Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante

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Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante Page 22

by Deane, Cliff

  She ran to Levi and again wrapped her arms around his middle and said, “Thanks for not leaving me, now can we get something to eat, it’s been a while.”

  Ralph stopped one of the young fella’s passing by and asked him if he would go to the mess hall and tell the cooks that they would be over shortly for a bite.

  “Yes sir,” said the boy who looked kindly at Katie before running off to the mess hall.

  Ralph started to say something about how young Ted had looked at Katie, but a sharp shake of Levi’s head caused him to change the subject. Later Levi told him about how she had been continuously raped and beaten over the last few months.

  Ralph said, “Thanks, old buddy, I’m sure glad you stopped me. You know, sometimes I forget how bad the world is outside our gate.

  After lunch Levi, Ralph and Katie went to Levi’s office. Katie was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open. Levi convinced her to lie down on his cot while he and Ralph had a meeting in Levi’s Office, which was in the next room. He had to promise her that he would not go anywhere else until she woke up.

  As they sat down to talk about the day’s events Ralph said, “Oh, and that reminds me, just what in the hell was our Regimental Commander doing wandering around the countryside all by himself.”

  He looked to Ralph and said, “Do you remember the day we met and I told you that I would stay for maybe one year because my path was elsewhere?”

  “Well, yeah, sure I remember, but that was then, surely you don’t still plan to leave, do you?”

  “Yes, Ralph I do. In fact, I’m going to leave in October and head south.”

  “But Levi, you can’t just leave us. Why, without you to lead the troops, we won’t be safe. Come on; you can’t just leave us.”

  “Well Ralph, I guess this is as good a time as any to discuss A Troop’s future leadership.”

  “No Levi, I won’t hear of it.”

  “Ralph, it’s not up to you. Now let’s talk about the leadership roles. We need Ben here because he has a big part in what I need to say.” Levi rose and opened the door calling for the 1st Sgt to send a runner to get Major Smith for a meeting.

  “Ralph,” said Levi, as he sat back down, “we need to discuss Ben before he gets here.”

  “Yes, okay, what?”

  “Ben is the perfect XO, but he does not have either the experience or the temperament to Command. When we had the last promotion ceremony promoting Ralph to Major, Sergeants Guy to Lt and Eldridge to Captain I have been grooming Scott Eldridge to take command. He is a natural leader, an excellent tactician and the Troop supports him all the way. When Ben comes in, I’m going to have to tell him that he won’t be my replacement.

  I hope you will agree to two promotions today, Guy to Captain and Scott to Major. Scott will remain my Aide. Pretty soon people will see him as the heir apparent and will more easily accept the change.”

  Ralph’s demeanor turned sad as he said, “Levi, of course, I’ll agree to promote anyone you say, but I have to tell you that I am opposed to this whole thing.


  Office of the Commander

  Defiance Military, HQ

  “Come on in Ben, we have some things to talk over with Ralph,” said Levi.

  “Sure thing boss, what’s up?”

  “Ben, how do you like being the XO?”

  “Why Levi, are you planning to get rid of me?”

  “Oh hell no, Ben you are the best XO I have ever had the pleasure to work with. No, there is no plan or even consideration of replacing you. Still, I do need an answer.”

  “Well,” said Ben, “This has been the best job I’ve ever had. I love being the XO. In fact, I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you’re happy with me, then here is where I plan to stay.”

  Levi looked at Major Ben Smith and said, “Ben, that is really good news, because we would be lost without the job you do. I know I can depend on you to always carry out your mission, big or small.”

  Ben looked back at Levi and said, “Levi, what the hell is going on here? Why are you blowing so much smoke up my ass? You didn’t ask me to come here to make me blush like a school girl who just got kissed at the Prom.”

  Levi smiled, but Ralph remained stoic. “Yeah, Ben you are right. Tell me, if I died do you think you could take the reins and command this outfit?”

  “Ralph, is Levi sick?”

  “No, not in the traditional way, but yeah I think he’s sick in the head.”

