Meant To Be

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Meant To Be Page 22

by Fiona McCallum

  ‘You’d have to ask him how he’s feeling.’

  ‘Yes, but you must have some idea. Has he shaken the adrenal fatigue, do you think?’

  ‘It’s hard to tell, really. It seems to be one of those illnesses that has a lot of symptoms you could put down to other things. Like, take his hands shaking. My hands were shaking when I spent all that time with a hammer cleaning up the rocks. I worry constantly that he’s overdoing it, but I can’t nag him. He’s a grown man. And you know what men are like. Unless it’s man flu and they’re snivelling and moaning in pain, no one knows about it.’

  ‘I know. I’m sorry; I shouldn’t be putting you on the spot. I’ll talk to him.’

  ‘It’s okay,’ Emily said, in a gentler tone. ‘And I don’t mean to sound evasive. He hasn’t had night sweats for ages and he hasn’t really struggled to get up in the mornings since the project started, if that helps. But I don’t know if that means he’s over the illness or just that he loves being in charge.’

  ‘Perhaps it’s being away from city life, tough clients, and big projects that’s done it.’

  ‘I don’t know, but he has certainly been in his element with this one. He hasn’t seemed at all stressed or strung out. God, he’s hot when he’s in charge,’ Emily mused, then realised she’d said the words out loud. ‘Sorry, that was a little off of me.’

  Simone laughed. ‘He’s my brother, so I can’t say I find him “hot”, but he is pretty impressive when he’s in charge. And, I’m sure being in love has helped,’ she added, linking her arm through Emily’s again.

  Emily smiled back in response.

  They walked across a small ridge of hills and finally caught sight of Jake’s tractor three paddocks over, turning the earth from the grey of old, dried summer grass and leftover cereal crop stalks to rich dark brown. Emily’s bright blue ute shone in the sun at the gate beside the little old truck. It’s all just so right, she thought, smiling contentedly to herself.

  At eleven o’clock Sunday morning, after a bit of a lie-in and a breakfast of hot cross buns, Jake, Emily and Simone piled into the new ute and headed off for the barbeque. As they arrived at Barbara and David’s favourite picnic spot – a secluded oasis tucked away at the back of their farm, hidden by scrub – Simone cried out in awe.

  ‘It’s gorgeous!’ she said. ‘Like a postcard.’ She got her camera out and started snapping away.

  Thanks to the recent rains, it was looking more lush and beautiful than the last time Emily had been there.

  David and Barbara were unpacking their ute when they pulled up. David had laid down a tarp and secured it at the corners with tent pegs, and was now spreading picnic rugs over the top.

  ‘Happy Easter!’ they all cried, and went through the ritual of everyone hugging and kissing. Jake introduced David and Simone and then David took orders for drinks.

  ‘I’m on the sparkling apple cider,’ Barbara said, ‘if anyone would like to join me. No additives. Just pure juice with bubbles from Tasmania.’

  ‘Ooh, yes please,’ Simone said.

  ‘Yes, me too, thanks,’ Emily said.

  ‘Looks like I’ve got two designated drivers,’ Jake said.

  ‘And I’ve got Barb,’ David said. ‘We could get hammered, mate.’

  ‘You’re on your own there. I’m way too old for that sort of caper,’ Jake said.

  ‘Yeah, me too, really. So, just a light beer then?’

  ‘Yes, thanks,’ Jake replied.

  When they each had a drink in hand, David welcomed Simone and toasted, ‘To good friends.’ They clinked glasses, murmured their agreement and took their first sips.

  As soon as she tasted the sparkling non-alcoholic cider, Emily thought she might never go back to the alcoholic version. She liked the gentler, sweeter sensation of it on her tongue. ‘This is lovely. I must get some,’ she said, studying the bottle.

  During a quick trip to town the day before – where Simone had been stunned to find the shops shut at noon – Emily had bought a loaf of squishy white bread and a few standard sausages from the local butcher. These items were their homage to basic, old-fashioned barbequing amongst an otherwise quite gourmet selection. Barbara had brought marinated skinless and boneless chicken thighs, rissoles, and grilled pumpkin, zucchini, capsicum and potato.

