The Pridelands 1: Darren’s Surprise

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The Pridelands 1: Darren’s Surprise Page 4

by Jade Buchanan

  “The Tigris look just like big tigers, all striped out and fierce. They live on this separate planet, and they normally keep to themselves. I was taken by one of them. That’s how I met Lev and Morgan.”

  “Taken?” Darren looked horrified, looking between Aaron and himself. Durai didn’t know how to respond so he merely met his mate’s gaze evenly.

  “It wasn’t that bad, I mean at first it sucked. But I was okay, he didn’t hurt me. I was up here alone, and I went out hiking one afternoon. It was just after lunch. Anyway, I came around this bend and Tony himself jumped out at me. I thought I was losing it, here I was expecting him to shout out ‘they’re grrrrr-eat’ and instead he takes me aboard his spaceship and drops me off on another planet.

  “I was supposed to be the prize in some mate hunt. Let me finish.” He held up his hand to forestall Darren as the other man opened his mouth. “Everything worked out okay. One of the men in their pride fought on my behalf and I ended up going home with Lev and Morgan. One thing led to another, and I kind of ended up with both of them.”

  Durai watched the expressions fly across Darren’s face. He wasn’t very good at hiding his emotions. Everything he was thinking was available for all to see. The shock, the slight widening of his eyes when Aaron said “both of them.” But Durai didn’t see the one thing he’d been looking for intently. There was no hint of disgust. He was simply shocked, nothing more. Good.

  “I don’t even know what to say. What am I supposed to say to that? I’m seriously at a loss.”

  “Trust me, I know, Darren. You should have seen me when I first met these guys. I wasn’t exactly pleasant to be around. I moped around a lot, demanded to be taken home, generally acted like a spoiled brat.”

  “You did no such thing,” Lev smirked. “If anything, it was the lustful glances you sent our way that were the most troublesome. Morgan and I had trouble completing the simplest task because you were constantly mooning over the two of us.”

  Aaron gasped, hitting Lev in the stomach with his balled fist. “That’s a lie, Vincent, and you know it.”

  Darren grinned. “Vincent, huh?”

  “Well, what am I supposed to call him? Simba?”

  “Would that make this one here Scar?” Darren froze, glancing up at him.

  Durai growled low in his throat, coughing out his displeasure. “You find it unappealing?”

  “No, I didn’t mean that! It’s just this movie, about these lions that live in Africa and they can talk and there’s a bad guy named Scar, and he --”

  “So you think I’m evil?” This wasn’t good, not good at all. Durai had thought his mate was at least tolerant of the idea of a human being with a Felidae. But if Darren saw him as this bad guy…

  “No, you’re not evil, I just meant that your scar reminds me of the one that he had. That’s all. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to imply anything else.”

  Darren crowded close to him, ignoring the threatening growl Durai couldn’t hold in. The smaller man reached up with one hand, letting it hover over Durai’s cheek. Durai twitched, wanting to move the distance to bring them into direct contact but afraid of scaring his mate.

  “I’m sorry,” Darren whispered softly. So softly that he had to twitch his ears to make sure he’d heard him. “I didn’t mean it. Forgive me, please?”

  His mate’s scent was stronger with him this close. It was intoxicating. He was getting hard just being this close to the man. Durai stepped back, fighting himself every second. He didn’t want to overwhelm Darren.

  “There is nothing to forgive. I assumed that you would feel the same as some of the others I’ve come across. I admit I can be sensitive about the…”


  “Yes, my scar.”

  Darren studied him, his blue eyes wide and guileless. They were the color of the sky over Felid when the sun reached its peak. A bright and cheerful reminder of his home. “I think it adds character. It gives you something… more. It makes you look strong. I like it.”

  “You do?”

  “Okay, seriously, enough already. Either go off somewhere and fuck, or leave us in peace.” Lev stepped between them, pushing Darren back a step.

  Durai snarled, his fangs bared.

  “He yours?” Lev whispered.

  Durai had to mentally restrain himself. He nodded brusquely. The sight of Lev between them was almost enough for him to challenge the other male outright. Maybe Lev was right, he needed a sexual release to get rid of some of this tension.

