The Vampire's Slave (Tales of Vampires Book 1)

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The Vampire's Slave (Tales of Vampires Book 1) Page 10

by Zara Novak

  Eric was dressed in his usual attire, black jeans and a black jumper. His father wore a black trousers and a grey dress shirt, with the collar unbuttoned and the sleeves rolled up his scarred forearms. Sat across from them were Will and Eli York. The brothers both wore old fashioned suits. William’s suit was a dark olive green, and Eli’s was a midnight blue. Both brothers wore white shirts, neither wore ties.

  “Eric, Atticus. It’s good to see you both, it’s been a long time.”

  “Long enough to bury any misdoings your family have done in the past I hope?” Atticus stared into the dull emerald eyes of Will York, the older of the two brothers.

  “Vampire are vampire.” Will said coolly. “Unpredictable, irrational, passionate creatures. We make no apology for the treachery of our generations passed. It’s no secret the York family name was sullied by our fathers and their brothers. Rest assured gentlemen, the apple falls far from the tree.”

  Eric shifted in his seat uncomfortably, holding the gaze of the two brothers with ease. “And if we were to take a bite of that apple, I should not be surprised to see that it’s poisoned.”

  The brothers met Eric’s cold remark with obliged silence. Atticus let out a sharp laugh, slapping his palm against the dark wood of the table between them.

  “You’ll have to forgive my son. He has a keen memory and a strong moral compass.”

  “I’m not a traitor, that’s all you need to know.” Eric spat, clarifying the matter for the York brothers.

  “As neither are we.” Eli, the younger of the two said. Although technically cousins by blood - Will and Eli York were known to all in the vampire world as brothers. Their fathers, Tyson and Nathaniel York, were infamous traitors and their dark legacy loomed over the brothers like a shadow.

  The treachery had never crossed the Belmont family directly, but it had effected some of their closest allies. Above all else, honor and trust were the two most important aspects to Eric. He knew little of the York brothers, but his perspective of them was tainted by their families legacy. Until recently, the York family had been open enemies of the Belmont clan.

  “We will do whatever it takes to prove we are not our fathers.” Will clarified earnestly.

  “You run to us with your tails between your legs.” Eric said. “The White Order is smoking you from the hovel you call a home. You have no choice but to come to us.”

  “Exactly.” Eli said. “And that is why we come to you in humility. We will do whatever it takes to get your help, and we will be in your debt. We are not humble creatures Eric Belmont. It pains us to come to you on our knees like this. We hope to find a middle ground. If we do not work together, the White Order will be the end of us all.”

  The four vampire sat in silence for a moment, regarding the unfortunate truth of Eli’s words. The visiting brothers were mirror images of each other, muted green eyes, with short ashen hair that curled slightly toward the ends. Their faces were broad and short, strong and handsome in a way that was distinctly different to Belmont men.

  Whereas Eric’s complexion was pale white, Eli and William were more a pale gold. The brothers had full lips, which were starkly white in contrast to their faintly olive skin. Their cheek bones sat high on their face, and their emerald eyes sparkled beneath heavy lids, that were full of ash eyelashes. Will was the taller of the two, and his face was a little longer. Both brothers were clean shaven, and their hair was short and neat. At a glance Will looked to be the brains, and the square-jawed Eli looked to be the brawn. Eric knew that both brothers were equally cunning, and he was unwilling to trust either. A long pink scar ran the length of Will’s face.

  “Well if that ain’t the unfortunate truth.” Atticus replied sadly. “The Order’s strength has grown considerably over the years somehow. If we don’t work to fight back against them, they will be the death of us.”

  Eric nodded, agreeing reluctantly with Eli’s words. He cleared his throat and turned his eyes to the girl in the corner. She stood silent with an arm folded over herself. Her eyes were large and dark. Her face was youthful, and timid. Her nose was small and in the cold it looked like a pink button. Her hair was jet black against her milk white skin, falling in a long plait down the side of her body, which was frail and nimble. She wore a maid’s uniform of some sort, a dark blue skirt accompanied by a white blouse. Her eyes were trained firmly on the floor. She reminded Eric of a scared field mouse.