  After the salads, plates, cutlery, serviettes, and condiments were set up on the table, the girls took their place on the rugs with their backs to the sun. Meanwhile, David and Jake got to work on the portable gas barbeque.

  ‘Thank you so much,’ Simone said. ‘This is perfect. What a great way to spend a Sunday, let alone Easter Sunday!’

  ‘Thank goodness the boys took some time off,’ Barbara said.

  ‘Yes, plenty seem to be still at it,’ Emily said, cocking an ear. The hum of tractors could be heard droning away on nearby farms.

  After lunch they sat around nursing their full stomachs.

  ‘I’m eating for two,’ Barbara announced, ‘and I still think I’ve eaten too much.’

  ‘As long as you’ve left room for Easter eggs,’ Emily said. ‘We’ve got stacks of them.’ She got up and retrieved the chocolate eggs from the esky.

  ‘Before you dish them out,’ Jake said, getting up, ‘I’ve got something to say.’

  ‘Oh, okay,’ Emily said, surprised, and sat back down with the bag beside her.

  ‘As you all know,’ Jake began, addressing the small group, ‘it’s been a few months since I came here to Wattle Creek, and in that time I’ve become very settled with Em. What most of you don’t know is that around three months ago I proposed.’

  Emily blushed. She looked at the ground with no idea why she was feeling embarrassed. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed David and Barbara’s bug-eyed, open-mouthed expressions. But Simone didn’t look at all surprised.

  ‘I made a hash of it, really, blurting it out when the timing was all wrong,’ Jake continued. ‘But now – if you’ll still have me, Em – I’d like to make it right.’

  Suddenly he was on his knees in front of her. He took her hands in his and looked deep into her blue-grey eyes.

  ‘Emily Katherine Oliphant, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?’

  Unable to speak, Emily nodded. Tears blurred her vision as Jake reached into his pocket. She blinked them away as he brought out a small, square velvet box and then opened it in front of her. She focussed on a large diamond sparkling in the sun. She put her hands to her throat. Oh. My. God. It’s huge!

  ‘Oh wow! It’s gorgeous!’ Barbara cried, speaking the exact words Emily hadn’t yet got out.

  ‘So? Do I get a yes – again?’ Jake asked, grinning.

  Emily nodded furiously. ‘Yes, yes, YES!’ she finally blurted, and threw her arms around him. They fell back, entwined. The ring box snapped shut, still firmly in Jake’s grasp.

  ‘Pity I can’t drink champagne,’ Barbara said wistfully as she watched them kiss.

  ‘Oh, come on, get a room, you two,’ David said after a few moments.

  Jake and Emily sat up, grinning from ear to ear.

  ‘But seriously, congratulations. You make a lovely couple,’ he added. He leaned over and hugged Emily and then shook hands with Jake before pulling him into a manly hug and slapping him on the back.

  ‘Yes, congratulations,’ Barbara said, hugging first Emily and then Jake.

  ‘And from me, of course,’ Simone said. ‘I helped choose the ring, so it goes without saying that I totally approve.’ She smiled and leaned in to kiss them both. ‘Now,’ she said, clapping her hands together, ‘it must be time to bring out the chocolate.’ She reached across, took an egg and passed the bag to Barbara. ‘More for us if they’re too busy,’ she added, nodding at Jake and Emily, who were once again entwined.

  ‘Not so fast,’ Jake said, sitting up. He intercepted the bag just before it was handed to David.

  ‘Oi,’ said David, pouting.

  ‘We’re newly engaged, we should get priority,’ Jake said.
  ‘Not until she has your ring on her finger you’re not, mate, not officially,’ David replied.

  As Jake slipped the simple, elegant ring over her finger, Emily stared at the massive clear round solitaire diamond.

  ‘I hope you like it,’ he said quietly, ‘but if you don’t, it can easily be changed.’

  ‘No, I love it. It’s perfect.’ It was the largest diamond she’d ever seen up close in a ring, but it was in a style that didn’t sit too high and would be practical enough to wear every day. She made a silent vow to never take it off.

  ‘I’m so glad you like it,’ Simone said when they’d settled into the Easter eggs.

  So, Simone had been involved. Well, of course she had to have been. Perhaps this was the whole reason for her visit. She was so pleased she was there.

