heath could hear her thoughts. He continued pulling it up and over her head but stopped just as her head came through the hole. Her arms were up, and her shirt was wrapped around them. Their eyes were still connected. She moved to take her shirt off the rest of the way, but he shook his head at her. When she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, he leaned forward, pulled it between his lips, and skimmed his teeth across it as he released it. Her bra was unhooked and over her head with her shirt in seconds. He sat back, moved his eyes from hers, looked up and down her, and smiled. He took her breast in his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before pulling her nipple into his mouth and sucking. His tongue traveled circles around it before sucking it harder. Her back arched on its own, as she pushed herself against his mouth. He moved to the other side to repeat the process. Then he trailed soft kisses and licks down her belly.

  When he moved to undo the button on her jeans, she sucked in a huge breath. The thought of being completely exposed to him turned her on and scared her at the same time. She'd only been with one man for years, and her experiences weren't that great of a memory for her. Tara wasn't sure what to expect and was so nervous about him seeing all of her flaws.

  "Heath," she whispered.

  He kept his hands still but pulled his head back to look at her.

  "Yes," he said.

  "I'm not perfect, not even close. Are you sure?" she began, but he cut her off.

  "How do you know? What makes you say that?" he asked.

  "I've had two kids. There are marks and scars. I'm just," she said unsure of herself.

  "Every single one of those marks was put there by those two amazing boys. They mean love. They mean family. They mean perfection. Don't you ever talk about yourself as anything less. I don't care what that asshole said to you. You look amazing. Now close your eyes and feel, Tara. No thinking, just feeling."

  She let her head fall back and closed her eyes. He undid the button and zipper and slowly slid her pants down her legs. When a growl came from his chest, she felt her thighs clench, but he held her legs apart and wouldn't let them move together. His mouth went forward and kissed her through her panties. She tightened her legs again, and he laughed. With one finger, he moved her panties to the side and licked the inside of her thigh and up her wet path. A moan escaped her lips again, and she made sure to keep her eyes closed. She didn't want to think. All she wanted was to feel him against her. Heath worked her with his tongue as she arched her back and ground herself against his face. It felt amazing. Every lick and every touch was unlike anything she'd felt before. He was soft but rough at the same time. She would never have imagined him as controlling or demanding, but he was both of those things in the best possible way. When she moved to release her hands from their binds, he snapped out for her to leave them still. While it was demanding, it sent a jolt of electricity straight down between her legs. She felt him watching her but refused to open her eyes. While she knew looking into those dark, sexy eyes would put her over the edge, she didn't want to risk thinking instead of feeling. His tongue continued to work her. She was dripping wet.

  "Fucking perfect," he said with his mouth against her. "You have no idea how amazing you taste. I want every bit of what you have to give me, Tara. Don't hold back."

  She heard the rip of her panties and felt air against her exposed skin. That was it. She was completely open to him. Her legs moved wider apart with his hands and he let out a groan.

  "So damn perfect. You're fucking beautiful. I love looking up your body to see your arms above your head, that sexy look on your face, and your body laid out and waiting for everything I want to do."

  She moaned into the air as his mouth took control again. His finger worked her clit, while his tongue devoured her pussy. He hit every sensitive spot and made her feel so much. It was amazing. He knew exactly how to use t
hat tongue to work magic. Her hips went forward against him when he took her clit into his mouth. She moaned and mumbled without fear of what he would say. When his finger entered her, her hips shot forward and she moaned his name. He fucked her with his finger at the same pace that his tongue assaulted her pussy. She kept her eyes closed and tried to move her arms. Tara wanted to bury her fingers in his hair and pull his face closer, but she couldn't. He must have been able to tell she was still thinking.

  "Don't hold back, Tara," he said. "Take what you need. I want to hear you come at the same time that I feel your pussy suck my fingers hard. Let it go. Feel it for me. Take it all."

