Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)

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Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1) Page 17

by Claire Plaisted

  “You come with us,” the one in front of her stated.

  “Err… Nope, I don’t think so.”

  “You come with us or worse for you.”

  Ana’s smile broadened in anticipation of a fight. She flexed her muscles ready to move. “I said no. I’d advise you to walk away right now and forget about me or…” she lifted an eyebrow.

  The man behind her grabbed her right arm; just as she kicked backwards with her left foot into his shin. Scrapping down his leg, and stamping on his foot with her boot. Squawking in pain, he let go of her arm. The man in front of her, making a grab for her other arm. Her right knee rose, connecting with his groin doubling him over. Stepping from between them, grabbing their heads banging them together, she let the men crumple to the floor in a daze. Stepping back into the main corridor, she called Tallon who came trotting down towards her.

  “I thought you were getting some coffee.”

  “I thought so too, but I got interrupted.”

  Tallon reached Ana peering around the corner, looking back at Ana raising an eyebrow. “What happened?”

  “Most sensible people know not to get in my way when I haven’t had my coffee, these two goons were obviously not told,” she shook her head with a laugh. “I had to hurt them, just a little bit.” Tallon barked out a laugh; calling hospital security to remove the dazed men to a secure room where they she would interview the goons.

  “Go get your coffee like a good girl or do I have to escort you, so you don’t hurt anyone else.”

  “I’ll be good,” she smiled wickedly,” I promise.”

  Fletcher flicked through the file, his pale face getting paler all the time, closing his eyes, muttering “fucking hell, I’ll kill the bastard.” He kept reading not bothering to look up as Ana re-entered with her coffee. Ana watched emotions flittering over his face as she quietly sipped her coffee, waiting for the next explosion. Fletcher shut the file carefully placing it on his lap; turning looking down at his sort of sister a quiet smile on his face. Feeling his gaze, she glanced up.

  “So is there anything you need me to explain.”

  “I don’t think so Ana. Malachy has it rather simply explained in the file.”

  “So what do you want to do about all this,” she waved her hands at the dossier.

  “I’m going to kill the bastard.”

  “Which bastard would that be?”

  “The bastard who has manipulated me all my life, who took me away from my family and siblings,” with stormy eyes he lay his head back. “Other than that I need to think on all of this.”

  “The file explained about Blaze too?”

  With a small wince as he laughed, “Yeah, he’s apparently our nephew of a sort, what a lark that is. Fucking brilliant, I may just kill that bastard too for what he did to me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “How the fuck do you think I got hurt like this, moronic Blaze and his stupid goons.”

  “Not foreign by any chance?”

  “Some of them are, why?”

  “Think I ran into a couple about twenty minutes ago”, she smirked.

  “Definitely kill him.”

  “Think I may just beat you to it Fletch.”

  “We’ll see,” he groaned closing his eyes in defeat. “Time for sleep, you can stay, I don’t care right now.”

  “Thanks, but I need to ring Mal.”

  Taking her cup she walked out as a gentle snore left Fletcher. An enormous smile on her face, she rang Mal.

  “How did it go Ana.”

  “Much better than it should have,” she said, leaning back against the wall just down from Fletchers room. “Considering how you left me in the lurch…”

  “Well, it worked.”

  “No thanks to you,” she said crossly. “So update me, have you had your meetings yet?”

  “No first one is at eleven with Detective Moran.”

  “So what the hell have you been doing all this time?”

  “Boring old paperwork that stupid people…I mean government officials keep sending me.”

  Ana chuckled softly, “you poor old man.”

  “Sod off Ana.”

  “Much prefer to get on,” she purred quietly.”

  Total silence, it seemed; for once she’d quietened Malachy; until she heard him choke back a laugh. “Behave woman enough time for that later, now go sit with Fletch, let him know we’ll be taking him down to Trengrove later today.”

  “Will do, take care and let me know how your appointments go.”

  “Sometimes I wonder who the boss is here,” he muttered.