  Emily looked around at the group of people who meant the most to both her and Jake. The only ones missing were Des and Gran – she was a little sad about that. And her mother too, but knowing Enid, she’d probably have said something to ruin the moment.

  Her eyes kept moving back to admire her ring.

  ‘Here, give us a look now it’s on,’ David urged, and Emily held out her hand and wiggled it in front of them. The diamond glinted magnificently in the sun, sending tiny brightly coloured rainbows across the picnic rug.

  ‘So, when are you going to get married?’ Barbara asked when the commotion of oohs and aahs had finally died down.

  Emily looked at Jake and shrugged.

  ‘Better give Enid enough time to put together the full catastrophe,’ Barbara said quietly. Emily was surprised by her friend’s lack of animation. Where was the smirk? Probably no one else would have noticed, but she did. Barbara was usually the life of the party and had been known to be merciless with her sarcasm.

  ‘Oh, God, don’t remind me,’ Emily said, pushing her concern aside, and making an exaggerated show of putting her head in her hands. Barbara did have a point, though. She’d have to try to stop her mother bolting off to book visits to bridal-wear shops, florists and bakeries in Adelaide. She and Barbara had discussed their weddings a few times and there was one thing she knew for sure – this time she did not want Enid involved at all.

  ‘Speaking of which. I’d better call Mum and Dad,’ Emily said, and got her mobile out, stood up, and moved away from the group.

  ‘Hi Dad, Happy Easter,’ she said. ‘How’s things?’

  ‘And a happy Easter to you too. Anything out of the ordinary happening that I should know about?’ Des Oliphant enquired. ‘Like perhaps an exciting announcement?’

  ‘You already know?’ Emily looked back at Jake who grinned at her and raised his eyebrows knowingly.

  ‘Jake might have mentioned something. I hope you said yes.’

  ‘He actually asked your permission?’ Emily asked, fixing her gaze on Jake who now shrugged, looking proud of himself.

  ‘Very good manners, that young man. I believe he’ll be very good to you and very good for you. I wouldn’t have given my blessing if I didn’t think so.’

  ‘Thanks Dad.’ Tears filled Emily’s eyes again and a lump worked its way into her throat.

  Just as Emily was about to ask to speak to her mother, there was a commotion in the background at her father’s end. She heard the muffled words, ‘What’s going on? What blessing? Is that Emily? Here, give me the phone.’

  ‘Emily, what’s going on?’ Enid Oliphant’s shrill voice boomed into her ear.

  ‘Happy Easter, Mum.’

  ‘Yes, happy Easter,’ she said brusquely. ‘Now, what’s going on? What’s this about Des giving his blessing? For what? And why aren’t I being consulted?’

  ‘Jake has asked me to marry him. We’re engaged,’ Emily said quietly when Enid’s rant finally ended.

  ‘What? Oh. But you hardly know him. It’s a bit soon, isn’t it?’

  ‘We don’t think so. You could at least be pleased for me.’

  ‘I am. Of course I am pleased for you. Congratulations, both of you. I’m sure you will be very happy together.’

  ‘Thanks Mum.’

  The next thing she heard was Enid berating her husband. ‘You knew about this Des and didn’t tell me? How long have you known?’

  Emily rolled her eyes and sighed. As usual, her mother had managed to make it all about her.

  ‘I’d like to speak to Jake, please,’ Enid said suddenly.

  Emily moved back towards the picnic rug. ‘Mum wants to speak to you,’ she said, and handed the phone over with pursed lips before sitting back down heavily.

  ‘Hello Enid. Thank you, we’re very happy. I hope you approve.’

  Emily wished he’d put it on speaker so they could all hear.

  ‘No, we haven’t set a date yet. This is all very new; we haven’t discussed any plans.’ He looked at Emily and winced. ‘We’re not in any rush. When we’ve decided what we want to do, you’ll be the first to know. But it will probably be something low-key.’

  ‘No, you’re right, I haven’t been married before. But I’m not a big one for white weddings. As I said, we haven’t discussed the actual ceremony as yet. Look, I’m sorry Enid, this phone is going flat. I’m going to have to go. It’s probably going to cut out any second. I’ll have Emily phone you back later.’ And with that he ended the call and dropped the phone onto the rug like a hot potato.

  ‘Phew,’ he said, and let out his breath loudly.