  “Dare, why don’t you show me upstairs? Maybe I can borrow a pair of jeans. These guys can get the rest of Durai’s pride sorted out and we can all sit down and have dinner or something. It’s getting late. We should probably be looking for sleeping arrangements too.”

  Aaron’s voice trailed off as the brothers started up the stairs to the second level. He heard Aaron say something about the mate bond, about knowing that Lev was the one for him, and that Morgan came as part of the package.

  From where he was standing beside the door, Durai could see their heads together as they reached the upper floor. It was completely open on one side, they had no privacy at all and their words were clearly audible.

  He shook himself, turning and walking outside without a word to anyone else. He breathed deeply, regretting his action when he got a lungful of the dirty air. He promised himself that he would spend days praising the clean Felid surroundings when he got back home.

  Pausing, he considered that. Would Darren be willing to leave with him? Durai couldn’t exactly stay here. He’d gotten the impression from both Aaron and Rowan that the humans weren’t as accepting of others. They said that the majority of their people would react with fear and disgust if they saw them, not curiosity and friendly overtures.

  He would never understand these people, but he would make an effort for his mate. He couldn’t change the fact that his mate was one of the hairless, defenceless humans.

  He was certainly appealing, though. So much so that Durai was uncomfortable about staying the night in the same room as his mate. He didn’t think he’d be able to be that close to him without attempting some form of seduction. He simply wasn’t used to waiting.

  * * *

  Darren glanced around him, studying the men crammed into the cabin. Men and woman, he couldn’t forget her. Durai had returned a short while after he’d left the cabin, bringing with him a number of other cats. Three of them he’d introduced as his brothers, and Darren had nervously waved to them. One was downright intimidating with his size, but Darren was more nervous because they were Durai’s family than anything else.

  He didn’t know why, but he wanted them to like him. He wanted Durai to like him. Strange.

  “Your food is not the worst I’ve ever eaten, but it comes close.” Darren turned his head at the words to see Zula, Durai’s sister, watching him carefully. They were seated side by side on the couch. Aaron was on his other side, whispering to Morgan who was seated on the floor at his feet.

  “This doesn’t really give you a good idea of what we normally eat. The cabin’s out in the middle of buttfu… uh… the middle of the forest and it’s pretty hard to get in and out. We have to be prepared to bring food that won’t spoil or rot out here since the conditions are a little rugged.”

  “I see.” She pursed her mouth. “I would be interested to see the rest of this place. You have me curious. I have met three humans now, and I admit that I feel compelled to study your people. We have much in common, despite our far away locations. It is fascinating.”

  “You know, you’re right. I didn’t think of that, but we do seem to have some similarities. I still can’t believe I got all those images of you guys before you even showed up. I guess that sibling bond Aaron and I share is stronger than I thought.”

  Zula hummed, shifting in place. She looked like she wanted to say something, but after a minute, she remained silent.

  “You know, I’m exhausted.” Aaron covered up a yawn with the back of his
hand. “I don’t even know what time it is and I’m already ready for bed.”

  Darren looked at his watch. It was half past ten. He was exhausted too. He still couldn’t believe his brother was here, sitting beside him. With all these fantasy creatures surrounding the two Colemans. It seemed like a dream.

  Durai’s big brother stood. What was his name again? Cal something. Calin, Calid? Oh, right, Cal-eed. The guy was simply massive. He towered over the rest of them, and his shoulders looked like they were wider than both he and Aaron combined.

  “I believe I will take my rest outside. This abode is too confining for me to be comfortable.” Khalid nodded to them all, gesturing for Rais and Achan to follow him. They were the only ones left, the two Pardus brothers had barely stayed for supper before they took off somewhere.

  Zula looked around her.

  “Why don’t you take one of the beds upstairs?” He didn’t want her to feel like she had to leave.

  “This is fine. I will make my rest here.” She patted the couch.

  “Okay, so that leaves…” Darren looked up to find Durai, Lev and Morgan studying him.