  “You are! Bye,” Ana said, closing her phone.

  Tallon walked around the corner a grin on his face.

  “You want to have a chat to your two goons?”

  “Yeah, why not, need to teach them a lesson me thinks.”

  “You work out where they are from, who thos goons are working for?”

  “I’ve got a good idea, Tallon. May just send a message back,” she smiled evilly.

  “You’re such a mean woman.” He retorted as she strode off to the hospital security office. This time she had no problems along the way.

  Entering the office, she saw the men sitting at a table, bland faces staring at the wall; no emotions stirred as she walked in. Grabbing a chair, she sat in front of them.

  “So, you going to tell little ole me what the hell that was all about boys?” They ignored her looking straight ahead. “Oh, tough guys eh, well maybe not, after all I did drop you both to the floor didn’t I?” A flicker of emotion twitched on one of the men’s faces. “There that’s better isn’t it,” she smiled sweetly, “not nice being beaten by a mere girl.”

  “Fuck you,” muttered one.

  “Rather not thanks. I don’t think you’d be able to please me enough,” she smirked. “So why did your boss send you after me yet again?” Silence! “I tell you what since you don’t seem to be too keen on a chat, perhaps you can take a message back to him?” The silence grew thick. “Tell Mr Carrington if he wants me, he’s to come and get me himself and do his own dirty work.”

  The men’s jaws finally dropped. “How you know?” asked one.

  “Unlike you goons I have a brain I use constantly. Now get the fuck out of here, don’t let me see you near this hospital again.” Ana rose from her chair turning for the door just as a chair scraped. A smile hovered on her lips as a big paw came down on her shoulder, shifting her weight she bent, turning to one side flinging him to the ground. Shaking her head in amusement, she turned back to the other one who was now standing. “You want a go too?” He shook his head as hospital security rushed through the door guns drawn. Looking back to the men at the door, she just smiled walking out telling their superior they could let the men go.

  Back at the compound Cameron smiled knowing he’d the lead on the worm. He also knew who was trying to introduce it. His smartest student from a few years back was Morgan, an incredible brain with very quick fingers. He’d been an eye-opener to work with and now against. It was amazing how well his skills had developed since he’d been a student.

  “Could use you in the company,” he muttered to himself.

  “You ok Cam?” asked Grace.

  “Yeah, I’m ok Grace,” he swivelled round on his chair, “I got the little bugger, and I know who he is. How he’d gotten mixed up with that bastard, I’ve no idea.”

  “You know who it is?” she queried.

  “Yep, one of my old students, in fact, my best one, almost as good as me,” he grinned.

  “Is that why it has taken so long to undo this,” she sighed, “what are you going to do?”

  “Personally he would be an asset to the company. I’ll have a chat with Malachy when he gets back. He’s a good man, how he got involved…” he trailed off.

  “Pity you can’t send him a message Cam.”

  “Oh, but I can, though it’s a bit dangerous. From what I can remember he has a family so I’ll wait for now.” Tu
rning back to his computer then glancing at Grace. “Did you find those house plans?”

  “Of course Cam, easy find, sent them to Yuri late last night.”

  “Where’s Debbie and Conrad?”

  “Shows how absorbed you were,” she laughed, “They are checking the rest of the compound computers.”

  Muttering, he was soon lost once more in his world of computers.

  Yuri recalled nearly all his security people to the compound, letting them know what was going down. Though all was quiet, they needed to be prepared for short notice action.

  “This is the calm before the storm. We’ll have four people out at the house to keep an eye on movement there.” Yuri moved to one side, “dim the lights please Tim. As you can see,” he pointed with a ruler, “this is a plan of the basement. There is only one way in and out which mean we’ll know exactly when they’re going to attack. The men watching the house have thermascope and laser recording devices. We’ll know within minutes when those twelve men leave the house. Questions anyone?”

  “What weapons do they have?”

  “At this time it’s an unknown factor. We’ve reviewed what’s been used against us so far. Since these men are probably ex-marines,” he paused, “as some of you guys, you’ll be aware of what they can use.”

