Queen Hustlaz

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Queen Hustlaz Page 14

by Falicia Love

  “What the fuck happened out there, Orlando? I thought that was a safe location, bro. You assured us that it was.”

  “Honest, dude, I don’t know what happened. I’ve never had that happen, and I’ve been moving guns and drugs for years. It had to be an inside job.”

  “Well, we got to figure out who was responsible for this. I was depending on this play to help me pull off the hustle of the century. I got to straighten my face with Ramon and Sergio. I got a stash put up that I can give them until I can move those guns and weed around. I think I can pull it off, but I got to have my team locked in on grinding hard for the next few weeks,” Thad said aloud.

  “We can get it done, bro,” Toby said.

  “Anything we can do, just let me know. I got a couple thousand I can put in on it. I like y’all movement, and I want to get on board,” Austin stated.

  “Go ’head on with that bullshit. You ain’t trying to move with us,” Toby said.

  “Try me, nigga,” Austin replied, looking serious and lighting a blunt.

  “Hell, if you serious about it, then we can definitely make that happen,” Toby replied.

  The guys sat around, and Orlando and Tim decided they needed to see where their crew was. They knew it was safe for them to leave. They walked down to the bus station and caught the bus back to the city.

  Thad called Larry, trying to see if he had heard from Chris and Mike, but he got no answer. He figured he would get Brenda to call the precinct to see if they were holding Chris, and find out what everybody’s bond was. He dialed Brenda’s number and again got no answer.

  “Man, what the hell is going on? No one is answering my calls. I’m starting to think that this whole thing was an inside job. Can’t trust nobody!”

  About an hour later, Thad was laid back on Austin’s couch, trying to come up with a logical explanation as to how the police knew about their meeting with Orlando. How was he going to get the money up for Ramon?

  Thad’s phone started vibrating, and when he looked at it, there was a text message from Brenda’s phone that read:

  Call back ASAP!

  “What now?” Thad sighed. “Yeah?” he said as his call was connected.

  Toby sat up as he witnessed several different emotions run across Thad’s face. When Thad hung up, he dropped his head and was silent for a minute.

  “Fuck, Toby. Man, we got some serious problems. Shit! It’s not good at all, bro.”

  “What’s going on now?” Toby asked.

  “Man, I just got a call telling me to get to the house, because there were two bodies that needed to be claimed. I’m assuming Brenda is one of them. Fuck,” Thad yelled, rubbing his head.

  “We need to check to see what’s going on with Chris down at the station,” Toby announced.

  “I will call,” Austin replied.

  “Thanks, man,” Toby said as he got up and began pacing the floor.

  Austin called the police station and found out that Chris was under a $450,000 bond. Everyone else’s bond was substantially lower.

  “We got to get to the bottom of this now!” Thad stormed.

  Thad’s phone began to ring again, and as he looked at the number, he decided he couldn’t talk to them at that moment. How was he going to explain to the Colombian Cartel that he had lost the shipment they sent? He knew, though, in the back of his mind that they already knew about it, and he had no doubt as to who had informed them. He would return their call later. Right now, he needed to go see what was going on back at the house.

  “What a fucking day!” he cried.

  * * *

  “What the fuck just happened?” Minx asked angrily.

  “I don’t know, but it’s some grimy shit going on, and I’m ’bout to fucking blow!” Zack yelled as he paced the floor.

  “Look, there has got to be an explanation. Why would either of us take the risk of going through with the robbery if we were going to allow someone else to make off with the goods?” Dana said.

  “Shit, I can guarantee you this: somebody gonna give up some answers or it’s going to be more bloodshed. I didn’t go through this shit to come out empty!” Deondre yelled as he started destroying Brittany’s office.

  Brittany stood up. “I advise you to settle the fuck down! You aren’t the only one who lost here. Now, we need to sit down and come up with something, ’cause I can agree that if we don’t find out who just hit us up, somebody is going to pay dearly.”

