The Vampire's Slave (Tales of Vampires Book 1)

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The Vampire's Slave (Tales of Vampires Book 1) Page 8

by Zara Novak

  Eric sank to the bed, and what little color existed in his pale cheeks, drained most completely.

  Claire, sensing that there was something about the news that was dreadfully frightening to Eric, sat beside him on the bed, brushing her palm down his back.

  “It’s alright.” Claire said. “It’s probably a little sooner for meeting your parents than I would have liked,” She joked, attempting to lighten the mood, “I’ll do my best to be charming however.”

  “You don’t understand Claire.” Eric said, shaking his head in dread like a man who had been condemned to die. “It’s not my father that I’m worried about it’s the Castle. Now they know that you’re here, every male vampire under this spired roof will be vying to claim you before I can.”

  “But that’s ridiculous!” Claire scoffed, “I won’t let them do that.”

  “It’s not a case of letting them…”

  “Oh Eric you’re right.” Sophia said, finally catching drift of why he’d wanted so much secrecy in the first place. “You don’t think this will bring back the bad people do you?”

  “Bring them back?” Eric rose from the bed and walked to the window, pulling up the dark blind, revealing the vast and swollen midnight vista of the valley floor below. He turned back to Sophia and Claire, his face etched with a grave expression. “They never left. They’ve been hiding here, waiting, all this time. We can trust no one now Sophia. Tonight we will learn who our real friends are.”

  Eric looked at Claire. “Claire. Get ready.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “We’re going to visit my father.”

  7. Claire

  They were on the way to visit Eric’s father when the first one attacked. After walking down several flights of stairs and through a long stone tunnel that cut through the mountain, they emerged on the western wing of Castle Belmont.

  “Stay very still.” Eric said as they walked round a corner. “Something is hunting us.”

  Claire swallowed at something in her throat, taking a step back from Eric. He stood perfectly still, staring at the empty stone corridor ahead. Next thing Claire knew, the corridor was a blast of noise and sound. A strange and ghastly voice filled the air amid the chaos.

  “Give it to us!”

  Claire pulled into a corner, and threw her hands over her head.

  “You crossed the wrong Belmont today.”

  Claire opened her eyes at the sound of Eric’s voice, and she saw him standing over a tall and gaunt looking vampire. He was holding the vampire off the ground by it’s shirt, a stake pressed against it’s chest.

  “You can’t kill me, I’m your father’s oldest ally!”

  “You should have thought of that before you sought to claim my mate.”

  The gaunt vampire snarled it’s teeth. It’s dark grey eyes rolled around in it’s wicked head, flicking back and forth from Claire to Eric.

  “You shouldn’t be walking through here with a breeder!” His voice hissed, sounding like metal on dry stone. “You’re asking for trouble!”

  Claire could see Eric was debating whether or not to respond, but he didn’t. He simply pushed the stake into the vampire’s chest, causing the creature to let out a tortured scraping sound that somewhat resembled a scream.

  The creature burst into a cloud of dust and ash. Eric stood up, looking back to Claire.

  “Are you-”

  “Eric behind you!”

  Eric turned to heed Claire’s warning, but not fast enough. Another creature had pounced from down the length of the corridor. In one swift move it grabbed Eric and launched him against the stone wall. Eric’s body crumpled through the wall like a wrecking ball, knocking a huge hole in the side of the corridor, into the room next door.

  The attacker looked in the direction whence it had thrown Eric and let out a single yet deep laugh from it’s barreled chest.

  “Vampires.” The creature shook it’s head then settled it’s eyes on Claire. “So fucking weak.”

  The thing strode toward Claire confidently, while she remained frozen in the corner. Claire looked upon the creature with horror. Not a vampire, not a man, some sort of moving statue.

  “Come here pretty darling.” The creature’s deep voice boomed from it’s mammoth body. It reached out to grab Claire, it’s stone hand was nearly upon her when Eric jumped back into the corridor.