  “Who is she?” He said, motioning at the girl with his head. Eli and Will both looked back at the girl, then at each other, then back at Eric and Atticus. Eli’s lips pulled tight across his mouth, his fists rolling slightly on the table top.

  “Natalie.” Will explained, looking at his brother from the corner of his eye. “She’s is Eli’s blood servant.”

  “Blood servant?” Eric laughed, looking at his father in bemusement. The York family had a reliance for blood, just as the Belmont family did, but their method of taking it was different. The York family had lived for generations with a family of humans, whom were kept as blood slaves to York vampires. On the eve of their eighteen birthday, the humans were given the choice of freedom or the choice to be turned.

  “Why on earth would you bring a blood servant on a diplomatic mission?”

  Eric raised an eyebrow, trying to figure it out. The behavior was highly unorthodox. Eric looked at Eli, who sat like a silent figure of torment. He could sense there was something going on there, but couldn’t figure out what it was. Eli went to open his mouth but Will spoke for him once more.

  “We realize it’s unusual. But Eli’s health has been strained as of late, and he needs access to blood at all times.”

  “We have blood here you know.” Atticus said. “State of the art cooling system.”

  Atticus and Eric looked at the full glass of blood sitting in front of Eli.

  “We realize that.” Will continued. “But Eli only drinks from Natalie. We know it’s unusual, but that’s just how it is in our family.”

  Atticus and Eric both looked at the girl and Eli in confusion. They shared a passing glance of confusion before pressing on. Eric felt Natalie’s gaze linger on him for the slightest moment, but didn’t move his eyes to look at her again.

  “Very well.” Eric said. “So tell us what you want of the Belmont family. “What is it you need from us? And what will you give us in return?”


  “This one is called the bird window.” Sophia explained as they perched on the rounded sill of the large open window. “Because you can see most of the castle from it’s vantage.”

  Claire placed a hand on the cool stone ridge of the sill and gazed in awe upon the labyrinth of dark spires before her.

  “It’s so beautiful.” She said. “I knew it was big, but I had no idea the castle was this big.”

  “It surprises me everyday.” Sophia admitted, turning from the window and carrying on down the passage. Claire walked after her, admiring the castle as they continued their tour.

  “I’ve lived here all my life, but I still find parts of the castle every year that I’ve never been to before. We’re in the Hollow now, it’s neither old or new, quite in between.”

  The dark wooden floor creaked beneath their feet as they walked. Sophia led them down a set of giant stairs. Looking down, Claire could see they led into a large and open hall. “And this is the main entrance hall.”

  Claire’s mouth gaped as they turned down flights until the wide and expansive stone floor of the entrance hall finally met their feet. Everywhere she looked there was beauty and art. Grand tapestries, giant portraits of Belmont family members gone past. The room was wide, tall and open. A thousand candles filled the walls on each side, illuminating the peculiar darkness of the castle with a pleasant glow.

  “It’s one of the many entrances of course.” Sophia explained. She brushed a hand through her dark black hair, and Claire smiled, thinking how much Sophia reminded her of a child. At the opposite end of the hall near the large wooden doors that
almost ran the height of the room, there was a group of people. Sophia stopped dead in her tracks.

  “Is everything alright?” Claire said, looking sideways at her tour guide.

  “Yes… it’s fine. I shouldn’t have brought you down here. I forgot they were leaving today.” Sophia’s eyes remained fixed on the group just up ahead. Claire looked over too and saw the group were now looking back at them. By the door up ahead there was about half a dozen figures dressed in long black coats. Around them there was a vast collection of luggage and items. The group stared silently in the direction of Sophia and Claire. Their backs were hunched, their faces gaunt and unpleasantly pale.

