Built for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #5)

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Built for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #5) Page 19

by Sharon Cummin

  Tara laughed and he swatted her ass.

  "Never laugh at me while my cock is buried balls deep inside of you," he joked.

  Heath turned on the water and stepped under it. Tara loved the feeling of the hot water running down her chest. He slammed her against the shower wall and fucked her hard and deep. She was crying out while he reached deep inside of her with his hard shaft. Tara knew she would never get enough of him, and she couldn't wait to see all he had to offer her.

  Tara moaned his name as she came hard around his cock. Moments later he roared out as he found his own release. When he slid her body down his, she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. He wrapped a towel around her and dried her skin with care. Then he dried his own. She looked at him and smiled.

  "You will always come before me," he said, as he picked her up, threw back the covers, and dropped her on the bed. "Now scoot your ass over."

  Heath crawled in behind her, wrapped his arm around her, and pulled her back against his chest. She nuzzled into the curve of his body and let out a satisfied sigh.

  "What do you think of Hawaii?" he asked.

  "Why?" she asked. "That kind of came out of nowhere."

  "I was thinking about looking for a house. Do you think the boys would like it there?" he asked.

  "Are you serious?" she asked.

  "Very," he answered. "Ethan, Gavin, and John already have them there. I was thinking about buying one too. The one I want to buy is next to Gavin's. What do you think?"

  "I knew you were all close, but I had no idea it was like that," she joked.

  "Gavin's uncle started it. Then they each bought next door to the other. There are two for sale, but I like one way more than the other. Lisa and Josh are considering one as well. The one I like has four bedrooms. We could stay there in the summers or whenever you want."

  "You're not joking," she said.

  "I'm not," he said. "It's right on the beach. I could keep you in a bikini all day long. Those assholes better not even think about looking your way."

  Tara wiggled her ass against him and laughed.

  "I only have eyes for you, babe," she said. "Are you sure you want to spoil me like that?"

  "I plan on spoiling you every moment of every day," he said. "If you don't stop shaking that ass against me, I'm going take you again right now."

  "Fuck," she whispered, as she shook her ass against him again.

  Tara learned quickly, as she found herself on her back with Heath buried deep inside of her in seconds, that he meant exactly what he said.


  One Month Later

  Tara's book was selling beyond her wildest dreams. She had made the bestselling list and was so excited about the feedback she was receiving.

  The boys had all of their things moved into their new house. Heath had taken them with him to pick out things for their rooms. Jordan moved into the guest room while his was done first. Then Jason moved down the hall while he waited not so patiently for Heath to finish his room. They were both adjusting very well to the idea of living there permanently. Each weekend they both seemed to end up sleeping between Tara and Heath by morning.

  Heath and his team had just started on their next house that would end up housing a family that really needed it. Tara helped more than Heath thought she would, and she loved being a part of something so amazing. Every time one of the guys asked why she wanted to help even though she wasn't being paid, she always had the same response.

  "Someone was there for me when nobody else was, and I want to do that for others. Each time I help, I'm doing something amazing for a family in need."

  Heath told Tara to take the day off and spend it with the boys. Her mom called her and asked if she would bring the boys over for lunch. Once they were there, her mom asked if the boys could spend the night. She told Tara how proud she was of how well her book was doing and thought she could use a night off. Tara pulled her phone out as she got in her car to go back home.

  Tara: My mom wanted to keep the boys for the night.

  Heath pulled his phone out when he heard the buzz. He smiled as he read it.

  Heath: Get dressed up. I'm taking you out.

  Tara: You're working so hard. Are you sure you don't want to just stay home?

  He laughed when he read it and thought about his amazing woman worrying about him.

  Heath: Nope. I'll make reservations. That means when I come home, you can't jump me at the front door. You're going to have to control yourself until after dinner.

  Tara: I'll do my best. Are you sure you can fit that big head through the door?

  Heath read her text and knew there would be another right away.

  Tara: Don't answer that. I don't even want to know what went through your mind. I'll see you at home.

  They walked through the restaurant door just in time for their reservation. It wasn't Tara that hadn't been able to control herself at the house. As soon as they were seated Tara heard Heath's phone buzz. He didn't move to check it. The waiter brought out a bottle of champagne and put it by the table. Neither of them ever ordered. Tara watched Heath closely. Dish after dish was brought out to them. Each one more elaborate than the next. The entire time, Heath kept watching her. She could see how nervous he was. It was very unusual for the extremely confident man in front of her.

  A man walked up to their table playing a violin and Tara watched the man play effortlessly. She was so mesmerized by the music that she didn't see Heath move from his chair and drop to his knee in front of her. When he reached forward and took her hand, she looked at him and her eyes widened. His phone buzzed again on the table, and Tara looked over for a moment before looking back at him.