  “Stop right there Golem. You have no need for a woman. What are you doing?”

  The creature stopped and turned to face Eric. “I may not, but there are many vampires who would pay a good price for her. Stay away vampire, your strength cannot match my own.”

  “I’ll kill you before I let you touch her.”

  The stone giant laughed. “Just try, we both know vampires can’t hurt Golems.”

  Claire’s eyes flicked from the Golem to Eric and back again. Eric looked like a coiled spring, ready to strike. He didn’t have chance to attack the creature though, for the next thing a rail of bright red fire burst through the corridor, hitting the stone creature squarely in the chest.

  The Golem burst into a cloud of rock and dust. Claire turned from the explosion, but she was still covered from head to toe in dust. Eric was back beside her in a blur, standing in front of her and the source of the red fire. Claire looked around and saw a young woman, with ebony skin and black curly hair. She wore a long opal dress that matched the color of her eyes.

  “Ezra?!” Surprise marred Eric’s voice. “I thought you were fighting the White Order… what on earth are you doing here?!”

  “I’m back.” The ebony skinned woman stepped toward them, her crystal blue eyes looking Claire up and down. “You must be Claire.” She held out a hand and Claire took it. “I’m Ezra. Resident witch of the Castle Belmont.” She turned back to look at Eric. “Looks like I got back just in the nick of time, what did I miss?”

  Eric eyed her, still looking as if he was in disbelief.

  “Don’t fear Eric. I know breeders are a rarity in your kind, but I’m not hear to fight you. My allegiance lies with Castle Belmont, as it always has done.”

  Eric seemed to relax a little at her words.

  “How did you know she was a breeder?”

  “I saw this several moons ago. It was a rare possibility, but it seems it has come in to fruition.”

  “You knew this would happen and you didn’t tell me?”

  “You know that I cannot share that information with you. I don’t think I could even if I wanted to.”

  Eric nodded.

  “But what are you doing back? I thought you were fighting with the York Clan?”

  “I was, but there has been a major set back. The White Order are winning the fight. One of their generals has grown strong. Too strong.”

  “Black magic?”

  “There’s not a doubt in my mind.”

  Eric’s eyes seemed to widen at the news.

  “I came back to ask your father with assistance. Will and Eli are coming too, they are a day behind my position.”

  “This is not good.” Eric said, shaking his head.

  Ezra’s eyes were back on Claire again.

  “You need to claim her fast Eric. This whole castle will eat itself alive trying to get her.”

  “I know. Thank you Ezra. Thanks for handling the Golem.”

  “Anytime Eric. Stay safe.”

  Claire stared in disbelief as the woman wisped through the wall in a cloud of blue smoke.

  “Come.” Eric grabbed Claire by the hand and pulled her down the corridor, “Before anyone else tries to attack.”


  They made it to Eric’s father without any further altercations. Upon entering the room Claire saw the fair haired vampire, sitting at a desk, writing. At seeing them enter, he rose and attended to them both immediately. He looked older than Eric, but no older than forty at the most. There was a similarity between Eric and his father, but mostly he took after his mother. Atticus had long fair hair, which kept groomed back neatly.

  He looked tired, but well kept. He had the same rugged handsomeness as Eric. His face was softer in general, and the corner of his eyes were marred with the faint impression of crows feet. His lips were thin and white, his nose long and straight. The eyes were the thing that he and Eric had in common. They were smart and sharp, calculating like a cat on the hunt.


  The gentleman met his son with a soft smile, setting a hand on his shoulder.

  “Father. This is Claire. Claire, this is Atticus Belmont. My father and leader of the Belmont family.”

  Atticus took his hand from Eric’s shoulder and twined his fingers around Claire’s. He pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed it softly.

  “Claire it is an absolute pleasure to meet your acquaintance.”

  “And yours too sir.” Claire’s voice sounded timid, compared to the smooth velvet of Atticus’s voice.

  He let her hand go and turned his attention back to Eric.