  ‘Well handled, mate,’ David said. There were ripples of agreement from around the group. Simone frowned.

  ‘Emily’s mother can be somewhat…um…interfering,’ Barbara explained. ‘And not, generally, very supportive.’

  ‘That’s putting it politely,’ David said.

  ‘Ahh,’ Simone said knowingly, and nodded.

  ‘So, it sometimes calls for affirmative action to protect our dear Emily from her clutches,’ Jake said.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  In the ute on the way home, Emily still couldn’t take her eyes off her ring.

  What a surprise, she thought, twirling it around on her finger. Not one mention of their engagement in almost three months and then, bang!

  ‘You like it, don’t you?’ Jake asked, putting his hand on her thigh. ‘Because if you don’t…’

  Emily grasped his hand. ‘It’s perfect, and I love it,’ she said, beaming across at him. She almost added, ‘Perfect like you, like us,’ but stopped herself. This scene – them sitting in the front of the ute, Simone in the back – was too much like a scene out of a low-budget movie as it was without adding soppy dialogue as well.

  What a wonderful day, she thought, again looking back down at her ring. She wondered what it would take to convince Enid she was not having another big wedding. There was no way she wanted to go through that palaver again. Then again, maybe it would be easier just to give in? She could leave all the preparations to her mother and just turn up on the day.

  No way, I’m better than that. Look how I’ve been standing up for myself lately.

  It was hard work keeping the defences up, but the peace was worth it. And there was Jake to think about now too.

  She knew she’d have to phone her mother back, but she decided to sleep on it. In the morning she would be stronger and more tolerant. Right now she wanted to let the joy of her engagement sink in. She settled back into the seat and let out a deep sigh.

  ‘I hope that’s a sigh of contentment, darling,’ Jake said.

  ‘Of course it is,’ she said, turning towards him and smiling warmly.

  ‘I’ve never properly asked you, Em,’ Jake said, ‘but what do you want? Would you like a big white wedding, a smaller, more casual affair, or to go away, just the two of us? What would you like to do?’

  Emily felt a little uncomfortable having this conversation with Simone in the vehicle with them.

  ‘I’m not sure, but I certainly don’t want the full shebang. I’d feel like such a hypocrite doing that all over again, when I didn’t get it right the first time.

  ‘I’m sure you made a beautiful bride,’ Jake said kindly. ‘It wasn’t your fault you married the wrong bloke.’

  Whose fault was it then? It wasn’t like I was dragged down the aisle kicking and screaming.

  ‘Your mum didn’t sound all that happy about the engagement. Doesn’t she like Jake?’ Simone asked.

  ‘No, she thinks he’s lovely. Well, she did the first few times they met. I think she blames him for what she would see as my sudden wilfulness. You see, I’ve finally started standing up for myself after a lifetime of accepting her control, interference, and lack of support,’ she explained to Simone. ‘I’m thirty-two, and my mother still thinks she can run my life. I’m finally trying to throw the shackles off.’

  ‘I think eloping to somewhere exotic would be perfect,’ Simone said wistfully.

  ‘Honestly, I’ve got too much else taking up space in my head to even think about it right now.’

  ‘Yes, one thing at a time, I think,’ Jake said. ‘Like remembering to phone Enid back,’ he added, shooting her a grimace. ‘Sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have hung up on her.’

  ‘Forget it. I’ll deal with it tomorrow, when my head is clear and my defences can withstand her.’

  They got back just as the last light was fading. Emily was pleased she’d thought ahead and left the outside light on. They were weary but content. She couldn’t remember when she’d last spent a day without all her attention on the building project or under pressure in the kitchen.

  After unpacking everything, Jake and Emily retreated to the lounge to watch some television – which they hadn’t done for ages – while Simone packed so she would be ready to leave early in the morning.

  Emily would be sad to see her go. She had been wonderful company while Jake had been off planting the crop. And Emily hated goodbyes of any sort.

  Sometimes she wondered if this little twinge she felt whenever she and Jake said goodbye – even for the shortest time – was fear that what she had found was too good to be true and that it was all about to be taken away. She had to work hard to force the negative thoughts away. She was so lucky to be where she was now. And she’d been doing so well at being positive. If only she could just focus on the good all of the time and not let the insecurities seep back in.


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