  "Tara," he said. "I know our relationship started on the wrong foot. You drove me crazy from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I couldn't decide if I wanted to hug you or walk off the job. I watched your daily life, and the more I saw, the more I wanted to be a part of it. When you walked out of my house that day, I thought my world was over. I was losing you and those two little boys. Then I read your book, and my life was forever changed. I realized that I wasn't alone in my feelings. You felt it too. I went to you so damn afraid you were going to turn me away, but you didn't. When I walked in and saw your face, I knew it was tearing you apart just as badly as it was me. This past month has honestly been the best month of my life. It's been busy, crazy, and so loud, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I know that you're it for me. You're mine. You're the one I will spend the rest of my life loving. I promise to love, cherish, protect, and keep you happy for as long as you'll have me. I want the four of us to be a family, Tara. Will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you be my wife?"

  Tara had tears in her eyes as she looked at the love of her life. How could she have ever thought she had love before him, she thought? Nothing even came close to way Heath made her feel. She knew she would love him forever. His phone buzzed again, and she looked over at it. He waited patiently on his knee for her answer. Tara jumped when Josh came flying up behind Heath.

  "Lisa," Josh said. "Baby."

  "She's having the baby?" Tara asked.

  "Yes," Josh said. "I have to go."

  Tara had no idea they were in one of Josh's restaurants. It made perfect sense that everything seemed to flow perfectly without Heath ever saying a word to the waiter. Heath stood up and looked at Josh.

  "Calm down," Heath said with his hands on Josh's arms. "You're a firefighter."

  "This is different," Josh said.

  "We'll drive you," Tara yelled out.

  Heath turned back to her, took her hands in his, and smiled.

  "You're killing me here, baby," he said. "Can I please get an answer?"

  "Yes," she said. "I want nothing more than to be your wife. I love you so much, babe."

  Tara wrapped her arms around Heath and hugged him tight. He pulled her hand to him and slipped the ring on her finger. She looked down at it and yelped.

t is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my life," she said, as she pulled him into a hug again.

  Tara looked over and watched Josh's face turning pale. She grabbed his arm and looked at Heath.

  "We need to go have a baby," she said, as she looked back at Josh.

  Heath grabbed his phone and the three of them took off. They got in Heath's truck, and he quickly checked his texts. He was pretty sure they were from Lisa, but he was wrong.

  "Shit!" he yelled.

  "What is it?" Tara asked.

  "Julie's having the baby," he said. "You sure Lisa's having the baby, Josh? Maybe she meant that Julie was."

  "No," Josh said. "Lisa is on her way to the hospital. My mom was with her when she went into labor."

  Tara burst out in laughter.

  "This is a day I'll never forget," she said.

  When they got to the hospital, they went to where Lisa was first. As soon as she saw Tara, she pulled her into a hug and grabbed her hand. When she saw the ring, she smiled wide.

  "Congratulations! I'm so sorry for being such a bitch. You two are perfect for each other. He's my best friend. I know you'll be so good to him. I'm so happy you found a man that will treat you right. I know he will cherish you and the boys. I'm very happy for you."

  "I'm sorry we didn't tell you at the shower that we knew each other. I was so worried over the divorce, the house, and the fact that Heath made me feel things I'd never felt before. I think we were both in denial."

  Heath walked up behind Tara and looked down at Lisa.

  "What are you telling my woman?" he asked, as he pulled Tara in close to him.

  "I told her I was sorry and that I was happy for her. I have so many more things to tell her later about you. Don't worry about that," Lisa said.

  "You better not," Heath said. "She hasn't figured out that I don't deserve her yet. Don't ruin it for me."

  Tara squeezed him tight and stood up on her toes to kiss his cheek.

  "You have that all wrong, babe," she said. "I totally deserve you."

  Heath smacked her on the ass and laughed.

  After four hours of moving between the two rooms, both babies were born. John was right there with his brother. Surprisingly, Ethan did a great job being there for his wife and holding himself together. They had a little boy they named Ethan John, and Josh and Lisa had a little girl they named Gracie Rose. Becky was the only one that hadn't made it to the hospital. She was at home with the girls.

  Heath saw Gavin standing alone with a nervous look on his face and walked over to him.

  "Are you okay, Gavin?" he asked. "You look a little strange."

  "If I tell you something, can you promise not to tell anyone? I need to tell someone, but Becky would kill me if she knew I did," Gavin asked.

  Heath put his hand on his friend's shoulder.

  "What is it?" he asked.

  "Becky's pregnant," Gavin whispered.

  "What the fuck?" Heath blurted out.

  "Quiet down," Gavin said.

  "I'm sorry," Heath said. "When have you even had time to get her pregnant? The girls haven't been home that long and you two always look exhausted."

  "I know it, man," Gavin said. "Our kids are only going to be eleven months apart. What am I going to do if we have twins again?"

  Heath looked at Gavin and pulled him in for a hug.

  "That won't happen twice," Heath said, as he tried to help the situation. "We're all here for you. You know every single one of us will be there to help. Next time she has the baby, stay the hell away from her for a minute."

  "Very funny," Gavin said. "Thanks man. I feel better knowing I at least told someone. I'm happy. Don't get me wrong. I just think I'm in shock. Please don't tell anyone yet."