  “Okay, the answer is no. I mean I’d have to take over until we found someone better suited to the job. If we are being brutally honest here, I have to tell you that I do not have the necessary experience for command. I’m a born logistics guy, but I am not a tactician. The job of Commander is something that a person is born with. Oh, he needs years of leadership training and a desire to lead troops in combat as well. Levi, I am sad to have to say it, but I don’t have any of that.

  I mean, yeah I’m second fiddle, but I like being second fiddle to someone who knows what they are about. So no, I do not think I would be a very good commander simply because I have neither the experience nor the necessary training.

  I’m sorry Levi, but I don’t want to tell a soldier to secure that rock, and he gets shot. That’s bad enough, but the thought of having to tell the next man to take that rock is not something I want to do. That’s not saying I wouldn’t or couldn’t do it, but it goes against my nature…am I rambling here?”

  “Yeah Ben, just a little bit, but that’s okay because I think you are 100% right, and now I have something to say to you that many men would feel like they had just been kicked in the gut.

  My friend, I plan to leave in October, and I intend to promote Captain Eldridge to Major and groom him to take my place.”

  Ben was shaken to the core and said, “Leaving, why Levi, that’s crazy…”

  Ralph interrupted saying, “Exactly what I said.”

  Ben continued, “Levi, are you really serious? We need you. You can’t just ride off into the sunset like some singing cowboy.”

  “Actually Ben, I can, and I intend to do exactly that, well, without the singing part. My personal path has not changed. I am only here on a detour. This was a chance to help this community get started and a place for me to lay low until the bodies stopped stinking, and the diseases and plagues of critters had passed.

  Well, those things have mostly all happened, and now I have to get on with my personal mission.

  Defiance is doing great, the village is secure, the farms look super, the bodies have stopped stinking, and the plagues of critters are just about over.

  So, here’s the bottom line, I’m promoting Eldridge and making him my Aide. We’ll be telling everyone that I offered the job to you and you turned it down because you just don’t yet have the experience to take on the job. The word will be that you recommended Scott for the job and I agreed that he would be an excellent choice.

  Ben, I gotta’ know; can you live with this?”

  “Well, if you mean can I live with you leaving then I ain’t so sure, but if you mean can I be Scott’s XO, well I did tell you that I’m a born logistician. So yeah, of course, I can live with that. I can’t think of anyone better that Scott, I mean he has that Ranger experience and to tell the truth Levi, he really reminds me of you. So yeah, if he wants me as his XO then I’m in, and thanks for that saving face thing.”

  “Ben, I don’t think I could ever tell you how much I respect you and that I don’t believe things could have ever worked out so well for Defiance without you. Thank you, Ben, I really do mean it.”

  Ralph stood up to leave saying, “Well, I’m not hanging around for any more of this love fest because I don’t understand why you have to leave or why you would even want to. I got to tell you, Levi, I am pissed, but I’ll get over it…someday…you prick,” and all burst out laughing.

  Levi said, “Hang on a minute Ralph, just one more thing.

  Ben, I think it would work out best for you if you were to go to
Scott and tell him that if anything should happen to me that you do not want the job of Commander because you just don’t have the background.

  Coming from you, I believe the community will appreciate your honesty and more fully realize your value to Defiance and its military by remaining where you are happiest, as XO.”

  Ralph nodded his approval and simply said, “Good thinking Levi, I like it. How about you, Ben?”

  “Well, everything you said here is true, but it wasn’t my idea…exactly.”

  Levi interjected, “Oh, now I’m not so sure of that since you are the one who told us you wanted to remain as XO, as opposed to Commander, I simply made a suggestion.”

  “Yeah, sure I can live with that, but there is one thing you should know, I would love to be the commander of Troop A, but I am also a realist and know my limitations. I mean, really, wouldn’t anyone prefer to be the CO rather than the XO?

  Don’t be concerned though, because I know I don’t have the training or history to be as good at the top job as I am as XO. It also helps that I do love my job.