  Dana agreed, looking around at everyone. “Listen, we gonna get to the bottom of this, ’cause I swear, with all the losses I’ve taken lately, I don’t mind pulling another stunt and killing me a ho. Shit, you called me a stupid THOT once, but baby I’m a THOT with ambition, and my ambition is to get even with Thad and get me some fucking money,” she said, looking at Farrah and Stephanie.

  Everyone looked around at each other, trying to determine who the traitor could be. Dana didn’t trust anyone, but she refused to lie down on it. She was going to get to the bottom of everything and get back the money that was taken from them by any means necessary—even if it meant going on a killing spree. She was taking no prisoners.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Fight for Power

  It had been two weeks since Dana and her people successfully pulled off the robbery they thought would set them up for life. However, it didn’t work out as they planned. After they robbed Thad and his crew, somebody else in turn robbed them on the same day. They knew it was an inside job, and Dana was determined to find out who was behind it. She had an idea of who it could’ve been, but she was going to make sure she was right. She couldn’t go off on just her gut feeling.

  They had also heard that Brenda and Cassie’s bodies had been found under the Brooklyn Bridge. She wondered why someone would take their bodies and dump them there, but after she really analyzed the situation, she figured it was because Thad and Toby didn’t want the heat. Rumor was that one of the women had lived but was on life support and wasn’t expected to survive. She couldn’t understand why they hadn’t pulled the plug on the ho yet.

  After everyone finally left that fateful Saturday evening after both of the robberies, Dana and Brittany stayed behind at the office, pissed, shocked, and disgusted. Deondre had pitched a hellafied fit, which scared Farrah and Jeryca out of their wits. Zack also stayed behind with Dana and Brittany, but he sat in a different room, making telephone calls to see if he could find out anything. He needed that lick just as bad as everyone else involved. He hadn’t put all his efforts into helping plan that robbery and getting his cousins involved for none of them to have anything to show for it. He had a few connects that he was sure could help him. He had heard through the grapevine that Thad was connected with some powerful men, and having similar friends himself, Zack figured he might be able to persuade them to introduce him to the big dogs as well. That’s why he and Thad were beefing in the first place. Thad was afraid that Zack could gain control over his territory, and he tried to knock him off before he could make a move on it. Thad had made one grave mistake, though: he didn’t kill him. Zack was more determined now than before to get his turn and crush Thad and Toby, and he was going to use their plugs to do so.

  “What’s up? How are you guys doing?” Zack asked.

  “Man, we still dealing with that bitch-ass Thad and his crew,” Tim answered.

  “Shit. Orlando still messing with them faggots?” Zack asked.

  “Hell yeah, but he’s talking about leaving the game, period. You know the police came and questioned him about the bust they made at his warehouse. He told them he didn’t know anything about it,” Tim replied.

  “Hell, he ain’t supposed to tell them he know anything. He facing fed time with the amount of weed and the crates of guns they found. I’m surprised he ain’t got the hell out of New York by now,” Zack said.

  “He isn’t going anywhere until he can re-up from the hit he took from the bust,” Tim explained.

  “Well, shit, ask Orlando if he intereste
d in discussing a plan that will rid him of Thad and put a lot of cash in his pocket,” Zack proposed.

  “I can’t promise that he will be interested, but I will see what I can do,” Tim responded.

  “That’s all I ask, my nigga,” Zack said before hanging up.

  Zack had a few more calls to make to successfully carry out his plan. He wasn’t going to halfway do anything this time. The robbery, although successfully executed, was planned on short notice, and the aftermath wasn’t thought out properly. This time, with the right connects, the right team, and sufficient time to plan everything out, Zack was sure he could take Thad’s money. Zack wanted to take over his territory, kill his reputation, and then take his life, all at the same time.

  * * *

  Farrah had been locked in her home since the robbery. She did what she thought she had to do to keep her son in her custody. She knew she had betrayed Dana and them by telling Larry about the change in plans for the robbery. If that bitch Debra hadn’t squealed on them in the first place, she wouldn’t have been placed in the situation she currently found herself in. She didn’t know who she could trust, and she hadn’t heard one peep from Larry since that day.