  “What about the Truit guy?”

  “Well, he thinks he’s bad, and he is in many sick and twisted ways. He’s not as bad as those men in his basement. He’s certainly not as bad as you ugly lot,” they all laughed.

  “What about the agents.”

  “Nearly all agents are on assignments. Those in the compound will fight with us. We’re the watchdog so to speak here to protect the ordinary people who work here.”

  “Look forward to seeing them in action,” one guy muttered from the back.

  “Remember don’t get in Anastasia’s way then Clint. I heard she downed two guys this morning already,” he laughed. “She’s a dangerous woman if you get on the wrong side of her, believe me, I have seen her in action.”

  “When’s lockdown?”

  “We’ll be on full alert once the boss and Ana return. That’s it for now. Stay alert and get some rest it could be a very long night.”

  The meeting ended just as a lad from the communications centre darted in handing a note to Yuri. The men turned in an instant silently waiting. Yuri smiled as he read waving the men away.

  “Morning Detective Moran, thank you for coming.”

  “So are you going to tell me what’s going on Malachy?”

  “Straight to the point as usual I see,” Mal smiled. “What I can say is that someone has a bad habit of wanting me dead; in fact several someone’s which in this job isn’t all that surprising.”

  “Who are they and why?”

  “That I’m not prepared to tell you due to the delicate nature of the situation.”

  “Look Malachy, there’re several people dead already, one an innocent woman at that.”

  “I’ll make sure her family are looked after Moran. What happened to her could’ve happened to anyone at any time, it was just bad timing.”

  “What about Haven Pharmaceutical then?”

  “Part of that was a set up to catch a traitor. A person as yet unknown overstepped their orders by the looks of things and got greedy.”

  “Did you catch your traitor?”

  “The so-called traitor is now helping us with our enquiries.”

  “There’s stuff you’re not telling me.”

  “Moran, if I told you, you’d have to arrest me, and that would be very inadvisable right now.”

  “In other words what I don’t know can’t hurt me?”

  “I asked you here so I could inform you as much as possible what’s going on; you’re a good detective Moran. I’ve a few files for you which should help enlighten the facts for the bodies you’ve already collected.”

  “Why were you attacked at your home?”

  Mal laughed, “They were trying to shake me. As you can see, it didn’t work.”

  “The files you were giving me to read?”

  Mal stood going to his filing cabinet, taking out three thick files passing them to Moran. “Here you go, enjoy the read. I have to go now; another appointment in an hour and I need my lunch first.”

  “Thanks Malachy, keep in touch.”

  They walked out of his office towards the elevators as they pinged open. Moran stepped forward as a mad looking man charged out, raising an eyebrow Malachy grinned as the door shut the last thing Moran heard was.

  “What the fuck have you done with my sister Malachy, I’ll fucking kill you for this.”

  Malachy just smiled, turning back to his office. Blaze charged after him only to find himself on the floor with a foot at his throat, gasps from the rest of the agents turned to laughter.

  “Get the fuck off me.”

  “Calm down Carrington, and then we’ll have a small chat in my office. I’ll give you five minutes.”

  Taking a deep breath, Blaze glared up at Malachy before nodding his acquiescence. Holding out a hand, Mal helped him up off the floor. “Duggan could you bring us a couple of coffee’s, please.”

  “Yes sir,” he grinned.

  “This way Carrington,” he walked off.

  Settling behind his desk his feet on top, he lifted an eyebrow at Blaze, who was striding around the room his fists clenched.

  “So where’s my sister?”

  “What makes you think I have your sister Carrington?”

  “You know I know you have my sister.”

  His hands now behind his head he looked up at Blaze’s angry stance. “I have no idea where your sister is. The last time I saw her was at your fundraiser.”

  “You fucking liar,” he yelled launching himself at Malachy again only to be yanked back by Duggan, who’d just entered the office with coffee. “You guys are fucking crazy if you think you’ll get away with this.”

