Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)

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Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1) Page 21

by Claire Plaisted

“I was told to guard Miss Belaruski sir.”

  “Well, I’m changing your orders now Anton.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “First, I’d like you to report on Miss Belaruski.”

  “She hasn’t stirred sir.”

  “When did you last see medical staff?” he asked softly.

  “Not seen anyone for over an hour sir.”

  “Ok, off you go Anton.”

  Malachy walked toward the curtained cubicle as Anton walked past him to the door. A flurry of noise in his ear with the word “down Mal,” had him landing on the floor as shots flew past his shoulder. Rolling over he grabbed his Walther shooting in the direction they shoots came from. As the echo’s stopped, he saw Anton slumped on the floor. The three men he brought with him standing looking down shaking their heads.

  “Thanks Cam.”

  “I can’t believe the fucker pulled his gun on you Mal,” said Cameron in a hushed tone.

  “Well, I doubt he’ll be doing any more damage,” Mal grimaced. “Right, while I check on Miss Belaruski you guys get him out of here. If he’s dead call in Quin if not call Quin,” he smiled amused at his own joke.

  Approaching Ana’s bed, he looked down at her serene face. No rapid eye movement now, her breathing shallow though even. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he picked up her hand stroking it gently. Feeling a slight pressure on his fingers, he looked up, no change. The monitors kept their even beeping. Replacing her hand on the cover, he kissed her cheek, standing; he went to check on Fletcher.

  Moving slowly down the corridor, he heard a muffled sound, looking around him, puzzled, he continued to walk only to hear it again, a bit louder this time. A sudden thud on the door, he just passed made him turn. Trying the handle only to find it locked. Retrieving his keys he unlocked the door to find Abby trussed up on the floor. Carefully, he pulled the tape from her mouth, cutting the rest with his penknife.

  “You okay Abby.”

  “Yes, no, oh my god I was terrified,” she stuttered bursting into tears.

  “Everything’s all right now Abby,” he said gently helping her stand up rubbing her back soothing her. “Can you manage to get to Anastasia? Or would you like me to escort you?”

  “I’ll be okay, is Ana all right?”

  “Yes, though she still isn’t awake.”

  “Okay, I’ll go talk to her. What was all that noise earlier?”

  “I’ll explain later. I need to check on Fletcher.”

  Mal continued on his way checking in with Cam on the security situations.

  “Update please Cam, what’s happening and where?”

  “The person in the security office disappeared into the ceiling, no idea where they are now. The person left about five minutes ago.”

  “Sod it. Any clear view of the face?”

  “No sorry Mal the person was rather smart.”

  “Is there anything else Cam?”

  “Quin reported in; one prisoner is dead, and the other has disappeared.”

  “Oh fuck. Who’s dead?”

  “Quin didn’t say.”

  “Get him to contact me ASAP.”

  “Sure. Is there anything else I can do?”

  “Call Frank and Jones, tell them to bring their parcel to the compound. I’m just checking on Fletcher now.”

  The security guard had disappeared. Entering Fletchers room cautiously, he saw Fletcher sleeping, weird considering the noise. Approaching the bed, Malachy checked his pulse, slow but steady. His eyes were moving rapidly. Cursing he swiftly turned away running into a guard; looking up into the ugliest smile he’d ever seen. The guard gripped Mal’s arms by his side; intense pressure felt like he was being crushed slowly.

  “Let me go you moron.”

  The guard increased the pressure. Pulling up his knee, Mal delivered a quick hard jab to the guard’s groin. His smile widened as he continued to apply pressure on Mal’s arms. Malachy released his blade in his hand thrusting it deeply into the guard’s arm muscles; they jerked away from each other

  “Kill you for that,” mumbled the guard. They circled each other pushing medical equipment out of the way. Cam was alerted by the noise.

  “Do you want or need assistance Mal?”