  “Well, Lev, Morgan and I will take the big bed. Why don’t you and Durai take the bunk beds, Dare? It won’t be entirely comfy for any of us, but we don’t have much of a choice. We’re kind of stuck with the sleeping arrangements unless we can make it back to the ship tonight.”

  “As much as I want to see the ship you all came in, I think it would be easier, and less hazardous, to stay here. This is a big area to get lost in and we wouldn’t want anyone to twist an ankle, or worse, stumbling around in the dark.”

  The Felidae were silent, nodding their assent.

  “Dare, why don’t you take Durai upstairs to get everything ready? We’ll be up in a minute or two. We’ll take our time, though. No worries.” Aaron shifted his eyes to Durai and back to Darren. He grinned, lifting his eyebrows twice.

  Darren shook his head. Great, like that wasn’t obvious. He stood up anyway, grateful when Durai stepped behind him without any comments.

  Darren waited until they reached the loft and stood beside the bunk beds before speaking.

  “I’m sorry about Aaron, he isn’t exactly subtle.” He deliberately pitched his voice low, not wanting his brother to hear his words. Removing his glasses, he placed them on the dresser. He studied the floor at his feet, fidgeting, unable to meet Durai’s piercing eyes.

  Durai remained silent. Darren finally lifted his chin, studying the other man.

  It must have been what Durai was waiting for because he grinned right before he captured Darren’s lips with his own.

  Darren moaned, caught up in the exotic taste of Durai. Spices filled his mouth, along with Durai’s tongue. It was rough, slightly raspy, just like he’d expect a cat’s tongue to feel like.

  His cock filled with blood, the sudden thought that he’d like to feel that tongue smoothing along his shaft and sucking his balls making him tense.

  “Are we interrupting anything?”

  They jerked apart, panting loudly, to find Aaron and his mates standing beside them. Lev was smiling widely, but at least Morgan and Aaron had the grace to look apologetic.

  Durai curled his lip, exposing the hint of a single fang. Darren gulped, unable to tear his gaze away.

  “Uh, why don’t I take the top bunk?”

  “I normally prefer the top position.”

  “Jesus.” He pressed a hand to his heart, feeling the rapid thump-thump caused by that statement. “This isn’t a dominance game. I just don’t want to see you fall out of the bunk in the middle of the night. Besides, I highly doubt you’d be comfy up there. It’ll be hard enough for you to even get into the bottom bed.”

  He was fully aware that he was babbling, but he was just thankful he could even draw enough breath to talk after that display.

  Darren watched Durai closely. The other man shrugged. “Yes, it will be hard. In more ways than one. I would prefer sharing your bed, but I understand the need for separation. This small sleeping pallet is barely large enough for one of us to fit on.”

  Lev snickered. He was bent over the double bed, pulling the sheets back. Aaron hit him in the middle of his back, hushing Lev.

  Durai growled at him. Lev held his hands up, chuckling.

  Darren took advantage of their distraction to practically fly into the top bunk. He didn’t want them all to see how hard he was. His cock could probably hammer nails right about now. He could picture them together. Durai would be leaning over him, sliding his thick cock in and out. Making those throaty purring noises he’d made earlier, Durai would be whispering in his ear about how good it felt.

  He panted, breathing deeply. He rolled over to his stomach, pressing his aching shaft into the mattress.


  “Uh, yeah, Durai?”


  Darren gasped, his cock throbbing. God, he wasn’t sure if that was a promise or a threat.

  Chapter Five

  Darren was having the most incredible dream. He was under a great fur blanket, and it felt like he’d never be cold again. He snuggled into the bed underneath him, letting out a soft sigh.

  Inhaling, he brought the wild scent of the fur into his lungs. Wiggling his hips, he raised his ass, loving the feel of the fur caressing his bare buttocks.

  He blinked open his eyes, looking at the pale blue sheets under his cheek. In the space between waking and dreaming, he could swear he still felt the fur along his back, but when he lifted his head, he was alone.

  Where was his cat man? That felt so real.

  “Shhh, if you wake Darren before he’s ready to get up, you’ll be sorry. He’s a real bear in the mornings.” The voice was low, but he could still hear it over the railing.