  “One of the vampires that tried to attack you and Eric the other day, he was an elder for the Nash clan. Ever since father learned of the attack he has extinguished their family from our lineage.”

  There was that word again. Claire had heard Eric use the same word this morning when they’d parted ways.

  “You’ve no need to fear walking these halls again.” Eric had explained. “Any traitors have been extinguished, and any others thinking of trying their luck have been given the message. It’s safe.”

  She had somehow found comfort in his words, and upon learning that Sophia wanted to give her a tour of the castle she’d jumped at the chance. Eric was off on business with his father for part of the day, and she had nothing else to do, save of fantasizing what she’d do with him when he got back.

  “Yes.” Sophia said. “Extinguished. It’s a word my father doesn’t use lightly, and I’ve certainly never heard him use it before.”

  “But what does it mean?” Claire asked. “Killed?”

  Sophia looked at Claire and gave a brief yet frightened laugh. “Worse. There were two vampire families that tried to attack you yesterday. Rasputin Nash and a Golem slave working for the Templemont clan. After learning of the attack, my father gave their families two options. Leave or be extinguished.”


  “Extinguished means that every blood descendant of your line will be killed. The Nash family were smart enough to leave. The Templemonts said no.”

  “But what happened to them?”

  Sophia looked at Claire but didn’t speak. Her eyes seemed to say everything. Claire’s eyes bulged in realization. The man she had met yesterday had been so mild mannered and inviting.

  “But Atticus…” Claire stammered.

  “Seems so laid back? Yes. That’s were a lot of people underestimate his power. There’s a reason the Nash family are leaving without a fight. We have to go this way. I guess I’ll have to show you. Come on. Trust me. It’ll be alright.”

  Sophia swallowed at something in her throat and marched across the hall. Claire followed quickly after her, her body feeling a little tense in anxiety. As they approached the group, the half dozen or so members turned their eyes down to the floor and became deathly quiet.

  They stepped aside to let Sophia and Claire pass, their eyes all the while fixed to the floor. Sophia led Claire through a smaller door that was etched into the giant hinged doors hanging above them. Once outside they both took a deep breath, the cool night air brushing over their faces.

  Claire spoke first, her words leaping from her mouth with relief. “Holy hell Sophia. That felt a little tense. What the heck was that?”

  “Banished. All of them. They have been told under strict instruction to leave the Castle Belmont at once and never return. Father’s words would have been sure to mention not to look at or talk to you. They’re simply waiting here for a carriage to take them away. That’s the last time you’ll ever see them. Father clearly wants you to be safe here.”

  “Me? But why?”

  “They threatened your life. You’re a breeder. It’s too rare a thing to throwaway in some stupid power grab. Plus, besides that, you’re one of us now.”

  “I’m one of you?”

  Sophia giggled as she led Claire down a flight of stone steps that were cut into a dense garden of trees and flowers. “Well yeah. You’re part of the family aren’t you? I know Eric hasn’t turned you or married you yet or anything but…”

  Sophia trailed off, shrugging the rest of the sentiment away with her shoulders. Claire followed quickly behind her, her chest fluttering with the thought of everything Sophia had just promised. They walked through the gardens that surrounded the castle grounds, trailing along the delicately sculpted fauna, following a gray slate path down the side of the hill, Sophia narrating their tour all the while.

  Claire was in love with the castle and it’s surrounding grounds, but her mind was preoccupied the whole while with thoughts of Eric, and whether or not she really was one of them now.

  They followed the gray path around to the south side of the castle. The north and west sides were bordered with mountains, the east side was bordered with the deep ravine, under which the great black river ran. While the south side had more mountains, there was more distance between them and the castle, and there was a small space of flat land between the two.

  “This is this main courtyard.” She stopped and pointed back in the direction of the castle. “There’s the old store elevator on this side that takes you back up as far as the twelfth floor. You have to use the stairs or walk across to if want to get to any of the floors above that.”