  “More the merrier,” he grinned as he launched himself at the guard flicking the knife plunging it between his ribs. The guard grabbed Malachy tossing him through the air. He landed winded beside a cupboard, knocking his head on the concrete wall. “Crap.” Shaking his head, he got swiftly to his feet; only to be sailing through the air again crashing into Fletchers bed. The force slamming them into the far wall, dislodging Fletchers plaster cast leg; which came crashing down on Malachy’s left wrist cracking it. Screaming in pain, Mal kicked out with his right foot connecting with the guard’s groin knocking him back. The door burst off its hinges as two men pulled guns shooting the guard to the floor. Meanwhile, Mal started to pull his arm free cursing.

  “Fuck,” he said cradling his arm. “Get the bastard out of here and lose him somewhere very fucking dark,” he snarled walking back to the medical department. Abby’s eyes widened at his harried expression.

  “Abby where’s the naloxone,” he said breathlessly.

  “W-what’s wrong Malachy.”

  “Fletcher has been injected with similar stuff by looks of things.”

  “It’ll be in the lock down cupboard,” she said pointing behind her.

  Opening the door, he found Ana’s nurse moaning on the floor. “Abby, I’m going to need your assistance here. First call Cam and tell him all hands on deck, please.”

  “What about your wrist?”

  “Put it in a sling, it’ll have to do for now.”

  Helping the nurse to her feet, Mal passed her a cold compress sitting her in a nearby chair.

  “You’ll be all right.” Men came rushing in Tallon in the front. “I want the whole facility searched now, every room and space. I need a doctor. Anton or the other perpetrator dosed Fletcher up.”

  “Boss Quin is outside with the injured; five men stayed with him so that we can move them here. I’ll organise the rest for search duty.”

  “Good, now get a move on.” The nurse beside him groaned at the loud voices. Crouching down Malachy took her hand. “Hey, it’s okay, you going to be fine.”

  “Yes, seems I have a hard head,” she smiled timidly.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Mary Kranski.”

  “Right, Mary I need you to look at Fletcher for me. I think he has been dosed up with a similar drug as Anastasia was. Are you able to do that for me?”

  “Yes, though a doctor would be better. I’ll get some Naloxone just in case.”

  Gently he helped her to her feet. She unlocked medicine cabinet taking what she needed before leaning back on Malachy with a dizzy spell. “Okay let’s go.”

  “Do you want a wheelchair, Mary?”

  “No, I’ll be ok.”

  Finally, they arrived at Fletcher’s room. Entering Mary stopped in shock at the mess.

  “What the heck happened here,” she said quickly starting to set things to right.

  “An encounter with someone who didn’t like me,” replied Mal helping as much as he could. Walking over to the bed, Mary began checking Fletcher’s vitals. There were cracks in his plaster cast, and she noted his vitals though stable were similar to Anastasia’s

  “It seems you’re right sir.” Mary raised the needle checking for air bubbles before injecting Fletcher straight into his arm. Next Mary re-checked his blood pressure and heart rate, changing his saline drip, attaching another. “We need to send this to the lab in case the solution is contaminated. I think the drugs were administered through his drip!”

  “Why’d you think that Mary,” Mal asked quietly

  “Look I’m not a doctor, it was just a suggestion,” she replied in a flustered tone.

  Narrowing his eyes, he looked at her carefully. “Who are you?”

  “M-Mary Kranski sir,” she stutter

  “No, I don’t think so,” he put his head on one side looking down at her, “tell me who you are? More importantly what did you inject into Fletcher?”

  Mary sank to the floor beginning to sob. Two security guards appeared at the doorway. “All medical staff found and tended to sir.”

  “Take this woman to security interview room.”

  “This way please,” helping her to stand they led her away. She turned to look at Malachy and said.

  “He’s my son; I would never hurt him.”

  Shaking his head in disbelief, he stood over Fletcher watching, waiting for the doctor to arrive. A noise at the door made him look up. Abby stood there watching him.

  “Yes Abby? What’s the matter?”

  “Ana moved her hand Malachy. I think she’s pulling through,” she smiled wanly.

  Malachy’s smile bloomed. “Great news, I’ll be back shortly. I need to see the doctor first, make sure he’s safe.”

  “Okay Malachy.” Abby turned and left.

  Quin was the next to arrive on the scene followed by a doctor.

  “Sorry for the delay sir. A bit like a war zone in medical right now,” he smiled.