  He began thrusting into her faster. She moved her hips in rhythm with his fingers. Her ass went up and she pushed forward against his finger and tongue. Her body moved, as her fingers gripped the couch above her head. Heath hooked his fingers, sped up the pace of his tongue, and applied more pressure to her clit all at the same time. She flew over the edge. Her body jerked and moved, and she cried out his name. She tried to bite down on her lip to keep from crying out again, but it was no use. He continued with his fingers and his tongue. She moved and shook beneath him. His name left her lips over and over. Just as she was coming down from her intense orgasm, he slowed his movements. It had been too long since she had given herself any kind of release. She was sure that was why it was so intense with Heath. When she opened her eyes, he was looking up at her and licking his lips clean of her juices. She moved forward and looked down at the bulge in his pants.

  "My turn," she whispered, as she moved forward on the couch.

  Just as she moved to undo his jeans, one of the boys cried out from their room. He pulled her shirt back down over her head. She clasped and adjusted her bra. Heath grabbed her jeans and held them for her to step into them without panties. She pulled them up and buttoned them. When she looked back at him, he had a smile on his face and pulled her into his chest.

  "Go take care of him," he said.

  She took off up the stairs to Jason's room. All she could think about was how amazing Heath was. Rick never would have told her take care of the boys instead of him. It would have ended up in an argument about her putting the boys first. Heath never gave it a second thought. He immediately told her to take care of her son. She couldn't help but think about the amazing man that had just given her the best orgasm she had ever had in her life and wonder what other things would be like with him.

  When she got to Jason's room, he was crying from having a bad dream. She sat down on the bed with him and hugged him tight. All she could think about was what would have happened if she hadn't gone upstairs.

  She opened her eyes and blinked at the lights shining through the curtains. Then she looked at the clock next to the bed. Oh shit, she thought. She was in Jason's room, but he wasn't in bed with her. Where could he be, she wondered? When she jumped from the bed and pulled the door open, she heard laughing coming from the steps. The boys were being very loud and she worried they would wake Heath. It was strange that Jason hadn't woken her up. He always woke her as soon as he was up. The sounds of laughter filling the hallway had her laughing as well. There were three different voices coming from the stairs. She walked slowly to the steps and couldn't believe her eyes. There sat Heath on the step with Jason on his legs. Jordan was waiting patiently at the bottom as Heath and Jason slid down. Tara moved back before they could see her. She hurried back to Jason's room. As soon as she heard the laughing, she walked quietly back to the steps to see Jordan on Heath's legs. When they reached the bottom, Heath fell from the last step with a thump. Both boys were cracking up as they jumped up and down on him. Tara stood at the top of the steps with her arms folded over her chest. She tried her best to put her serious face on. Heath looked up at her with the most innocent eyes she had ever seen. She couldn't believe they were the same eyes that had lit a fire within her the night before.

  "No walking zone," Heath said.

  "What?" she asked.

  "It's a no feet zone. You have to slide if you want to come down."

  She shook her head at the smart-ass smirk that was covering his face. It was a good thing she was still wearing her jeans from the night before. Tara plopped down on her rear, stuck her legs out, and slid down the stairs like a pro. When she reached the bottom, Jason and Jordan jumped onto her lap and hugged her.

  "Why don't we get some breakfast, boys," Heath said. "We were heading to the kitchen an hour ago to make your mom some food. Now that we've woken her up, we can all make it together."

  He took each of the boys by the hand and walked toward the kitchen with a smile on his face.

  "Did they wake you up?" Tara asked Heath, as she followed behind them.

  "No," he said. "I woke them up. We just got a little distracted. I'm going to have a huge bruise later."

  Tara covered her face and turned so he wouldn't see her laugh.

  "Just because I can't see you doesn't mean I can't hear you," he said. "Is that where the boys get it?"

  Tara grabbed a dish towel from the counter and rolled it around. She looked over her shoulder to see Heath standing at the fridge. When she turned around and snapped it at him, he jumped and narrowed his eyes at her.

  "You're going to pay for that," he growled.

  She felt her thighs clench in response to his tone as her eyes widened. When the boys ran to the fridge, Heath began handing them things to put on the table. She was relieved that he hadn't been able to say anything else.