  She constantly thought about how things could’ve gone differently, but in the end, she did what she thought was best. She begged Larry not to make her do it, but the day that she went to jail, he told her that if she cooperated with his and Debra’s plan, he would drop the custody suit. Debra, the fucking bitch Dana brought into the play, betrayed them for a piece of dick.

  “Mommy, what can I eat? I’m hungry,” Travis said as he ran into the living room.

  “Boy, what have I told your behind about running through this house?” Farrah yelled.

  “Sorry. What can I eat, Mommy?” he asked again.

  “Come on here and let me fix you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich,” she said as she stood up and walked into the kitchen.

  “Again? I hate peanut butter,” Travis whined.

  Farrah looked at him with a frustrated stare, which told him to chill out. He didn’t say another word, but he bowed his head and sat down at the table, waiting on his sandwich. Seeing him hold his head down made her feel bad. “How ’bout a grilled cheese and fries instead?”

  “With turkey?” he asked.

  Farrah started laughing. “Boy, you want too much. Yes, you can have turkey.”

  Just then, her phone began to ring, and it was Dana again. She had called Farrah three times already. Farrah didn’t want to talk to anybody. As she walked past the phone, it started to ring again.

  “Damn it!” she yelled as she stomped over to the phone.

  “Mommy, you said a bad word!” Travis said in a surprised tone.

  Farrah looked at him. “Shut the hell up, boy!”

  Travis sighed. “Yes, ma’am,” he said in a low whisper.

  “Hello, Mom.” Farrah answered once she knew it was her mother calling.

  “Hey, baby. How are you guys doing? I haven’t talked to you in a few days, sweetie. Is everything all right?” her mother inquired.

  “Yes, ma’am, we are okay,” Farrah replied.

  “Can I come over and visit with you for a while? I want to see my grandson,” her mother said.

  “Mom, you know you can come anytime,” Farrah retorted.

  “Okay, sweetie, I’m on my way.”

  After she hung up, she looked over at Travis. “Guess who’s coming?”

  “Grandma!” Travis shouted.

  “Yes, baby. Now, let’s fix you something to eat before she gets here,” Farrah said. She walked over to Travis, gave him a peck on the forehead, and fixed her son lunch.

  * * *

  “Has anybody heard anything from Chris or Keith today?” Thad asked.

  Toby shook his head, while Larry sat on the couch in his office, stone-faced. He hadn’t heard a single word that Thad had spoken. “Aye, man, I asked you a question,” Thad said louder, walking toward Larry.

  “Oh . . . Uh . . . Sorry, bro, I was somewhere else,” Larry replied.

  “I asked has anyone heard from Chris or Keith,” Thad yelled.

  “I haven’t heard from him in a few days,” Larry replied.

  “A few days? Nigga, you told me yesterday that you spoke to him Tuesday. It’s Thursday now, so what’s a few days? Man, what the hell is going on with you? Don’t give me no lame-ass excuse that it’s Travis, ’cause we all know you been dealing with that lawyer chick who’s helping you with that. So why all the lies, man? Now, when was the last time you spoke with Chris?” Thad asked angrily.

  “I-I d-d-don’t remember, really,” Larry stuttered.

  Just as Thad got ready to stand up again, his phone rang. “Yeah?” he answered.

  Thad sat quietly listening to the caller, never once removing his eyes off Larry, who was squirming nervously on the couch.

  “All right, but I’m kind of in the middle of something. Can I get back with you later? All right, all right, I’m on it,” he said before he hung up.

  “Look, nigga, I need to holla at Toby ’bout something, but we will finish this discussion today. Be back here in two hours, and I swear if you aren’t back, it’s going to be a problem,” Thad growled.

  “I’ll be back. I don’t have any reason not to come back,” Larry replied.

  Larry walked out of Thad’s office and stood against the door, listening to what Thad and Toby were saying. “Man, if I find out that nigga had anything to do with us being robbed, I’m going to kill that bastard, and that’s on everything!” he heard Thad say.

  “Man, you been making everybody suspect. You can’t keep doing that,” Toby answered.

  “Man, I don’t give a fuck. That nigga acting way too funny, and he probably know where Keith at, too. They probably both involved. How the hell do we get robbed and busted on the same goddamn day? Man, it’s too coincidental. Mark my words: that mutherfucka knows something,” Thad replied.