  “Fine,” he turned to Quin. “So who escaped and who’s dead and injured Quin?”

  “Truit is dead, a bullet to the brain. Blaze is missing, though I doubt he’ll get far.”

  “He’s gone far enough already Quin,” Mal snapped. “What about injuries of the men?”

  Quin blanched. “Yuri will survive. He’s got some third-degree burns. The surgeons are trying to save his leg at the moment. They’re cleaning out a lot of shrapnel. We have two dead. Abe smacked into a jeep, so has a broken shoulder. Everyone else, it’s cut, burns and bruising.”

  “Right Quin, see if we can feed everyone in the cafeteria.”

  “Yes boss.”

  Turning to the doctor, “Doctor, give me an update on Fletcher.”

  “He’ll be fine. He should wake in the next half hour, only had a small amount of the drug, luckily Nurse Kranski injected him when she did.”

  “She mentioned the drug was in the saline.”

  “Possible. I’ll have it checked. I see she changed the bag.”

  “Thanks doc.”

  “Get back to medical, Mr Garrett and get your wrist sorted.”

  “Yes doc,” he smiled sheepishly.

  Malachy wandered back to medical pulling his thoughts together. What to do about Blaze, how to explain Truit’s death? Who was the other person who’d disappeared into thin air, never mind Mary Kranski and her tall tale! Sighing. He pushed through the double doors, stopping in shock as people raced all over tending to minor injuries. Thrusting his right hand in his pocket, he walked to Ana’s cubicle.

  “How is she Abby,” he said softly.

  “She’s out of danger now. Her doctor wants to move her to a room.”

  “She’d like that, a bit quieter than in here right now.”

  Reaching out he stroked her hair back from her face, a sigh escaped her as she nuzzled his hand. He leaned down kissing her swiftly on the lips making her smile.

  “Hi Mal,” she whispered.

  “Hey Ana, keep working hard and come back to me,” he pleaded.

  “Hmm,” she sighed as she fell back into her dreams into a deep sleep.

  “I’d better go see the other men Abby. We need to get things sorted and settled. I’ll be holding a meeting in the cafeteria within the hour.”

  “First get your wrist strapped correctly,” she scowled. “I’ll organise Ana to be moved. Do you want guards on the doors?”

  “Nope, should be alright now Truit’s dead. I don’t think Blaze will come back, and we have cameras on everyone now.”

  “See you soon Malachy.”

  “Maggie, we’ve been ordered to take you to Trengrove. Please get yourself ready, we leave in ten minutes,” said Frank.

  “Frank, please what’s going on? Is it safe?”

  “As safe as it can be Maggie.”

  Sighing, Maggie packed the few bits of clothing she’d been given, looking around her bedroom which had been her home for a week, wondering what was in store. Closing the door behind her, she walked downstairs waiting in the hallway for Frank and Jones. The front door burst open.

  “Get down Maggie,” yelled Frank as he took her in his arms flinging them both to the wooden floor. Jones was outside; shooting from behind their car at two dark figures bathed in early morning light. One flew backwards as the other dived behind a tree.

  “Frank he got me pinned.”

  “Hold on Jones. Maggie, keep down and stay down while we get this sorted.”

  She shuddered as she clutched at Frank, “don’t leave me.”

  He reached into his boot, “here use this if you have to Maggie,” he said passing her a small pistol. “I presume you know how to use one.”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Frank crawled towards the back of the cottage. Exiting the door, he quickly skirted the gardens towards the forest surrounding them. Running swiftly and silently, he made his way towards where the gunman was hiding. Leaning against a tree, he peeked around finding the shooter just out of range. Moving from one tree to another until he was closer, he smiled before shouting out.

  “Hey honey, I’m over here.”

  The gunman turned as Frank shot him in the head. Lowering his gun he walked up to the dead man at his feet, kicking him over, bending down, he checked his pockets for ID stilling when he felt a gun rest against his neck.


  “You could say that Frank.”

  “Why Jones, why’s she so important.”

  “No idea Frank, just doing my job. Jones pulled the trigger splattering Frank’s brains over the forest floor. Smiling, he walked away to collect Maggie and take her to Trengrove.