  "You've got my word, man," Heath said.

  Both Josh and Ethan brought the babies together and held them so Gavin could take a picture to send to Becky.

  Heath stood behind Tara with his arms wrapped around her. He looked over at the two proud dads and the very nervous one taking the pictures and leaned down close to her ear.

  "That's what I want," he said.

  "What?" Tara said, as she turned in his arms. "I thought you didn't want kids of your own."

  "That was before I met their perfect mom," he said. "I've changed my mind. I want to have so many babies with you."

  Tara wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

  "Just when I thought the day couldn't get any better," she said. "I'm ready when you are."

  Heath grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the hospital.

  "How about now?" he asked, picking up the pace to his truck.

  Tara laughed as she ran behind him. She pushed him against his truck and slammed her mouth to his.

  "How did I ever get so lucky?" she asked.

  "You said it yourself," he said with a sexy smirk. "I was built for love."

  The End.

  Be sure to watch for my next novel - “The Future of Love” (Bachelor Billionaire #6). The final book in the series.

  I will also be working on “A Bright Future”, “The Dark Night Returns”, and “His Assistant: The Final Story”.

  In December I will be releasing a huge stepbrother collection containing six complete box sets I have written under another name.

  I am not positive on release dates at this moment. Please join my mailing list and friend me on facebook to be notified of new release information. The links are below.

  Please continue on for the Prologue of “A Blast from the Past”, Chapter 1 of “His Assistant - Part 1”, and Chapter 1 and 2 of “A Love Rekindled” (The Game of Love #1).

  Other Stories by Sharon Cummin

  Romance Series

  Romance and a... Series: The Complete Collection

  Billionaire Romance Series

  Finding Love, Keeping Love, and Saving Love

  Bachelor Billionaire Series

  Sea of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #1)

  Sea of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #1 of a 5 novel series.

  Hot for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #2)

  Hot for Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #2 of a 5 novel series.

  Battle for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #3)

  Battle for Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #3 of a 5 novel series.

  Rescue of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #4)

  Rescue of Love is a complete, stand-alone novel. It is #4 of a 5 novel series.

  The Game of Love Series

  The Game of Love Boxed Set

  His Assistant Serials

  His Assistant Serials: Complete Box Set

  Unexpected Love Serials

  Unexpected Love Box Set (It Happened in Vegas and What Happened After Vegas?)

  A Blast from the Past (A Second Chance Romance)

  A Blast from the Past (A Second Chance Romance)

  The Dark Night

  The Dark Night

  Check out my Amazon Author Page - http://www.amazon.com/author/sharoncummin

  Please subscribe to my email list by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject mailing list, to be notified of my new releases and freebies.

  You can also join my mailing list here Sharon Cummin's mailing list

  Please leave a review. I am interested in hearing your thoughts.

  A Blast from the Past (A Second Chance Romance)


  Twenty Years Earlier


  It was a day I would never forget for the rest of my life. The trees were blowing and clouds filled the sky. I woke up to the sound of a door slamming outside. Summer had just started. You would think I would've been excited, but I wasn't. I liked school and didn't want to be home for three months. It was one of the only places I was able to get away from home and be myself. Our town was pretty small, and everyone knew each other. I had a couple of friends at school, but my dad didn't let me have people over. Summer was pretty boring for me.

; The couple that lived next door to me had just moved out. They were old and said it was too cold for them. I think my mom said they were going to Florida. When I heard a second car door slam, I was afraid to look. Who was moving in, I wondered? Was it more old people, or was it a bunch of bratty kids? I had just turned fourteen and was going to start high school in the fall. There was no way I wanted a bunch of tiny ones running around. It would be so loud. When I heard a third car door close, I knew I had to look.

  I moved to my window and opened my shade the rest of the way. When I looked over and saw him, my mouth dropped open wide. He was the cutest boy I had ever seen. How old was he, I wondered? He was taller than me, but that didn't mean anything. I was pretty short compared to the other kids my age. He had short, dark hair. I saw a man and a woman with him. There weren't many cute boys in our town. I had lived there my whole life, so I knew all of the other kids.

  The boy walked up to the front porch and shook his head. I watched him look up at my window before he sat down on the top step hanging his head down. What was he like, I wondered? There were a million things running wild through my mind. He could be smart, athletic, quiet, loud, nerdy, mean, nice, or sarcastic. Maybe he didn't want to live there. Parents made all the decisions for us. I didn't want him to feel alone. That was a horrible feeling. His mom walked out and said something to him. He got up, shook his head, and walked into the house.

  The next morning, I looked out my window and saw him sitting against a tree with his head in his arms. I wanted to know why he seemed so sad. That was a feeling I knew well sometimes. I knew how guys could be, and I knew I needed to appear confident and in charge. I wasn't sure what I was dealing with and didn't want to end up being bossed around by some boy. I threw some clothes on, brushed my teeth, grabbed some flip-flops, and threw my hair up quickly, as I took off out the door. It was time to welcome him and let him know he was in my territory.


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