  “I promise to be very quiet if you’ll help me out with something personal.” The last word was low and drawn out.

  “Lev, I mean it!” Aaron giggled, and rustling sounds reached the loft.

  That was one thing about the cabin that was hard to ignore, there was absolutely no privacy. Everything that was said anywhere in the place could be heard by everyone else.

  “Too late, Aaron. I’m awake.” He turned over, lying on his back. A face appeared at his side. Darren’s lips curved, he turned to look at Durai.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  Durai shook his head, his eyes glinting. “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Mmm, why not? Was the bed too small?”

  “No, my loincloth was too small to contain the evidence of my pleasure at lying near you.”

  Darren felt his cheeks burn hot, he tucked his head to rub one betraying cheek along his shoulder.

  “Time to get up, Darren,” Aaron yelled up the stairs. “I’ve made breakfast, and if you miss it, you’ll be eating air and sunshine instead.”

  “Can I kill him? Seriously?”

  Durai chuckled, exactly the reaction Darren had been going for. He sat up in bed, swinging his legs over the side.

  Apparently he hadn’t thought this one out too far ahead. Durai’s face was now suspiciously close to his crotch, and the morning woody testing the limits of his baggy jeans.

  “How could you possibly sleep in these confining clothes?” Durai frowned, his lids lowering over his eyes. Darren noticed that the right lid had no scar tissue on it. Whatever had caused the injury hadn’t torn his eye then. He wondered why the eye had gone white. Was it just from the trauma?

  “Yeah, they were a bit rough to sleep in. I don’t normally wear clothes to bed, but it didn’t exactly seem like the right time to go au naturel, when my brother and his two whatevers were in the same room.”


  “Hmm?” Darren was studying the tip of Durai’s ear, wondering how sensitive it would be.

  “They are his mates. Officially. They went through a ceremony that was presided over by the Appaliunas, our leader. He also happens to be Lev’s father, but he was present in both capacities that day.”

/>   “Wait, you mean, Aaron’s married?” And he hadn’t waited until Darren was there? Okay, he’d pay for that one. Darren would have to think of something good to make up for it. Like the time he’d “accidentally” dropped a rock on Aaron’s foot. The nail on his big toe ended up getting infected and fell off. For months afterward, every time Aaron did the slightest thing, the stupid nail would fall off again. It was gross, but Darren felt vindicated.

  Anyone not familiar with them would probably think it was mean, but Aaron had deserved it. He’d somehow talked their dad into paying him whenever Darren had to babysit him. The babysittee should never get paid, it wasn’t fair. Their dad had made some excuse about ensuring Aaron’s good behaviour, but Darren hadn’t bought it. He just knew it was because Aaron had complained about Darren getting paid and not him.

  Ah, the joys of siblings. They were closer than anything now, but growing up they’d had a few bumps along the way. He had enough stories to scare any first time parent about the trouble two boys could get into.

  “If being married is similar to a bonding, then yes, he is.” Durai reached up both hands, clasping them around Darren’s hips. “These are uncomfortable now?”

  Darren just stared at him, parting his lips. Durai purred -- fucking purred -- and grabbed the waistband of his jeans. With one gentle yank, he ripped the denim at the waist as if it were tissue paper.

  Darren arched up, letting Durai slide the material down his legs. His cock slapped against his belly, leaving a smear of pre-come on his T-shirt. He was always hard when he first woke up, but this time he had a feeling that Durai’s presence had more than a little to do with it.

  Durai was running the pads of his hands along Darren’s legs. “You are so soft,” he murmured.

  Darren reached out, caressing the muscled chest in front of him. The super short strands were like silk. He kneaded the muscles, letting the tips of his fingers burrow into the mat of hair. He found the hard nubs of Durai’s nipples, playing with them in teasing strokes.

  The sawing purr from Durai was affecting him like he’d never imagined. It was soothing, but the vibrating sound made him want to get closer, to feel that purr against sensitive flesh. He tilted his hips again, his cock bobbing between them.


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