  “I trust your trip here wasn’t too fraught?”

  Eric rolled his eyes, his composure seeming to tighten a little. “You know what the trip here was like. Now the castle knows everyone and their dog seeks to take Claire.”

  “Who made the first move?”

  “Nash. Rasputin Nash. He attacked us on the west corridor at the eave of the mountain pass.”

  Atticus’ eyebrows lifted a little.

  “Nash? The old dog. Didn’t think he’d have it in him.”

  “He’s dust now.”

  Atticus nodded at Eric’s statement, as if it were the only logical response.

  “You’re not mad?” Eric said. “He’s been an ally of ours for two centuries.”

  “Yes.” Atticus said. “And look how fast he turned at news of there being a breeder here. Good riddance.”

  “It will put a strain on our relationship with the Nash vampires who remain at Castle Belmont.”

  “Maybe, as it will with all Vampires who seek to take what’s ours. This isn’t the first time our allies have turned on us, and it won’t be the last. Who else attacked?”

  “A golem. I think his name was Gendrir.”

  “Gendrir.” Atticus nodded his head, indicating he was familiar with the creature. “He’s a guardian for the Templemont family.”

  “Was.” Eric corrected his father. Atticus raised his eyebrows in surprise once more.

  “You killed him?”

  “No.” Eric shook his head. “Ezra. Lucky for me she’s returned early.”

  “Ah. Yes. I will be meeting with her shortly after you leave. And it brings me to the reason I asked you here. Come, sit. Both of you.”

  Atticus walked across his study, taking a seat in a chair by the fire. Eric took Claire’s hand, and led her across the room to two seats which sat opposite from Atticus’.

  “So you didn’t just bring me here to risk Claire’s life?”

  Atticus scoffed. “Come on son, you know me better than that. The castle would have found out eventually. It was important that you put on a show of strength to dissuade rebellion. By walking Claire through the castle, you’ve weeded out the first of your opponents. You know which families stand against you now.”

  “It’s clever, I’ll admit. But it risked Claire’s life. Couldn’t you have come to visit me?”

  Atticus simply smiled, shaking his head.

  “You have a breeder now. Get used to defending her with your life, until you turn her anyway. It was the same when I found your mother. You have to demonstrate to the castle that you’re not afraid to walk the hallways of your home. If the vampires here get the sense you’re afraid, they’ll turn on you.”

  Eric nodded as his father’s sage advice. Claire saw the sense in it, even if the trip had scared her half to death.

  “So what of the other business? Why did you summon for me?”

  “As you bumped into Ezra, I’m sure you may already know, but the York Clan are having trouble with the White Order. I sent Ezra to assist them with their fight, but things are not going as well as they hoped. William and Eli York will be joining me here tomorrow, to present their case.”

  “What do they want?”

  “More bodies. I’m asking that you and Wraith go with them.”

  Claire flinched at Wraith’s name, both Eric and Atticus noticed the gesture. Atticus looked at Claire.

  “You have no cause to fear my son. I know he has wronged you, but he will not wrong you again. I have told him what the consequence of any further meddling will bring.”

  Claire stared at Atticus, frozen in suspense at his words.

  “I will kill him myself.”

  Claire gasped. “You’d kill your own son?”

  “Only if he disobeyed me. Which he will not. I’m no seer, but you don’t have to be a witch to see that you and Eric are for each other. Your bond wouldn’t work with anyone else.”

  Even Eric seemed surprised at his fathers words.

  “Father, what on earth do you mean?”

  “Something that a lot of people don’t know about breeders, is that they are only aligned with a select type of vampire. I can see it just looking at the two of you. The same connection that I once shared with your mother.”

  The men both fell silent, and Claire felt a weight fall in the room. Whatever had happened with Eric’s mother, it seemed to be a sore spot for both him and his father.

  Eric let out a sigh, then returned to the topic at hand.

  “I can’t assist with the York clan.” He said, shaking his head. “I won’t help a family who were so recently our enemy. I can’t leave Claire here on her own.”