  “There is nothing to get away with Carrington. Unless you’ve something sensible to say, you may leave. I’m a busy man.”

  “Fuck you Malachy, you mucked around with the wrong guy once too often. I’ll kill you for this.”

  “Funny that, you haven’t succeeded so far; you must employ idiots.”

  Muttering under his breath, he stormed out of Mal’s office.

  Blaze drove his car around erratically before regaining control of his temper. Finally, he stopped outside his favourite bar. Climbing out, slamming the door his body tense with anger, he strode inside ordering a double whiskey throwing it back before slamming his glass on the bar demanding another one.

  “Blaze isn’t it a bit early for you?” a sultry voice said behind him.

  “What the fuck do you want,” he said as he turned. “Oh, it’s you, Josie.”

  “You look upset darling,” she purred.

  “All the better for seeing you Josie,” he smiled calming down.

  Josie tugged his hand, “come sit with me Blaze.”

  He followed not caring, watching the sway of her hips, desire built in his eyes. Her short, tight skirt riding up showing the curve of her firm buttocks. Josie turned winking at him, showing him her full breasts; nearly tumbling out of her top. His hand went to her waist pulling her back into him.

  “Think I need more than a chat Josie,” he whispered, pulling her closer, pressing his erection into her buttocks.

  She looked up at him over her shoulder before lowering her eyes coyly. “I can arrange that darling,” she purred clasping a hand behind his head. “Kiss me,” she demanded.

  Blaze turned her in his arms squashing her breasts to his chest, her nipples peeking into view. “Your wish is my command Josie,” he whispered, lowering his mouth to hers. Demanding and volatile; he pushed her limits, cupping her buttocks with his hands drawing her closer still.

  “Josie get a room love, you know the rules,” yelled her boss. Breaking the kiss she smiled at Blaze while giving the finger to her boss. “Whatever,” she muttere

  “You know the way Blaze. Pick a room, any room.”

  “The closest will do Josie,” he replied tugging her down the corridor to the first available room. Slamming the door shut behind him. “Now where was I, Josie?”

  “Just about here,” she grinned, offering her lips to him.

  “I need more Josie. I want you now.” Blaze pushed her towards the bed until she sat on the edge. Lifting her skirt to her waist, he licked his lips at the minuscule g-string she wore. He felt his shaft harden. Unzipping his trousers, he let his shaft spring out. Josie, feasting her eyes, leaned forward flicking her tongue over his tip enjoying his salty taste, smiling; she took him in her mouth making him groan.

  “Fuck Josie, you do this so well.” Blaze pushed her off, making her mewl in protest. “It’s time to fuck you hard, sweetheart.” He smiled, pushing her back on the bed tearing off her G-string. “Going to fuck you fast, I need to hear you scream.” Without further speech, Blaze grabbed her legs pushing up her knees. Kneeling between her thighs, he found her entrance thrusting inside in one hard fast movement.

  “Ohh Blaze,” she groaned.

  Setting his pace, watching her breasts bounce up and down, leaning forward, he massaged them hard the nipples pebbling as he tweaked them.

  “Harder Blaze,” gasped Josie lifting her legs around him. He felt her muscles clench his shaft smiling in anticipation.

  “Time to scream sweet Josie,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Arrgghh Blaze yes, yes, faster. Oh my god,” she screamed out pretending to soar taking him with her.

  Blaze shuddered to a stop his seed pumping deeply inside her. Panting, he looked down. “You’re incredible Josie,” he said collapsing beside her.

  “Only for you Blaze,” Josie smiled. “Wanna go again?”

  “Fuck why the hell not.”

  “Thanks Duggan, that was entertaining, to say the least,” Malachy grinned.

  “He’s such an asshole Mal.”

  “Yeah, you got it in one Duggan. I’ve another meeting soon, could you ask Enrique to get over here to update.”

  “Sure can, enjoy the coffee.”

  “Thanks, appreciated.”


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