  The four of them made the biggest mess while they made breakfast. Heath filled their plates and and handed them to Tara to put on the table. She made sure they each had a drink before she sat down.

  Heath's phone vibrated on the table and he quickly picked it up to read the text. Tara felt jealousy run through her veins when she thought about who it could be. Was it Lisa, one of the guys, or someone else she wondered? He typed for a moment. Then it buzzed again. He typed again before setting the phone back down on the table. When he looked up at her, she wondered if he was going to say anything. The phone buzzed again, but he didn't pick it up. She felt her body tense even though she knew she had no right to know his business. He picked it up, typed, and set it back down again.

  "That was Gavin," he said. "He texted me last night while we were watching the movie. I was going to say something about it right before you distracted me."

  "More like you distracted me," she said with a shrug. "I knew the smile meant something."

  "Now that the girls are home and they're a month old, Gavin wants everyone to come over for dinner. He said he's not cooking. I guess Josh said he'd supply the food."

  "That's cool," she said. "You should go by the store and pick up something for each of the girls. When is it?"

  "Tomorrow," He said.

  "Oh," she said. "I was going to offer to go pick something up if it was next weekend."

  "It's tomorrow. We can get something later today," He said. "Do the boys know anyone besides Lisa?"

  "They've met Becky a couple of times. Why?"

  "I was just wondering if they had met anyone else. Do you think they remember her?" he asked.

  The two boys were talking to each other and hadn't heard Heath.

  "I'm sure they do," she said. "Why?"

  She was confused about why he cared if they remembered Becky.

  "Should we tell them Lisa will be there? Do you think that would help them?" he asked.

  "Wait a minute," Tara said. "Why would the boys care if Lisa is going to be at Gavin's with you tomorrow?"

  "Because you're going with me," he said.

  Tara shook her head right away.

  "No we aren't," she said. "I'm not going to Gavin's house. Sure, I was at the shower. That was just because of Lisa. I'm not close to Becky. You have a great time with them. I will be right here with the boys."

  "Nope," he said, as if there wasn't a decision to be made. "We're all going together."

  He turned his phone to show her the text he had s
ent Gavin.

  Heath: Count me in for four people.

  Tara put her hands up and shook her head again.

  "I'm not taking the boys over your friend's house. It's one thing that you let us stay here while you work on our house. It's a totally different thing for us to go to gatherings with you and your friends. We'll see you when you get home."

  He shook his head.

  "Nope," he said. "You're going with me. The boys will love it. There will be other kids there. Jack will be there. So will John's grandkids Eric and Sarah. It'll be fun for them."

  "What about me?" Tara asked.

  "What about you?" he said.

  "You don't think it's going to be awkward when I come to Gavin's with you? Lisa is your best friend. She's my friend as well. She has no idea I am living in your house or that you were the one working on mine the entire time."

  "I guess she'll find out tomorrow then. You're going with me. I don't care if I have to pick you up, throw you over my shoulder, and put you in my truck. You might as well just come to terms with it and walk your ass out to the truck yourself. The boys might think it's a little silly if I have to carry you."

  Heath got up, put his plate in the sink, and walked out of the kitchen, while Tara sat at the table unable to comprehend what had just happened.

  Chapter 23


  He laughed as he walked up the stairs and went to his room to get dressed. Why would she think she wouldn't go with him, he thought? She had been living in his house. It wasn't like he was just going to leave her home and go himself. He knew she would have fun with the ladies, and the boys would have a blast.

  When she mentioned what Lisa was going to think, he was surprised that the idea of her being upset hadn't bothered him. Heath knew he was going to remain friends with Tara long after she moved back into her house. Lisa would learn about that friendship eventually. He thought back on the last month since the babies were born. Lisa hadn't entered his thoughts much at all. Not since that day at the hospital when she went off on him about his eye and the woman he was fighting for. He had been so pissed that day. She was judging him and the person he was spending time with. Lisa had acted like she had the right to behave that way, but she didn't. She would always be his best friend, but she needed to stay out of certain things. He didn't go around telling her what she should and shouldn't do with Josh. Heath actually stayed away as much as he could.


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