  Now, just to be clear; I don’t tell Scott that you are stepping down, right?”

  “Right, we don’t want that rumor to get out there. Okay, let’s get to work.”

  After the men had left Katie came in and asked, “So, when are we leaving?”

  “Huh, what? Whoa, you just listen up; we are not leaving. I am leaving and how did you know? Wait a minute, you listened through the wall, right?”

  “Yep, did you know that a drinking glass makes a pretty good stethoscope? Now you listen up. If you go, I go. I ain’t safe with nobody but you, and I like this feelin’ safe shi…sorry…stuff. If you leave without me, I’ll just follow you on foot. I mean it Da…Levi, like it or not we are a team.”

  “Katie, did you just start to call me Dad?”

  “No, of course not, why, would you like me to call you Dad?” and she ran over to Levi hugging his neck and crying out, “Please, don’t leave me here. I just found you, and I can’t lose you now, I just can’t. I don’t care where you go, I will follow you, and if I get killed, it’ll be all your fault.”

  Levi put his arms around Katie and felt the warm tears of a fatherly love slip out of his eyes, roll over his cheeks and onto the top of Katie’s head. In only a day Levi became the loving parent he always wanted to be. Katie needed a father, Levi needed a daughter, and it had been that kind of love at nearly first sight.

  He said, “Katie, I love you too, sweetie, but what I have to do just can’t include you. It’s not that I don’t want you to come along but what I have to do will not be good for you.

  Hon, you have to stay here to finish your education and live in safety. I cannot offer either of those things. Being out there with me would make you just like me; way too hard and maybe way too mean.”

  “Levi…Dad…I’m already too hard and just as mean as you. You are the only person I could ever love and trust…as a Dad I mean. Don’t you understand, we are family now, and I just can’t lose you. I just can’t…”

  “Katie, let’s not make any promises right now. I’m not planning to leave for a couple of months.”

  “Okay, but my mind will not change, if you leave, I leave; end of discussion,” and with that, she stepped away from Levi and began to wipe the tears from her eyes. “Damn you, Levi, I swore I would never ever cry again, and look what you’ve done. Ya’ got me cryin’ like some teenage girly girl. It’s all your fault ya’ know.”

  “Really? All my fault? Well, just look at me sittin’ here cryin’ like some teenage girly girl,” and they both started laughing.

  Later that night another battle royal raged between Levi and Katie. She absolutely refused to sleep anywhere but near her new Dad, so to end the row, Ben had another cot moved into Levi’s small quarters…fight over. As Levi lay on his cot trying to sleep, Sarah came to him and told him to be patient with Katie. Right now she did need to feel safe, and if being close to him is the only way, then it is okay…no matter what or where.

  She also told him not to worry as Katie’s comfort zone would expand and she would find a good loving life with him. ‘Sleep well my love, and don’t worry, I’m here,’ and just like every other night, his tears dampened his pillow as he fell into slumber.

  Bright and early the next morning ten carpenters just appeared and with only a ‘mornin’ sir, went to work on adding a room addition right next to Levi’s. It was finished and furnished by nightfall.

  Ben looked at his handiwork and said to himself, Levi, I’ll do just about anything to try to make you stay, and walked to the new all ranks club to serve those carpenters a beer.


  July 7th


  Katie had begun to smooth out after a few days in Defiance, but she was never far from Levi. Their relationship grew as father and daughter daily, and she asked if it was ok to call him Dad.

  “Katie, there is nothing that would please me more. I am honored that you would want to call me, Dad. Actually I was thinking last night that next week we could arrange for Mayor Ralph to make you legally my daughter. Would you consider changing your last name to mine?”

  She immediately teared up and came smashing into Levi knocking them both down. Sheepishly she helped him to his feet then attached herself to him again and began sobbing out, “I love you Dad. My first Dad was a drug user and dealer. He smacked Mom and me around a lot. Do you still want me to be your daughter?”