  Larry tiptoed away and headed toward his car. “I ain’t going out like that. Shit, I bet I don’t. Not me,” he said aloud to himself.

  As he drove off, he called Farrah. When she picked up, he asked her if Travis was there, and when she told him no, he was with his grandma, he hung up.

  * * *

  Dana had grown tired of trying to contact Farrah on the phone, so she asked Zack to let her use his car. She drove to Farrah’s house and parked around the corner. She didn’t want Farrah to see Zack’s car, ’cause she probably wouldn’t open the door. Hell, she still might not answer it, but Dana had to try. She needed answers, and the only two who were avoiding her were Farrah and Jeryca.

  To her surprise, Farrah opened the door on the second knock. “Y’all came back quick,” she said as she opened the door. When she saw it was Dana, her smile immediately turned into a frown.

  “Surprised to see me?” Dana asked, as she pushed past Farrah.

  “What do you want, Dana?” Farrah asked as she walked quickly to the kitchen.

  “Damn, I can’t check on my girl? I been calling you for days, and after repeatedly getting your voice mail, I wanted to check on you. Just making sure you’re okay,” Dana said with a menacing tone, which wasn’t hard for Farrah to detect.

  Farrah started feeling slightly uncomfortable but forced a smile. “Well, as you can see, I’m good.”

  “Yeah, I can. You know, Jeryca been MIA also. Have you heard from her?” Dana asked.

  “I haven’t heard from anyone. Just been spending time with Travis. You know we got that court hearing coming up and all,” Farrah explained.

  “Yeah, um, you know Debra was at the office, and she told us something kind of disturbing. Sh—” Dana began, but immediately, Farrah cut her off.

  “Whatever that bitch said isn’t true! It was all her and Larry’s idea to rip you off. They used my son against me. You got to believe me,” Farrah said, remembering what Deondre had said after Larry left the day of the robbery.

  “Say what? I was going to say that De
bra told us that Larry was dropping the suit against you, but you telling me that you were partly responsible for us getting hit?” Dana yelled as she advanced on Farrah.

  Farrah instantly grabbed a knife from her dish rack. “Don’t come any closer! I mean it, Dana.”

  Dana was far from listening. It was as if she were another person. She grabbed the arm that Farrah held the knife in and they struggled, knocking dishes to the floor. The two women slipped on water that came from a glass that fell on the floor. Dana landed one way, and Farrah another. When Dana looked over, she saw Farrah lying on the floor, struggling to get up with the knife stuck in her arm.

  Dana immediately dove on top of her, pulled the knife out, and plunged it into Farrah repeatedly. With each blow, she spoke. “You dirty bitch! You traitor! You going to wish you had never fucked me over!”

  As she brought the knife up one final time, she looked down at Farrah’s face, and for the first time, she saw the tears running down her face. This was her childhood friend that she was stabbing. Dana dropped her head, raised it back up, and with tears running down her face as well, she stabbed Farrah once more.

  “Fuck you! No love lost, bitch!”

  Dana wrapped the knife in a towel and walked calmly to Zack’s car. No one was out at that moment, but Dana was too discombobulated to even notice. As she pulled off, she wondered how she could explain to Brittany that her “business partner” was responsible for them losing all the money. She just hoped Brittany would handle it as she just did. Dana had become ruthless and more determined to obtain what she wanted: the money

  * * *

  Forty-five minutes later, Larry pulled up to Farrah’s house. As he sat in his car, he contemplated his next move. Once he made peace with his decision, he got out of the car and knocked on the door. After the third knock and no answer, Larry pushed the door open and hollered Farrah’s name. He didn’t get an answer, so he tiptoed through the house, and when he got to the kitchen, he gasped.

  “Fuck!” he whispered. He walked over and stood over Farrah, then bent down. “Looks like somebody beat me to it. Don’t worry, though. I will take good care of Travis.” Larry walked out and got into his car. He exhaled for a minute and pulled off. As he rounded the corner, Farrah’s mother pulled up.


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