  “You can, and you will. I’m sorry Eric, but this isn’t up for debate. The York may once have been our enemies, but we are united now, and we must stand united if we hope to defend ourselves from the White Order.”

  Claire looked at Eric, whose fists were clenched tight around the arms of the chair he was sitting on.

  “Relax son. Your assistance is not needed immediately, but you will help when it is required. There is plenty of time for you to carry out your plans with Claire.”

  “Very well.” Eric answered tersely.

  “So?” His father said. “Is is settled? William and Eli will be here tomorrow. Can I count on you to help?”

  Eric thought for a moment and stood to his feet.

  “I will help, but Claire comes first. Always.”

  “Understandable son.” Atticus rose to his feet too, and Claire followed.

  The father and son looked at each other for a moment, mutual respect passing between them. Atticus turned his attention on Claire once more, his warm eyes sparkling at the sight of her.

  “You are a true beauty Claire, and my son is lucky to have you. I wish you both the best in your endeavors.”

  “Thank you sir.” Claire found she was touched by the vampire’s kind words.

  “And Eric.”

  “Hm?” Eric looked from the fire to his father.

  “Treat her well. Make sure you bond soon. I don’t need to mention this, but this more than secures your inheritance of my throne. Be wary. Your true friends and enemies will reveal themselves over the coming days.”

  “Thank you father.”

  “No bother son. Now go, both of you. I have a meeting with a witch that I must attend.”


  Eric guided Claire back through the castle quickly, his hand held firmly around hers all the while. As they walked Claire made small talk. She could sense that Eric was tense, she could sense that there would be some impending attack. She talked to attempt to distract herself, to distract him.

  “He was nice.” She said as Eric led them down the stone tunnel that bisected the mountain. “Your father…”

  “He is.” Eric said. “And that is how he got his power. A lot of people make the mistake of underestimating him. Atticus Belmont always gets what he wants.”

  As they walked through the labyrinth of stone, tapestry and torch light, Claire attempted to make
some effort of memorizing their passage. She was deep in process of tracking their last six turns, when Eric froze. Claire looked up and saw a vampire clutching a leather doctor’s bag, standing at the opposite end of the corridor. He was deadly still for a moment, before turning his head and speaking.

  “Ira. What are you doing here?”

  Ira looked up from a journal that was in his hands. Claire noticed the peculiarity of the man’s dress. While the other vampires she had seen in the castle dressed in a fairly contemporary manner, the vampire Eric had called Ira looked like a Victorian professor.

  “Eric!” Ira looked up in surprise, barely seeming to notice that Eric and Claire had been there at all. He closed the leather tome that was in his hands and tucked it under his arm. He walked towards Claire and Eric with a broad smile on his face.

  “Oh you must be the lovely Claire.” Ira smiled at Claire warmly, then looked at Eric. “I understand why you were in such a haste back in the blood room the other day.”

  Eric’s body seemed to relax. “Ira. You’re not, not going to attack?”

  “Heavens no!” The tweed clad doctor rocked back on his heels, letting out a sharp laugh. “I have no interest in developing an heir, as useful as that may be. My real passion lies in knowledge boy, you know that. Involving myself in… all this nonsense, it would take up too much of my time.”

  “But what are you doing here?” Eric said.

  “I’ve been summoned to visit Juniper Nash. She wants me to read the last rights for Rasputin.”

  “Ah.” Eric nodded solemnly at the mention of the vampire he had just dispatched.

  Ira stepped around Claire and Eric, walking down the corridor behind them. “Lovely to meet you Claire, we shall have to talk at further length when the time is more appropriate!”

  The spindle limbed doctor waved before turning a corner, disappearing into the recess of the castle. Claire looked at Eric in confusion, attempting to gather some sort of explanation.

  Eric closed his eyes and shook his head from side to side. “I’ll explain at some point, I promise. Let’s just get back to the room for now. I’m tired and I need to rest.”


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