  Levi hugged her tightly and said, “More than ever Katie, more than ever. In fact, let’s go see Ralph about it right now.”

  For the first time in a long time, Katie actually squealed like a thirteen year old girl. Levi had not felt such happiness since the day before Sarah’s murder.

  As they walked to the Mayor’s office, they saw Ted Wilson crossing their path. Katie tried to make herself invisible as Ted approached.

  Ted said, “Hello,” and strolled on by, though he did take a peek back at Katie.

  Levi and Katie arrived at Ralph’s office and asked his secretary if he was available.

  She got up and knocked on the Mayor’s door, then opened it just enough to place her head inside and said; “Mr. Mayor, Colonel Levins and Miss Katie would like a moment of your time.”

  Ralph got to his feet and came out to usher his visitors into his office. “Please, sit.

  Barbara would you please send in some coffee, and something for Katie?”

  “Of course Mr. Mayor, I’ll be right back.”

  All three sat in chairs around a coffee table before Ralph asked what he could do for them.

  Katie jumped in and said, in a girlish squeal, “He wants to be my Dad, and I want to be his daughter. I’m so excited I could bust.”

  Ralph looked questioningly at Levi, who said, “Ralph, we figured that you being the Mayor and all that you might have our historian enter into the official history of Defiance that on this day Katie Jarvis became the daughter of Levi Levins, or some such words.”

  Ralph relaxed and said, “Wow! I am thrilled at this news. Of course we can get that done, in fact as Mayor of Defiance I now officially make the pronouncement that Colonel Levi Levins, Commander of the Military Forces of the nation of America is now and forever the father of Katie Levins.

  I’ll have Barbara make up a certificate and we’ll post a copy on the Village Green bulletin board.

  So, tell me Katie, how does it feel to now be Katie Levins, daughter of Colonel Levi Levins?”

  Tears streamed down Katie’s face as she ran to Ralph and have him a huge hug before running back to Levi hugging his neck and crying tears of joy…yep, they matched Levi’s tears.

  That very night the Dining Facility had a special cake made for Katie and Levi.

  Levi was so proud and happy that he very nearly popped the buttons off his shirt.


  Chapter 35

  Levi and Mike Go Hunting

  July 8th, 1030

  1st Sqdn, 1st Cavalry

  Office of the Cdr.

  Defiance, America

  Captain Mike Guyardo was ushered into Colonel Levins’ office by SGM Cobb.

  “Oh, good morning Mike, how they hangin’ this morning? Please have a seat.”

  Before leaving the SGM asked if he should have some coffee and muffins sent in.

  “Great idea, Sergeant Major (SGM), thank you.”

  “Sergeant Jones…”

  “I’m already on it,” shouted the newly promoted Sergeant Jones.

  After the door was closed and Levi came around his desk to sit in a chair across from Captain Guyardo, Levi said, “Mike, the reason I’ve asked you in this morning is to discuss the problem with the self-proclaimed Sheriff and his nine Deputies over in Miller’s Creek.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Levi told Mike that the situation there could not continue and that he was going to put an end to the Sheriff’s tyrannical rule, and restore some law and order in that little village.

  “Mike, I don’t think we need to take a sizeable force in there and shoot up the place. I also think that you and I might be able to handle this ourselves.

  Oh, by the way, how’s the foot these days, or should I say the lack thereof?”

  Mike chuckled and said, “Sir, over the last four years since it was blown off in Berzerkistan, I’ve gotten so that I don’t even realize that it’s gone. Really, sir, I’m fine and as you see every morning during PT that it is not a hindrance in any way.”

  Levi smiled and said, “Yes, Mike I have noticed that you seem to do very well, but I just wanted to hear you say it.

  Would you be interested in a little clandestine operation to rid Miller’s Creek of the criminals who think they have taken over?”

  “Yes, sir, of course, what do you have in mind?”

  Levi explained how Katie had told him that ten men arrived in town and said that they were the law from then on. A couple of men objected and were murdered on the spot.


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