  They arrived by eight in the morning. Maggie was a mess of nerves. Jones was nonchalant at the loss of Frank. Their eyes widened when they saw the entrance, something big had gone down. Jones was secretly amused at how much they’d accomplished. It seemed like Patrice knew his stuff. Getting out of car, security watched carefully, checking their movements. They walked toward the entrance.

  “Looks like you’ve had some fun recently,” Jones grinned.

  Shots suddenly rang out, Maggie fell to the ground. Spinning round Jones shot Blaze in his shoulder as one of the security guards shot him in the kneecap. Jones walked over, kicking Blaze.

  “Don’t think we need the likes of you anymore Blaze,” whispered Jones, pointing his gun at his head.

  “Enough Jones,” said Malachy, who appeared quietly at his shoulder. “Detective Moran is coming to collect him.” Turning, he watched the medics deal with Maggie taking her into the medical department.

  “Come on Jones, I need an update. Where’s Frank?”

  “He didn’t make it boss; we were ambushed outside the cottage.”

  “Crap. I’ll send men out to investigate and remove the bodies.”

  “Yes boss.”

  “Get some food Jones then we’ll talk in my office.”

  “What the hell happened here?”

  “Later Jones. I need to see how Maggie’s doing.”

  They entered the compound going their separate ways.


  Anastasia awoke, hearing noises around her; she struggled to sit up, before opening her eyes to blackness. She blinked her eyes repeatedly before putting her hand on her face to see what was blocking the light. Her pulse jumped; she couldn’t see her hand, shaking her head she whispered out.

  “Is anyone there?”

  “Hi Miss Belaruski, your fine love,” whispered a soothing voice.

  “W-who are you, where am I?”

  “You’re at Trengrove love.

  “Malachy, I want, no I need Malachy now, oh god what’s happening to me.”

  I’ll make the call; he’s very anxious about you.”

  Malachy rushed through the door five minutes l
ater with Abby at his side.

  “Mal, is that you,” she whispered, looking towards the noise.

  “Yes Ana, I’m here now, so is Abby. We’ll take care of you.”

  Malachy sat on her bed taking her in his arms, “You’re safe now love,” he murmured into her hair.

  “Mal, I-I …” She choked on a sob, “Mal I can’t see.”

  His body tensed as he released her looking into her beautiful green eyes. She was staring straight at him. He gulped quietly.

  “Everything will be fine Ana. I promise. I’ll call the doctor in.”

  He stood as Ana stretched out, grasping his suit. “Please don’t go Mal, stay with me.”

  Mal looked across to Abby, who was wringing her hands. Stepping across the room, she took Ana’s hand gently.

  “I’m here now Ana; I’ll sit with you. Mal needs to sort a few things out for you love. He’s still here.”

  “Oh Abby, what’s happening to me. Why can’t I sit up properly?”

  “You’re still partially paralysed from a drug overdose. It’s causing your temporary blindness. You’ll be in fighting form soon enough Ana.”

  “Truit, I’ll kill that bastard, he injected something into me. What the hell was it?”

  “You can’t kill him Ana; he’s already dead.”

  “Good,” she said viciously. “So what’ve I missed and when will my sight return?”

  “Ana, the doctor’s on his way now; he’ll be able to explain things better than us,” replied Malachy. “Here have a drink Ana, you must be thirsty.”

  “Yes, I am, though more hungry than anything. Tell me what’s happening, Abby says Truit is dead?”

  “Yes, that’s correct, by whose hand, we don’t know though I suspect Blaze.”

  “Blaze, why him?”

  “He just tried to kill his sister. Detective Moran has just taken him away.”

  “Oh god, what happens if they let him out on bail?”

  “Too much evidence stacked against him Ana, it won’t happen.”

  The doctor entered the room, smiling to see Ana talking and partially sitting up.

  “Morning Anastasia, how are you feeling?”

  “She’s emotional, scared, and at present she can’t see,” ground out Mal.

  “Can’t see hmm; we’ll let them rest for now. With what happened to you and how long you were affected, we thought you’d have temporary blindness.”


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