  “I don’t understand any of the floors in this place.”

  “You can be forgiven for being confused. I can appreciate it’s probably confusing for a new comer. All you have to remember is that the castle is old, and as the generations have gone by, new parts have been built on top of it - or… even under it. Which isn’t helpful.”

  They walked down a set of stone steps, past a water fountain and down onto a track that hugged the cliff wall at the edge of the castle.

  “That’s not exactly helpful! I’m on the ninth floor with Eric, but I went down nine flights and somehow ended up on the twelfth floor?”

  Sophia nodded. “The part of the castle that you and Eric are in is one of the older ones. A few hundred years after it was built our ancestors built another twelve floors underneath and connected the structures. So floor nine in Eric’s part of the castle is more like floor twenty one.” She stopped at seeing the confused look on Claire’s face. “There’s not going to be a quiz on any of this! Don’t worry!”

  They both burst into laughter. “I’m glad.” Claire said. “Where are you taking me now anyway?”

  She looked up at the steep rock face on either side of her.

  “This is the little secret that’s hidden underneath the Castle Belmont.”

  The track ended at a small wooden door which had a solitary silver ring upon it. Sophia pulled out a key and opened the door. Inside she pushed a button on the wall and a second later a line of torches illuminated all around them, revealing a large underground cavern, filled with smoking pools of water.

  “I’m sure Eric has told you that we don’t fare too well with technology.” Sophia ushered Claire in and closed the door behind them. “We tried to get a heated pool installed once but it kept breaking. A few years ago we were doing some excavations and we found this place almost by accident.”

  They walked to the edge of the water and Sophia knelt. “Put your hand in.”

  Claire did and was delighted to find the water was the perfect temperature for bathing. “My goodness! It’s so warm! It’s perfect!”

  “Right?!” Sophia stood up smiling. “We got Ira to install some torches down here and we’ve been using it as a bathing spot ever since.”

  “But - I thought Vampires couldn’t feel heat?” Claire said, turning her thumb in fingers. Sophia laughed once more.

  “We can’t really. We can feel a slight amount, but it still makes all the difference. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about these waters. They have a way of making you feel good as new. What do you say. Fancy a splash?”

  “Oh I haven’t got a bathing suit with me.” Claire said.

  “So?” Sophia stripped
off in front of Claire as if it were nothing and a moment later she had jumped into the bubbling water. Claire looked around the cavern incredulous.

  “But what if people come?! What if people see me naked?”

  “It’s just skin Claire.” Sophia shrugged. “Beside, I’m the only one who ever comes down here anyway. Barely anyone else has a key.”

  Claire nodded. “Well you make a compelling point. And that water does look great.”

  Claire stripped, folded her things and placed them in a neat pile on the floor, next to Sophia’s crumbled pile of clothes. She lowered herself into the water gingerly, sighing with great relief as she felt every ounce of stress melt away instantly.

  “So.” Sophia stared at Claire with a huge smile plastered on her face. “Tell me what life was like before you came to the castle.”


  “It’s simply ridiculous!” Eric stood from the table and walked across the room, resiting the temptation to stake the two idiots that had been beset before him. “You’re asking too much, too soon. If you’d known things were this bad, you should have come and asked for help sooner, or you should have left your home altogether.”

  “It’s not that simple Eric.” Will said defiantly. “We can’t just leave Blackstone, it’s our home. There are five generations of York Vampire living there.”

  “How did the White Order come to gain such a strong foothold in your part of the country?” Atticus asked. “There were a few break away factions here, but we took care of them with little effort.”

  “They’re not like other factions that we have encountered.” Eli said. “Vampires have dealt with hunting societies like the White Order since the dawn of time. Those fools aren’t content to rest until every last one of us is dead and buried in the ground.”

  “We’re all familiar with the White Order and their motives.” Eric said. “What my father asked still stands. Why are they troubling you so? Is your family really so weak that you can’t handle a troupe of renegade vampire hunters?”


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